Domestic Abuse Chelmsford

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Facts and statistics...

About us... Don’ t be scared!

Danielle’s personal story:

- 5% of children under 16 experience sexual
abuse during childhood Hi, my name is Danielle* and I’m from Essex.
(NSPCC) We have produced this leaflet to make young
people aware about different factors of abuse.
- 72% of sexually abused children did not tell Don’t be afraid to speak out and get help.
anyone at the time Don’t let people ignore you, we want to help!
(NSPCC) Also remember, just because domestic violence
cannot always be seen, doesn’t mean it cannot
- 31% still had not told anyone by early be heard.
adulthood angry?
(NSPCC) Kate’s personal story: upset?
- 33% of female victims of partner abuse had
unhappy at home?
My name is Kate*. I’m 17. As a child I was

been pregnant during the violent relationship.
43% reported that their partner had used,
abused. I felt alone and scared. I didn’t know
what to do. With ITV Fixers I want to raise
or threatened to use, force while they were awareness about abuse, where victims can go,
pregnant who they can talk to, and who can help them.
(NSPCC) If you are being abused, or know someone who
is being abused, this leaflet can give you advice
- 45% of violent incidents against men were on how to help yourself and others.
stranger violence
(NSPCC) * Names have been changed to protect privacy

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Types of abus
and definition
s Signs and symptoms Help
of abuse

Physical Physical
Includes pushing, shoving, slapping, hitting Series of unexplained falls or major injuries,
with fist, kicking, choking, grabbing, pinching, injuries/bruises at different stages of healing,
pulling hair, threatening with weapons, misuse bruising in unusual places (inner arms and
of medication, restraint and inappropriate thighs), abrasions, jaw and teeth misalignment,
sanctions. injuries to head or face, victim or person very
passive and withdrawn.

Includes forced sex with threat of violence, sex Sexual
after violence has occurred, pressure consent, Change in behaviour, overt sexual behaviour or
use of objects or damaging acts without language, difficulty walking or sitting, injuries to
consent. genital and/or anal area, inexplicable behaviour
towards a certain person or gender. Childline – 0800 11 11

Emotional NSPCC – 0808 800 5000

Includes ‘brain washing’, control of freedom, Withdrawal, depression, fear of others, change Survivors UK – 0845 122 1201
threats of harm or abandonment, humiliation, in sleep pattern, agitation, confusion, change in
blame, intimidation, harassment, verbal abuse behaviour, change in appetite or weight.
and isolation. Connexions - 080 800 13 2 19

This leaflet represents the views of the young people who have created Connexions Text Number - 07766 4 13 2 19
it. Whilst ITV Fixers and the Public Service Broadcasting Trust have
made every possible effort to ensure that the information contaied in
it is accurate at the time of publication , it should not be relied upon as a
substitute for formal mediacl or other advise.

CUT OUT AND KEEP THE RED SECTION BELOW Supporting and accommodating
young people to achieve their
IN AN EMERGENCY - DIAL 999 independence.


Photography by Greg Hayward
ITV Fixers is a project of the Public Service Broadcasting Trust, charity 298643, company 2194957

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