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Materials Science and Engineering A 538 (2012) 295–301

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High strength and high electrical conductivity Cu–Cr system alloys manufactured
by hot rolling–quenching process and thermomechanical treatments
Chengdong Xia a,b , Wan Zhang a , Zhanyuan Kang c , Yanlin Jia a , Yifeng Wu a , Rui Zhang a , Genying Xu a ,
Mingpu Wang a,b,∗
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China
Key Laboratory of Nonferrous Metal Materials Science and Engineering, Ministry of Education, Changsha 410083, China
Department of Dermatology, Aarhus University Hospital, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Cu–Cr system alloy strips were manufactured by an online hot rolling–quenching (HR–Q) process and
Received 13 July 2011 subsequent thermomechanical treatments. The microstructure and properties of the alloys were inves-
Received in revised form tigated by observations of optical microscopy and transmission electron microscopy, and measurements
20 November 2011
of microhardness and electrical conductivity. The results show that the HR–Q process and thermome-
Accepted 12 January 2012
chanical treatments are successfully developed to manufacture Cu–Cr system alloy strips with good
Available online 20 January 2012
combinations of strength, conductivity and softening resistance. Ordered fcc structure Cr precipitates,
which are decomposed from the thermomechanical treated alloys, are considered to be precursors to the
Cu–Cr system alloy
formation of equilibrium bcc Cr precipitates and responsible for the improvement of properties during
Hot rolling–quenching near peak aging. Small additions of Zr, Mg and Si effectively improve the hardness and softening resis-
Precipitate tance of Cu–Cr alloy, and slightly reduce the electrical conductivity. The achievement of high strength and
Mircrohardness high electrical conductivity in the alloys is ascribed to the interactions of grain boundary strengthening,
Electrical conductivity strain hardening and precipitation hardening.
Hardening © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction for 1 h. Su et al. [5] reported that a Cu–Cr–Zr alloy with a hard-
ness of 165 HV and an electrical conductivity of 79.2%IACS could
Copper-based alloys are one of the most important commercial be gained after solution treatment and subsequently thermome-
metallic materials due to their excellent electrical and thermal con- chanical treatments. However, the manufacturing process of the
ductivity, and ease of fabrication. There are many applications for previous works contains solution treatment before cold work and
the alloys, such as railway contact wires [1], lead frame materials aging, so the manufacture is discontinuous and the manufacturing
[2] and connectors [3], where the mechanical strength as well as cost is high. In the present work, an online hot rolling–quenching
electrical conductivity is required. As pointed out by Liu et al. [4], (HR–Q) process is developed to manufacture Cu–Cr system alloys
the material used for lead frame materials on a large or super large strips with high strength and high electrical conductivity. The
scale integrated circuit should have high strength (>600 MPa), high process, which avoids conventional solution treatment, simpli-
hardness (>180 HV) and high electrical conductivity (>80%IACS). fies the manufacturing procedures and reduces the manufacturing
Copper–chromium (Cu–Cr) system alloys which can be effec- cost, so it is economical and practical for the process to pre-
tively strengthened by precipitation are the most potential alloys to pare precipitation-hardened alloy strips. The microstructure and
meet the demands of lead frame materials on a large or super large properties of Cu–Cr system alloys under the HR–Q process and
scale integrated circuit. Many attempts to improve the strength subsequent thermomechanical treatments were investigated by
and electrical conductivity of Cu–Cr system alloys have been car- observations of optical microscopy (OM) and transmission elec-
ried out and partial successes have been achieved [1,4–9]. Liu tron microscopy (TEM), and measurements of microhardness and
et al. [1] achieved good combinations of strength and conduc- electrical conductivity. The manufacturing process and the precip-
tivity (530 MPa, 78%IACS) in Cu–Cr–Zr alloy after aging at 480 ◦ C itation behavior of the alloys were also discussed.

∗ Corresponding author at: School of Materials Science and Engineering, Central

2. Experimental procedure
South University, Changsha 410083, China. Tel.: +86 731 88830264;
fax: +86 731 88876692. Three kinds of alloys were prepared: Cu–Cr, Cu–Cr–Zr and
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Wang). Cu–Cr–Zr–Mg–Si. Electrolytic copper, pure chromium, magnesium,

0921-5093/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
296 C. Xia et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A 538 (2012) 295–301

Table 1
Chemical composition of the prepared Cu–Cr system alloys.

Alloy Analyzed composition (wt.%)

Cr Zr Mg Si Cu

Cu–Cr 0.4 – – – Bal.

Cu–Cr–Zr 0.42 0.18 – – Bal.
Cu–Cr–Zr–Mg–Si 0.39 0.24 0.072 0.021 Bal.

silicon and copper–13 wt.% zirconium master alloys were melted in

a vacuum induction furnace, and then cast in an iron mold with a
size of 180 mm × 120 mm × 30 mm. The composition of cast ingots
was analyzed by ICP-AES and listed in Table 1.
The ingots were homogenized at 920 ◦ C for 5 h and rapidly hot
rolled from a thickness of 30 mm to 5 mm, followed by quickly
quenching into cold water. The hot rolled plates were planed on
both sides to remove surface defects, and then cut into small

Fig. 2. Hardness (a) and conductivity (b) of Cu–Cr system alloys isothermal aged at
450 ◦ C.

samples. Samples were cold rolled with 60% or 80% reduction and
subsequently isochronal aged at different temperatures for 60 min
in a salt-bath furnace or resistance furnace, respectively. Isothermal
aging at 450 ◦ C for various times was carried out in the salt-bath fur-
nace. Labeled A and B corresponding to the deformation reductions
of 60% and 80% were used, respectively.
Vickers hardness (HV) was tested on HV-5 type microhardness
tester with 2.5 kg load and 10 s loading time. Electrical resistance
was measured by QJ-19 type double bridge at 20 ◦ C. The resistiv-
ity was calculated and transformed into electrical conductivity (EC)
according to International Annealed Copper Standards (IACS). OM
specimens were polished and etched in a solution of FeCl3 , HCl
and absolute alcohol and were performed on LEICA EC3 optical
microscope equipped with a digital camera. TEM samples were pre-
Fig. 1. Hardness (a) and conductivity (b) of Cu–Cr system alloys isochronal aged for
pared by double jet electropolishing techniques using a 30% nitric
60 min. acid in methanol solution at about −30 ◦ C. TEM observations were

Table 2
Properties of Cu–Cr system alloys under different conditions.

Alloy As homogenized As hot rolled As cold rolled

a b
HV HV EC 60% 80%


Cu–Cr 84 93 45.8 132 45 140 44.8

Cu–Cr–Zr 88 95 45.7 140 43.6 149 42.6
Cu–Cr–Zr–Mg–Si 90 99 44.1 151 41.4 158 41.2
HV – Vickers hardness.
EC – electrical conductivity (%IACS).
C. Xia et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A 538 (2012) 295–301 297

carried out by a FEI Tecnai G2 20 transmission electron microscope Cu–Cr–Zr–Mg–Si alloy under B approach 174 and 189 HV after
operating at 200 kV. 15 min aging, respectively. It is noted that the Cu–Cr–Zr and
Cu–Cr–Zr–Mg–Si alloys show more excellent softening resistance
than that of Cu–Cr alloy. For example, after 1200 min aging, the
3. Results
hardness of 80% cold rolled Cu–Cr–Zr–Mg–Si alloy decreases by
11 HV from the peak aged state with a dropping rate of 5.8%, while
3.1. Properties under different conditions
the decrement for Cu–Cr alloy is 67 HV with a decreasing rate of
42.2%. The result reveals that the Cu–Cr alloy is susceptible to aging
Table 2 shows the properties of Cu–Cr system alloys under dif-
time to overage comparing with the other two kinds alloys.
ferent conditions. The hardness of as hot rolled sample is slightly
The plots of electrical conductivity of the alloys aged at 450 ◦ C
higher than that of as homogenization annealed. Cold deforma-
are shown in Fig. 2b. A rapid increase in electrical conductivity can
tion greatly improves the hardness of hot rolled-quenched alloys
bee seen due to the decomposition of the supersaturated solid solu-
and slightly reduces the electrical conductivity of the alloys. The
tion. As aging time further increases, the conductivity reaches a
hardness increases while the conductivity decreases with small
stable value and increases slightly as the solute concentration in
additions of Zr, Mg and Si under the same processing condition.
the matrix approaches equilibrium. The conductivity of Cu–Cr alloy
reaches 85%IACS, while 81%IACS for Cu–Cr–Zr alloy and 75%IACS
3.2. Isochronal aging for Cu–Cr–Zr–Mg–Si alloy after aging for 30 min. However, almost
same value of conductivity is obtained after aging for the alloys with
Hot rolled–quenched and cold rolled samples were aged at dif- different cold deformations. These results are in good agreement
ferent temperatures for 60 min to determine the suitable aging with the results of isochronal aging.
temperature for the Cu–Cr system alloys. Fig. 1 shows the hardness
and conductivity of Cu–Cr system alloys as a function of tempera- 3.4. Microstructure
tures during isochronal aging for 60 min.
All the alloys exhibit large hardening responses during aging 3.4.1. Optical micrographs of Cu–Cr system alloys
treatment. Hardness peaks of Cu–Cr and Cu–Cr–Zr alloy both occur Fig. 3 shows the optical micrographs of Cu–Cr–Zr–Mg–Si alloy
after aging at 400 ◦ C, while the peak of Cu–Cr–Zr–Mg–Si alloy under different conditions. The microstructure of as cast state con-
appears after aging at 450 ◦ C, and the peak value is 156, 177 and sists of dendrites. After homogenization treatment at 920 ◦ C for 5 h,
187 HV, respectively. Above 450 ◦ C aging leads to the occurrence of most dendrites segregation is eliminated, and the microstructure
overaging, and the hardness begins to decrease and sharply drops to mainly consists of equiaxed grains (Fig. 3b). Some coarse particles
90 HV for Cu–Cr alloy after aging at 550 ◦ C, while the hardness value are observed both inside the grains and at the boundaries. The parti-
is 144 and 161 HV for Cu–Cr–Zr alloy and Cu–Cr–Zr–Mg–Si alloy, cles are probably formed during the solidification process, and they
respectively, after aging at the same temperature. This illustrates are not completely dissolved into the matrix after the homogeniza-
that Cu–Cr alloy is easier than other two kinds of alloys to overage. tion treatment. The grains are elongated and refined effectively by
Conductivity increases with aging temperatures and reaches the hot rolling–quenching due to the breaking up of the equiaxed grains
peak after aging at 550 ◦ C, and then slowly decreases at the higher and dynamic recrystallization during hot rolling process. Subse-
temperatures. This result is due to the degree of supersaturation at quent cold rolling further reduces the grain size and increases the
high temperatures is lower than that of low temperatures, so more aspect ratio of grains (Fig. 3d).
solute atoms are dissolved in the alloys and less precipitated from
the supersaturated solid solution during aging at high temperatures 3.4.2. TEM micrographs of Cu–Cr system alloys
than that of aging at low temperatures. Bright field (BF) image and corresponding selected area electron
The hardness of each alloy increases with cold deformation diffraction (SAED) pattern of hot rolled–quenched Cu–Cr–Zr–Mg–Si
reductions, and almost the same conductivity value is obtained for alloy are shown in Fig. 4. Small recrystallized grains forming at
the different deformation reductions alloy after aging. Hardness the boundaries can be seen. This indicates that dynamic recrys-
and conductivity of the same deformation alloy vary considerably tallization occurs during hot rolling process. Subgrains can be also
with the compositions. After 80%CR and 450 ◦ C aging, the hardness observed inside the grains (Fig. 4a). Corresponding SAED pattern
of the three kinds of alloys gets to 147, 174 and 187 HV, respec- shows that the diffraction spots from the Cu matrix are slightly
tively, while corresponding conductivity reaches 87.4%, 84.1% and elongated, as shown by arrows in Fig. 4b. This demonstrates that
76.3%IACS. the fine subgrain structure has very small angle boundaries (about
2◦ ). Extra diffraction spots are also found in the SAED pattern.
3.3. Isothermal aging Fig. 5 presents TEM images of Cu–Cr–Zr–Mg–Si alloy as cold
rolled and as cold rolled plus aging at 450 ◦ C for 60 min, respec-
Hardness and conductivity curves of 450 ◦ C isothermal aged tively. A high density of dislocations can be seen in the HR–Q
Cu–Cr system alloys are shown in Fig. 2. The hardness increases Cu–Cr–Zr–Mg–Si alloy (Fig. 5a). Dislocation distribution is not
rapidly to the peaks and then decreases with aging time. The hard- homogeneous, and it consists of a cellular substructure. Extensive
ness of Cu–Cr alloy falls slightly after aging for short periods within rearrangement and annihilation of dislocations take place as the
2.5 min because the increase of precipitation hardening is lower alloy is aged at 450 ◦ C for 60 min, and a reduced density dislocations
than the loss of recovery at the early stage of precipitation [10]. The and a dramatically density of precipitates inside the subgrains are
hardness reaches the peak (159 HV) after aging for 15 min. Further observed (Fig. 5b). Some of the deformed microstructure is reserved
aging results in overaging, and the hardness decreases to 91 HV after aging, and the large-scale precipitation occurs simultaneously.
after aging for 1200 min. The deformation introduced dislocations provide nucleation sites
At the same aging treatment process, the hardness increases for precipitates which in turn pin the motion of dislocations, result-
with the cold deformation reductions. The hardness increment of ing in strong hardening effect.
peak aged Cu–Cr–Zr between process A and process B is 10 HV, Fig. 6 shows BF micrograph and SAED patterns with different
while it is 14 HV for Cu–Cr–Zr–Mg–Si alloy. Significant gains in zone axes of Cu–Cr and Cu–Cr–Zr–Mg–Si alloy after 450 ◦ C aging.
hardness are found to accrue from small additions of Mg and Si Great deals of precipitates which exhibit strain field contrasts are
into Cu–Cr–Zr alloy. The hardness maximums of Cu–Cr–Zr and dispersed in the matrix after aging (Fig. 6a). This indicates that the
298 C. Xia et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A 538 (2012) 295–301

Fig. 3. Optical microstructure of Cu–Cr system alloys under different conditions. (a) As cast; (b) as homogenized; (c) as hot rolled; (d) as cold rolled.

precipitates are coherent with the matrix. SAED patterns of Cu–Cr such as Cr, Zr, Mg and Si are dissolved into the matrix after HR–Q
and Cu–Cr–Zr–Mg–Si alloy are shown in Fig. 6b–d. Extra diffraction process, and subsequently decomposed from the supersaturated
spots marked with arrow N are detected in the alloys with zone solid solution during aging treatment. Good combinations of high
axis close to [0 0 1]Cu and [1 1 1]Cu . Superlattice diffraction is also strength and high conductivity are obtained after proper thermo-
found midway between the extra diffraction spot and the transmit- mechanical treatment, so it is effective and practical for the HR–Q
ted spot, which is marked with arrow M in the SAED patterns. The process to manufacture the precipitation-hardened alloys. Fine
indexing of different zone axes SAED patterns shows that the pre- grains or subgrains with small angle boundaries are found in the
cipitates with an ordered fcc structure, having a unit cell larger than HR–Q specimens (Figs. 3c and 4a), which provide good microstruc-
that of the matrix, exhibit a cube-on-cube orientation relationship ture preparation for subsequent cold work and heat treatment.
with the matrix. Dislocations introduced by cold work not only can act as sinks
for quenched-in vacancies and thus suppress the formation of GP
4. Discussions zones [14], but also can form preferred nucleation sites for precip-
itates and easy diffusion paths for dissolved solute atoms [15], so
Hardness and electrical conductivity of materials depend mainly cold work is often carried out in the thermomechanical treatments
on the microstructure, which in turn depends on the processing and of precipitation-hardened alloys [5–8,16]. In this work, the alloys
heat treatments. are significantly hardened by cold rolling through further refining
Cu–Cr system alloys with and without minor other alloying ele- the grains (Fig. 3c) and introducing a high density of dislocations
ments are typical precipitation-hardened alloys with high strength (Fig. 5a). Meanwhile, about 1–3%IACS reduction of conductivity is
and high electrical conductivity [11,12]. The precipitation harden- brought on by the cold rolling due to scattering conducting elec-
ing effect is strongly dependent on the size and volume fraction of trons of dislocations, as shown in Table 2. The conductivity variation
the precipitates, which are decomposed from the supersaturated is fully consistent with the result predicted by Hutchinson [17]. The
solid solution. Therefore, high solid solubility must be acquired greater the deformation is performed, the higher the hardness can
before aging treatment for the precipitation-hardened alloys [13]. be obtained, but the conductivity value of the same alloy is almost
Conventional solution treatment is effective to keep down the high uniform after aging for the same time (Figs. 1 and 2). The hardness
solid solubility from the elevated temperature to room tempera- of CR80% Cu–Cr–Zr–Mg–Si alloy is about 14 HV higher than that of
ture in the manufacturing process. However, the process needs to CR60%, while the conductivity values are almost same throughout
reheat the hot rolled plates to an elevated temperature and then the aging treatment. As the cold deformation has little influence
quench to room temperature, resulting in discontinuous manufac- on the conductivity, but it can greatly improve the hardness. Thus,
ture and high manufacturing cost. In the present work, online HR–Q 80% can be considered as the suitable deformation reduction for
process finishes homogenization and rapid hot rolling process at an the Cu–Cr system alloys.
elevated temperature, and retains the high solid solubility to room Significant improvement in hardness and conductivity of Cu–Cr
temperature by water quenching. Thus, the conventional solution system alloys are obtained after isochronal or isothermal aging
treatment is avoided. The investigation results show that the HR–Q (Figs. 1 and 2) due to the precipitation process, which drains the
Cu–Cr system alloys have large precipitation hardening responses dissolved solute atoms from the matrix by forming the precipi-
during aging treatment. This indicates that most of solute atoms tates. The deformed characteristics such as dislocations, cellular
C. Xia et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A 538 (2012) 295–301 299

Fig. 5. TEM images of Cu–Cr–Zr–Mg–Si alloy under different conditions. (a) As cold
Fig. 4. BF image (a) and corresponding SADP (b) of the hot rolled–quenched rolled; (b) as cold rolled and aged.
Cu–Cr–Zr–Mg–Si alloy, zone axis close to [0 1 1]Cu .

substructure remaining during aging also contribute great harden- fcc structure, and exhibits a cube-on-cube orientation relation-
ing effect to the alloys. The suitable aging temperature is considered ship with the matrix. The same kind of precipitate is validated by
to be the temperature at which good combinations of hardness and Cu–Cr–Zr–Mg–Si alloy with different zone axes of [0 1 1]Cu , [0 0 1]Cu
conductivity could be obtained after aging for 60 min. The values of and [1 1 1]Cu , as shown in Figs. 4b and 6c,d, respectively. The lat-
hardness and conductivity aging at 400 ◦ C are low because it is at tice parameter of the precipitate corresponding to these diffraction
the primary stage of precipitation. The hardness starts to decrease spots is calculated to be 0.4219 nm using equation Rd = L, where
at aging temperatures higher than 450 ◦ C due to dissolution of R is the distance between the diffraction spot and the transmis-
precipitates into the matrix and excessive coarsening, though con- sion spot, d is the spacing of the crystal planes, L is the camera
ductivity still increases within 550 ◦ C. Since the hardness of each length, and  is the wavelength of the electron beam. In the cal-
alloy approaches the peak, and the conductivity gets to a high and culation, the value of the product L is calibrated by using the
stable value after aging at 450 ◦ C for 60 min, so 450 ◦ C is chosen as diffraction pattern of the Cu matrix. The lattice parameter of the
the suitable aging temperature for these alloys. precipitate is good coincident with the cell constant of fcc Cr nan-
Great deals of coherent precipitates are observed after isother- oclusters which is 0.413 nm [18]. This indicates that the precipitates
mal aging at 450 ◦ C for 60 min. Since the precipitates are which are decomposed from the Cu–Cr and Cu–Cr–Zr–Mg–Si alloy
decomposed from the supersaturated solid solution after near peak are the fcc Cr phase. Knights and Wilkes [19] observed coherent rod-
aging, so they are responsible for the improvement of hardness and shaped particles in a Cu–Cr alloy and presumed that the particles
electrical conductivity. The SAED pattern of Cu–Cr alloy with a zone had a metastable fcc structure. Unfortunately, they did not provide
axis close to [1 1 1]Cu shows that the precipitate has an ordered exact evidence of extra diffraction spots other than those from the
300 C. Xia et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A 538 (2012) 295–301

Fig. 6. TEM micrograph and SAED patterns of Cu–Cr (b) and Cu–Cr–Zr–Mg–Si (a, c, d) alloy after near peak aging at 450 ◦ C (p – precipitate) (a) BF image; (b) zone axis close
to [1 1 1]Cu ; (c) zone axis close to [0 0 1]Cu ; (d) zone axis close to [1 1 1]Cu .

matrix. On the other hand, it has been unanimous agreement that at 450 ◦ C for 60 min due to precipitation. Therefore, the proper
the Cr particles of overaged alloy have a stable bcc structure and manufacturing route of Cu–Cr system alloys strip is that: homog-
a Nishiyama–Wasserman orientation relationship with the matrix enization → hot rolling–quenching → cold rolling 80% → aging at
from the previous studies [5,20–22]. So it can be considered that the 450 ◦ C. After the treatments of the route, good combinations of
fcc Cr precipitates are precursors to the formation of equilibrium strength and electrical conductivity can be achieved. The high
bcc Cr precipitates. strength is due to the interactions of grain boundary strengthening,
Small additions of elements are known to have beneficial effects
on properties of Cu–Cr alloy. The additions of Zr or (Mg, Si) in small
quantities could promote distribution of precipitates in a more
homogeneous manner [23], and decrease the inter-precipitate
spacing of Cr precipitates, and form preferentially disc-shaped
Cu5 Zr precipitates on dislocations [7] or an ordered CrCu2 (Zr,Mg)
precipitates in the matrix [20]. Furthermore, because the additive
element atoms are concentrated around the Cr precipitates [24],
so the strain induced by the incoherency between Cr precipitates
and the matrix can be relaxed by the enrichment of Zr, Mg and
Si, resulting in large increase in strength and softening resistance,
and a little decrease in conductivity due to scattering conducting
electrons by the dissolved solute atoms.
Fig. 7 shows the variations of hardness and electrical con-
ductivity of Cu–Cr–Zr–Mg–Si alloy under different conditions.
Cold deformation refines the grains and introduces a high density
of dislocations resulting in increasing by 60 HV in hardness and
decreasing by 3%IACS in conductivity. Hardness is further enhanced Fig. 7. The variations of the hardness and conductivity under different conditions
and conductivity is severely improved to 76.3%IACS after aging and the strengthening mechanisms of Cu–Cr–Zr–Mg–Si alloy.
C. Xia et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A 538 (2012) 295–301 301

strain hardening and precipitation hardening, and the excellent Materials and Aid Program for Science and Technology Innova-
electrical conductivity is attributed to the precipitation which tive Research Team in Higher Educational Institutions of Hunan
leads to low solubility of solute atoms in Cu matrix. Province.

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This work is financially supported by the Opening Project B.N. Singh, J. Nucl. Mater. 386–388 (2009) 852–855.
of Jiangxi Key Laboratory for Advanced Copper and Tungsten

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