Microbiologically Induced Calcium Carbonate Precipitation (Micp)
Microbiologically Induced Calcium Carbonate Precipitation (Micp)
Microbiologically Induced Calcium Carbonate Precipitation (Micp)
Submitted by
Reg. No : UKP17CE014
Bachelor of technology
Civil Engineering
Place : Signature
I thank my Head of the Department, Mrs. SUJA S NAIR, for her graceful support to
complete this seminar.
I am extremely grateful to my parents and friends for their constant encouragement and moral
support throughout my venture. Last but not least I would also like to thank almighty for
showering his blessings upon us for completing this seminar on time.
Concrete is one of the most used, most durable and most lasting products used in
construction which we will find around us. But with the pros comes some cons as well.
Means if not used properly then one cannot take full benefits out of this raw material, hence
proper placement of the concrete is utmost important in any construction work. Otherwise
one has to face issues related to cracking, its durability as well as its strength. Here we are
going to discuss issues related to the cracking of concrete. A building part develops cracks
when its strength falls short of the externally applied load.
3.1 Concrete 5
3.2 Repair of concrete
4.1 Self healing mechanism 8
4.2 Materials and sample preparation 9
4.2.1 Bacterial culture and cultivation 10
4.2.2 Preparation of cementation solution 10
4.2.3 Preparation of mortar specimens 11
4.2.4 Generation of cracks in mortar 12
4.2.5 Crack repair 12
4.2.6 Test and methods
5.1 Results and discussions 14
5.2 Permeability 15
5.3 Split tensile strength 16
6.1 Conclusion 23
Title Page No.
Table 3.1 Emitted energy and CO2 emissions 5
Of building materials
Table 5.1(a) Test result of sample 14
Table 5.1(b) Test result of untreated samples 15
Autogenous healing
The generation of cracks in concrete is a natural phenomenon due to earthquakes,
weathering or manmade activities which will adversely affect the life and durability of the
structures. The measure cause of the crack is due to lower tensile strength and brittle nature of
concrete. The harmful pollutants, chemicals, and water penetrate through the cracks which lead
to deterioration of concrete. The present methods existing to repair such cracks are the use of
chemicals, grout, or surface treatment which could be harmful to the end-users as well as to the
environment. Eco-friendly, sustainable and new technique MICP as the new area of interest is a
substitute to repair cracks [1]. MICP process depends on ureolytic non-pathogenic bacteria
(Bacillus pasteurii) to hydrolyze urea in the presence of calcium ion which leads to calcite
precipitation. Purified bacterial cells, containing the enzyme in high concentrations, were used to
catalyse the hydrolysis of urea and produce ammonium and carbonate ions. Urease enzyme
decomposes urea into ammonium (NH4+) and carbonate ions (CO32-). The combination of this
negative carbonate ions and positive Calcium ions (Ca2+) available from cementing solution,
result in the formation of Calcium Carbonate. The reactions involved are as follows :
This bio generated CaCO3 binds loose particles of matter together, plugs fine pores and
cracks. The ultimate effect of this is to increase the engineering properties of concrete and fill the
existing cracks, if any. MICP process can be applied for repairing cracks in two ways. First, as
pre-treatment where bacteria and cementation solution are mixed with fresh concrete to prevent
crack development. This is referred to as autogenous repair or self-healing and another is post-
treatment where bacteria and cementation solution are applied in the crack influenced areas of
concrete. The method of crack healing induced by MICP can be employed in two ways. Alkali-
resistant spore-forming bacteria get activated by water and oxygen which infiltrated through
cracks and further feed on an available substrate. Subsequently decomposition of a substrate to
produce calcium carbonates result in the healing of cracks .Most commonly use bacterias are
spore-forming Bacillus species micro-organism. Bacillus pesudofirmus, Bacillus sphaericus,
Bacillus alkalinitrilicus.
This study was aimed to find the possibility of applying Bacillus subtilis integrated into
mortar matrix as a self-healing agent to seal cracks. Bacterial spores at concentrations of 104,
105, and 106 cells/ml were directly added into pulverized fly ash as medium to protect bacteria
in high alkaline conditions.Bacterial spores at concentrations of 104, 105, and 106 cells/ml were
directly added into pulverized fly ash as medium to protect bacteria in high alkaline conditions.
The results show that the addition of Bacillus subtilis spores into the mortar mixture enhanced
the compressive strength.
Concrete is the most widely-used building material in the world, with a potential
lifespan of 50-100 years. However, water seeping into cracks in the concrete lowers its pH and
causes metal supports to oxidize. Over time, this oxidation compromises the structure’s strength.
To mitigate damage caused by these cracks, structures are currently built larger than necessary.
This leads to an increase in the amount of material required and, therefore, higher construction
costs. Concrete by nature is difficult to recycle, and researchers have determined that recycled
concrete retains only a fraction of the parent concrete’s compressive strength. Additionally, the
production of cement, a component of concrete, releases high amounts of carbon dioxide into the
atmosphere. These factors suggest a need to reduce the production of concrete and increase its
lifespan.Self-healing concrete is a material that could revolutionize the construction industry in
the near future. The material is superior to traditional abiotic reinforced concrete in several areas .
Self-healing concrete lasts much longer than traditional concrete because it can heal cracks
caused by water with no human intervention. Traditional concrete is expensive to produce and
impossible to recycle efficiently, therefore indicating it is neither economically sustainable nor
environmentally friendly. Because self-healing concrete can renew itself and extend the life of
the buildings it comprises, it requires much less concrete to be produced, therefore saving money
on building costs in the long run and reducing the amount of waste associated with the
demolition of traditional concrete structures.The material is a relatively new adaptation on a
longstanding substance, so it is not without flaw. The high cost of cultivating the bacteria used in
development of the material results in upfront expenses that are orders of magnitude higher than
traditional concrete.
Concrete is a huge burden to the environment, due to the high energy consumption
(Table1) during production and use. Table 1 presents examples of building materials and the
amount of energy produced by them :
For this reason , concrete should be protected against external factors in order to increase its
durability. Structures deteriorate due to different reasons, such as the impact of external
environment, overload or accidental damage, and then they need to be repaired in order to extend
their lifetime. The cracks resulting from reactions such as :
Freeze-thaw action , shrinkage , hardening of concrete , low tensile strength of concrete, etc.
One of the suitable solutions for concrete cracks repair is to use small quantities of fiber
to control the widening of cracks and to increase tensile strength of concrete.The wide
application of fibers has begun in the early 1960s in advanced industrial countries, and over the
past four decadesthe material and form of fibers, as well as production of fiber-reinforced
concrete hasimproved, andits application has increased.The new natural and artificial
fibersreplaced straw and cement replaced clay that were traditionally used in cob building
material.The fibers used in concrete are made of different materials, such as glass, steel, carbon,
polypropylene, Kevlar, etc.
By this method the cracks with a width of 1 mm are filled with plastic material. If
cracks are not active, it is possible to use a mortar made of Portland cement or a mortar that
hasexpanding properties.However, if the cracks are active, necessarily by taking into account the
conditions, sealing with pressuremay also be carried out.
Filling the cracks with epoxy resin injections. By this method narrow ports with a width
of 0.05 mm are put along the cracksat short intervals, and then crackssurface is completely
sealed to prevent resin escape and leakage while injecting. If start and end of a crack is not on
one heightlevel, the injection should be started from the lowest point until the
highest.Transparent tubes are used to ensure optimum filling of injectable material into the
Silica gel is used to immobilize bacteria. Silica gel was used not only for bacterial
immobilization, but also as a cracks filler before the precipitation ofCaCO3 .Silica gel is a
known microorganisms’ immobilizer. Like bacterial cells and yeasts and algae, it creates
biological immobilization and is a suitable place for porosity and transfer of molecules and ions
and Polyurethane is also used in addition to bacterial immobilization to seal the cracks .
This method can be used when high tensile strength is required among large cracks.
Sewing of cracks leads to stiffening of the structure and that prevents the cracks to transfer to
other parts of the structure, therefore it may be necessary to evaluate and to reinforce the
surrounding parts as well.
In stressing method the rebar or cables are employed in the damaged area of concrete,
and then the pre-calculated stresses are entered onto them, thusfinally stressing them. By using
this method care should be taken to ensure that the cracks do not migrate to other areas.In
shortcrete method concrete or mortar is shot using air pressure into the holes, channels, molds,
and surfaces to be repaired, but afterwards the surface does not become smooth, it is rough and
uneven because of the unequal size of the aggregates used in the sprayed mixture.
Fig 4.1 : Graphic representation of the reaction of CaCO3 production with bacteria
Figure 4.2(a) represent the basic flowchart which gives detail information about
the selection of bacteria and its cultivation of culture. Preparation of desired molarity
cementation solution of Cacl2 using standard OPC cement, locally available sand with
desired water cement ratio. Cement mortar was prepared by using this mixture.
size and strong calcium carbonate which can penetrate in small cracks, a low chemical
concentration was used.
Type I ordinary Portland cement (OPC) of 53 grade, river sand, and distilled water
were used to prepare mortarThe water-to-cement (w/c) ratio was 0.4 and the sand-to-cement
(s/c) ratio was 3.0. To prepare a homogeneous mix of the mortar, the cement was first added
into water and mixed by hand for 2 min followed by sand mixing for another 2 min. Thin
plastic pipes (45 mm in diameter and 90 mm in height) were used for casting. Two half rods of
10 mm diameter and 90 mm length were placed in molds to ensure single and straight crack in
the sample. The freshly mixed mortar was poured into these molds as shown in Figure 3b, in
two layers, and each layer of all samples was compacted to the equal desired density. After
casting, the mortar samples were sealed and placed in a lab environment (24 to 26°C) for 28
days for curing. At the age of 28 days, three virgin samples (ST1, ST2, ST3) were tested for
split tensile strength according to IS-5816-1999 and the rest cylinder samples were cut to
develop/gain different crack sizes and then to perform crack repair.
Fig 4.2(d) : Crack generation and Generated crack
MICP treatment for sixteen samples was performed in bacterium solution and urea-
CaCl2 solution at room temperature 30 ± 2°C. Each cracked sample was soaked in bacterium
solution for 2 hours as shown in Figure 4.2(e) and allowed the samples to saturate. After taking
out from the bacterium solution, samples were made to drain off. Then all these samples were
put in a container having urea-CaCl2 cementation solution as shown in Figure 4.2(e) hours for
the MICP process to happen. These 24 hours is counted as one round of treatment. The whole
assembly of the sample with cementation solution was kept circulating with the help of a plate
and stirrer bar. Repeat all these steps for the next 8, 16, 24 rounds of the treatment
Permeability test on all sixteen samples was conducted using the constant head
method as to find the efficiancy of repair using MICP treatment and curing period concerning
crack width. All samples were soaked in water for 24 hours for saturation before conducting
the permeability test. A sample of 45 mm diameter and 40 mm length was trimmed at the end
to just fit at bottom of transparent graduated glass pipe of 45 mm diameter, 150 mm height.
The proper arrangement was made to seal the joints of the pipe and specimen. This assembly of
permeability mould as shown in Figure 4.2(f). Tap water was continuously filled in a glass pipe
to maintain a constant head with a proper outlet for overflow .
At the end of 28 days, three virgin samples (ST1, ST2, ST3) of 45 mm diameter and 90 mm in
height which were not subjected to MICP treatment, were tested for STS according to IS 5816-
1999. Sixteen samples (TC1 to TC16) were split to gain different sizes of crack and then used
for crack repair using MICP treatment and four samples (UTC1 to UTC4) as control samples
without MICP treatment. These sixteen (TC1 to TC16) were dried under an ambient
environment for two days and tested for STS as per IS 5816-1999. The amount of CaCO3
deposited on both end fractured surfaces were measured and expressed as percent of the total
fractured surface area.
Permeability test on all sixteen samples was conducted using the constant head
method as per IS2720-1986 (Part17) to find the efficiancy of repair using MICP treatment and
curing period concerning crack width. All samples were soaked in water for 24 hours; the
results obtained for sixteen MICP treated samples through permeability, STS and percent of
precipitated CaCO3 are summarized in Table 2. Table 3 depicts the results of permeability on
four untreated samples. Figure 5.1 illustrate the linear relation of crack width generated and
percent of fractured area. Figure 5.1, illustrate that crack width is directly proportional to
percent of fractured area. Figure 5.1 satisfies strong linear association among the crack width
and fractured area.
Table 5.1(b) : Test result of Untreated samples for autogenous healimg
Figure 5.2(a) and 5.3(b) and Tables 5.1(a) and 5.1(b) represent crack repairing
performance of MICP treated and untreated mortar samples on permeability respectively.
Increase in permeability with an increase in average crack width, as seen in Figure 5.2(a). As
crack width increases from 0.12 mm to 1.3 mm, permeability has increased from 0.008335
mm/sec to 1.4721 mm/sec. Th average crack width of the split cylinder increased from 0.15 to
0.30 has resulted in an increase in permeability from 0.05 mm/sec to 0.5 mm/sec. In the present
study crack width ranges from 0.12 to 1.3 mm. The slope of (permeability vs crack width, Figure
5.2(b) curve is steeper for 0th round in comparison with the 24th round of MICP. Also, Figure
5.2(c) depicts an average 60% reduction in permeability of all cracked samples at end of 8th
round after MICP treatment. The however smaller rate of reduction in permeability was observed
at the end of 16th (25%) and 24th (14%) round respectively. This point out the percent of healing
of cracks is faster up to 8th round and it slows down thereafter. This could happen because of the
amount and dissemination of CaCO3 in the cracks which have reduced permeability. At the end
of the 24th round, the maximum reduction was in the range 73 to 85% as that of 0th round,
indicating, 100% reduction in permeability could not be achieved because of the non-healing of
all cracks.
From the above discussion, it is cleared that, number of MICP treatment rounds
influences the reduction of permeability. Also, a higher rate of decrease in permeability at an
early stage (8th cycle) as compared to the lower rate of decrease with an increase in the number
of the round. Sample with wider cracks will have a higher rate of decrease in permeability as
compared with fine cracks. This could happen because of more MICP solution can easily
penetrate through wider cracks and deposits CaCO3.On the contrary small cracks get plugged
at the early stage of treatment. A decrease in R-squared values of curves in Figure 5.2(a) from
0.93 (0th round) to 0.75 (24th round) might be due to the amount and size of precipitated
CaCO3 in the cracks.
Fig 5.2 : (a) Repaired specimens using MICP treatment (b) % reduction in permeability
Figure 5.3(a) represents crack repairing performance of untreated (soaked in water only)
mortar samples on permeability. The decrease in permeability up to 25% for the sample
(UTC1) with fine 0.16 mm average crack width, from 0.08053 mm/sec at 0th round to 0.06013
mm/sec at 24th round could be the result of autogenous healing due to hydration of cement . As
anticipated for sample (UTC4) with a major crack of 1.55 mm, reduction in permeability on
account of autogenous healing due to hydration of cement was negligible (11%).
The results of STS conducted on three virgin samples (ST1, ST2, ST3) at the age of 28
days, was 3674±126 kPa. This test was also conducted on MICP treated samples (TC1 to TC16)
at the end of the 24th round. However, the test could not be possible on the untreated sample
(UTC1 to UTC4) as it fails immediately on the application of negligible load. This could be
because of insufficient binding developed due to the autogenous healing of cracks. The results
obtained from the split tension test on TC1 to TC16 samples are shown in Figure 5.3(a). Based
on these following findings are noted.
There is no co-relation of crack width on STS. The maximum values of STS were in the
range of 29.85kPa to 380.5 kPa, almost 10% of the virgin sample (3674 kPa).
The majority of the MICP treated sample has shown linear stress-strain behaviour with
brittle failure at various axial strains.
It is presumed that the lower value of STS could be because of insufficient healing of cracks
imperfect bonding developed among the cracked sample. Relationships between the STS, crack
width, and percent of precipitation of CaCO3 on the fractured crack surface and effectiveness
of crack healing by MICP were studied.
Fig 5.3 : (a) Crack width from 0.12-0.26 mm (b) Crack width from 0.27-0.6 mm
Figures 5.3(a) to 5.3(c) STS vs strain curves for repaired specimens with different
crack widths. Figure 5.3(d), depicts the graphical presentation of the amount of CaCO3
precipitated Vs. crack width. A peanut swing from 4.12 to 7.19% in calcium carbonate
deposition is seen in a region I, where crack width is less than 0.27 mm. This could be due to
minimal entry of bacteria or cementation solution in small cracks followed by 15 to 20%
increase in CaCO3 in region II of crack width 0.29 to 0.6 mm. Substantial increases in region
III (52 to 82%) imply that the favorable crack width for repair through MICP is 0.72 to 1.1
mm. For region IV for 1.3 mm crack, an unexpected slight decrease in CaCO3 may due to
unidentified reasons.
Fig 5.3 : (d) Crack width % vs CaCO3 (e) Crack width vs STS
The relationship between STS and crack width as shown in Figure 12(b) indicates that
in the region I for crack width less than 0.29 mm, there is no clear co-relation. This could be
because of quick sealing of small cracks might have stopped the entry of bacteria and
cementation solution resulting in lower values of STS. Exactly reverse of this is observed in the
region III, despite large crack width (1.3mm), STS has decreased (311 kPa) over prior values
(380 kPa). One of the causes could be insufficient sticking/formation of the bond between cracks
and smaller size and microstructure of distribution of CaCO3. This indicates from region II that,
0.31 to 1.1 mm crack width sizes in mortar can be effectively repaired by MICP .
Based on the test results obtained for percent of deposition of CaCO3, STS, axial strain at
failure, it implies, repairs through MICP is most effective for the size of cracks width
within the range of 0.29 to 1.1 mm crack width.
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