Introduction To The Physical Self
Introduction To The Physical Self
Introduction To The Physical Self
2. The way you FEEL about your body is your Authored by: Sylvia Holla , Giselinde Kuipers
affective body image. This relates to the amount of ROUTLEDGE INTERNATIONAL HANDBOOK OF THE
satisfaction or dissatisfaction you feel about your shape, SOCIOLOGY OF ART AND CULTURE
weight, and individual body parts.
People are also inclined to associate ‘good looks’ with
3. The way you THINK about your body is your other positive qualities, from moral goodness to
cognitive body image. This can lead to preoccupation economic success.
with body shape and weight.
Social psychologists call this the ‘halo effect’: the
4. BEHAVIORS in which you engage as a result of assumption that persons with visible desirable traits
your body image encompass your behavioral body also have other, maybe less visible, positive qualities
image. When a person is dissatisfied with the way (Nisbett and Wilson 1977; Kaplan 1978). In present-day
he/she looks, they may isolate themselves because they societies, research has shown that people who are
feel bad about their appearance. deemed more attractive tend to have higher wages,
How we look at our bodies has possibly never held as more durable relationships, higher grades and better
much societal importance or reflected so significantly assessments (Andreoni and Petrie 2008). Thus, physical
on our perceived self-worth. Each one, male or female, attractiveness comes with many rewards, also in fields
strives to acquire the body of his/her dream. We are in that at first glance have nothing to do with physical
a culture in which beauty is judged by numbers. As appearance. Beauty comes with benefits. There are the
commonly observed, attraction to another person’s obvious perks, such as sexual attractiveness and a desire
body increases if that body is symmetrical and in on the part of others to seek out the company of good-
proportionate, we are more likely to notice it and find it looking people.
beautiful. We even perceive proportional bodies to be The Role of Culture in our Understanding of "Body
healthier. Image" and "Self-esteem"
The promise of an “aesthetic capital” What is culture?
The presence of aesthetically based cultural goods and the shared patterns of thoughts, beliefs, behaviors, and
their ever- increasing influence in modern society poses habits in both material and symbolic realms.
a new conceptual opportunity to Sociology. A new term
“aesthetic capital”, is introduced. Such concept covers "Culture includes language, technology, economic,
the privileges and wealth people receive from aesthetic political and educational systems, religious and
traits, such as their face, hair, body, clothes, grooming aesthetic patterns, social structures and so on. It is
habits and other markers of beauty. widely recognized by social scientists that the self is
shaped, in part, through interaction with groups."(Harry permanent or temporary, although most are
Triandis). permanent and alter the body forever" (Margo
de Mello, 2014).
Through culture, society shapes us in many ways. As
mentioned earlier, body image is both internal
(personal) and external (society). These include how we
A particular practice related to body modification is
perceive our bodies visually, how we feel about our
Female Genital Mutilization (FGM). Here are some key
physical appearance, how we think and talk to ourselves
facts regarding FGM provided by the World Health
about our bodies, and our sense of how other people
Organization (2020).
view our bodies.
Female genital mutilation (FGM) involves the
partial or total removal of external female
We are all body-builders genitalia or other injury to the female genital
organs for non-medical reasons.
“Drawing on contemporary culture, our bodies are not
The practice has no health benefits for girls and
only biological but also cultural in that we say, we all
shape and manipulate our bodies. We are all body-
FGM can cause severe bleeding and problems
builders as we build and style our bodies on a daily
urinating, and later cysts, infections, as well as
basis. We decide how to dress and style our bodies, we
complications in childbirth and increased risk of
decide how much hair we want on our bodies, and we
newborn deaths.
shave, wax, etc. We manipulate our bodies' weight
More than 200 million girls and women alive
through diet and exercise and we even modify our
today have been cut in 30 countries in Africa,
bodies to extreme levels and introduce mechanical
the Middle East and Asia where FGM is
agents into our bodies merging flesh and technology.
The body is enthralled to cultural regimes, telling us
FGM is mostly carried out on young girls
how we should look - especially how we should dress
between infancy and age 15.
and what our bodies weight (fat levels) should be".
FGM is a violation of the human rights of girls
De Mello (2014). In the ‘Encyclopedia of Body and women.
Adornment', De Mello explores these questions as she
WHO is opposed to all forms of FGM, and is opposed to
health care providers performing FGM (medicalization
All cultures everywhere have attempted to change of FGM).
their body in an attempt to meet their cultural
Treatment of health complications of FGM in 27 high
standards of beauty, as well as their religious. In
prevalence countries costs 1.4 billion USD per year.
addition, people modify and adorn their bodies as part
of the complex or process of creating and recreating
their personal and social identities.
What is Pop culture?
Body adornment refers to the practice of
Audrey Tramel (2013) mentions that the predominance
physically enhancing the body by styling and
of "pop culture” in today’s society definitely has some
decorating the hair, painting and embellishing
effects such as the way teenagers think of themselves,
the fingernails, wearing makeup, painting the
how they associate with others, and how they express
body, wearing jewelry, and the use of clothing
characteristics of their maturation.
Body adornments are by definition temporary.
Pop culture or popular culture from a common
Body modification, on the other hand, refers to understanding is a culture widely accepted and
the physical alteration of the body through the patronized by the public as in pop music which is very
use of surgery, tattooing piercing, scarification, appealing to the youth. Pop culture influences how
branding, genital mutilation, implants, and teens define themselves.
other practices. Body modifications can be
Its influence on them goes to the point of imitating the look; also telling us how we should dress, what our
way they dress and style their bodies, the way they talk weight should be, how we should spend our leisure and
and express themselves. It influences the way they even how our bodies should age. Through media,
define themselves. Indeed, an important characteristic campaign on the use of certain beauty products, has the
of every teenagers’ maturation is his/her self-definition. goal of improving the look of the spokes model in order
to improve his/her appearance to perfection using
Self-definition refers to the way a person sees
those cosmetics. As a result, most women are
himself. For teens, that image is influenced to a
dissatisfied with their appearance which, Annie Lennox
large extent by personal choices, which are, in
says, is the "stuff that fuels the fashion and beauty
turn, influenced by the images and associations
industries". This results in women feeling insecure
teens glean from pop culture on a daily basis.
about their own appearance and then conforming to
Recent researchers agree that pop culture has some the media's perception of beauty by buying beauty
impact on teenagers’ self- definition. Pop culture can products such as make-up, creams, and hair dyes.
provide benchmarks which become the teenagers’ basis "Beauty has become a currency system and it assigns
of their self-definition. In this way, they see themselves hierarchical value to women, encouraging escalating
adopting certain characteristics from the various consumerism.
celebrities and other models they see in pop culture.
Lastly, self-definition can be intrinsically tied into self-
esteem and confidence, two critical components of a
healthy disposition throughout maturation and into