Group3 - Project Destiny
Group3 - Project Destiny
Group3 - Project Destiny
G : Machine shop eqpmt. removal & reinstallation (7) N : Office move (14)
O - Project End
• At a high-level, there are 14 Activities to complete plant relocation – (After Architectural Design and Plant
Layout : Completed).
• Coordination with Contractors and Third parties to complete the project.
Project Destiny - Constraints
1. Understand the expected completion date for the project based on the current schedule.
2. If it is going to run past December 21, be prepared to discuss alternatives and possible changes.
Meanwhile, the need is to complete the project on-budget, which has been set based on the current
schedule. It will be difficult to get approval to cover expenses for additional resources.
1. Expected Completion Date
Critical Path Method (CPM)
1. Expected Completion Date
Critical Path Method (CPM)
1. Expected Completion Date
Critical Path Method (CPM)
Estimated Time
Activity Description Predecessor
A Finalize Lease - 4
B Obtain Permits A 10
E Quality/Supervisor POD construction B, C 16
L Office construction E 12
M Information technology services E 12
N Office move L, M 1
O Project End H, K, N -
1. Expected Completion Date
Critical Path Method (CPM)
• Even if they start the project the very next working day (i.e., 30th April 2018 – Monday), the expected
completion date would be 22nd February 2019 * (Week 43).
* Without factoring the public holidays in-between
• If public holidays factored (Approx. 10 public holidays or 2 Weeks), then the expected completion
would be 8th March 2019
2. Is it going to run past December 21?
Critical Path Method (CPM)
• Why not find out Optimistic, Pessimistic, and Likely Cost Time
estimates (PERT)?
• Reduction in Project Scope (If practically feasible)
• Scheduling overtime.
2. Is it going to run past December 21?
How are we going to reduce the project duration from 43 to 33 Weeks?
Other Options:
• Start the vendor selection process for Activity L – Office Construction immediately.
• One way is to do fast tracking (changing activity relationships / sequences). For Example: Activity B
(Proving/Supervisor POD construction ) if it can go parallel with activities L and M.
• Utilizing the resources of activities with slack time to be deployed in critical path activities to shorten
their duration.
• Leveraging on extra lead time the company is having over its competitors (6-8 weeks of lead time in
order fulfillment)
Increasing the inventory of products (by increasing FG inventory) as contingency plan in case production
in the new plant would be delayed. (Though, it would increase the inventory holding cost)
Thank You