Oup Accepted Manuscript 2020
Oup Accepted Manuscript 2020
Oup Accepted Manuscript 2020
doi: 10.1093/jscr/rjaa027
Case Report
We report herein a 14-month-old boy with a left-sided peeping testis. At the age of 1 month, the left testis was palpated between
the inguinal canal and the scrotum. When he was 6 months old, ultrasonography showed the left testis in the inguinal canal.
At the age of 13 months, the left testis was not palpable. At the age of 14 months, he underwent surgery for a planned inguinal
orchidopexy with a preoperative diagnosis of an undescended testis. When the inguinal canal was opened, a patent processus
vaginalis was observed and the testis was found inside the abdominal cavity. The patent processus vaginalis was closed, a
dartos pouch was created and the testis was guided into the pouch and fixed to its wall. We describe a case of a peeping testis
moving from the inguinal position into the abdomen.
2 Y. Tatekawa
Figure 3: Intraoperative photography (14 months of age). (a) The testis is retrieved
from the abdominal cavity. (b) After the patent processus vaginalis is closed, the
testis is guided into a dartos pouch and fixed to the pouch wall.
Figure 2: Intraoperative photography (14 months of age). After opening the ingui-
nal canal, only a patent processus vaginalis is visible.
position. Patients with undescended testicles associated with
inguinal hernias have a risk for torsion and should undergo
repair by 2 years of age. Regular ultrasonography is useful to
Fowler–Stephens orchidopexy. Of 128 patients with nonpalpable investigate the location of the testis and the existence of an
testes in the scrotum, only a single patient at our institution had inguinal hernia.
a peeping testis.
Current guidelines recommend that orchidopexy for unde-
scended testis should be undertaken before 2 years of age AUTHOR DISCLOSURE STATEMENT
because of the risk for torsion, infertility and malignant
transformation [1]. The incidence of torsion in undescended No competing financial interests or funding exists in connection
testes is thought to be higher than in scrotal testes [2–6]. with this manuscript.
The literature describing torsion of an undescended testicle
is mostly limited to case reports [7–8]. In the largest case series CONFLICT OF INTEREST STATEMENT
concerning testicular torsion in the inguinal canal, the mean
None declared.
patient age was 29.15 ± 20.21 months, a higher age than the usual
recommended age for treatment [8]. Torsion inside the inguinal
canal is associated with the presence of an inguinal hernia
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