I. Objectives: Detailed Lesson Plan For Grade 6

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At the end of the lesson the learners should be able to:

1. Identify the eight planets of our solar system.
2. Define what a solar system is.
3. Draw and arrange the planets orderly.
4. Appreciate the importance of the planets.


Topic: The Solar System

Materials: Picture of the planets of our solar system, Short video presentation about the solar
Reference: Science for Daily Use Textbook pp. 248-255
Values Integration: Cooperation and Determination
Science Processes: Explaining and Observing




“Good Morning Class!” “Good morning Teacher!”

“Now, stand up and Ashley will lead the “Amen”

prayer for today.”

“Now let’s sing the good morning song!”

“Good morning! Just fine!”
“Good Morning Lyrics
Good morning! Good morning! How are It’s a very very very happy day!”
you? How are you? It’s so nice to have you 2x
here with me today

Good morning! Good morning! Good morning! Good morning!

How are you? Just fine! How are you? Just fine!
Howdy, how do you do, hello, good day! Howdy, how do you do, hello, good day!
Now that we're together Now that we're together

Learning’s so much fun Learning’s so much fun

The more of us the better The more of us the better
So come on everyone! So come on everyone!
Good morning! Good morning! Good morning! Good morning!

How are you? Just fine! How are you? Just fine!
Howdy, how do you do, hello, good day! Howdy, how do you do, hello, good day!
Howdy, how do you do, hello, good day!” Howdy, how do you do, hello, good day!”

“Now pick up all the unnecessary things

around you”
“Well done! Please sit down, and I will now
check the attendance”


“Before we start our lesson, let’s have first a

short review, raise your hand if you want to “Okay”
answer, okay?”

“Pictures of parts of the solar system are

posted in the board, raise your hand if you
know what part of the solar system it is. Are “Yes Teacher”
we clear?”











“Excellent students! Looks like you paid

attention last meeting.”


“Before we proceed to our lesson, kindly all

stand and we will sing the solar system song!”

“Are you ready kids?!” “We are ready teacher”

“I am the Sun. I'm a burning ball of fire. I'm

very big indeed.
“I am the Sun. I'm a burning ball of fire. I'm
Life on earth depends on me. I am the Sun.
very big indeed.

I am Mercury. I'm the closest planet to the Life on earth depends on me. I am the Sun.
Sun. I am Mercury. I'm the closest planet to the
I'm a ball of iron -- I have no moons. I am Sun.
Mercury. I'm a ball of iron -- I have no moons. I am
I am Venus. I'm the same size as the Earth but Mercury.
I spin the other way and much more slowly. I am Venus. I'm the same size as the Earth but
I have no water -- I am Venus. I spin the other way and much more slowly.
I am the Earth. The place where we all live. I have no water -- I am Venus.
There is land and lots of sea so I look blue. I am the Earth. The place where we all live.
I have a moon. I am the Earth. There is land and lots of sea so I look blue.
I am Mars. I'm a rocky, red planet. My I have a moon. I am the Earth.
mountains are the highest in our solar system. I am Mars. I'm a rocky, red planet. My
I have 2 moons. I am Mars. mountains are the highest in our solar system.
I am Jupiter. I'm a gas giant. I'm the biggest I have 2 moons. I am Mars.
and I spin the fastest. I have the biggest moon. I am Jupiter. I'm a gas giant. I'm the biggest
I am Jupiter. and I spin the fastest. I have the biggest moon.
I am Saturn. I'm a gas giant. My rings are I am Jupiter.
made of ice. Titan is my biggest moon. I am I am Saturn. I'm a gas giant. My rings are
Saturn. made of ice. Titan is my biggest moon. I am
I am Uranus. I'm an icy gas giant. I'm the Saturn.
coldest planet in our solar system. And I have I am Uranus. I'm an icy gas giant. I'm the
rings made of dust. I am Uranus. coldest planet in our solar system. And I have
I am Neptune. I'm an icy gas giant. I'm the rings made of dust. I am Uranus.
farthest planet from the sun. I have many I am Neptune. I'm an icy gas giant. I'm the
storms. I am Neptune” farthest planet from the sun. I have many
storms. I am Neptune”
“Alright! Very good! Looks like all of you are
very talented”
“So what is the song all about?”

“Yes that’s correct”


“The song is all about the planets teacher.”


“Before we start our lesson, I have here a

short video that we will watch”

“While watching, what should we keep in


“Keep quiet, take notes and focus”

“Okay class, according to the video that we

watched, what revolves around the sun?”

“That’s correct! Next question, how many “Planets”

major planets does our solar system have?”

“Our Solar system has eight major planets”

“So from your understanding what is our

topic for today?”
“Our topic for today is all about our Solar

“Okay class, our topic is all about our Solar


“So class what is a Solar System?”


“Very good! What are the planets in our solar “Our solar system consists of our star, the
system?” Sun, and everything bound to it by gravity.”

“Very good! All of your answers are correct!” ”Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.”
“Now that we already know what is a solar
systems and planets around our solar system,
now let’s discuss about the inner and outer

“Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are the

planets closest to the Sun. They are called the
inner planets. The inner planets are made up
mostly of rock. The outer planets
are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune”

“So again, class what are the inner and outer



“Based on the video that we watched earlier, “The inner planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth
Can you please classify the planets from and Mars. After an asteroid belt comes the
largest to smallest?” outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and

“Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune,
“Class based on the short video presentation Earth, Venus, Mars, Mercury.”
that you’ve watched compare the eight
planets of our solar system.”

“Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. It

orbits the Sun quickly, once every 88 days. It
rotates slowly, however, only once every 59
days. Mercury is small, about 4850
kilometres (~3000 miles) in diameter. The
surface of Mercury is grey to orange in
colour, and is covered with craters. Mercury

is named for a mythical god who ran very

Venus, the second planet away from the Sun,
is Earth’s closest neighbour. It is about the
same size as the Earth, a little over 12,000
kilometres (7300 miles) in diameter. Venus
has a very thick atmosphere, composed
largely of sulphuric acid and CO2. We could
not breathe on Venus, because the
atmosphere would be very toxic to humans.
This atmosphere gives Venus a brownish-
yellow colour. It also traps heat (the
greenhouse effect) making the surface of
Venus the hottest in the Solar System, about
900oK. Venus rotates very slowly, taking 243
days to complete one turn. It is named for the
Roman goddess of love.
Earth is a little more than 12,000 kilometres
in diameter. It differs from the other planets
because it has liquid water on its surface,
maintains life, and has active plate
movement. It rotates on its axis every 24
hours (a day) and revolves around the Sun
every 365 days (a year). The Earth has one
Mars is a little more than half the size of the
Earth, having a diameter of 6,790 kilometres.
It takes Mars 687 days to revolve once
around the Sun. It rotates at about the same
speed as the Earth, taking 24.6 hours. Mars
has a very thin atmosphere which is
composed largely of CO2. Its surface is very
cold, and is covered with craters, volcanoes,
and large canyons. Mars is reddish in colour.
Mars has two small moons. It is named for
the Roman god of war.
Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar
System, with a diameter of 142,980
kilometres, more than 11 times wider than
the Earth. Jupiter orbits the Sun once every
12 years. It rotates very fast, in 9 hours and
19 minutes.. Its surface is made up of gas
(mostly hydrogen), so that if you landed on
the surface you would sink into it. Jupiter
probably has a core of metallic hydrogen and
rock, although evidence for this is

theoretical. The outer gaseous part of Jupiter

is broken into bands of white, yellow, red,
and brown clouds. Jupiter has 4 rings mainly
composed of dust. Huge oval-shaped storms
also occur on the surface. Jupiter has 67
known satellites (as of 2016) including the
four large Galilean moons (Io, Europa,
Calisto, and Ganymede) plus many more
small ones some of which have not yet been
named. Jupiter is named for the Roman
supreme god of heaven.
Saturn is well known for its system of three
rings. It is a large planet: at 120,536
kilometres it is only a little smaller than
Jupiter. It revolves around the Sun in 12
years, and rotates a little more than 10 hours.
Like Jupiter, Saturn is composed of mostly
gas, and has a core composed of rock and
metallic hydrogen. The surface of Saturn
looks banded, and has a brown-yellow,
butterscotch colour. Saturn’s rings are
probably composed of small particles of ice
and rock. Saturn has 62 moons (as of 2016).
It is named for the Roman god of agriculture.
Uranus is 51,118 kilometres in diameter,
about 4.4 times the size of the Earth. It
revolves around the Sun slowly, taking 84
years to complete one orbit. It rotates in
about 17 hours. It is covered by a thick layer
of gas, and has a fairly uniform blue-green
colour. Uranus has 27 moons (as of
2016) and is surrounded by a system of nine
rings. It is named for another Roman god,
the grandfather of Jupiter
Neptune is slightly smaller than Uranus,
with a diameter of 49,500 kilometres. It
circles the Sun once every 165 years, and
rotates in 16 hours. Its atmosphere appears
“Very well class you’ve put too much effort blue, and is marked by large dark blue storm
to search that in the internet huh” systems. It is surrounded by a system of five
(Sarcastic) rings and at least 14 moons. Neptune is
named for the Roman god of the ocean.”

“Okay class, we will have an activity. How

many are you in the class?”

“Students laugh”
“Very good, you are all 30. Now let’s divide
you into 3 groups each group must have 10

“Okay! So here’s the mechanics of our

activity. Draw and arrange the planets “We are all 30 teacher.”
orderly and identify what are the inner and
outer planets. The first group who will finish
the activity will be the winner.”
“We are now grouped into 3 teacher”

“Very good! Let’s give the group 1 a round of

applause, as well as groups 2 and 3 because
you’ve answer it correctly and you did your
best in answering it. Now group 1 here are “Group 1: Done teacher!”
your prize”.

“Did you enjoy our activity class?”

“Could the activity be done by only one

person?” “Group 2&3: Finished teacher!”

“Now in the activity that we have finished. “Claps”

What do you think are the values that you’ve
shown while doing the activity?”

“Yes that’s right! You’ve shown cooperation

and determination. Then how do you apply “Yes Teacher”
cooperation and determination as a student?”
“No Teacher”

F. APPLICATION “Teacher the values that we’ve shown while

doing our activity are cooperation and
“Class, did you learn something today?” determination”

“So students, if you were given a chance to

stay on one of the planets that we discussed “We can apply cooperation and determination
earlier, which planet would you choose and in doing our work to finish it with a better

why?” outcome. And we develop our cooperation

with one another while we’re determined to
“Interesting answer” finish our work on the time provided.”

“Students, for your opinions, why do you

think that our planets are important to us
humans?” “Yes teacher”

“Student answers”

The planets are important to us humans

because the planets are of the utmost
importance simply for the fact that we live on
one. And we kind of require that sort of
stability to maintain our existence. The other
planets are part of an integrated system, all of
which is dependent upon all the other parts.
Remove one part, the system collapses.

And yes, it would happen like that. One

planet being removed from this system would
wreak havoc on what remained.

“I am out of words, that is a very good Other than that, planets are not important at
answer” all. There is no rule that says that they are
required. They simply exist because the laws
of physics cause them to be. If there wasn’t
anyone (like humans) to benefit from their
existence they would serve no purpose at all.

As it stands, we ARE here, and we DO

require their presence for our continued


You can follow these space directions.  Take your pencil and crayons and name the planets.
1.  Find the largest planet.  Its name is ____________________________.  Color this planet
yellow, and make the storm spot red.

2.  Find the planet where we live.  Its name is _______________________.  Draw a moon going
around it.
3.______________________________is the big planet which has many rings.  Color the rings
any color of your choice.
4.  ____________________________is called the red planet because it has iron in its clay dirt. 
Make this planet red.
5.  This planet is number seven from the sun.  It has a thin ring.  Its name is
______________________________.  Color its ring green.


Compose a song about our eight planets and their importance.

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