PED Concept Map

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Failure to thrive:

Initials: Age: 4.5 months • Assess for irritability and any other underlying
Race: Caucasian Allergies: NKDA Safety Precautions:
problems: Low weight has a high mortatlity
Patient will need extra care
rate for infants
• Assess for signs of dehydration: Commonly a when around his abd., do not
F & E imbalance occurs palpate also to ensure that he
• Provide a calming environment so infant consumes enough breast milk
consumes more and medications.
Outcome: Maintain or gain weight in 3- 4 months

DX: Eagle-Barrett Syndrome

“ Prune Belly” Nutrition: less than body requirements imbalanced
• Monitor for food intake; record percentage of
food that is eaten
• Observe clients ability to eat: Research Patient Medications:
Patho: Prune belly syndrome is a
demonstrates it takes at least 35 minutes to feed Rantidine, Spirolactone, Cefepime, Viagra,
group of birth defects that involve the client who is willing to eat Multivitamin
• Weigh the client daily
three main problems: Outcome: Maintain nutritional status or improve in
2weeks- 1 month
• Poor development of the
Risk for impaired skin integrity
abdominal muscles, causing • Monitor skin conditions at least once a day for
any changes: systemic inspections can identify
the skin of the belly area to impending problems early
• Implement a written prevention plan; reduces Trust vs Mistrust
wrinkle like a prune
cost and incidence and skin breakdown Needs maximum comfort with minimal uncertainty
• Undescended testicles • Avoid harsh cleaning agents or extreme fiction: to trust himself/herself, others, and the environment

(cryptorchidism) Outcome: Infant is not used to being held by others and is in a strange
Skin breakdown is prevented once plan is implemented environment.
• Urinary tract problems

Urine was cloudy
with bacteria

Past medical History: WBC: Slightly

Patient has had frequent UTI’s, pneumonia, and has elevated Evaluation:
had a history of trouble finishing his formula. Patient’s nutritional status will hopefully
improve, if nutritional status does not
improve patient’s plan should be

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