T S C H E: Hall Ticket No. Rank: Name: Father's Name: Gender: Caste/ Region
T S C H E: Hall Ticket No. Rank: Name: Father's Name: Gender: Caste/ Region
T S C H E: Hall Ticket No. Rank: Name: Father's Name: Gender: Caste/ Region
TSICET - 2020
This is to inform that the options exercised by the candidate have been processed based on merit ,
rank, local area, sex, category, Special Reservation Category (CAP/PH/NCC) etc and
the candidate has been allotted a seat in
The students belonging to SC/ ST/ BC/ EBC/ Disabled/ Minority categories will be considered for Reimbursement of Tuition Fee (RTF) which is
subject to verification and eligibility criteria prescribed by Government of Telangana from time to time. In the event of the candidate found not
eligible for fee reimbursement, the candidate shall have to pay the total fee.
Instructions to Candidates:
1. Download the allotment order. Pay Tuition Fee through online payment (Credit Card/Debit Card/ Net Banking).
2. Candidates / Parents are advised to make Tuition Fee Payment from their own Bank Accounts. In case of refunds, if any, the amount will
be remitted back through online into the same Bank Account from which the payment was made.
3. Candidates / Parents are advised to verify the amount limit of Credit Card / Debit Card / Net Banking before making Tuition Fee payment.
4. Payment through online (Net Banking / Credit Card / Debit Card) . On allotment order click on Pay Fee Button you will be
directed to Payment Gateway. Make the payment accordingly duly entering the details as per the payment mode selected. Take the print
out after payment on which Online Order ID Number will appear.
5. Self Reporting System: Logon to website https://tsicet.nic.in – Click on Self Reporting System –Details of the Candidates along with
Order ID will appear – Verify Order ID Number - Click on Submit button - Joining Report will appear - Take the printout, on which Hall
Ticket Number, Rank, Name, Father Name, Allotted College, Branch and Admission Number are available. This activity is mandatory so
as to confirm your admission.
6. Make the Payment on or before 19/12/2020. In case of failure to pay the amount on or before 19/12/2020 and not reporting through
self reporting system, this provisional allotment order automatically stands cancelled and candidate has no claim on the provisional
allotment now made.
7. Self Reporting System for candidates where Tuition Fee to be paid now by the candidate is zero: Candidates have to logon to
https://tsicet.nic.in website – Click on Self Reporting system - Joining Report will appear - Take the printout, on which Hall Ticket
Number, Rank, Name, Father Name, Allotted College, Branch and Admission Number are available. This activity is mandatory so as to
confirm your admission. Do the self reporting on or before 19/12/2020. In case of not reporting through self reporting system on or
before 19/12/2020, this provisional allotment order automatically stands cancelled and candidate has no claim on the provisional
allotment now made.
8. The candidate has to report at the allotted college after final phase of counselling and handover a set of Xerox copies of the certificates
and original Transfer Certificate (T.C). For the details of date of final phase allotment and reporting date see the website
https://tsicet.nic.in periodically.
9. After payment of Tuition Fee, if the candidate cancels the provisionally allotted seat through online on or before 19/12/2020 full Tuition
Fee paid will be refunded. Further details on forfeiture of Tuition Fee after final phase are placed in the website https://tsicet.nic.in in
detailed notification.
10. Cancellation of Provisionally Allotted Seat: Logon to https://tsicet.nic.in website – Click on online cancellation of allotted seat –
verify the details of college and course – click on I Agree – Submit Button. Your provisionally allotted seat stands cancelled and will not
be permitted to participate in next round of counselling, if any.
11. Candidates other than mentioned at S.No 10 are eligible to participate in next round of counselling, if any for change of college, if desired.
Note: Candidates are informed to verify the transaction limit and validity of Credit / Debit Card before proceeding for payment.
Candidates are informed to pay Tuition Fee from their own account or parents account. In case of refund, if any, will be remitted
to the same account.
*** This computer generated Provisional Allotment Order does not require any authentication. ***
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