Arup Journal 1 2012
Arup Journal 1 2012
Arup Journal 1 2012
Issue 1 2012
Va-Chan Cheong 8
BAY Crystal
9 Pavilion
9 10 North
Early in 2005, Arup was engaged by the
resort developer Las Vegas Sands 11
8. Merlion
platform, and the Singapore Flyer1, plus the
9. Marina Bay Sands
existing Esplanade Theatres on the Bay –
10. Gardens by the Bay South
the Marina Bay Sands integrated resort
11. The Promontory
(MBS) was to complete the “necklace” of 12. East Coast Parkway (ECP) Sands Expo
tourism attractions in the Marina Bay area. and
Water Taxi
t Co
This crowning jewel would energise and
activate the whole waterfront through its
connections to other leisure and 0 100m
The vision
The 1Mm2 mixed-use complex of Marina
Bay Sands should not be considered as a
building, but as an urban sector. From the
outset we recognised Marina Bay’s potential
to demonstrate our capacity to create a new
kind of urban centre for the 21st century:
vital, connected with nature, interactive, of a
humane scale, and climatically sustainable,
its enormous complexity and size
notwithstanding. Thus the first strategic
move was to look into urban design
traditions in search of an appropriate
organising structure. Traditional cities,
particularly those of the Greco-Roman
period, were always designed around major
spines, the criss-crossing Cardo Maximus 2.
(north-south) and Decamanus (east-west),
along which all the major public structures, Hotel complex and ArtScience Museum building would form a wall-like barrier
temples, palaces and agoras were organised. Having conceived what came to be known as between the downtown and the sea across to
the “podium building”, we turned to the the east. Seen from incoming cruise liners, a
Singapore’s Urban Redevelopment Authority other two major pieces: the hotel complex single tower would also have blocked the
conceived the Bay frontage as a segment of and the ArtScience Museum. For the view of the city, so we decided to split the
the continuum of promenades that surround promontory, the site programme called for a hotel into three towers, with the emphasis on
the Bay and extend up the Singapore River. major cultural building, an icon for achieving a delicate and dynamic scale for
The landfill that provided the site for Marina Singapore. We decided on a museum of them (Fig 2). Since each tower comprises
Bay was itself intended to create an enclosed ArtScience as best representing the spirit of two paralleled stretches of rooms straddling
bay, helping to complete the loop and, Singapore and evolved a design of below- a corridor, we decided to give individual
through the construction of a dam, convert grade galleries as well as a floating structure identity to each of the half slabs, slipping
the Bay into a freshwater reservoir. reaching tall with skylights, to serve as this them in section so as to read independently
icon. Now dubbed “the hand of welcome” by of each other, and spreading them at the
We seized on the promenade concept as the some and “the lotus” by others, it is the base to form a continuous series of atria.
opportunity to create an even more powerful centrepiece of the promenade experience As the site tapered, the spread at the base
spine – an indoor/outdoor Cardo Maximus surrounding the Bay. varied from tower to tower.
extending along the waterfront and cutting
inland in two perpendicular cross-spines A major planning decision was to set the Next came the question of providing an
connecting to the hotel and to the hotel back east of the Bay Boulevard, so as appropriate network of parks, gardens and
subway along Bay Boulevard (Fig 1). not to encumber the pedestrian scale of the swimming pools appropriate to an urban
Having determined the fundamental podium building. As all three other resort of this scale. With land all used up and
structure of public place, we aligned by competitors placed the hotel close to the the decision that we best not place these atop
shops providing access to the larger program water’s edge, this proved to be a significant the long-span casino and convention centre,
components: the convention centre, casino, move. Though it might have been more we invented the concept of the SkyPark, a
two theatres, and three hotel towers along efficient to place the approximately 3000 1.24ha network of gardens bridging the three
them. Everything fell into place. modules in a single hotel tower (as in Las towers and cantilevering 66.5m towards the
Vegas’ Sands), we recognised that such a north, forming a public observatory
overlooking the city on the 57th floor.
Further considerable challenges had to be
overcome, eg excavating six levels into the
water table in what was highly unstable
landfill, and retaining the water and soil
pressure while foundation and basement
levels were constructed. Construction
sequences and, in particular, temporary
supports for the construction of the hotel
towers and their atria, the ArtScience
Museum, and the long-span spaces in the
podium, proved to be as challenging as the
final design was set in place.
3. 4.
5. 6.
MBS Marina Bay Sands is on reclaimed land,
Reclaimed comprising sand infill overlying deep soft
1970s clay marine deposits, above an underlying
very stiff-to-hard Old Alluvium (OA) layer.
Fill This soft marine clay, coupled with the
East Coast A
Soft marine clay
Old Alluvium (OA)
proximity of the East Coast Parkway
Parkway C
Mean sea level highway and the Benjamin Sheares Bridge,
B +100.5m RL posed significant challenges to the design of
1. the excavation works.
Section A-A Retail area area The 15.5ha MBS development is founded on
the underlying very stiff-to-hard OA layer
using a forest of barrettes and 1m-3m
diameter bored piles. The average basement
excavation depth was around 20m, and with
Deep OA valley over 40% of the concrete construction
30m thick
occurring 18m-35m underground, the
required timetable was only made possible
by Arup’s innovative approach to excavation
in the first year. Overall, some 2.8Mm3 of fill
and marine clay was taken from the site, ie
Theatre Retail about 800 trucks a day for two years!
Section B-B MICE area Casino area area area The development also required Arup to
engineer a 35m deep cut-and-cover tunnel
for the Downtown Line 1 (DTL1) extension
to Singapore Mass Rapid Transit rail next to
Deep OA valley the Benjamin Sheares Bridge, which links
35m thick the island’s east and west coasts and had to
remain operational throughout construction.
Site geology
The Marina Bay area has had several phases
of reclamation, the latest completed in the
mid-1990s. Most of the MBS development
Section C-C Hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel car park sits on this latest reclamation zone (Phase
tower 1 tower 2 tower 3 and cooling tower
VIII), while the eastern side is located within
the Phase VB reclamation zone, completed
in the late 1970s (Fig 1). Ground level across
Deep the site is generally flat at about +103m to
+103.5m, with the recorded groundwater
OA valley
15m thick
25m table at approximately +100.5m.
Continuously reinforced
7. diaphragm wall for DCS box
For energy efficiency, the Singapore
Due to the vicinity of the East Coast Government required MBS to incorporate
Parkway, innovative use of the peanut- a district cooling system (DCS), its plant
shaped diaphragm wall, without any housed in a deep reinforced box east of the
crosswall above excavation level, enabled theatre area (Fig 11). Shear walls constructed
unhindered bulk excavation of the with the DCS box enabled unhindered bulk
breakwater mole that had been buried excavation across the theatre area to the
during previous reclamation (Fig 7). west. Within the DCS box, the team used
partial “top-down” excavation within
Parts of the diaphragm walls of the two hotel minimum temporary strutting. The DCS box
cofferdams doubled as permanent hotel also doubled as a retaining structure for the
basement walls and loadbearing elements for deepest excavation in the DTL1 tunnel
the hotel towers. The remaining parts of where a deep valley of soft marine clay is
these walls, and both the 120m diameter present. As the theatre structures are isolated
8. cofferdam diaphragm walls, had to be from the rest of the development, the DCS
removed down to the excavation level by box has to permanently support the lateral
“wire cutting” them into liftable blocks loads from the ground to the east of the
before removal (Fig 8). DTL1 tunnel.
Top-down construction in the casino area The large shear forces to be transferred into
As the layer of soft marine clay is generally the underlying OA needed continuously
thinner in the northern part of the site, to reinforced diaphragm walls, and to achieve
create the four-level basement in the casino this support, three east-west shear walls were
area a top-down excavation method with constructed (Fig 12). Each is 1.5m thick and
minimum temporary props was used, in about 50m long, and comprises a series of
conjunction with a simultaneous top-down “male” (6.4m) and “female” panels (3.0m).
excavation in the adjacent DTL1 tunnel area. To ensure continuity, the shorter female
Retail area Casino area DTL1 Retail area Casino area DTL1
RL (m) L1 RL (m) L1
100 Sea Prop B2M 100 B2M
Sea B2
90 90
80 80
70 70
60 60
50 50
a) Excavate to basement B2M level and cast B2M slab with temporary prop. b) Partially excavate to B4 and complete B2 slab at retail.
Retail area Casino area DTL1 Retail area Casino area DTL1
RL (m) L1 RL (m)
100 Sea B2M 100 Sea
90 B4 90
80 80
70 70
60 60
50 50
Pier 21
N panels are cast with steel end plates on both N
t u nn
south abutment
2 DCS box
Managing the impact of excavation on the
3 DTL1 SMRT tunnel
4 Cooling tower Benjamin Sheares Bridge
Excavation within the deeper end of the
5 Benjamin Shears
12. DTL1 tunnel adjacent to the Benjamin 15.
Sheares Bridge (Fig 14) was carried out
using a stiff temporary strutted T-shape
diaphragm wall and the DCS box.
Inevitably, lateral ground movement would of deck
affect the bridge and calculations showed
that this would overstress the shear
connections between piers and deck. Deck
The existing fixed shear pins between the crossbeam
The basement structure was completed in
2009. Arup’s innovative approach to the 17.
excavation design in these difficult site and
time constraints set a benchmark for future
13. large-scale excavations both within
Singapore and elsewhere.
Pier 21
Pier 22
South abutment
MBS site
Unlike most high-rise towers, the primary
lateral stability demands on the MBS hotel
towers 1 and 2 are induced by gravity loads.
The dramatic curve of the eastern halves
creates overturning forces due to gravity
loads in the short direction that overshadow
those due to wind or notional loads.
The assumed material properties had to be
a) c) given particular attention, since these lateral
loads are permanent, not transient as is
usually the case with wind loads.
Elevator core walls
provide stability in
X-direction. The primary lateral system in the towers
consists of the reinforced concrete shear
Typical support wall
provides stability in
2. CAD model of complete MBS walls between the rooms and the concrete
Y-direction. structural framing. cores around the elevators. The walls and
Intermediate wall and
3. 3-D analysis models and cores provide stiffness in the short direction,
Z return walls with link structural system: while the cores and sway action between
beams for sloping leg a) ETABS models for checking the
stability in X-direction. overall stability of the hotel towers at
walls and slabs supply longitudinal
early stages of design; resistance (Fig 3).
b) GSA model for checking overall
stability of hotel tower, at transfer
of design from Arup Boston to
Arup Singapore;
3. c) CAD model of an early design
stage for the SkyPark (truss system).
4 X1 4
1 Angular rotation at
the top of the tower
Tower 3
2 Maximum on
elevation 9.
X2 3 Differential settlement
Y2 between straight
and curved wall
X3 Y3
Prop 3
Movement joint L1
Directional guided
Tower 1 bearing
Fixed bearing B3
L 1 = 30m (Tower 1)
The unique and complex geometry by which
all three 55-storey hotel towers splay out
towards their bases creates an equally unique
set of open spaces between them, with the
walls on the inner sides of the towers linking
these open spaces to form the grand Sands
Hotel atrium (Fig 1). This begins at a height
of approximately 20 storeys at tower 1
(south end), and angles down to around six
storeys at tower 3. Its width also decreases,
from approximately 40m in tower 1 to
2. 20m in tower 2 to 10m in tower 3.
The integrated design of the atrium was
aimed at ensuring the highest standards of
safety and comfort as well as a remarkable
aesthetic experience for guests of the Sands
Hotel. This article mainly focuses on the
structural design of the atrium walls.
(1) 5.
Tower 3
RHS transoms Horizontal CHS
transoms tied
by double rods
Horizontal RHS
A Atrium wall between towers 2 and 3 (west side). D Atrium wall between towers 2 and 3 (east side).
Tower 1
shear walls
Tower 1
shear walls
Tower 2 RHS transoms
Tower 2
transoms tied
by double rods
CHS braces
RHS transoms
T-shaped transoms
tied by double rods
B Atrium wall between towers 1 and 2 (west side). E Atrium wall between towers 1 and 2 (east side).
a) Box girder
Movement joint Truss
Steel frame with
columns at 10m c/c Steel frame with
columns at 10m c/c
4.65m/6.15m 4.65m/6.15m
4. 5.
Structural design The movement joint strategy (Fig 5) was to as implemented in Singapore. However,
The SkyPark consists of a steel frame with split the SkyPark into three zones that BS5950 does not include clauses to cover all
composite slab for flooring above towers 1 correspond to the hotel towers, and isolate of the relevant structural checks which had
and 2 (Fig 5). The bridge sections, spanning each portion laterally. The SkyPark elements to be carried out. Specifically, it requires that
over 50m between the towers, each comprise are fully articulated to allow for differential reference be made to BS5400: Part 32 for the
three longitudinal steel trusses, with cross- movement of the towers under gravity, wind design of longitudinally stiffened webs and
girder beams supporting the composite deck and seismic loads, and form the bridge compression elements, and so the design is
at approximately 4m centres. The central lift trusses already noted between the towers. referenced to BS5400-3.
cores of each hotel tower penetrate through While simply supported, the bridge bearings
the SkyPark to provide – in addition to are provided with special ties to hold each Additionally, BS5950 is not expected to
access for users – comprehensive lateral deck in place in the event of an earthquake. cover adequately restraint of compression
restraint through their connection to the steel flanges by U-frame action and design of
structure combined with the diaphragm Another significant challenge was to box girder support diaphragms. To achieve a
action of the composite slab. formulate a design that allowed for safe and safe and efficient design, verification of the
easy erection so high above the ground, and steel box girder thus follows BS5400-3
A major challenge was to cater for the this was achieved through a combination of as implemented in Singapore, with
natural movements of the towers upon which bridge and building technology. Though the modifications of the partial safety factor on
the SkyPark was to be supported, and this structural form of the SkyPark has more in design load (γfL) to BS5950 and the safety
was met through the design and construction common with typical bridge structures than factor on design resistance (γm) to BS5400.
of five distinct joined plates. with buildings, it was designed to BS59501
1 2 3 4 5 6
Column support
66.5m cantilever
6. 8.
The cantilever structure A 3-D analysis model was created in the To account for the flexibility of the shear
The most challenging aspect to the design OASYS GSA v8.2 program3 to model the wall supporting the SkyPark columns, their
team was the cantilever that extends 66.5m main steel structures over tower 3 and the supports were modelled as a spring with
and 200m above the ground from tower 3, cantilever (Fig 8), beam elements being used vertical stiffness equal to that of the shear
and much time and analytical effort was to model the steel girders and the cross- wall below.
spent by Arup’s bridge and dynamics members. For the longitudinal prestressed
specialists to understand its complex box girder, the element centre is offset to the A local finite element model using 2-D
behaviour under wind and human excitation centroid of the section such that the bending plate elements was created using Strand7
(dancing, etc). due to prestress eccentricity is incorporated. software4 to determine the load path and
local stress at the diaphragm and adjacent
The team considered several options for its Since a movement joint separates this web/flange panels (Figs 9, 10).
design (Fig 6), and finally chose a post- structure from the bridge section between
tensioned box girder solution. As a result, towers 2 and 3, the bridge section was Crossbeams and transverse stiffeners were
the cantilever’s structure comprises a pair of modelled separately and the reaction force also included in this model, while translation
variable depth box girders with longitudinal from it put back to this model for further and rotation restraints were calibrated with
stiffeners in both flanges and webs, and analysis. For simplicity, the upper deck the global GSA model. Tendons with
intermediate transverse web stiffeners. structure also was not included in this prestressed forces were modelled using
The maximum depth of the box girders is model (loading from the upper deck beam elements and offset from the top
10m at the end support from tower 3; structure is applied as a grid area load on flange, and loading at the crossbeams and
otherwise the box girders are generally this model for analysis). ends of the cantilever beam were extracted
3.55m deep (Fig 7). from the global GSA model and applied at
the corresponding location.
Base plate
Diaphragm Access
b) Vertical stress
from tendon
14. 15.
a programme of dynamic tests was carried issues, typical segments of approximately purposes, and then the main lift to the top of
out on 24-27 May 2010. This included 50 tonnes each were fabricated and the tower began the following day. Once it
measuring the modal properties of the delivered to site for assembly, and trial was fully raised, the section was slid into the
structure in addition to vibration response assembly of steel girders was carried out to designated position for final fixing.
measurements of individuals and groups confirm their configuration and geometry.
walking, jumping, and dancing (Figs 12-14). At the rate of 15m per hour for each lift, it
Erection took almost a whole day for each section to
These tests were also intended to give the Erection of the steelwork for the SkyPark be lifted and placed in position. After each
MBS Operations and other stakeholders the was completed at the end of December segment was lifted, a five-day interval
opportunity to experience the vibration 2009. To meet the challenge of the vertical ensued for fixings between the components,
levels and comment on their acceptability. lift, Arup bridge engineering experts measurements, tightening bolts, touching up
All were deemed positive and acceptable, contributed ideas from the conceptual design paintwork, etc, before the process began all
but it was recommended that use of the stage onwards. At workshops attended by over again with the next.
SkyPark cantilever for dancing events be the design and construction teams, team
carefully managed to ensure adequate members comprehensively discussed the Special arrangements were required for the
comfort levels. method and lifting procedure, along with main box girders, as the lift was paused at
numerous reviews of the method statement 60m above ground so as to align the eastern
Fabrication and proposal to ensure safe construction of box girder to the final orientation. This was
Steel plates varying in thickness from 6mm the SkyPark. due to the shape of the base of tower 3.
to 150mm were used for the structure. A movable lifting gantry was fixed at the
For the cantilever support, 1.2m diameter The six bridge trusses (each weighing secondary beams between the main box
columns with various wall thicknesses approximately 400 tonnes), two box girders girders, a method that is normally used in
– 30mm, 40mm, 50mm, and 63mm – were (each approximately 700 tonnes) and the bridge construction for lifting
purpose-designed. Normalised plates were cantilevered parts (six sections, each cantilevered elements.
bent with longitudinal welds to form the approximately 200 tonnes) were all
column geometry, and were subsequently assembled at ground level prior to the lift. Including temporary steelwork, over 7000
stress-relieved to meet the design Once assembled, each of these 14 major tonnes was hoisted 200m above ground in
requirements. To pre-empt possible logistical sections was then raised a few hundred 13 weeks, a great achievement for both the
millimetres above ground for monitoring design and construction teams.
17. 18.
Juan Maier Brendon McNiven
0 100m
MICE facility
View corridors
Technically challenging like every part of
the Marina Bay Sands development, three
separate long-span roofs enclose the podium
buildings: the casino, the theatres, and the
state-of-the-art Sands Expo and Convention
Center (MICE facility) (Figs 1, 2).
The canopies required pre-tensioning level of the dialogue with shop detailing firms and
The lightweight, tension-stayed canopies Macalloy bars so that under full dead and fabricators to obtain best practice advice on
(Fig 6) are also geometrically complex and superimposed dead load, there would be no preferred detailing and fabrication processes.
doubly curved. Fabricated steel box rafters, net downward deflection at the points where The team produced full 3-D models of the
up to 1m deep, form their ribs, with RHS the tension stays connect to the rafters. steel structures as a basis to beginning a shop
cross-members running transversely to The non-linear analysis model also drawing model that would later be issued as
provide lateral stability through moment- considered slenderness effects, and adjusted part of a construction set of documents to the
frame action. The rafters are in turn the elements’ stiffness in the model based on appointed fabricator/contractor. This same
supported by tension stays from a system the axial loads they attracted, thus permitting model was used for the analysis, design and
of Macalloy bars and carefully placed tall elastic buckling behaviour to be observed. documentation of 2-D drawings, and for
tubular masts. The largest canopy is nearly co-ordination and collaboration with the
as large as a soccer pitch, measuring 45m Secondly, the team undertook a full buckling architect and other consultants. All this was
x 90m in plan. analysis of all the critical load cases to critical, as it would have been nearly
determine the buckling load factors and impossible to develop, analyse/design or
At three locations along the retail corresponding buckling mode shapes. build structures with this level of complexity
promenade, the canopies are linked by These shapes could then be correlated to a with only 2-D documentation (Fig 7).
pedestrian footbridges of varying lengths. set of initial imperfections in the canopy
These are double tied arches, spanning up structure so as to determine moment Parametric modelling was also used to great
to 70m over the concrete podium structure. amplification factors and apply them to the advantage, especially during design
Their design was complicated by being results of the earlier non-linear analysis, development. Software such as Bentley’s
curved in plan; the tied arches on either side so as to evaluate the structure’s susceptibility GenerativeComponents enabled the roof
of each bridge have different spans, thus to buckling. The amplification factors used structures to be modelled with predefined
creating differential stiffness across the deck. were inversely proportional to the buckling variables to allow for future modifications
load factors and directly related to the where necessary. This parametric model
Since the canopies are extremely light and magnitude of initial imperfection represented could then be integrated into the 3-D design
flexible, they tend to exhibit non-linear by the buckled mode shapes. and documentation to permit rapid
behaviour, so elaborate analyses were carried modification of the geometry. With the
out. First, a full second-order non-linear 3-D integrated design and documentation parametric relationships already set up, the
analysis of the structure was undertaken, and An innovative aspect of this project was the new geometry could be easily incorporated
then used in combination with a custom-built integrated use of 3-D modelling in all facets into the existing structural analysis model.
software program, written specifically for of design, analysis and documentation. Any resulting changes in member section
these canopies. It iteratively determined the Early in the design, Arup began an open sizes, along with the new geometry, were
Bentley GenerativeComponents Bentley Structural TriForma This greatly saved time during erection as it
Parametric model Documentation model
avoided the need to find the centre of gravity
by trial and error on site. Erection clips, to
ensure the segments were aligned and fitted
precisely together, were also pre-welded on
to reduce erection time, and bolted
connections were used wherever possible.
Where welding was required, it was greatly
2-D documentation 3-D documentation speeded up through the use of FCAW
Fabrication (flux-cored arc welding). This needs only
model limited protection in windy environments –
a major concern at locations near the sea.
directly translated into 2-D and 3-D top and bottom points. A vertical custom jig 6. Completed canopies.
documentation. This innovative workflow permitted fit-up welds to align the masts, 7. 3-D design process.
saved much time in redrawing the model followed by sequence welding to complete 8. Tubular mast being fabricated.
each time a modification, either small or the sections. Additionally, the complex
large, was made. geometry also required special compound
and profile cutting of sections, heavy
Fabrication bending of tapered or curved members, and
In addition to the head start the fabricators implementation of cross stiffener plates
gained in their shop drawing workflow through boxed up sections.
process from the 3-D models, Arup also
prepared a schedule of both open and closed To meet the fast-track construction
section profiles for each of the members programme, 24-hour/day fabrication was
in the podium roof structures (ie I-section implemented, with continuous shifts of
vs circular hollow section profiles). dedicated fabrication manpower.
Fabricators could then choose the best These included engineers, supervisors,
profile type to maximise cost-effectiveness, fitters, welders, grinders, and QA/QC, NDT
procurement strategy, lead time, and (non-destructive test) and ITA (independent
fabrication process. For the complex inspection and testing agency) personnel. 8.
doubly-curved spine trusses, the fabricators All of this helped to achieve the highest
preferred hollow section profiles to open possible quality in the final product.
I-sections. Conversely, for the planar 2-D
CU and CD trusses that only curved in one Erection
direction, they favoured open I-section The fabricators spent much time pre-
profiles as being less expensive and having planning every work phase, so that the
shorter lead times than hollow sections. segments comprising the structure were as
easy as possible to handle, store, transport,
Given the extremely complex 3-D geometry, and install. They studied all possible site
innovative custom jigs were needed to access, storage space and cranage capacity
properly and accurately fabricate the before deciding how the segments would be
components. For the canopy structures, the sized, and transport companies were
masts required precise setting out so as to consulted over delivery routes that might
accurately define the 3-D location of their limit their dimensions. All were trial-fitted at
basement slab
N No-fines concrete perimeter
Bored pile
Perforated 150mm
25 Pipe perforated
35 unperforated pipe with
21 through rodding eye
18 11
(a) Pressure relief point. (c) Perforated pipes to perimeter gutter drain.
25 15 Hotels
Screw-down double-greased Manhole cover
18 sealed inspection cover
18 for rodding
Puddle flange Removable Lowest
15 screwcap basement slab
11 basement slab No-fines concrete
18 Excavation depths (m)
No-fines concrete
Area where underslab
Cased, minimum
drainage was constructed
200mm diameter
1. To well borehole Spacers
150mm perimeter
perforated gutter
pipe Approved
filter material 10m into Old
Alluvium layer
(b) Typical rodding eye detail. (d) Typical pressure relief well.
1. Underslab drainage location plan. 50mm blinding layer 1500g polythene Fine sand layer Realtex 15NW
2. Sub-systems forming the
underslab drainage system. 2.
The underslab drainage system was designed Normal maintenance is expected to keep the
to relieve the lowest basement slabs of uplift system in full working order. Should part of
water pressure, and thereby negate the need the underslab drainage system malfunction,
for hold-down tension piles. The system was however, the pressure relief points (Fig 2a)
installed in part of the south podium (the local to the affected area will automatically
north donut beneath some of the MICE overflow, alerting the owner to the problem
facilities), the north podium, the ArtScience before any structural damage occurs.
Museum, and the DCS (district cooling Flushing of the system by way of the
system) area (Fig 1). The differences in rodding eyes and the pressure relief wells
excavation depth are due to the range of would be carried out to restore the system its
basement levels across the site. The MBS full capacity. In the worst case scenario,
drainage system as constructed is the largest localised remedial works may be required.
of its type in Singapore.
The Sands Expo and Convention Center is
the southernmost element of the whole
Marina Bay Sands development.
More commonly known to the design team
as the meetings, incentives, conference and
exhibitions (MICE) facility, it can host up to
45 000 convention delegates in total, its
space able to accommodate a maximum of
2000 exhibition booths and 250 meeting
rooms. It can thus handle events of any size,
from an intimate meeting for 10 persons to
lavish presentations for up to 11 000 people.
The largest and most flexible meeting and
exhibition venue in Singapore, it contains
south-east Asia’s biggest ballroom (Fig 1)*.
1. Timing
Fronting the coastal area of the
development, MICE was required to be
one of the first MBS facilities to become
operational, despite being one of its largest.
The stipulated schedule for opening Phase 1
meant a very limited construction time,
beginning in early 2008 and extending to the
end of 2009 in time for the opening.
The casino is housed in the middle of the mechanical systems for the entire casino,
three major buildings on the podium, lying while levels B3 and B4 are used for vehicle
between the MICE facility to the south and parking as well as to house the tanks for
the theatres to the north. Its four-storey potable water and for fire-fighting (another 1.
reinforced concrete structure is supported part of Arup’s commission was the fire
by diaphragm walls and bored piles, and engineering design – escape, smoke control
the building also includes five levels of and fire compartmentation: see also the gaming room of the casino supports a
basement. The casino is immediately article on the fire engineering, pp68-71). network of 16 500 LED lights and over
bordered by retail areas to the west, by the 130 000 precision-cut Swarovski crystals.
primary and secondary view corridors on the Construction With a footprint of 520m2 and measuring
south and north sides respectively, and by The original proposed construction approximately 24.4m across and over 6m
Bayfront Avenue to the east (Fig 1). sequence was top down from level B2M, deep, this signature piece is one of the
enabling the basement levels to be built at largest installations of its kind anywhere in
Lateral stability is provided by frame the same time as the superstructure. the world, nestled snugly between the
action between the columns and beams; Foundation construction began in 2007 and finished ceiling above and a series of
this enabled large open spaces and flexible was completed in 2008, with “plunge in” decorative ceiling ribs below (Fig 3).
space usage without having to change the columns cast into bored piles that extend
positions of walls when programming the 40m into the Old Alluvium layer. Given the compressed construction schedule
use of the spaces. The large atrium in the of the project, the casino roof was erected
middle of the casino required floor openings After level B2M was cast, however, the and the ceiling ribs were being fabricated
up through four levels, and this continuous construction sequence was changed so as before the final configuration of the
large vertical void in the floor diaphragm to expedite the reinforced concrete works. chandelier had been established by the
had to be taken into account when designing The top-down construction below level B2M architect. Arup was thus tasked with
for lateral stability (Fig 2). was revised to allow for excavation to level form-finding the fabrication geometry of the
B4/B5 and level B3 constructed later. chandelier cable net and of analysing the
The floor-to-floor heights in the casino itself complex buckling behaviour of the
were different from those in the immediately Deviation of the “plunge in” columns had to chandelier’s compression ring to within
adjacent structures, due to the need for be initially considered on level B2M, and extremely tight tolerances.
higher headrooms there, and so the B2M consequently at level B4 once excavation
level was introduced as the main gaming had reached that level, and again at level B3 Arup’s in-house non-linear structural
level with most of the level B1 in the after formwork was carried out to that level. analysis solver, Oasys GSA GSRelax, was
ancillary areas being deleted. This, however, Pile deviation was considered at level B4, employed for the many hundreds of millions
made connections into the adjacent once piles were exposed and cut to correct of non-linear analysis iterations required to
structures difficult and also created cut-off levels. establish a fabricated geometry that, once
headroom issues. Beam depths had to be installed, would drape to within exacting
co-ordinated carefully so as to fulfil the Also, to increase speed of construction, tolerances between the finished ceiling
headroom requirements, with atypical single and double T-section precast units above and the decorative ribs below.
connection detailing being needed. were employed for the flooring. The building Once an acceptable geometry was thus
had to be completed in time for the planned determined, a suite of non-linear buckling
The amount of light emanating from above “soft” opening on 27 April 2010. analyses of the perimeter compression ring
alone would have been inadequate for the were then conducted to investigate the ring’s
large B2M gaming area below the atrium, so The casino chandelier robustness against buckling forces induced
individual trellises, designed by Arup, were Composed of an intricate weave of high by the cable net, establish an appropriate
provided at each gaming table, containing strength cables suspended from an system of lateral restraint from the casino
surveillance cameras and loudspeakers in undulating perimeter steel compression ring, roof to the ring, and enable final design and
addition to local lighting (Fig 3). the feature chandelier high above the main detailing of the ring and its support system.
2. 3.
stability for the theatres against soil load. into the theatres, and of internal noise and Construction of the theatres was undertaken
The internal box is a reinforced concrete vibration from them into surrounding areas, “outside-in”, the concrete shells being
shell for each theatre defining its shape. additional double structures with a minimum completed before the steel balconies were
The internal box transfers all gravity loads 50mm cavity between them were provided at begun. The shells were slender cantilevered
from the theatre to the ground, so that any the interface between theatre stage and structures with concrete piers integrated into
modifications to the internal theatre layout surrounding structure (Fig 3). them to provide temporary stability (Fig 5).
involved only checking gravity load, and did The verticality of the theatre shell walls
not affect the external podium structures and Theatre construction was stringently controlled so as to minimize
basement walls. Internally the Grand Theater and the Sands any adverse impacts from construction
Theater are very similar, each containing a tolerance on the subsequent steel balcony
The acoustic benefits of box-in-box partially raked auditorium floor and one truss installation.
construction are significant. One is that a balcony. The balconies are steel cantilevered
decoupled inner and outer structure reduces frames (Fig 4) with concrete decks for the A similar procedure was adopted for the
the transmission of vibrational energy that seating, while at the top of each building Cirque du Soleil theatre at the Venetian
could reradiate inside the theatre as airborne beneath the curving roof (see pp32-36) is the Macau (also an Arup project), and it proved
noise. Another is that the resilient air space 150mm thick composite slab that comprises to be very effective and efficient in terms of
between boxes greatly improves sound each theatre’s level 4. This accommodates time and construction logistics.
isolation from exterior noise. So as to limit the MEP plant room, and is supported by
transmission of outside noise and vibration 3.5m deep steel trusses.
2064 seats
a) Plan for lower promenade event. b) Elevation for lower promenade event.
Front seats:
649 seats
c) Plan for upper promenade event. d) Elevation for upper promenade event.
mpression ring
3-D modelling and coordination
The highly complex geometry of the lotus
shape led the design team to use parametric
modelling techniques for the structural steel
skeleton. Initially MSA developed a Rhino
model (Fig 7) to generate the surface
profiles, and then Arup used these surfaces
to develop a parametric model of the
steelwork centrelines using Bentley’s
GenerativeComponents software.
The substructure
As described in the earlier article on the
MBS excavation and foundation design
(pp12-15), huge cofferdams were used on
much of the site to facilitate bulk excavation
and minimise shoring in the difficult soil
environments. Among these was the 130m
diameter semi-circular cofferdam for the
ASM (Fig 11).
Maximum 350mm
Aluminium bracket
Aluminium standing seam roof assembly
13. Typical section of cladding
14. The egg-shell skin of the
completed ArtScience Museum.
15, 16. The 2011 exhibition
“Dalí: Mind of a Genius”.
15. 16.
Geotechnical challenges The constructed foundations were The foundation and excavation works were
The geology here generally comprises an compression load tested using the successfully completed in early 2010, and
approximately 15m-25m thick band of Statnamic method, which involves launching the general sequence of works may be
soft-to-firm marine/fluvial clay layer a reaction mass that weighs about 5% of the summarised as follows:
overlaying the Old Alluvium (OA) formation weight required for a conventional static
(see also pp12-15). Another consideration in load test. Conventional tension load testing • pile installation and testing of pile
the Pavilions’ location and founding was was carried out on the tubular piles and foundations
water level; following completion in 2008 of mini-piles. • circular cofferdam installation
the Marina Barrage across the Marina
Channel that feeds Marina Bay, the highest The Pavilion basements and connecting • dewatering within circular cofferdam
level in this reservoir area was 2.5m above submerged tunnels were constructed in the • linear cofferdam installation and
mean sea level. dry. For both Pavilions, dewatering to the excavation within circular cofferdam
seabed plus about 2m depth of bulk
The Pavilions and their connecting structures excavation was carried out within circular • dewatering and excavation within linear
are founded primarily on the underlying OA and adjoining linear cofferdams (Figs 3, 4). cofferdam
layer using open-ended driven tubular steel The latter extend from both Pavilions to the • construction of basement structure within
piles. It was anticipated that the foundations basement retail areas in the podium, and circular and linear cofferdams
would be subject to compression loads house the cast in situ access tunnels.
during construction but to permanent uplift • forming of opening in circular cofferdam
forces during operation, so at areas where The circular cofferdams were extended to enable structural connection of the
higher uplift forces were expected, mini- through the soft marine clay to found on the access tunnels and Pavilion basements
piles were constructed at the toes of the underlying alluvial sand, with radial lateral • basement construction completion and
tubular piles to increase tension capacity. restraint provided by circular steel section temporary works removal.
Due to the tight construction programme, waler beams installed prior to the
the foundations were subjected to the full dewatering. After dewatering, bulk
uplift forces prior to completion of the excavation towards the centre of the circular
Pavilion superstructures. cofferdams was carried out. Allowance was
made in their design for anticipated closing
in during initial dewatering, to bear against
the restraining ring waler beams.
Pavilion roofs
With the Pavilion façades tilting 20° from
the vertical in different directions, and the
two roofs on each Pavilion having
completely different gradients, the structures
have an inevitable tendency to lateral
movement. This imposed big design and
construction challenges, even taking into
account the effect of self-weight. To achieve
the high transparency that the name “Crystal
Pavilion” implies, the Arup team decided to
support the decorative outer frames with
lightweight steelwork (Fig 5), and provide
the lateral stability with prestressed
Macalloy ties.
600mm 84˚
thick plate
10mm thick
end plate
15mm 15mm
thick plate thick plate
0.8m diameter x
19mm thick pile
10. 11.
Maximum resonant
response factor: 10.0
Bayfront Avenue runs through the heart of enabling the movement of manpower and
MBS, separating the hotel towers and materials around the site, it also functioned
podium structures (Figs 1, 4). The Avenue as a working platform/temporary support for
links the new resort not only with its other areas, eg the SkyPark steelwork was
Bayfront Avenue and immediate surroundings, but also with other assembled on top of it. The structure below,
developments like Gardens by the Bay and the future Bayfront Station, was then
Downtown Line 1 the Marina Bay Financial Centre, forming a constructed after the ground slab was cast.
further element in the Marina South area’s
Author complete road network. Parts of the DTL1 extension cut-and-cover
Brian Mak tunnels were constructed by the bottom-up
The new road opened to traffic on 25 April method. Soil is excavated to the required
2010, enabling bus, taxi and other vehicular depth, and then casting of the concrete
access to the resort. An underground link to progresses upwards until the roof of the
the SMRT network is also being added, with structure is completed.
the inclusion of Bayfront Station as part of
Singapore’s Downtown Line 1 (DTL1) Extensive co-ordination between the design
development, being constructed here beneath team and the local authority was needed
Bayfront Avenue (Figs 2, 3). This station, concerning the interface between Bayfront
which opened on 14 January, 2012, now Station and MBS. Detailed structural
interfaces with the Shoppes, the Sands Expo analyses were performed to ensure that any
and Convention Center, and the Sands Hotel, deflections in the diaphragm walls would
so as to provide even easier public access to have no adverse effects on those parts of the
and from the area (Fig 6 overleaf). DTL1 that were already constructed, and the
planned excavation sequence was adhered to
Bayfront Avenue was built by the top-down strictly to avoid any adverse impacts to
method (Fig 5 overleaf), and the structure either the resort or the station structure.
played an important role in the early
construction stages as it formed the heart and A major constraint on the tunnel construction
linkage for all the other areas. As well as was the existing Benjamin Sheares Bridge,
which carries an eight-lane cross-Singapore
arterial route that here runs adjacent to the
District cooling
system (DCS) plant
Crystal Varies
Pavilion Theatres
Sheares Bridge
Crystal TBM (tunnel boring
Pavilion machine) shaft
Cooling towers at
Sands ground level
A Vehicle ramp SECTION A-A
Vehicle ramps overpass the
tunnels, connecting the
development on both sides
Alignment B
Alignment A1 & A2
90 90 90
80 80 80
70 70 70
60 60 60
50 50 50
a) Install piles, diaphragm walls and top-down slabs. b) Complete casino and retail above the DTL1 tunnel alignment. c) Continue hotel and DTL1 excavations with temporary props.
90 90 90
80 80 80
70 70 70
60 60 60
50 50 50
d) Complete hotel basement and DTL1 excavation. e) Commence DTL1 tunnel boxes bottom-up and backfill. f) Complete DTL1 tunnel boxes.
• the east-west view corridors between the Glass sources from all around the world
MICE, casino, and theatre blocks of the were considered, but as with all projects
podium, to provide good views of the city there were budget constraints, and eventually
• the retail mall, giving views of the the many types of glass used were all
promenade as well as the city beyond sourced from Asian factories. During the
study period and on into procurement and
• the west-facing hotel rooms, again to give
The façade systems views of the city
production, numerous inspections of glass
factories were necessary, and as a result
• the atria between the hotel blocks, which Arup is now very familiar with fabricators
Authors throughout Asia. In many parts of the
Russell Cole Mac Tan Alex Wong needed to have a light and airy feel.
building some of the latest high-performance
To enable these views, high light glass was used. Other areas of high
transmission was needed, with avoidance transparency required low iron glass – sand
of tinted glass so as to give good colour with low iron content avoids the tendency to
Introduction a green tint of normal clear glass.
rendition. This resulted in less areas for
The building envelopes of Marina Bay Sands
insulation which, coupled with the use of
are a fundamental part of the project’s Hotel glass curtain walls and
clear glass, implies the consumption of
architectural definition. Arup’s façade team glass fin design
greater amounts of energy. Also, concerns
covered the entire development, ranging The west-facing orientation of the hotel
had to be met about night-time views in
over several zones with multiple types of towers created an issue of thermal comfort
these areas, especially concerning the
façade, and working with the architect, the during afternoons. Safdie Architects’ design
rooms at the Sands Hotel.
other design disciplines, and the client incorporated vertical glass fins to express the
project managers to develop and refine the Energy performance building shape and complex curvature of the
design intent for these various façade types. Singapore has strict requirements on the towers, with preference for frameless glass
amount of solar and ambient energy flowing with exposed edges. Arup was tasked to
Arup subsequently provided engineered design and achieve these aesthetic
into a building. The maximum amount of
design intent drawings, and performance requirements, with the following challenges:
energy permitted is deemed to comprise the
specifications for a design-and-build
total of the thermal flows through the solid
tender contract. This also covered design • Typically, vertical glass fins in façades
areas and the glazed areas, and the solar
development and co-ordination with align with the supporting mullions, but
transmission through the vision areas.
façade contractors, reviewing of all here the fins do not; this constraint forced
Normally this is calculated across the whole
submissions, and other façade activities the Arup design to provide support on the
of a building, but in the present case MBS
that stemmed from testing through transoms (see also p22)
was considered as two buildings – the hotels
fabrication to installation.
and the podium block. • The fins do not align consistently with any
The façades were grouped into five broad façade element, as the hotel towers taper
Highly transparent areas tend to let in in elevation. The fins are spaced every 6m
packages – the hotel towers, the podium
more energy, even if high-performance from the top of the towers (level 55); this
structures, the ArtScience Museum, the
solar coatings are used (the most advanced gap reduces down to 5m at level 5 (Fig 1).
Crystal Pavilions, and “others” – but several
of which do have an impact on light
key common factors ran throughout. • The architect’s intention was for the
transmission), so areas of high energy
transmission had to be balanced with lower glass fins to be supported only at the top
Common issues and bottom, spanning the height from
performance areas. These calculations were
Architectural intent used throughout the design process to floor to floor.
Safdie Architects had a clear vision for the inform where transparency targets could • The architect wanted to express the
form and appearance of MBS, and the be achieved. In the end, careful tuning of curvature of the towers in the fins
façades were a critical aspect of this vision. the glass selection cross-checked with themselves, so that they would be
However, the programme, budget, and many the ETTV (envelope thermal transfer 1200mm wide at the top and bottom of
different performance requirements had to value) calculations. the buildings and gradually taper to
be met. This being the case it was crucial, 600mm in the middle.
given the scale of the project, that a pallet of Glass selection
materials and façade systems be developed A very detailed study of glass types was • The fins had to be made more visible by
that would impart a strong sense of cohesion carried out, with regard for the different using a more reflective glass than that used
and a consistent appearance, as well as roles the glazing would have in the various for the curtain wall glazing, thus forcing
simplify procurement and construction. areas of MBS. Factors that had to be taken the glass for the fins to exceed Singapore
statutory requirements.
8. 9.
A large gantry system on tracks ensured ease View corridor walls The west-facing wall of the southern view
of installation access, at a fast rate that The conditions of the land sale included corridor running between the MICE and
would meet the programme, and ensuring sightlines that needed to be maintained casino blocks is oblique to the axis of the
safety during the operation. through the development. To this end the corridor and so is 52m wide. The wall sits
architect envisaged the creation of view between the promenade level and the bridge
Balustrading for the SkyPark observation corridors dividing the elements of the at the end of the 20m high view corridor.
deck had of course to meet rigorous safety podium block, with highly transparent walls As this wall frames the view of the main
requirements, and to achieve this, heat- at the ends each view corridor arcades. CBD of Singapore from this focal point of
strengthened Sentry Glas® laminated glass These were achieved in two principal ways. the retail spaces, here again a particularly
was again used. transparent structure was needed –
Firstly the façades team developed a a challenge, given the dimensions of the
The Bayfront façade lightweight structural support system that whole wall.
A range of different façades and podium minimized the size and density of the
building entrances face Bayfront Avenue structural elements. Secondly, highly The final scheme uses a set of vertical steel
(Fig 4, p61). At the southern end the glazing transparent glass was specified. This area mullions stabilised against the wind by a
forms the ground level colonnade to the was given priority for the use of low iron cable net (Figs 7-8). The inward wind
exhibition spaces, which then transitions into glass that increased visible light transmission pressures are resisted by a box cable behind
the southern view corridor and the casino, even though it meant a lower thermal the vertical mullion, whereas the outward
and finally the northern view corridor and insulation performance. To compensate, suctions pull against two levels of horizontal
the theatres. the double-glazing used in other areas of cables that span the width of the wall and are
the podium has less transparency and anchored to the concrete structures of the
Here the simplest form of the horizontal better thermal performance. MICE and casino blocks. Similar structural
glazing system is used, comprising systems were used for the smaller view
horizontal steel T-sections with aluminium In developing such a highly transparent corridor walls facing Bayfront Avenue.
glazing adapters fixed to the front face. structure the first objective was to use the
The double-glazed units are then clamped to largest spacing between supports: glass
the horizontal T-sections. There are no steel sheets 2.6m high x 3.7m wide with supports
or aluminum glazing sections running only along the horizontal edges. Small
vertically, with only a simple glass-to-glass transoms were used to take the load to the
seal. Stainless steel hanger bars stop the 9m major steel vertical elements at the ends of
steel horizontals from sagging. the glass panels.
Introduction and design philosophy The fire safety strategy had to involve as
Marina Bay Sands, with its iconic design, stakeholders the parent company Las Vegas
stature and location, inevitably posed a Sands (LVS) and its insurance brokers, as
challenge in its fire and life safety design. well as Singapore Civil Defence Force
Fire engineering The large populations in the casino and the
Sands Expo and Convention Center, the
(SCDF) as the local authority having
jurisdiction. As an international company
Authors multiple basement floors (down to a fourth with significant overseas presence, LVS
André Lovatt Ruth Wong level in places), and the compacted “jigsaw” has corporate guidelines for critical fire
of different components into a single safety systems for all its properties,
building, all made MBS in fire engineering whether in the US, Macau, or Singapore.
terms “an interesting building to work on”. Insurance brokers similarly have their own
standards relating to acceptable products
and design standards to minimise risk and
losses to insured businesses and properties.
As for statutory approvals, the SCDF
planning approvals department – the Fire
Safety and Shelter Department (FSSD) –
has jurisdiction and oversees fire and life
safety compliance approvals.
* An insurance industry term, meaning the worst loss likely to occur because of a single event. The Arup Journal 1/2012 69
In October 2011 Arup was recognised at the inaugural
National Fire and Civil Emergency Preparedness
Council (NFEC) Fire Safety Design Excellence Awards
2011, for its “outstanding work” on Marina Bay Sands.
practice for fire precautions in buildings 2007. SCDF,
International building code. ICC, 2000.
NFPA 13. Standard for the installation of sprinkler
systems. NFPA, 2007.
NFPA 101. Life safety code. NFPA, 2006.
NFPA 92A. Standard for smoke-control systems
utilizing barriers and pressure differences. NFPA, 2009.
Success indicators Acoustic design embodied the importance of Build like Singapore: Understanding how
Successful acoustic outcomes for most the project to Singapore, with acoustic Singapore has transformed itself in 40
projects are often difficult to define. quality taking a strategic “front-and-centre” years leads to respect for its business
If the design solution provides the intended position to help shape the design rather than environment and unique construction
experience for patrons, it is rarely noticed merely react to it. Design progress also had culture. Successful design should always
because it simply feels right. Further, there is to anticipate the potential impacts of anticipate the locale where it will be built.
nothing to see that proves that it works. procurement and construction practices Providing acoustic design guidance required
It just does. unique to Singapore. acceptance of the often counter-intuitive
building process in Singapore – different
MBS has multiple points of success. Project strategy from how a large-scale resort would be
Most are not obvious, but the challenges The primary goal was to ensure that patrons’ constructed elsewhere.
overcome manifest themselves as successful experience was world-class. Standardised
technical design, professional collaboration, objective metrics of acoustic quality can Right – right now: The density of patron
and the gestation of a significant cultural demonstrate that design targets are achieved, activities for a full amenity resort juxtaposes
shift. Awareness of the importance of but personal subjective response is the competing requirements for acoustic
acoustic comfort is a significant change in singular determinant. Simply put, acoustic experience. All design elements – be they
the quality-of-life improvements that support quality manages noise disturbance and architectural, structural, mechanical,
Singapore’s burgeoning stature as an enhances desired sounds to create an transportation, or building operations –
international destination for business and effortless and natural sensory experience. potentially conflict with acoustic comfort.
leisure pursuits. While most other Arup teams had been full Exponential design streams meant extracting
time on the project from July 2006, the the turbulent flow of information throughout,
The sheer size and scale of MBS has helped acoustics team commenced work that and this required forensic yet immediate
position Arup’s acoustic practice as one of December. To avoid an already advanced design input that would streamline design
the premier design consultancies in design strategy forcing any acoustic fait co-ordination rather than complicate it.
Singapore. A fledgling group in the accompli, the following strategies became
Singapore office in early 2006, the local the cornerstones of project progress. Design process
acoustics team was initially formed to build
Testing assumptions
upon two projects already in progress for the Protect the architecture: The architectural
Acoustic design is often more challenging
Australasian acoustics practice: Genexis themes embodied in Safdie Architects’
for sophisticated architecture that embodies
Theatre and Singapore School of the Arts. design expressed a belief about what
a highly visual aesthetic. Acoustic outcomes
experiencing the resort should be like.
can’t be seen – even poor acoustic quality
Responding to the demands of three large, As a significant environmental factor,
photographs well. Singapore’s increasing
sophisticated, and technically challenging acoustic design needed to respect that belief,
population, combined with accelerated
projects was beyond the logistics of what and be integral to realising the functionality
economic growth, has led to greater
was initially a four-person local team, so the embedded in the form. In particular, the
tolerance of acoustic pollution, so there was
support of acoustics colleagues in Australia, speed of project delivery meant a duality of
little precedent locally to counter ingrained
the UK, and the US became a distinct acoustic design co-ordination between
assumptions about acoustic quality and how
advantage. In addition to working with the architectural developments with the Safdie
it could be achieved. Fortunately, both LVS
local Singapore and Hong Kong team in Boston, and procurement, detailing,
and Safdie Architects had a distinctly more
multidisciplinary teams, the international and implementation methods by the Aedas
contemporary perspective on acoustics and
acoustics team worked non-stop for the team in Singapore.
what it meant to this resort’s successful
first six months – truly 24/7 – so that
realisation. To be world-class in every
co-ordination and design guidance could Think like Las Vegas: LVS’s business
possible way, acoustic design had to support
happen simultaneously in the US with model is extraordinarily successful because
and even safeguard the greater aspirations of
client Las Vegas Sands (LVS) and Safdie it combines understanding what appeals to
the architecture.
Architects, and in Singapore with Aedas the patrons with surgical efficiency in
and the local MBS client body. getting monumental venues built quickly.
Arup’s role was to embed acoustic design
Aligning design delivery by understanding
considerations as a highly visible and
the client’s drivers for success as the world’s
integral element in the process of design and
leading destination resort developer led to a
co-ordination. Often, strategic planning is
constant focus on acoustic recommendations
the most effective method of noise control
tested by first-cost practicality creating
for a multi-dimensional project.
durable value.
MPa MPa strain
42.60 -23.85 0
45.85 -22.83 0.2
49.10 -21.81 0.4
52.35 -20.79 0.6
55.60 -19.77 0.8
58.85 -18.57 1.0
62.10 -17.73 1.2
65.35 -16.71 1.4
68.61 -15.69 1.6
71.86 -14.67 1.8
75.11 -13.65 2.0
78.36 -12.63
81.61 -11.61
84.86 -10.59
1. 2.
Blast-resilient design particular interest are facilities that are likely and Arup recommended measures which
to attract mass gatherings, as these could be were then introduced into the base design
Author considered a target to some terrorist groups. to “harden” the structure and façade to
Peter Hoad So when the MBS integrated resort project overcome the vulnerabilities identified and
was first mooted, MHA advised of its thus afford better protection to the occupants
requirement that the facility be designed of the building.
with special consideration for the protection
of its inhabitants in the case of a terrorist Blast analysis to assess (and upgrade) blast
Marina Bay Sands has effectively changed event in or nearby. resilience of the façade and structure
the shape of Singapore. Its iconic form and
included use of:
the amenities provided, adjacent to the Arup was engaged by the Marina Bay Sands
central business district, are attracting a owning/operating company, through the • limited issue military-derived software
significant range of visitors, including many local project architect, Aedas, to provide a
local residents, visitors, and dignitaries from • Arup-developed single degree of freedom
threat and vulnerability risk assessment.
within and outside the country. It is not just analysis software
This considered several terrorist threats
a casino, or hotel, or entertainment centre. that had been defined by the MHA. • sophisticated 3-D, non-linear analysis
It is all these and far more. With its diverse On completion of the assessment, Arup software.
entertaining, learning and accommodation undertook a detailed study of the designed
facilities in a very open and public site, form of the resort to ascertain its resilience Output from the Arup resilience, security
the integrated resort is drawing people from blast loading, based on potential scenarios and risk team was combined with input
all walks of life for a multitude of reasons. included in its threat and vulnerability risk from the numerous other Arup designers
assessment and agreed with the MHA. from the structural engineering and façade
Singapore’s Ministry of Home Affairs engineering teams to deliver a fully
(MHA) takes an active interest in the safety As a result of this study, particular integrated blast-resilient design facility,
and security of the country’s people, and of vulnerabilities were identified in the in accordance with the requirements of
proposed building structure and façade, the MHA.
Rarely does a project need the global reach client team. Decision-making was rapid and
of an organisation to be fully engaged. concepts were finalised using virtual
However, delivering Marina Bay Sands prototypes and physical models. Key to the
required Arup to draw deeply upon its global process was concurrency and the ability to
skills and bring expertise to bear from all feed back development between teams on a
over the globe. In terms of sheer scale the daily basis. Globally-connected file servers
conceptual undertaking was enormous, with meant that real-time information was
billions of dollars of construction to be available to all as and when required.
delivered in less than two years. Manpower
was a key strategic resource and each region Six months saw the conclusion of all 2011
did its part in shouldering the load. schematic design and the team relocated MARINA
to Singapore where the site clearing had BAY SANDS
While Arup’s Singapore practice had already commenced. Advanced BIM
delivered significant infrastructure projects, modelling was leveraged for the design,
Singapore as a country to work in was new with massive models defining the built
to nearly all the Arup staff involved from works in an ever-changing environment.
other regions, and the design conceived by In Singapore the team swelled to over
Safdie Architects was complex. However, 80 design professionals, supported by about
pre-existing knowledge of the client Las the same number of on-site inspection staff.
Vegas Sands’ requirements from the East
Asia region’s experience on the Macau As designs approached completion,
casinos on the Cotai strip provided an specialist expertise was mobilised from
invaluable jump start. London, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane,
Shenzhen, Manila, South Africa, the USA
Knowledge of client preference for structural and beyond. Advanced dynamics, façade,
systems enabled scheming to commence acoustics, fire engineering, traffic,
from day one, even before the architectural structural, civil, geotechnics, security risk 2008
concepts were laid out on butter papers. and resilience advice – all were much in Singapore
Arup’s Hong Kong team mobilised with demand across the project. Flyer
lighting speed, marshalling resources, This elegant and
lightweight structure
reinforcing the local Singapore practice, Arup had been involved in major Singapore pioneered major
and co-ordinating with the concept team in projects for 40 years, but Marina Bay Sands innovations in the
2001 design of giant
Boston. Senior leaders relocated at a was unprecedented, testing and challenging observation
Expo MRT wheels.
moment’s notice and in just a few weeks a the firm’s ability to deliver world-class
fully capable design team was operating with engineering on a massive scale.
the best resources from Singapore, East Asia, To judge from the success so far The station’s
Australia, and the USA. of the end-product, it proved titanium roof
creates a
equal to the challenge. column-free
Design activities split across the globe. platform to
In Boston, the local office combined with the Bring on the next one. large numbers of
New York team to scheme the above-ground
elements, working side-by-side with the 1999
Safdie office. In Singapore, Singapore
conceptualisation of the in-ground works Expo
moved ahead with breakneck speed, to This was voted as
one of Asia’s best
enable early commencement of the purpose-built event
venues for its
excavations. Technology enabled rapid 1992 economically
communication between global sites, with UOB Plaza efficient design.
The Arup Journal 1/2012 79
Issue 1 2012