Supplement Strategy Guide
Supplement Strategy Guide
Supplement Strategy Guide
Unlike many programs, AthLEAN-X does not require its "TEAM ATHLEAN"
members to take supplements. With that there isn't a day that goes by that I
don't get asked ...
That said, my answer usually is based in me returning a question to you ... and
that is:
YOU get access to the exact nutrients and ingredients your body needs to nail
your pre/post workout nutrition and recovery to a tee!
Supplements allow you to get the exact amounts of everything your body needs
to take the most advantage of your precisely the time your muscles
need it the most. Rely on whole food for this and you not only won't likely get
EVERYTHING contained in the perfect post workout or recovery shake, but you'll
most likely find it difficult to ingest enough of that food to get the active amounts
of the ingredients that are already present in the supplement.
Take an ingredient like creatine for example.
No doubt, Creatine has been proven incredibly effective in adding lean muscle
mass. So effective in fact that there is almost no knowledgeable person on the
planet, who would even attempt to mount an argument against it's ability to add
fat free size.
And ... we do know that creatine DOES exist in food. In steak for example.
Problem is, in order to get a sufficient amount to have any effect on your
muscularity, you'd need to consume several pounds of steak at a single
serving ... EVERY DAY!
While that may sound good to some (especially if you're a grill master) you'd also
be getting a TON of saturated fat, calories and other ingredients that you DON'T
need!! Not to mention you wouldn't be getting the preferred type of creatine that
I have recently discovered works the most and the fastest by far "KRE-ALKYLIN"
(which is the choice form of creatine that is included in AthLEAN-Rx XLR8).
If you train at a gym, the situation becomes even more critical. By the time you
drive home, shower, and prepare your post-workout meal you'll have totally
missed the window of opportunity that makes that post-workout meal SO
EFFECTIVE for building muscle and continuing fat burning for hours on end.
..6.r:l.E VOU r:l.ET..6.INING ALL OF THIS?
Many people think that when they consume a piece of food that they get ALL of
the nutrients and ingredients that that food has to offer. The sad fact is, that is
just not true.
Just because you consumed a chicken breast that says it has 27 grams of
protein; that doesn't mean that your body actually gets ALL 27 GRAMS of that
protein! The nutritional label is just an estimate.
In reality it can vary by up to 15-20%. If that weren't enough, you also have to
take digestion into account.
Digestion of protein starts in the stomach and finishes off in the small intestines.
If, for whatever reason, your body 'processes' that chicken breast before you've
completely digested it, you're not going to get what you came for ... 27 gram of
That can be especially problematic when your body is trying to consume multiple
nutrients at once from multiple food sources, which is often the case when you
consume a balanced meal of whole foods (again, as I highly suggest you do in
the AthLEAN-X Factor Meal Plans).
Supplementation can also help you break through nutritional and even training
plateaus. No matter who you are, your body is going to eventually adapt to what
you're doing to it. This happens both in terms of the physical stimulus (which is
why the A-X workouts are constantly changing!) as well as your nutritional
The same way that you mix up your training you also need to mix up the food
choices that you consume if you are going to get EVERYTHING that a single
supplement might be able to provide in one convenient dose.
People often get into patterns of what they eat based on their personal likes,
convenience, availability, etc ... but it's this pattern that makes this problem even
more magnified. The use of supplements affords you the opportunity to break
that pattern.
While I know for a fact that in my case much of it that comes from the key
ingredients that I selected when I developed the pre-workout for my own line of
supplements ... AthLEAN-Rx, but I'd be lying if I didn't say that part of it is mental.
By the same token, after a hard training session, when I finish off a serving of Rx2
XLR8 (my post-workout supplement), it sets up the rest of my day and keeps me
focused and motivated to eat clean ... and that is priceless!
If you've decided that you want to take advantage of the extra edge that you can
get from supplementation one of the most important things is timing. Get it right
and you will get the maximum results that supplements have to offer. Get it
wrong and you could waste your hard fought efforts in the gym.
Knowing when to take each supplement is crucial. Since people train at different
times of day we've provided four example supplementation schedules.
Schedule 1: Early Morning Trainers
Schedule 2: Afternoon Trainers
Schedule 3: Early Evening Trainers
Schedule 4: Early Evening Trainers
In addition the simple 3 Step System approach I instituted with Rx literally takes
all of the guesswork out of supplementation, leaving you to focus on just
attacking you're A-X workouts and watching the body reconstruXion unfold!
To learn more about Athlean-RX quality supplements check out our website:
The "Top 5" Biggest Problem With Supplements Today .... X-Posed!