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DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet

Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)




MCQ/ OBJECTIVE- [30 Marks]

UT- [30 Marks]
MCQ- [10 Marks]
ACTIVITY - [5 Marks]

UT- [30 Marks]
MCQ- [10 Marks]
ACTIVITY - [5 Marks]

MCQ- [20 Marks]


DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)


: Comprehension
SECTION - A  Passage
 Poem

SECTION - B :  Paragraph Writing

 Story Writing
 Informal Letter Writing
 Message Writing

SECTION - C :  Tenses (all)

 Adjectives (Types and Degrees of
 Pronouns
 Active and Passive Voice
 Suffix and Prefix,
 Vocabulary exercises (1- 9)
 Proverbs (P1- P18)
SECTION - D : Unit – 1 One World
 Heal the World
 Saving My Friend, Ellen
 Where The Mind Is Without Fear (poem)
Unit – 3 A Laugh Riot
 Counting the Stars
 Henry: A Chameleon
Unit – 4 Creatures Big and Small
 The World in a Wall.
 My Mother Saw a Dancing Bear (poem)

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)


SECTION - A : Comprehension
 Passage
 Poem

SECTION - B :  Paragraph Writing

 Story Writing
 Informal Letter Writing
 Diary Entry
 Formal Letter Writing
 Notice Writing
 Message Writing

SECTION - C :  Tenses (all)

 Adjectives (Types and Degrees of
 Pronouns
 Adverbs
 Determiners
 Articles
 Conjunctions
 Active and Passive Voice
 Direct and Indirect Speech
 Suffix and Prefix
 Vocabulary Enhancement (1- 17)
 Proverbs (P1- P30)
SECTION - D : Unit – 2 The Growing Years
 Granny‟s Fabulous Kitchen
 Understanding Adolescence
Unit – 5 Hullo, Mr. Ghost!
 Sir Lawley‟s Ghost
Unit – 6 Building Bridges
 On Being Sarah
Unit – 7 Pictures of the Past
 Salim‟s Song
 Christopher Columbus

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

 Books :-
Communicate in English – Ratna Sagar
New Grammar Plus – Ratna Sagar
Literature Reader – Around the World in Eighty Days- Jules Verne


DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)


Module : (01)

(i) Main Course Book: Unit 3- A Laugh Riot
 Counting the stars
(ii) Literature Reader: Around the World in Eighty Days
Chapter: 1 & 2
(iii) Language: Tenses - Simple Present, Present Progressive,
Present Perfect, Present Perfect Progressive
 Grammar Plus: Pg. 93- 97
(iv) Vocabulary Enhancement- 1
(v) Proverb- P1, P2

Learning Objectives:
(i) To facilitate oral exercise and test the spoken skills of the learners.
(ii) Exposure to a wide variety of reading styles to provide practice in reading skills.

Language Skills
(i) Revision of types of tenses with the learners based on their previous knowledge.
Grammar exercises based on the tenses done.
(ii) Grammar Plus exercises as class work and for practice.
Speaking Skills
(i) Introduction to the unit through class room discussion on the theme.
(ii) Warm up activity as group work and filling information about the topic.
Listening Skills
(i) Model reading of text for understanding and appreciating the theme of the lesson
– In Serengeti
Suggested Reading:
(i) An Island of Trees – Ruskin Bond
(ii) A Wild Elephant at Camp – Anupama Mohorkar

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

Module : ( 02)

(i) Main Course Book: Unit 3- A Laugh Riot
Henry: A Chameleon
(ii) Language: Tenses – Simple Past, Past Progressive, Past Perfect,
Past Perfect Progressive
(iii) Grammar Plus: Pg. 98- 100
(iv) Writing Skill: Paragraph Writing
(v) Literature Reader: Around the World in Eighty Days
Chapter: 3
(vi) Vocabulary Enhancement- 2
(vii) Proverb- P3, P4
Learning Objectives:
(i) To practice reading skills both intensive and extensive.
(ii) To learn and use a writing skill creatively.
(iii) Spoken language used by learners to facilitate their speaking skills.
Methodology and Activities:
Reading Skills
(i) Learn relevant information from the text. Close reading facilitated through prose
extracts based on similar theme and newspaper articles.
Spoken Skills
(i) Reinforced through classroom discussion.
Writing Skills
(i) Creative writing activity – Original composition on a given theme
(ii) Reference to context exercise based on the text.
Vocabulary Development
(i) Dictionary work of new terms learnt, usage of antonyms.
(i) Recap of simple tense forms through exercises. Exercises on continuous forms –
fill in the blanks, conversion of sentences etc.
Suggested Reading:
(i) An Island of Trees – Ruskin Bond
(ii) Haroun and the Sea of Stories – Salman Rushdie

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

Module : (03)
(i) Main Course Book: Unit 1 – One world
Heal the World
(ii) Language: Tenses – Simple Future, Future Progressive,
Future Perfect, Future Perfect Progressive
(iii) Grammar Plus: Pg 100- 101
(iv) Literature Reader: Around the World in Eighty Days
Chapter: 4 & 5
(v) Vocabulary Enhancement- 3
(vi) Proverb- P5, P6

Learning Objectives:
(i) Reading skills of learners to be consolidated through silent reading and model
reading of poem in class.
(ii) Spoken skills of learners tested and updated through various exercises
facilitating self expression.
(i) Listening to the model reading of the poem for stress, intonation and to enjoy
the poem.
(ii) Written work through class exercises and assignments on the chapters.
(iii) Language skill enhanced through exercises on perfect tense form.
(iv) Grammar Plus exercises as class work and for practice.

Suggested Reading:
In Search of Water Dalip M. Salvi
Mr Sun Takes a Holiday

Module : (04 & 05)

(i) Main Course Book: Unit 4- Creatures Big and Small
The World in a Wall
(ii) Writing Skill: Story Writing
(iii) Language: Adjectives (Types & Degrees)
Grammar Plus: Pg 55- 61
(iv) Literature Reader: Around the World in Eighty Days
Chapter: 6 & 7

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

(vi) Vocabulary Enhancement- 4 & 5

(vii) Proverb- P7, P8, P9, P10

Learning Objectives
(i) Spoken skills of the learners consolidated through activity; Discussion, group
reading and loud reading.
(ii) Discussion for oral practice and presentation of ideas.
(iii) Written work for improving expression and style of writing.
(iv) Listening skills enhanced through model reading and oral exercises.
(i) Silent reading of the text in the class.
(ii) Discussion on the content of the chapter. Oral comprehension exercise based on
Writing Skill (Creative Writing)
(i) To write a short story based on guidelines within a prescribed word limit.
Language Skills
(i) Learning usage and application of „adjectives‟ through examples. Focus on the
various types of adjectives.
Exercises and Grammar Plus to be done as class work.
Suggested Reading
(i) All Creatures Great and Small – James Herriot
(ii) Animal Farm - George Orwell

Module : (06)
(i) Main Course Book: Unit 4- Creatures Big and Small
My Mother Saw a Dancing Bear (poem)
(ii) Literature Reader: Around the World in Eighty Days
Chapter: 8 & 9
(ii) Language: Adjective Phrases, Suffix, Similes
(iii) Grammar Plus: Pg 61-63
(iv) Vocabulary Enhancement- 6
(v) Proverb- P11, P12

Learning Objectives
(i) To practice reading and listening skills for effective communication.

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

(ii) Reading extensively to consolidate reading skills, areas of skimming and

scanning to be focused.
(iii) Corresponding written work based on reading and listening activities for

Writing Skills:
(i) Practice of writing skills through written work on the text. Short textual
Reading skills:
(i) Silent reading activity for enjoyment of the text.
(ii) Loud reading for oral comprehension
Speaking skills
(i) Debate on the theme of „Man‟s Insensitive Attitude Towards Animals.‟
(i) Fill in the blanks, conversion of sentences and writing a short comparative study
based on visual aid.
(ii) Assignment on the topic.
Suggested Reading:
(i) My Family and Other Animals – Gerald Durrell

Module : (07)
(i) Main Course Book: Unit 1- One World
Saving My Friend Ellen
(ii) Language: Pronouns
(iii) Grammar Plus: Pg 43-54
(iv) Writing skills: Informal letter
(v) Literature Reader: Around the World in Eighty Days
Chapter: 10 & 11
(vi) Vocabulary Enhancement- 7
(vii) Proverb- P13, P14

Learning Objectives:
(i) To practice reading and listening skills for effective communication.

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

(ii) Use pronouns appropriately.

(iii) Fine writing to express ideas in a simple lucid style and to practice various
forms of writing skills.

Methodology and Activities

Speaking Skills
(i) Group discussion in class. Brain storming activity to stimulate interest in the
Writing Skills
(i) Letter writing (Informal) – Learners are taught the format of a letter. They also
learn the difference between a formal and an informal letter.
(i) Exercises based on Pronouns given in Grammar Plus to be attempted as
written class work.
Suggested Reading
(i) War and Peace – Leo Tolstoy

Module : (08)
(i) Main Course Book: Unit 1- One World
Where the Mind is Without Fear (poem)
(ii) Language: Active & Passive Voice, Prefix
(iii) Grammar Plus: Pg 103-109
(iv) Literature Reader: Around the World in Eighty Days
Chapter 12 & 13
(v) Vocabulary Enhancement- 8
(vi) Proverb- P15, P16
(vii) Writing Skill: Message Writing

Learning Objectives:
(i) To achieve and enjoy the correct tone and manner of the poem and to assess
its style.
(ii) To be exposed to different styles of writing.
(iii) Spoken skills of learners tested and updated through various exercises
facilitating self expression.

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

Reading Skills
(i) The poem will be read loudly and learners will later read it in the same tone
and manner.

Speaking Skills
(i) Group discussion on the theme / content of the poem.
Writing Skills
(v) Reference to context exercise as written class work and question answers on
the poem.
(i) Identifying the errors in the use of pronouns.
(ii) Use of determiners – Fill in the blanks, Multiple-choice questions,
(iii) Assignments on the language item.
Suggested Reading
(i) Geetanjali – Rabindranath Tagore

Module : (09)

Module : (10)

(i) Main Course Book: Unit – 2- The Growing Years.
Understanding Adolescence
(ii) Language Adverbs
(iii) Grammar Plus: Pg 122-129
Punctuation, Correcting spellings
(iv) Literature Reader: Around the World in Eighty Days
Chapter 14 & 15
(v) Vocabulary Enhancement- 10
(vi) Proverb- P17, P18

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

Learning Objectives
(i) To reinforce the skill of speaking fluently and presenting ideas in a clear and
coherent manner.
(ii) Corresponding written work based on reading, listening activities for
(iii) To learn and use a writing skill creatively.

Speaking and Listening Skills

(i) Brain storming session in classroom to initiate learners‟ response to the theme
of „The Growing Years‟

(ii) Talk session by individual learners on their personal experiences- sharing and
listening to other ideas and viewpoints presented.
Writing Skills
(i) Writing a message taking clues from a telephonic conversation or given
Reading Skills
(i) Silent and then loud reading of prose extracts followed by oral
(i) Exercises based on Adverbs given in Grammar Plus and in assignments.
(ii) Describing actions shown in pictures using appropriate adverbs.
Newspaper Activity on Adverbs to be done.

Module : (11)
(i) Grammar: Adverbs (contd.)
(ii) Writing skill: Diary Entry
(iii) Literature Reader: Around the World in Eighty Days
Chapter 16 & 17
(iv) Vocabulary Enhancement- 11
(v) Proverb- P19, P20
Pre Reading Activity
(i) Brain storming session based on the theme „Ghosts‟.

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

(ii) Oral narration of learner‟s experience of the theme of supernatural /

ghosts. Recalling any incident from fictional / real – life account.
Reading Skills
(i) Close reading of the passage for comprehension. Loud reading in class by
the learner to check for correct stress, intonation and for effective reading.

Dictionary Work:
(i) Followed by reading the text for an oral exercise.
Speaking Skills
(i) Discussion / Oral comprehension in class to elicit response to the story
and to seek their viewpoint.
Writing Skills
(i) Attempting a diary entry on one such experience.
(ii) Answering questions from the text and reinforcement through homework
and assignment.
(i) Exercises based on Determiners through assignment as well as class
Suggested Reading
(i) The Ghost of Canterville – Oscar Wilde
(ii) A Foot in the Grave – Joan Aiken

Module : (12)
(i) Main Course Book: Unit – 5 Hullo, Mr. Ghost!
Sir Lawley‟s Ghost

(ii) Language Conjunctions

Grammar Plus: Pg 142-148
(iii) Literature Reader: Around the World in Eighty Days
Chapter 18 & 19
(iv) Vocabulary Enhancement- 12
(v) Proverb- P21, P22

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

Reading Skill
(i) Read for pleasure and close reading to assess the style of the poem.
(ii) Loud reading for pleasure and to achieve the correct tone and manner.
Speaking Skill
(i) Discussion in pairs on various aspects of this poem – significance of the
theme, style and context of the poem.
(ii) Answering relevant comprehension questions based on the poem.

Listening Skill
(i) Model reading of the story „The Bet‟ will be listened to by learners.
Listening to imitation of the dialogue played by characters from the story.
Writing Skill
(i) Learners will attempt a class exercise of writing answers to inferential
(i) Joining short sentences from newspaper articles to use conjunctions
appropriately. Grammar Plus exercises and assignments attempted by the
Suggested Reading
(i) Hamlyn Book of Ghosts

Module : (13)
(i) Main Course Book: Unit – 6 Building Bridges
On Being Sarah
(ii) Language / Vocabulary: Articles
(iii) Grammar Plus: Pg 29-36
(iv) Literature Reader: Around the World in Eighty Days
Chapter 20 & 21
(v) Vocabulary Enhancement- 13
(vi) Proverb- P23, P24

Learning Objects
(i) Practice close reading of the text and skin the text for relevant information.

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

(ii) Interpret, analyze the text and practice creative writing.

Reading Skill
(i) Silent reading of the text by the learners followed by class discussion on the
theme of the story.
(ii) Loud reading for highlighting relevant details of the story.
Speaking Skill
(i) Brainstorming activity / Class oral comprehension questions based on the text.
Oral narration of the story in sequential order.
Listening Skills
(i) Listening to model reading and attempting a class exercise based on their
listening to a passage from the text.

Writing Skills
(i) Vocabulary exercise: Dictionary work of new words
(ii) Writing answers for short questions from the text.

(i) Learning usage and application of conjunctions with focus on widely used
conjunctions. Class exercise and Grammar plus exercise to be done as

Module : (14)

(i) Main Course Book: Unit – 2 Growing Up
Granny‟s Fabulous Kitchen
(ii) Language / Vocabulary Determiners
(iii) Writing skill: Formal Letter Writing
(iv) Literature Reader: Around the World in Eighty Days
Chapter 22 & 23
(v) Vocabulary Enhancement- 14
(vi) Proverb- P25, P26
Reading Skill
(i) Silent reading of the lesson by the learners to comprehend its meaning.

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

Speaking Skill
(i) Brainstorming the learners on the lesson‟s theme. Class discussion eliciting
variety of response towards the lesson theme and meaning and context.
Listening Skills
(i) Listening to model reading of the lesson.
(ii) Listening to extracts from the lesson followed by comprehension questions
based on the same.
Writing Skill
(i) Reference to context exercise.
(ii) Inferential questions from the lesson.
(iii) Text based word-building exercise, dictionary work.
(i) Learning usage and application of Active – Passive Voice.
(ii) Rewriting a passage from active to passive voice. Identifying the correct voice
in sentences as written / oral class exercise.

Module : (15)

(i) Main Course Book: Unit – 7 Pictures of the Past
Salim‟s Song
(ii) Language / Vocabulary Determiners (contd.)
(iii) Literature Reader: Around the World in Eighty Days
Chapter 24 & 25
(iv) Vocabulary Enhancement- 15
(v) Proverb- P27, P28

Learning Objectives
(i) To emphasize and practice public speaking on the theme and facilitate
(ii) Extensive reading for acquiring knowledge and information about a particular
(iii) Fine writing to express ideas, options in a simple lucid style and to practise
various forms of writing skills.

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

(i) Loud reading of the extract by the teacher followed by silent reading for
comprehending the context of the text.
(ii) Brain storming session by the teachers to facilitate group discussion in
class to stimulate the students‟ interest in the theme.
Writing Skills
(i) Noting the discussion on the lesson‟s theme.
(ii) A reference to context exercise.
(iii) Comprehension questions as class work.
(i) Recap of Active – Passive Voice done with the help of practice exercises done
in the class.
Suggested Reading
(i) Stories of Rana Pratap

Module : (16)

(i) Main Course Book: Unit – 7 Pictures of the Past
Christopher Columbus
(ii) Language: Direct / Indirect Speech
(iii) Grammar Plus Pg 111-117
(iv) Writing Skills: Notice writing
(v) Literature Reader: Around the World in Eighty Days
Chapter 26 & 27
(vi) Vocabulary Enhancement- 16
(vii) Proverb- P29, P30
Learning Objectives
(i) To reinforce the skill of speaking fluently and presenting ideas in a clear and
coherent manner.
(ii) Reading extensively to consolidate reading skills, areas of skimming and
scanning to be focused.
(iii) Fine writing to express ideas, options in a simple style and to practice various
forms of writing skills.

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

Listening Skill
(i) Loud / Model reading of the lesson by the teacher followed by silent reading
for comprehending the context of the text.

Speaking Skill
(i) Class discussion on the Mughal period in Indian History with special
reference to Indian music and Mia Tansen.
Writing Skill
(i) Answering questions from the text. Rewriting information in simple language
in notice form.
(i) Exercises based on reported speech given in Grammar Plus to be attempted as
class work.
(ii) Reporting someone‟s interview orally.
(iii) Transformation of speech into direct or indirect form.

Module: (17)

(i) Language : Direct / Indirect Speech (contd.)
(ii) Literature Reader: Around the World in Eighty Days
Chapter 28, 29 & 30
Reading Skill
(i) Loud reading of the poem.
Listening Skill
(i) Listening to the extracts about Christopher Columbus achievement.
(ii) Listening to the poem spoken with correct intonation and stress and
expression for visual effect.

Speaking Skill
(i) Class discussion on how to take failure as a step towards success.
Writing Skill
(i) Answering questions from the text.

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

(i) Revision of Reported speech
(ii) Reporting an incident you have been an eyewitness to, using reported speech.
(iii) Transforming sentences into direct / indirect speech.

Module : (18)

Revision Module

(i) Literature Reader: Around the World in Eighty Days
Chapter 31, 32 & 33
Learning Objectives
(i) To revise direct – indirect speech
(ii) To help learners enjoy poem.

(i) Revision of Reported speech through exercises given in Grammar Plus.

Reading Skill
(i) Reading poems for pleasure and to enjoy its theme, rhyme and rhythm.
Writing Skill
(i) Revision of taught content through written work.

Revision for Annual Exam

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

Module : (01)
Section A: Reading
6. Read the following poem carefully and answer the questions that
The Pigtail
There lived a sage in days of yore,
And he a handsome pigtail wore:
But wondered much and sorrowed more
Because it hung behind him.
He mused upon this curious case,
And swore he‟d change the pigtail‟s place
And have it hanging at his face,
Not dangling there behind him.
Says he, „The Mystery I‟ve found-
I‟ll turn me round‟ – he turned him round;
But still it hung behind him.
Then round, and round, and out and in,
All day the puzzled sage did spin;
In vain- it mattered not a pin-
The pigtail hung behind him.
And right, and left, and round about,
And up, and down, and in, and out,
He turned; but still the pigtail stout
Hung steadily behind him.
And though his efforts never slack,
And though he twist, and twirl, and tack,
Alas! still faithful to his back
The pigtail hangs behind him.
A.1 Tick the correct option.
(i) The sage was unhappy because
(a) he wore a handsome pigtail
(b) he wanted to change the pigtail‟s place
(c) he wanted the pigtail to hang at his face
A.2 Give three sets of rhyming words.

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

A.3 Find opposites in the poem for the following:

(i) was happy
(ii) in front of
A.4 Find equivalents in the poem for the following:
(i) hang loosely
(ii) think carefully

Section – D (Literature)
I. Answer with reference to the context.
(a) “He went to the nawab and got Gopal the time and the money.”

(i) Who is „he‟ here?

(ii) Why did Gopal need the money and time?
(iii) What did Gopal do with the money?

7. “He led this curious procession into the nawab‟s court.”

(i) Who is „he‟ here?

(ii) What is referred to as „this curious procession‟?
(iii) What did „this curious procession‟ signify?
Vocabulary Enhancement- 1
Given below are some personality traits. Match the words with what the people are saying
to know some traits of their characters. Refer to the dictionary while doing this exercise.

loyal optimistic pessimistic sensitive sociable vain

1. I love meeting new people and spending time with people. ____________________
2. I always stand by my friends, even when they are going through difficult times.
3. I always think about and consider other people‟s feelings. ____________________
4. I don‟t get upset by a failure and believe that good things are going to happen.
5. I always think bad things are going to happen to me and the people around me.
6. I feel there are few people who are as talented as I am. _______________________

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

Proverb Time
A proverb is a short well-known expression that states a general truth or gives advice.
P.1 Actions speak louder than words (what a person actually does is more important than
what he says he will do)
P.2 Losers weepers, finders keepers (If you lose something you weep, if you find
something you keep it)


Module : (02)
Section A: Reading
New Grammar Plus- Pg 163- Passage IV- do be done in the grammar plus itself.

Section - B (Writing Skill)

Paragraph Writing

I Write a paragraph of about 100- 150 words on „A Morning Walk‟.

Section - D (Literature)
I. Answer with reference to the context.
“He fled from the office running down the corridor.”
(i) Who is „he‟ here?
(ii) Which and whose office is referred in the above line?
(iii) How had „he‟ reached there?

Vocabulary Enhancement- 2
Where will you find the following? Clues are given in the box
convent aviary orphanage mint observatory
herbarium aquarium cantonment apiary monastery

1. orphans live in an ______________________

2. monks live in a ________________________
3. nuns live in a __________________________
4. birds are kept in an _____________________
5. bees are kept in an _______________________

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

6. soldiers live in a ________________________

7. money is coined in a _____________________
8. dried plants are preserved in a ___________________
9. fishes are kept in an _______________________
10. astronomical observations are taken in an ____________________

Proverb Time
P.3 Distance makes the heart grow fonder (When you are away from someone you love, you
love them even more)
P.4 A tree is known by its fruit (A man is judged by his actions)

Module : (03)
Section A: Reading
New Grammar Plus- Pg 165- Passage VI- do be done in the grammar plus itself.

Section - C (Grammar)
A. Do as directed:
(i) He (travel) a lot for his work. (Use simple present tense)
(ii) You speak English to your children. (Make a question using simple present)
(iii) Your English (get) better each day. (Use present continuous)
(iv) Why people (look) at me. (Make a question using simple present)
(v) This clock (work.) (Make a question using simple present)
B. Fill in the blanks with correct form of verbs given in the brackets.
(i) When I _____ the station the train had already _____. (reach, leave)
(ii) He ______ from fever since Monday. (suffer)
(iii) She ______ the poem, but I have not. (learn)
(iv) I______ a letter to my father yesterday. (write)
(v) What are you _______? (do)
(vi) He _______ his food for he was in a hurry. (leave)
(vii) We _______ our grandmother every year. (visit)
(viii) I ________ for Jaipur tonight. (leave)
(ix) The patient ______ before the doctor ______. (die, arrive)
(x) He ______ that he had nothing to add. (say)
C. Underline the verbs and state the tense
(i) They have seen the incident.
(ii) She felt bad.

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

(iii) They had been working all day long.

(iv) He was eating an apple.
(v) You have been dreaming.
(vi) We shall overcome.
(vii) Jalan is learning.
(viii) She will be working late tonight.
(ix) By next month we shall have been living here for ten years.
(x) He finished his homework quickly.

D. Fill in the blanks with suitable tense forms of the verbs given in the brackets. (In
certain cases more than one response in possible.)

When Rinku -------------- (come) to Mrs Sidhu‟s candy store, she ----------- (stop) to look

in through the window. Mrs Sidhu ----------- (arrange) the toffee jars on the counter. She -

-------(like) Rinku ever since Rinku -------- (come) to her shop to buy a bar of Amul

chocolate. But Rinku -------- (not have) any money at

that moment , so she---------- (not want) to go

inside. She -------- (just turn) away when Mrs

Sidhu -------- (say), “Hello Rinku, come in and
have a chocolate”. Rinku ------------- (hesitate)
a little. She ------------ (like) chocolates but there ----------- (be) no money. Mrs Sidhu ----
(throw) a beaming smile at her. Then she -------- (take) out a gift-wrapped packet of
chocolates. “This ------ (be) a special prize for you,” she ----- (say). “Uncle Sidhu ---------
--- (leave) for you this packet for standing first in the class. See it ------ (have) a card
signed by Uncle Sidhu.” Tears ----------- (roll) down Rinku‟s cheeks as she ---------
(accept) that gift of love and appreciation. She ----------- (not know) how to thank old
Uncle Sidhu, who ----------(always love) her so dearly.

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

Vocabulary Enhancement- 3
Find two antonyms of each of these words from the box. Take the help of your dictionary.
aged crowded boisterous despondent
noisy unattractive forlorn wintry
awake nippy matured crammed up
cruel repulsive malicious alert

1. silent 2. beautiful 3. merciful 4. young

5. lonely 6. gay 7. asleep 8. warm

Proverb Time
P.5 Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder (Different people have different tastes)
P.6 Diligence is the mother of good fortune (Hard work brings rewards)


Module : (04 & 05)

Section - A (Reading)
Read the article given and answer the questions that follow:
H2O Blues
It‟s funny how the smallest of things in life can teach you a lesson. Often when I go home early
and want to read a book in peace, someone or the other drops by and disturbs me. There are days
when I do not want to read and instead crave for friends. That‟s when all my friends are busy.
The point is you never really get to do what you desperately want to do.
Like the other day, I wanted chilled water and found out that my five-year-old fridge had failed
me. That sultry morning, the mercury must have been at its peak. Now you know how it feels
like when the heat roasts you and all you want is to gulp down icy water, but I found none and
had to make do with tepid water.
I fidgeted with the wire trying to figure out what was wrong. The electricians arrived and found
out that the compressor had fused and had to be replaced. The dealer had assured that the
warranty period still stood and that it would take three or more days for replacement.
This meant that I‟d have to do with tepid water in this roasting weather. Each time, I prepare my
favourite sherbet with a dash of fresh lemon and mint, nothing seems sweeter to me than those
ice cubes that I have taken for granted over the years. In the evenings when I come home tired
and thirsty, I would carry home plenty of chilled bottled water from the market. But they don‟t
last. Eventually I gave up.

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

One evening as I sat holding a warm cola in my hand, I was suddenly ashamed. All the fuss over
chilled water. All the silly arguments I had with the dealer for his delay in replacing the
compressor. Suddenly, they all seemed so insignificant.
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that almost one million Indian children die
because of unsafe drinking water. Forget chilled water, as many as 220 million Indians don‟t
even have access to safe drinking water. Slowly as the real picture sank in I began to feel small.
Here, I am drinking purified water and acting as if my world has collapsed.
It doesn‟t matter any more if the dealer takes the entire summer mending my compressor. And
as I nurse my warm sherbet in the heat of the day, I may not exactly feel on top of the world, but
I do thank my stars that I can drink clean water whenever I feel thirsty.

1. Complete the following statements:

(i) The writer could not get icy water as ____________
(ii) The refrigerator was not working as _____________
(iii) The repairs would take three days because ___________
(iv) The arguments with the dealer and the delay in repairs seemed insignificant to the
writer as ___________
(v) The writer is thankful for ______________
2. Replace the following words and phrases from the passage with synonyms. Use a
(i) tepid- (ii) fidgeted- (iii) dash -
(iv) gave up - (v) fuss- (vi) feel small-
(vii) on top of the world- (viii) thank my stars-

Section - B (Writing Skill)

Story Writing
Write a story beginning with the following line.
One day when I returned from an evening walk, I found my brother missing. My mother
was crying bitterly. He was probably …………

Section - C (Grammar)
I. In this puzzle, you will see nine nouns (1 down to 9 down). However their adjectives
are hidden in the letters of the clues. Make use of all the letters in each clue to arrive
at the adjective. The first letters of the adjectives are given for you.

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

1 A Clues:

2 M 1. E P A I T A L

3 S O1 H B L A C

4 C R2 R 2. U T O S I M N

5 O A3 E D O A U N

6 W P4 T G E 3. U G N G G T R

7 G C5 U H I R S I L

8 A R6 H D L O 4. O H L O C C T

9 L M7 O I D E N E A

L8 O A L I T 5. P N D E H R O A

D9 I M D D N E 6. W N G N I I D

O O E G 7. E L D O G N

G N N 8. Y N G A R

T 9. Z A Y L

II. Fill in the blanks with the type of Adjectives mentioned in the brackets.
(i) I told him _________ stories. (Quality)
(ii) May I have _________ tea. (Quantity)
(iii) ________ book is this? (Interrogative)
(iv) ________ boy got an apple from the teacher. (Distributive)
(v) ________ pen is lost. May I borrow __________? (Possessive)
(vi) I could not make ________ sense of his words. (Quantity)
(vii) ________ girl is the monitor of this class? (Interrogative)
(viii) Is there ________ light available here? (Quantity)
III. What are the comparative and superlative forms of these adjectives?
Positive Comparative Superlative

(i) fit . fitter . ____________ ti

(ii) graceful ____________ ____________

(iii) delicious ____________ ____________
(iv) narrow ____________ ____________

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

(v) dangerous ____________ ____________

(vi) naughty ____________ ____________
(vii) attractive ____________ ____________
(viii) funny ____________ ____________

IV. The table below compares the age, height and weight of five children.
Fill in the blanks using the correct form of the adjective in brackets.

Paul Sue Peter John Lisa

Age 9 yrs old 8 yrs old 10 yrs old 7 yrs old 6 yrs old
Height 137 cm 130 cm 135 cm 130 cm 128 cm
weight 32 kg 28 kg 35 kg 30 kg 26 kg

(i) Peter is the ____________ of the children. (old)

(ii) Lisa is the _______________ of the children. (young)
(iii) Paul is the _____________ of all. (tall)
(iv) John is not as _________________ as Sue. (old)
(v) Lisa is ______________ than John and Sue. (short)
(vi) Peter is the ______________ in the group. (heavy)
(vii) John is _____________ than Lisa. (tall)
(viii) Sue is __________ than John. (light)
(ix) Sue is _________ than Lisa, but________ than Peter. (old, young)
(x) John is ____________ than Peter, but _________than Sue. (light, heavy)

Section - D (Literature)
1. Why did Gerald Durrell bring the scorpion and her babies into the house?
2. „The shower missed the animal completely but drenched Mother, who, not being able
to stand cold water, lost her breath and sat gasping unable even to protest‟
(i) Who was the shower aimed at?
(ii) What was mother‟s reaction?
(iii) What was this chaos all about?

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

Vocabulary Enhancement- 4
A. Suppose you are travelling to Japan with your family. Your flight leaves at 12.30
am. What do you have to do till you board your flight? Complete the following
sentences with the words given in the box.
luggage passport boarding terminal seat belt
attendant check-in desk security lounge airport

1. Around 9 pm you reach the __________________ with your __________________.

2. Your plane departs from _____________________ A.
3. You say that you have arrived for your flight at the _______________________.
4. You are asked to show your _______________________.
5. Your luggage is put through the _______________________ check.
6. Now you have to get the _______________________ pass from the counter.
7. You wait in the _______________________ till your flight is announced.
8. When you board the flight, the flight ________________________ directs you to your
seat and requests you the fasten your ________________________.
Proverb Time
P.7 Familiarity breeds contempt (Knowing somebody very well may lead to a lack of
respect for them)
P.8 Haste makes waste (If something is done too quickly, it may be done carelessly and
would need to be redone)
Vocabulary Enhancement- 5
Choose the correct suffix for each word and write it in your booklet. Change the spellings
as required.
1. theatre (-ship/-cal) 2. hard (-ship/ - less)
3. quarrel (ish/-some) 4. picture (-age/-esque)
5. tact (-less/ish) 6. post (-ary/-age)
7. apparent (-ly/-less) 8. boy (ish/-esque)
9. custom (-some/-ary) 10. fool (-ly /-ish)
11. trouble (-ness / -some) 12. break (-ful/-age)

Proverb Time
P.9 If wishes were horses, then beggars would ride (Wishing alone is of no use; you
must act as well)
P.10 Ignorance is bliss (What you do not know causes no wrong or sadness)

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

Module : (06)
Section - A (Reading)
Wrecked In The Antarctic

In 1914 Ernest Shackleton set off on an expedition. The aim was to reach the South Pole
by crossing the continent of Antarctica using dog sleds. Twenty-eight men and forty-nine
dogs set off in the ship „Endurance‟ to travel to the edge of Antarctica.
When they were about 1500 kilometres South of Cape Horn, their ship became stuck in
the ice pack. As the ice gradually built up around the trapped vessel, Shackleton could
see that his ship was slowly being crushed. The „Endurance‟ would never sail again.
On 27th October 1915 Shackleton ordered his men to abandon ship. They loaded supplies,
navigation instruments and three small whaleboats onto the ice floe. Their plan was to
camp there until the ice broke up. Then they would get into the boats and sail for the
nearest land. As they watched from their camp, the „Endurance‟ was smashed to pieces
by the ice and sank into the sea. They were alone.
They had tents that sheltered them from the wind and the cold.
They had food and heating oil. They had the boats and navigation instruments. But they
did not have a radio, so nobody knew where they were or how much danger they were in.
By using the navigation instruments, Shackleton knew that their ice floe was moving
north- but only very slowly. On 18th January 1916, nearly three months after they had
abandoned their ship, a great gale swept across them and the ice floe began to move more
quickly. Even so, by the end of February their food was almost gone. Shackleton ordered
that the dogs would have to be killed and eaten.
Complete the following statements-
(i) The Shackleton expedition set off on _________________
(ii) _____________ men set off on the expedition.
(iii) They not contact another ship and get some help because _______________

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

Section - D (Literature)
Reference to Context
1. They watched as for the Queen it died
They watched it march. They watched it halt.
(i) Who is „they‟ here?
(ii) What does „it‟ refer to?
(iii) What tricks is „it‟ performing? Why?
Vocabulary Enhancement- 6
Add correct prefixes from the box to the words given below to make new words. A prefix
can be used more than once, and some words may take more than one prefix!

pre- dis- a- mis- be- un- im- al-

1. graceful _____________________ 2. shore ____________________

3. mature ______________________ 4. historic __________________
5. miss ________________________ 6. head ____________________
7. board _______________________ 8. print ____________________
9. obedient _____________________ 10. ready __________________

Proverb Time
P.11 Justice delayed is justice denied (If the law is applied too late, there is no
P.12 Kindness begets kindness (If you are kind to people, they will be kind to you)

Module : (07)

Section A: Reading
New Grammar Plus- Pg 160- Passage I- do be done in the grammar plus itself.

Section - B (Writing Skill)

Informal letter
1. You accompanied your schoolmates on a pleasure trip to a hill station. Write a letter to
your uncle describing the scenic beauty of the hill resort and how you enjoyed this trip.

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

Section – C (Grammar)

1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate personal pronouns:

Principal: Good morning, Mr. Qureshi. Please have a seat.

_________ guess _________ wanted to talk to
________ about Akram.
Mr. Qureshi: Yes. ______ am quite worried about
___________. _____________ see _________
is insisting on sports as a career. And some how _________ has won the support of
his mother also.
P: _______ think _________ is right in supporting Akram.
What is wrong with sports as a career? His teacher has reported to ___________ that
________ has the potential of becoming a first–rate hockey player. __________ is bound
to be selected for the nationals. __________ will bring glory to all of ______ and then
___________ will be proud of ___________. Besides, now there is plenty of money in
Q: But ________ don‟t want __________ to become a sportsman. _________ have other
ideas for _________.
P: No, Mr. Qureshi. __________ must not impose our views on our children. Their life is
________ just as our life is __________.

2. Join the following sentences using appropriate relative pronouns:

Who, Whom, Which, That, Whose

(i) I saw many houses. Most of them were quite expensive.

(ii) Hari had been driving all day. He was tired and wanted to sleep.
(iii) That horse is very dangerous. His one leg is broken.
(iv) The boy is wearing a blue shirt and white trousers. He is my cousin.
(v) A man is standing there. He is our new postmaster.
(vi) She is our class teacher. We all like her very much.

3. The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each of the lines.
Underline the incorrect word and write the correction in the blank against the line.
It was only last month when we had a.______________
a chance of mine first flight in an aeroplane. b. ________________
They reached London on August 5. My wife c. ________________
was with me. It was first time when he d._________________
had a chance to travel by air. We found

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

herself in a different world altogether. There we e.________________

went to Mr. Ram‟s house which is my brother. f.________________

Section - D (Literature)

1. “I never take it off – I can’t even remember how to open it”

(i) Who is the speaker?
(ii) What does „it‟ refer to?
(iii) Why is the speaker trying to take it off?
2. Why were the Nazi officers looking for the Rosens?
3. How did Papa save Ellen?
Vocabulary Enhancement- 7
Given below is a list of collective nouns that are beautiful, evocative and even poetic. Fill in
the gaps with suitable collective nouns.
parliament descent band bed stand
company leash squabble flush host

1. a s______________d of flamingoes 2. a s_________________e of goshawks

3. a p______________t of owls 4. a c_________________y of parrots
5. a h______________t of sparrows 6. a d_________________t of woodpeckers
7. a f______________h of ducks 8. a l_________________h of greyhounds
9. a b______________d of gorillas 10. a b________________d of oysters

Proverb Time
P.13 Little strokes fell great oaks (If you divide a task into small parts, it becomes easier
to do)
P.14 Man proposes, God disposes (Our destiny depends on God‟s will)

Module : (08)
Section A: Reading
New Grammar Plus- Pg 161- Passage II- do be done in the grammar plus itself.

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

Section – B (Writing Skill)

Message Writing
Read the following telephone conversation:

Ganesh : This is 65433.

Mahesh: I am Mahesh. Could I talk to Rajesh, please?
Ganesh: Sorry, Rajesh is not at home. If you have any message, please give it
to me.
Mahesh: Please tell him that my friends and I are leaving for Mussoorie tonight in a Tata
Safari. Rajesh also intended to accompany us. Tell him to join us. Also ask him to
ring me before 7 p.m.
Ganesh: Rajesh is expected to be back within half an hour. I shall definitely give your
message as soon as he comes. Have a nice time.
Mahesh: Thank you very much. Bye!
Now, Ganesh writes the message lest he should forget. Write that message for
Rajesh in about 50 words and put it in a box.
Take a look at these sentences. How are these sentences different?
 He wrote a letter.
 A letter was written by him.

In most sentences, the subject of the sentence is the doer of an action and the object of
the sentence is the receiver of the action.
For example,
 Cats eat fish. (cats–subject; fish–object)
 Rohan posted the letter. (Rohan–subject; the letter–object)

The verb that expresses that the action is carried out by the subject is said to be in the
active voice. The active voice is used when the agent or the doer is to be made

However, in some sentences, the subject receives the action of the verb.
For example,
 Fish are eaten by cats. (fish–subject; cats–object)
 The letter was posted by Rohan. (the letter–subject; Rohan–object)

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

The verb that expresses what is done to the subject is said to be in the passive voice.

Voice is that form of the verb which indicates whether the subject is the doer of the action
or something is being done to it.

See how the following sentences in the active voice have been changed into passive voice
without changing their meanings.
 The captain called the players. (Active)
The players were called by the captain. (Passive)
 He is painting a portrait. (Active)
A portrait is being painted by him. (Passive)
Can you point out the differences in each of the pairs of sentences?

Read these rules to be kept in mind when changing the voice of the verb from
active to passive.
 The positions of the subject and the object of the verb are interchanged. The subject
of the verb in the active voice is made the object of the verb in the passive voice.

 In the passive voice, the preposition by is added the object.

 The number of the verb is changed according to the number and person of the
Study the table to understand how the verb is changed into the passive voice form in
different tenses.

Tense Active voice Passive voice

Simple present He paints a wall. A wall is painted by him.
Present continuous He is painting a wall. A wall is being painted by him
Present perfect He has painted a wall. A wall has been painted by him.
Simple past He painted a wall. A wall was painted by him.
Past continuous He was painting a wall. A wall was being painted by him.
Past perfect He had painted a wall A wall had been painted by him.
Simple future He will paint a wall A wall will be painted by him.
Future continuous He will be painting a wall. ×
Future perfect He will have painted a wall. A wall will have been painted by him

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

 Note
 If the active verb has two objects- one direct and the other indirect –either of them
becomes the subject of the passive verb, and the other remains as an object of the
verb in the passive voice. The object that comes after the passive verb is called the
retained object. For example,
o My father gave me a cycle. (active voice)
o I was given a cycle by my father. (passive voice)
o A cycle was given to me by my father. (passive voice)

 Active verbs followed by a preposition retain the preposition.

o The students laughed at the clown.
o The clown was laughed at by the students.


 Study this table that shows the changes in imperative sentences where the subject is

Active voice Passive voice

Take it home. Let it be taken home.
Do it right now. Let it be done right now.
Open the door. Let the door be opened.
Do not heat the food. Let not the food be heated.
o The imperative sentence in the passive voice takes this form-
Let + object + be + past participle
o If the sentence is in the negative, then the structure is-
Let not + object + be + past participle.
NOTE: If a sentence begins with „please‟ in the active voice, then „you are
requested‟ is added in its place when you are changing from Active to Passive Voice.
Example: Please bring me a book. (Active Voice)
You are requested for a book to be brought. (Passive Voice)

 Study this table to understand how verbs in the active voice in interrogative
sentences are changed into the passive voice.

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

Active voice Passive voice

Did Suman invite you? Were you invited by Suman?
Do the children like Are chocolates liked by the children?
Have you finished the work? Has the work been finished by you?
Can anybody cure this Can this disease be cured?
disease? (Anybody is not used.)
Who hit the ball? By whom was the ball hit?
When will they announce the When will the date be announced?
date? (They is not used)

 Let us took at the instances when the use of the passive voice is preferred.
We use the passive voice when-
 the person or thing acted upon is to be made prominent. The passive voice is
thus preferred when the active form would involve the use of a vague
pronoun or noun such as somebody, they, people, anybody, as the subject.
For example,
o My book has been stolen. (Someone has stolen my book.)
o I was asked my identity. (They asked me my identity.)
o I have been invited to the conference. (Someone has invited me to the
 the doer is not known or when it is not intended to name him. For example,
o The victim was carried out.
 we wish to focus on the person or the thing acted upon rather than the doer or
the agent. For example,
o The building was destroyed by lightning.
 when the subject in the active voice is implied from the context.
o He was fired from his job (by his employer).
o The city has been captured (by the enemy).
 Note
Since the object of a verb in the active becomes the subject of the passive form, it
means that only transitive verbs can be used in the passive, because an intransitive
verb has no object.
 See how sentences in the passive voice can be changed into active voice.
Passive: The work will be finished by the plumber in a week.
Active: The plumber will finish the work in a week.

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

Passive: By whom was this major task accomplished?

Active: Who accomplished this major task?
Passive: I have been asked to attend this meeting.
Active: Someone has asked me to attend this meeting.

Section - C (Grammar)
1. Put the verbs in the brackets into the passive form
On Sunday 11p.m., a body ____________ (find) by the Delhi police in a farmhouse at
Chattarpur. As no identification papers ____________ (pick up) from the man‟s trouser
pockets, the body __________ (take) to the local police station. A day later, his wife
__________ (contact) through newspapers and she identified the man as her husband. It
__________ (report) that a strange man ____________ (seen) entering the farmhouse,
the morning of Sunday the 7th by the watchman‟s children. Yesterday, the police arrested
two men who _____________ (suspect) to be involved in the murder. Investigations
____________ (carry) out presently.
2. Read the washing instructions given below. Write them in passive form.

(i) Wash the dress separately.

(ii) Use a gentle soap.
(iii) Use cold water.
(iv) Do not wring or twist the dress.
(v) Do not dry it in direct sunlight.
(vi) Dry it in shade.
(vii) Iron the dress at low temperature.

3. Fill in the blanks with the passive forms of the verbs given in the brackets:
(i) Purity of milk_____________ with a lactometer. (test)
(ii) Beaufort _____________ to find out wind speeds. (use)
(iii) Intensity of earthquakes_____________ on a Richter scale. (measure)
(iv) Rabindranath Tagore _____________ the Nobel Prize for his „Gitanjali‟. (give)
(v) Ayurveda_____________ by ancient Indians. (practice)
(vi) Paper _____________ by the Chinese around 105 AD. (make)
(vii) Aero plane_____________ by Orville and Wilbur Wright of USA. (invent)
(viii) Humidity of the atmosphere_____________ with a hygrometer. (find)

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

(ix) Hardness of minerals_____________ on Mohs scale. (show)

Section - D (Literature)
1. Tagore dreams of an ideal world in his prayer. What are the main features of this ideal
Vocabulary Enhancement- 8
A. Given below are words that begin with the word cap. Guess the words
with the help of the clues given in the brackets.
(i) cap __________ (overturn, kneel over)
(ii) cap __________ (a zodiac sign)
(iii) cap __________ (chief town)
(iv) cap __________ (having ability)
(v) cap __________ (a vegetable)
(vi) cap __________ (a prisoner)
B. There are also some words which end with cap. For example, handicap.
Now, guess the following words, ending with- cap, from the clues given in
the brackets.
(i) ___________ cap (summary at the end)
(ii) ___________ cap (a cloth worn especially in bed)
(iii) ___________ cap (a thick cover of ice over an area)
(iv) ___________ cap (a protective covering, usually knitted, for the knee)
(v) ___________ cap (reckless, rash)
(vi) ___________ cap (size of paper used, especially in Britain)
Proverb Time
P.15 Necessity is the mother of invention (The need for something forces people to
find a way of obtaining it)
P.16 One good turn deserves another (You should be helpful to someone who helps

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

Module : (09)
Section – A (Reading)
I dream a world where man
No other will scorn
Where love will bless the earth
And peace its path adorn.
I dream a world where all
Will know sweet freedom‟s way.
Where greed no longer saps the soul
Nor avarice blights our way.

A world I dream where black or white,

Whatever race you be,
Will share the bounties of the earth,
And every man is free.
Where wretchedness will hang its head,
And joy, like a pearl,
Attend the needs of all mankind.
Of such I dream –
Our world. (Langston Hughes)
On the basis of the reading of the poem, answer the following questions:
1. The poet dreams of a world where
(i) ____________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________
(iii) ____________________________________
(iv) ____________________________________
(v) ____________________________________
2. What does the poet say about the different races?
3. What is joy compared to? What is the figure of speech?
4. Pick out three abstract nouns from the first stanza
(i) _____________________________
(ii) _____________________________
(iii) _____________________________

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

5. Find the synonyms for

(i) contempt, hate
(ii) decorate
6. Find the antonyms for
(i) war
(ii) slavery

Section – C (Grammar)

1. Do as directed:
(i) I ________ for Jaipur tonight. (Present Continuous of „leave‟)
(ii) The patient ________ before the doctor arrived. (Past Perfect of „die‟)
(iii) She ________ two oranges already. (Present Perfect of „have)
(iv) Ritu answered _________ the questions correctly although __________ of them
were difficult. (Use a determiner)
(v) _______ style did he use in his writing? (Use a determiner)
2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate kinds of Adjectives indicated in brackets.

(i) ________________ girl is my sister. (Demonstrative)

(ii) ___________________ subjects do you like? (Interrogative)
(iii) This is __________________ book. (Possessive)
(iv) May I have _______________ tea? (Quantity)

3. Pick out the Adverbs and name its type.

(i) She speaks eloquently.
(ii) Things became clear to me afterwards.
(iii) They like coming here
(iv) I called at your house twice.
(v) He answered the question almost correctly.
4. There is one word missing (pronoun) in the following paragraph. A slash (/) has
been placed there. Write the missing pronoun in the space provided. The first one
has been done as an example:
The boys at last saw Ramu‟s pet
cat. The cat was big and /did not . they .

like / at all. But for Ramu ____________________

/was a very special creature ____________________

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

and / had decided that this time ____________________

he would not let anyone harm /. It ____________________
was surprising how every pet that / had, ____________________
vanished. One day / found the cat ____________________
missing. He asked the boys where / was. ____________________
Although / had hidden the cat, they ____________________
said they knew nothing.

5. You are familiar with active and passive voice. The table below lists the
active and passive forms, as well as the conversion rules of the verb

Tense Active form Passive form

Simple present teach/ teaches is/ am/ are taught
Simple past taught was/ were taught
Simple future shall/ will teach shall/ will have taught
Present continuous is/ am/ are teaching is/ am/ are being taught
Past continuous was/ were teaching was/ were being taught
Future continuous will/ would be teaching (no passive form)
Present perfect has/ have taught has/ have been taught
Past perfect had taught had been taught
Future perfect shall/ will have taught shall/ will have been taught

Now, change these sentences to the passive voice.

(i) Her uncle teaches her Mathematics.

(ii) Tom smashed all the eggs.


(iii) Aunt Polly will admonish Tom.


(iv) The woman has shouted savagely at the beggar.


(v) The pirates had burnt the ship.


DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

(vi) Who has stolen my pen?


(vii) Someone will punish you.


(viii) The boys will have eaten food.


Section – D (Literature)
I. Answer with reference to context.
1. “And aren‟t we lucky that Lise had dark hair when she was a baby?”
(i) Who is the speaker?
(ii) What is the relation between the speaker and Lise?
(c) How was Lise‟s dark hair lucky for them?
2. “Now you better give me the exact figures”.
(i) Who is the speaker and listener?
(ii) What figures is he talking about?
II. Answer the following questions:
(i) What was Gerald Durrell‟s purpose behind bringing the scorpion and her babies?
(ii) Why do you think Tagore prays for a world where the mind is led by widening
thought and action?
(iii) What should we remember while taking food-containing iron?
(iv) Why didn‟t Henry ever venture abroad again?
(v) How do you know that the bear was in pain?
Vocabulary Enhancement- 8
New Grammar Plus Pg 26- Ex. I (Collective Nouns)


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Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)


Time : 2 hrs 30 mins M. M. 80

Section - A (Reading)
A.1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Good Handwriting
Handwriting skills form a part of your body language. To a potential employer or a business
manager, it gives fair idea of your abilities and integrity. It speaks of your confidence, decision-
making capabilities and smartness.
Handwriting analysis or graphology says that it‟s not your hand that is writing, its your brain.
And even when people lose the use of their teeth, they still write the same way. Because
everyone‟s handwriting, like D.N.A. is different and because your loops and squiggles are the
windows to your identity. Graphology is even being used by companies to screen potential
crooks and incompetents. Handwriting analysis also throws light on whether one has found the
right match or even can find out whether the job one is doing suits the candidate.
It is easier to improve bad writing skills at an early age when adaptation to newer techniques is
much faster and the hand does get set. Improving writing skills is not a day‟s practice, but a
continued process. So as a good smile, it is good handwriting that makes all the difference in
getting your work done and becoming a successful person.

A.1.1. On the basis of your reading, answer the following.

(i) How does analysis of one‟s handwriting help an employer? (1)
(ii) One‟s writing reveals (2)

(a) ___________ (b) ____________ (c) ____________ (d) ____________

(iii) How does one‟s handwriting reveal one‟s identity? (1)

(iv) Handwriting analysis has the following advantages: (1)
It can tell: (a) ___________ (b) ____________
(v) What do the loops and squiggles in writing suggest? (1)
(vi) How can writing be improved? (1)
(vii) Why is it easier to improve bad writing skills at an early age? (1)
A.1.2. Find words from the passage which mean the same as the following from the
paragraphs indicated. (4)
(i) powerful, existing in possibility, not in reality (para1) ____________
(ii) twists (para 2) ____________

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

(iii) rogue, swindler, criminal (para2) ____________

(iv) adjustment, modification (para 3) ____________
A.2. Read the poem carefully.
The Joys of Age
No more responsibilities for me
I can sit in the shade,
Reliving the good old times-
Letting bad memories fade.
I can enjoy my children‟s children
Without a parent‟s pain,
And though I spend hours with them,
The pleasure does not wane.
I can go to bed what time I please,
Talk to strangers without unease,
Give bad advice to those younger than me
And generally have a real old time‟s spree.
A.2.1. On the basis of your reading, complete the following.
1. The speaker says that he has no responsibilities now because __________. (1)
2. He spends his time now by ____________. (1)
3. The three things that the speaker can do without hesitation are :- (3)
(i) ____________ (ii) ____________ (iii) ____________
A.2.2. Write the meaning and make sentences with: (3)
(i) fade (ii) spree (iii) unease

Section - B (Writing)
B.1. Write a paragraph on „The insensitiveness of human beings towards animals‟. (8)

B.2. Write a letter to your friend Tanya congratulating her, on her standing first in the
class. (12)
Write a letter to your sister telling her about a new friend you have made.

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

Section - C (Grammar)
C.1. Complete the following dialogues by filling in the blanks with the correct tense of
the verbs in brackets. (5)
Sonu: Rohit, what have you ____________ (do) all these months?
Rohit: I ____________ (want) to ask you the same question.
Sonu: I have just ____________ (complete) my Post- Graduation.
Rohit: That‟s great! Sonu I ____________ (do) my MBA and ____________ (be)
looking for a job.
C.2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate adverbs. (5)
(i) The child ____________ got lost in the fair.
(ii) I ____________ appreciate your suggestions.
(iii) Entry to those restricted areas is ____________ forbidden.
(iv) She was courageous ____________ to fight the dacoits alone.
(v) He ____________ gets angry.
C.3. Complete the following paragraph using suitable pronouns: (5)
Nakul and Shantanu are brothers. ____________ are members of the Indian Cricket team.
Both of ____________ are good players. Nakul is the one ____________ bowls but
Shantanu ____________ batting is superb is the better player. ____________ parents are
very proud of them.
C.4. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate kinds of adjectives, indicated in the brackets:
(i) India expects ____________ man to do his duty.(Distributive)
(ii) ____________kind of toys does the child like? (Interrogative)
(iii) This box is very ____________.(Quality)
(iv) Is there ____________ jam in the bottle? (Quantity)
(v) I haven‟t heard from you for ____________ weeks .(Number)
C.5. Fill in the blanks: (3)
(i) Losers __________, finders __________
(ii) ___________ is the mother of good fortune.
(iii) ___________ breeds contempt.
(iv) Kindness __________kindness.
(v) __________ is bliss.

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

Section – D (Literature)
D.1. „Don‟t ever be sorry for that. Weren‟t we lucky that Papa thought so
quickly and found the pictures?‟
(i) Name the lesson. (1)
(ii) Who said these words? (1)
(iii) What shouldn‟t the person be sorry for? (1)
(iv) What idea did Papa get so quickly and how was it lucky? (2)
D.2. Answer the following questions:
(i) What do you think the poet wants to convey through the poem „My Mother Saw a
Dancing Bear‟? (2)
(ii) Mention any two features of the world Tagore dreams of in his prayer? (2)
(iii) What are the dietary needs of adolescents? (2)
(iv) What was everyone‟s reaction on seeing the scorpion and her babies? (2)
(v) How can you distinguish a chameleon from a lizard? (2)
(vi) Why do you think the writer released the scorpion and her babies on the garden
wall? (2)
NOTE:- Vocabulary enhancement exercises will also be included in half yearly exams.

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)


Time : 2 hrs 30 min M. M. 80

Section A
(i) It gives a fair idea of your abilities and integrity.
(ii) (a) confidence (b) decision making capacities
(c) smartness (d) one‟s brain
(iii) Everyone‟s handwriting, like D.N.A., is different, even when people grow old, they write
the same way. Thus it reveals one‟s identity.
(iv) (a) whether one has found the right match.
(b) whether the job one is doing suits the candidate
(v) They are the windows to one‟s identity.
a) Writing can be improved with continued practice.
b) It is easier to improve bad writing skills at an early age because adaptation to
newer techniques is much faster and the hand gets easily set.
A.1.2.(i) potential
(ii) squiggle
(iii) crook
(iv) adaptation
1. He is old and has completed his duties.
2. Thinking about the good times he has had
3. (i) He can go to bed whenever he wants.
(ii) Talk to anyone without hesitation
(iii) Advise the younger ones, be it right or wrong
A.2.2.(i) The sun faded away over the horizon.
(ii) Maya went on a shopping spree with her sister.
(iii) The student delivered the speech without any unease.
B.1. Content
One paragraph only
Consistent tense
B.2. Format
17, Model Road

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

23rd September
Dear________ / Tanya
Yours lovingly

Content – 3 paragraphs
Introduction / Congratulate
Appreciation / Suggestions
Best wishes / Concluding paragraph
Introduction of your friend
About her / her family members / her likes, dislikes etc
How important your friend is for you
(i) been doing
(ii) was going
(iii) completed
(iv) have done, am

(i) Unfortunately
(ii) definitely
(iii) strictly
(iv) enough
(v) seldom/often
(i) they
(ii) them
(iii) who
(iv) whose
(v) their
(i) every
(ii) what
(iii) heavy
(iv) any

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

(v) many
(i) weepers, keepers
(ii) Diligence
(iii) Familiarity
(iv) begets
(v) Ignorance

(i) Saving my friend Ellen.
(ii) Mrs Johansen.
(iii) for having black/dark hair.
(iv) Papa tore Lise‟s photograph from the album and showed it to the officer as Ellen‟s. The
soldiers believed him and released Ellen.

(i) The insensitiveness of people towards animals, by using them for their own
(ii) freedom of information and equality and harmony.
(iii) sufficient energy and nutrients for normal growth, specific nutrients such as iron etc.
(iv) frightened. They shouted, screamed and ran here and there. There was complete chaos.
(v) long tongue, long and slender limbs, fingers and toes resemble a parrot‟s claws.
(vi) didn‟t want anyone to hurt them and they had created a chaos.


DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)


Time : 2 hrs 30 min M. M. 80

Section - A (Reading)
A.1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

When Mr. Bose was walking down the street one day, he happened to notice a small brown
leather wallet lying on the pavement. He picked it up and opened it to see if he could find out
the owner‟s name. He found nothing except some money and an old photograph of a woman
and a young girl. The girl was about sixteen years old and looked like the woman‟s daughter.
Mr. Bose put the photograph back into the wallet and went straight to the police station where he
had handed the wallet to the policeman on duty.
That evening Mr. Bose went to his friend‟s place for dinner. There he met a young woman who
looked familiar. Mr. Bose was quite sure he had not met her before and could not remember
where he had seen her. At the dinner table the young woman happened to mention that she had
lost her wallet that day. Immediately Mr. Bose remembered where he had seen her. She was
the young girl in the photograph who was much older now. Mr. Bose described her wallet and
its contents to her and told her that he had recognized her from the photograph. They went at
once to the police station to claim the wallet. The police officer was surprised that Mr. Bose had
found the wallet and the owner and remarked that it was strange coincidence.
A.1.1. Answer the following questions: (2 × 4 = 8)
(i) Why did Mr. Bose open the wallet?
(ii) Why did Mr. Bose take the wallet to the police station?
(iii) How was Mr. Bose able to recognize the woman?
(iv) Why was the police officer surprised?
A.1.2. Find out the word from the passage which means the same: (1 × 2 = 2)
(i) footpath ____________
(ii) that which is contained in something ___________
A.2. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
Bang! A bird fluttered for seconds and fell to the ground. A ten-year old bespectacled
boy, named Salim Ali, who had shot the bird, ran and picked it up. The bird looked like a
house sparrow but, to the boy‟s surprise, it had a yellow patch on its throat. Puzzled, the
boy took the sparrow to his uncle, Amiruddin Tyabji, a big game hunter, asked him what

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

kind of bird it was. His uncle did not know, but took the boy to the office of the Bombay
Natural History Society.
When the boy was introduced to Mr. Millard, the honorary secretary of the Society.
Millard was amused to find that an Indian boy keen to know the kind of sparrow he had
bagged. He took him around the room, showing the many varieties of stuffed birds
preserved there. One after another, drawers were opened and birds were displayed to the
boy, who did not know that so many birds existed. He decided to learn all about them.
Millard was impressed by Salim‟s enthusiasm and agreed to teach him.
A.2.1. On the basis of your reading of the passage, complete the following. (1 × 7 = 7)
(i) The bird fluttered and fell to the ground because___________.
(ii) The yellow patch on the bird‟s throat surprised Salim because____________.
(iii) The boy took the sparrow to his uncle as_____________.
(iv) The boy‟s uncle took him to the Bombay Natural History Society because
(v) Mr. Millard was amused by ______________.
(vi) Salim Ali was lucky to see a number of birds as Mr. Millard
(vii) Mr. Millard agreed to teach Salim everything about bird because
A.2.2. Find out the word from the passage, which means the same. (1 × 3 = 3)
(i) to wave or flap rapidly___________
(ii) one who works without payment__________________.
(iii) to exhibit_____________________
Section - B (Writing)
B.1. Write a paragraph on „What friendship means to me‟. (5)
B.2. You have joined a boarding school, write a letter describing your experience in the
new school. (10)
Section - C (Grammar)
C.1. Fill in the blanks with the correct tense of the verb in the bracket. (5)
(i) The boy ___________the mountain top. (past perfect of „reach‟)
(ii) Thirty able bodied men___________. (present perfect continuous of „run‟).
(iii) She _________ a long career in teaching. (present perfect of „has‟).
(iv) He ___________ ill for a month. (past perfect of „be‟)
(v) My watch ___________ thirty seconds a day. (Simple present of „lose‟)

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

C.II Fill in the blanks with appropriate kinds of adjectives, indicated in the brackets. (5)
(i) I am very busy, I have ___________time to call on them. (Quantity)
(ii) We must do ___________ duty. (Possessive)
(iii) The Taj is one of the ___________ buildings of the world. (Quality)
(iv) ___________ kind of men are they? (Interrogative)
(v) Distribute ___________ clothes among the poor children. (Demonstrative)
C.III Complete the paragraph by filling in the blanks with appropriate pronouns: (5)
I first met R.K. Narayan when ___________ was living in Mysore. He worked in the
mornings. I accompanied ____________ on walks through the bazaar. ______________
walked very slowly and stopped at shops to introduce ___________ to the shopkeepers.

C. IV. Tick [  ] the correct word from the brackets: (5)

(i) This train goes (direct / directly) to London.
(ii) He was (clean / cleanly) bowled.
(iii) She stood (firm / firmly) on her convictions.
(iv) Isn‟t there anyone who can write this (neat / neatly)?
(v) The guests arrived (late/lately)
C. V. Complete the proverbs: (5)
(i) Distance makes _______________
(ii) Beauty lies _______________
(iii) If wishes were horses,_______________
(iv) Justice delayed is ________________
(v) Man proposes, ________________
Section - D (Literature)
D.1. Answer with reference to context:
1. “What on earth‟s the matter with you all?”
(i) Who is the speaker? (1)
(ii) Who are „all‟? (1)
(iii) What was the matter? (2)
2. “Men were shouting, hurling stones and brandishing sticks.”
(i) Name the lesson. (1)
(ii) Why were the men acting in this manner? (1)
(iii) What was the myth attached to the creature? (2)

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

D.2. Answer the following questions: (2 × 6 = 12)

(i) Why did the children later feel ashamed to watch the show of the bear?
(ii) Which foods are rich in proteins?
(iii) Why were the Nazi soldiers looking for the Rosens?
(iv) Why was Raja Krishna Chandra in a quandary?
(v) What was Tagore‟s idea of a dream world?
NOTE:- Vocabulary enhancement exercises will also be included in half yearly exams.
Module : (10)
Section - A (Reading)
New Grammar Plus Pg 164- Passage- V- do it in the grammar plus itself.

Section – C (Grammar)
1. Complete this crossword puzzle with suitable adverbs, deducing them from clues
1 2 3

6 7

8 9


DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

Across :
1. He knew me w__________.
4. I could only hear her voice f___________ as there was a cross connection.
5. Press it l__________.
8. He a__________ comes late to school.
10. Her teacher listened to all her problems p___________.
1. My servant does every little thing w___________.
2. His grandfather o_________ complains of a headache.
3. My friend n________ disagrees with me.
6. She reads a____________.
7. Before her teacher could call her, she ran away q___________.
9. We will be waiting for you. Come s____________.
2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate adverbs:
(i) They ___________missed the train.
(ii) He has to visit the doctor __________.
(iii) Sunny flew ________ to London.
(iv) The kite did not go very ___________.
(v) They like coming __________.
3. Choose the correct adverbs from the bracket and fill in the blanks:
Mary‟s dress looks very ____________ (pretty, prettily). Mary is ___________ (pretty,
prettily) dressed for the party. The guests arrived ______________ (late, lately). Mary
had ___________ (hard, hardly) begun to cut the cake when she saw her friends coming
in a group. She was _____________ (true, truly) happy. Her friends were also
__________ (very, much) excited.
4. Underline the adverbs and name its type.
(i) The guests are coming tomorrow. _______________________
(ii) She writes quite beautifully. _______________________
(iii) They always welcome us warmly. _______________________
(iv) Things became clear to me afterwards. _______________________
(v) Stop it now. _______________________

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

Section - D (Literature)
1. What are the problems that today‟s adolescents face?
2. To ensure normal, healthy growth during adolescence, a nutritious diet is necessary.
What is a nutritious diet?

Vocabulary Enhancement- 10
1. Solve the following puzzle filling in the synonyms of the given words:

2 3

5 6

7 8 9

1. hate
4. hide
5. compel
6. faithful
7. disappointment
10. rich
1. miserly
2. forgive
3. danger
4. brief
8. pain
9. wander

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

Proverb Time
P.17 Nothing ventured, nothing gained
(You cannot expect to achieve anything if you don‟t take risks)
P.18 Pride comes before a fall
(Don‟t be too self- confident or proud; something may happen to make you look

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

Module : (11)
Section - A (Reading)
A man named Smith was standing on his roof during a flood and the water was up to his
feet. Before long a fellow in a canoe paddled past and shouted, “Can I give you a lift to
higher ground?”
“No, thanks,” said Smith. “I have faith in the Lord and He will save me.”
Soon the water rose to Smith‟s waist. At this point a motor boat pulled up and someone
called out, “Can I give you a lift to higher ground?”
“No, thanks,” said Smith. “I have faith in the Lord and He will save me.”
Later, a helicopter flew by and Smith was now standing on the roof with water up to his
neck. “Grab the rope,” yelled the pilot, “I‟ll pull you up.”
“No, thanks,” said Smith. “I have faith in the Lord and He will save me.”
But after hours of treading water, poor, exhausted Smith was drowned and went to his
heavenly home. As he arrived at pearly gates, Smith met his Maker and complained about
this turn of events. “Tell me, Lord,” he said, “I had such faith in you to save me and you
let me down. What happened?
To which the Lord replied, “What more do you want from me? I sent you two boats and a
(i) Answer these questions:
(a) Where was Smith and why was he there?
(b) Why did he not avail himself of the help offered?
(c) What was his complaint to his Maker?
(d) What was his Maker‟s reply?
(e) What is the moral of the episode?

(ii) Complete the following on the basis of your reading of the passage:

(a) The man in the canoe approached Smith so that he could ___________.
(b) Smith rejected the pilot‟s offer because he ____________.
(c) Smith struggled through water to _________ himself but ultimately
(iii) Find words from the passage that mean the same as:
(a) shouted (c) very tired
(b) to take hold of

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

Section - B (Writing Skill)

Diary Entry
Your uncle presented a beautiful wristwatch to you on your birthday. But it was
lost within two months. You are inconsolable on the day you lost the watch.
Write in your diary expressing your thoughts. You may start in the following way.

Monday, 15 October
8.15 p.m.

Oh, God! How did I lose my precious watch?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Section - D (Literature)
1. „ Surely, you don‟t expect me to believe these silly stories.‟
(i) Who is the speaker?
(ii) What silly stories is he talking about?
(iii) Why didn‟t he believe in them?
Vocabulary Enhancement- 11
A. People can be named according to their behaviour, their jobs, etc. In
the sentences below, these special names have got mixed up; write the
correct names in the blanks, making changes wherever needed.
(i) A mayor is a person who visits shrines and holy places. ____________
(ii) The stenographer ate and drank excessively. ____________
(iii) During the meeting, the glutton wrote in shorthand. ____________
(iv) An optimist steals things as a habit. ____________
(v) Madhu being a sprinter, is shy, quiet and unable to make
friends. ____________
(vi) We should salute the pilgrim, who died for our country. ____________
(vii) An assassin has a positive approach to life. ____________
(viii) The political leader was killed by an introvert ____________
(ix) Being the head of the city council, the kleptomaniac
addressed the counsellors. ____________
(x) The martyr ran fast over a short distance. ____________

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

Proverb Time
P.19 Still waters run deep
(A quiet person can have much knowledge or wisdom)
P.20 The pen is mightier than the sword
(Words and communication have greater effect than war and fighting)

Module : (12)
Section - A (Reading)
Read the passage given below:
A father one day asked his daughters, “What is the sweetest thing in the world?” “Sugar!”
said the elder daughter. “Salt,” said his younger daughter. Her father thought that she was
making fun of him, but she stuck to her opinion. The father was obstinate, but so was his
daughter. A quarrel broke out between them over this small matter, and he drove her out of
the house, saying: “As you think that salt is sweeter than sugar, you had better find another
home where the cooking is more to your taste.”
It was a beautiful summer night, and as the pretty maiden sat singing sadly in the forest
around her father‟s cottage, a young prince, who had lost the way while hunting the deer,
heard her voice, and came to ask her the way. Then struck by her beauty, he fell in love
with her, took her home to his beautiful palace and married her.
The bride invited her father to the wedding feast, without telling him that she was his
daughter. All the dishes were prepared without salt, and the guests began to complain as
they ate the tasteless food. “There is no salt in the meat!” they said angrily.
“Ah,” said the bride‟s father. “Salt is truly the sweetest thing in the world!. But when my
daughter said so, I turned her out of my house. If only I could see her again and tell her how
sorry I am!”
Drawing the bridal veil aside from her face, the happy girl went to her father and kissed
him. Now properly salted dishes were brought in and all the guests were satisfied.

A. Write T for true and F for false statements:

(i) The father thought that his younger daughter was making fun of him.
(ii) The younger daughter was as rigid as her father.
(iii) The father drove his younger daughter out of the house because she had disobeyed
(iv) The prince married the young girl because he took pity on her.
(v) Salt is the „sweetest‟ thing in the world because it adds taste to the dishes we eat.

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

B. Use these words in sentences of your own to bring out their meaning:
(i) obstinate (ii) satisfied
Section - C (Grammar)
1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate conjunctions.
(i) He shouted repeatedly__________ there was no answer.
(ii) I could not talk to him __________ he had already left for his office.
(iii) __________ I were a bird, I would immediately fly to you.
(iv) Mosquito begins its life in water __________ many other insects do.
(v) The king‟s heart was full of love _______ for men ________ for animals.
(vi) Sudha had plenty of faults, __________ I loved her very much.
2. Rewrite these sentences using the conjunctions given in the brackets:
(i) Both the chairman and the members are attending the meeting.(as well as)
(ii) Your action is just yet it is not kind. (although)
(iii) As soon as she heard the news, she fainted.(when)
(iv) He will help you if you request him. (unless)
(v) I have nothing to fear because I am innocent.(therefore)
(vi) This cloth is both cheap and durable. (not only….but also)
3. Fill in the blanks with the conjunctions given in the box.
But, neither, nor, what, but, otherwise, when, that

______ I was a small girl, my grandpa used to tell me the story of an honest wood- cutter
who was awarded with the gold, silver and copper axes by God. ________ these days
situations have totally changed. _______ do we have honest wood cutters_______ such
gods. By saying this I don‟t mean ________ it does not pay to be honest.______ used to
be a virtue in the past has become a crime today. People have become hard-hearted,
selfish and feeling less, __________ still we have to make efforts to curb the vices,
__________ the world will be doomed and we will be left nowhere.
Vocabulary Enhancement- 12
A. Fill in the blanks with the correct alternative.
(i) What was the __________ (motion/ motive) behind the crime?
(ii) The meeting of Cinderella and Prince Charming was purely _________
(incidental/ accidental)
(iii) Don‟t try to eat all varieties of mushrooms. Some are __________ (indelible/

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

(iv) Industrial waste is an obnoxious __________ (affluent/ effluent) that can cause
considerable harm to marine life.
(v) Put the engine into ___________ (motion/ motive).
(vi) The __________ (incidental/ accidental) costs of our jungle safari added up to
large sum.
(vii) It is such a pity to see the weaker sections of society huddled in slums near the
mansions of the __________ (affluent/ effluent).
(viii) You can leave an __________ (indelible/ inedible) impression on others by
your good deeds.
Proverb Time
P.21 Two wrongs don’t make a right.
(It is wrong to harm someone because they have harmed you)
P.22 Variety is the spice of life
(Doing a lot of different things makes life more interesting)

Module : (13)
Section - A (Reading)
New Grammar Plus Pg 168- Passage: VIII- do it in the grammar plus itself.

Section - B (Writing Skill)

Formal Letter
Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper requesting him to start a special column
for school children to advise and help them in coping with stress and tensions
especially during examination. Suggest some features like tips on study skills,
effective learning, techniques health care etc. that should be included in the column.
Section - D (Literature)
1. “I can say almost anything I want.”
(i) Who is the speaker?
(ii) How will the speaker speak?
(iii) What feeling of the speaker does the line express?
2. “Symbols do what talking does.”
(i) Who said this?
(ii) What does talking do?

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

Vocabulary Enhancement- 13

A. Complete the following expressions by giving the noun / adjective forms of the verbs
in the box.
boil sing serve argue cover
swell deafen refer exhibit record

1. a heated ______________________ 2. a playback __________________________

3. in-flight ______________________ 4. half - _________________________ egg
5. an art ________________________ 6. a ____________________________ leg
7. a _______________________ cassette 8. a ____________________________ book
9. a _______________________ letter 10. a __________________________ roar
Proverb Time
P.23 Walls have ears.
(Be careful. People could be listening)
P.24 You can lead a horse to water but you can‟t make it drink.
(You can offer someone an opportunity to do something but you can‟t force them)

Module : (14)
Section - A (Reading)
Australia remained cut off from the rest of the world for a very long time. As a result, some
of the vegetation and animals of Australia are quite different from those found in other parts
of the world.
Australia is rich in several resources such as-plants, wildlife and minerals. But it is deficient
in water resources. Nevertheless, Australians have been able to utilize their resources to a
great extent with the help of modern scientific methods. This country is, therefore,
considered one of the most industrialized countries of the world.
Eucalyptus, also called „gum tree‟ is the most common tree there. It rises up to 90- meters
and some yield oil also. Natural vegetation is controlled by the amount of rainfall. Forests
are, therefore, found near the coast where rainfall is heavy. The grasslands are found in the
drier interior parts. The grasslands are of two types - tropical and temperate. These are good
for pastoral farming.
Australia is famous for the kangaroos which have a pouch like fold of skin near the stomach
to carry their young ones.
1. On the basis of your reading of the passage answer the questions that follow:
(i) Why does Australia have different types of vegetation and animals?

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

(ii) What is the unique feature of a kangaroo?

2. Complete the following:
(i) There is ……. (plenty/shortage) of water, but the country is …… (rich/poor) in
other resources.
(ii) Forest are found near the coast because ………….
3. Pick out words from the text which are opposite in meaning to
(i) exterior
(ii) artificial
4. Say whether the following are true or false
(i) The grasslands are found near the Australian coast …………….
(ii) Eucalyptus trees give oil also ……………
5. Find one word from the passage which means
(i) make use of
(ii) regarded
(iii) bag
(iv) short of
Section - C (Grammar)

Determiners are the words used to determine or fix the meaning of nouns . There are
different types of determiners. The type of determiner used depends on the type of noun.
Singular nouns always need a determiner. For plural nouns and uncountable nouns, the
determiner is optional.

There are about 50 different determiners in the English language. They include:
 Articles: a, an, the
 Demonstratives: this, that, these, those, which, etc.
 Possessives: my, your, our, their, his, hers, whose, my friend's, our friends', etc.
 Quantifiers :few, a few, many, much, each, every, some, any etc.
 Numbers: one, two, three, twenty, forty
 Ordinals: first, second, 1st 2nd, 3rd, last, next, etc.
 Distributive: each, every, etc
 Others: all, both, either, neither, etc

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

Articl es

Definite Article – „the‟ is a definite article, which means that it is used to refer to
something specific. It refers to a noun that is either understood (by the reader or listener) or
has been previously referred to by the writer or speaker.

Indefinite Articles – „a‟ and „an‟ are indefinite articles.

The difference between „a‟ and „an‟- „an‟ is used before a word that starts with a vowel
sound and „a‟ is used before words starting with a consonant sound.

„a‟ and „an‟ are used in the same way grammatically. They are used before a singular noun,
or before the adjective that represents the noun. They should not be used with plural nouns
or uncountable nouns.

There is a dog outside the We don't know which dog the writer/speaker
building. is referring to.
The black dog is outside the It is understood, to which dog the
building. writer/speaker is referring to
a/an Do you know where I can The writer/speaker is not referring to a specific
find a post office? post office
I am going to the post It is understood, to which post office the
office. speaker/writer is referring to.

Demonstrative Determiners

„this‟ and „these‟ indicate nearness. „that‟ and „those‟ indicate distance from the speaker.
This is the table.
These children are well behaved.
All those boys haven‟t done their work.
That is my son.

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

Possessive Determiners
They express the relationship of a noun with a noun or a pronoun.
Our teacher is quite helpful.

Quantifiers/ Indefinite Determiners

What are quantifiers?

Quantifiers are words that are used to state quantity or amount of something without
stating the actual number.

Quantifiers answer the questions „How many?‟ and „How much?‟

Quantifiers can be used with plural countable nouns and uncountable nouns.

Quantifiers must agree with the noun. There are 3 main types of quantifiers- quantifiers that
are used with countable nouns, quantifiers that are used with uncountable nouns and the
3rd type are quantifiers that are used with both countable nouns and uncountable nouns.

Countable Uncountable
Nouns Nouns
much * I don't have much money.
many * - I don't have many apples.
We know few people in the area. I would
few* * -
like to get to know more.
We know a few people in the area. I know
a few** * -
enough people to keep me happy.
I know little English. I am going to have a
little* - *
problem getting around England.
I know a little English, at least enough to
a little** - *
get around England.
enough * * I have enough money.
plenty * * I have plenty of money.

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

* a few/a little - means that there are not a lot of something, but there is enough.
 There are a few apples.(There are enough apples.)
 I know a little English. (He knows enough English to manage.)
 I have a little money.

*few/little - means that there is not enough of something.

 There are few apples. (There are not enough apples.)
 There are few people. There are not enough people at the meeting. We can't
hold a meeting, because there are not enough people.
 There is little money. We can't buy a lot of expensive food.
 They know little English. They can't get around very well. (They don't know
enough English to manage.)

When to use some and any?

„ Some‟ and „any‟ are quantifiers.
Any - Any is used with:
 Negative sentences
 When asking a question.

 Do you have any ice cream left?
 I don't have any money today. I am getting paid on Friday.
 My brother never does any thing good.

Some - Some is used with:

 Positive sentences.
 When asking a question, if the answer is expected to be positive.

 The children have some free time.
 Please buy some bananas.
 May I have some tea?

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

Distributive Determiners
„Each‟ is used when a number of things or persons are considered individually.
Each child is special.
„Every‟ doesn‟t emphasize on the individual, though it means the same.
Every child likes chocolates.

1. Fill in the blanks as directed:

(i) _________ man is standing there, wearing _________ cowboy hat.(Article)
(ii) _________ the people present were shocked.(Quantity determiner)
(iii) I want to buy _________ books.(Demonstrative determiner)
(iv) Nobody knows _________ history.(Possessive determiner)
(v) _________ style did he use in his writing? (Interrogative determiner)
2. Fill in the blanks with some, a few or all.
(i) Road safety is important to ___________ the people.
(ii) Ritu answered ______ the questions correctly although ______of them were
(iii) Have __________ vegetables. It‟s good for you.
(iv) Call __________ the children in and give them their dinner.
(v) There are _________ mangoes in the basket.
3. Read the short paragraph in which Neha says something about her best friend,
Anjali. Fill in the blanks with a / an or the

I have ________ friend who is in ________ same class as I. Her name is Anjali. She
belongs to ________ state of West Bengal. She used to go to ________ school in
Kolkata, ________ capital of ________ state. Her father is ________ army officer and
her mother is ________ electronic engineer. Two years ago, ________ officer was
transferred to ________ capital of ________ country.
4. Correct the errors in the usage of determiners.
(i) There is many water in the pond.
(ii) Take some of the two, both are good.
(iii) Much days have passed after the incident.

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

(iv) I saw any beggar at the gate.

(v) Anyone of the clerks have come. It is too early.
(vi) The hall is really full. Much of them have come.
(vii) All one of you should contribute to this noble cause.
(viii) I am sure you will get any chance.
Vocabulary Enhancemnet- 14
1. Match the expressions given below with their meanings.
A B.
(i) get blood out of stone a. to be very anxious and tense
(ii) make someone‟s blood run cold b. without feeling
(iii) in cold blood c. built into one‟s personality or
(iv) in one‟s blood d. to make someone very angry
(v) draw blood e. to shock or horrify someone
(vi) young/ new blood f. a very difficult task
(vii) sweat blood g. younger generation

Now, fill in the blanks with the above blood expressions.

(i) Keshav‟s entire family is very musical minded. Music is in ____________.
(ii) The killer walked up fearlessly and shot the stranger ____________.
(iii) What an awful test! I was really ____________ at the end.
(iv) It makes me ____________ to think of all the money that is wasted by my
daughter on clothes and cosmetics.
(v) He told us things about prisoners which ____________.
(vi) To train an old dog is like __________.
(vii) This institution desperately requires some ____________ on its board to bring
new ideas.

Proverb Time
P.25 All good things come to those who wait
(Patience brings rewards)
P.26 Be swift to hear, slow to speak
(Listen carefully before speaking)

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

Module : (15)
Section - A (Reading)
A. Read the following poem carefully and answer the questions in the space provided.
Home They Brought Her Warrior Dead
Home they brought her warrior dead:
Neither she swooned, nor uttered cry:.
All her maidens, watching, said.
“She must weep or she will die.”
Then they praised him, soft and low,
Called him worthy to be loved,
Truest friend and noblest foe;
Yet she neither spoke nor moved.
Stole a maiden from her place,
Lightly to the warrior stept,
Took the face-cloth from the face:
Yet she neither moved nor wept.
Rose a nurse of ninety years,
Set his child upon her knee-
Like summer tempest came her tears-
“Sweet my child, I live for thee.”
A.1 Complete the following:
(i) When her dead warrior was brought home, she reacted ____________
(ii) The dead warrior was praised ________________
(iii) Her reaction to the praise showered on the dead warrior was ____________
(iv) The turning point in the poem occurred when ____________
(v) Find words in the poem which mean the following:-
(a) fainted :- __________________
(b) deserving :- ________________

Vocabulary Enhancement- 15

A. Pair work
Work with a partner. Write appropriate words. Take words from the box below.
How do you feel when……….?
(i) life looks quite bright, you are full of hope and happiness ____________

DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Assignment Booklet
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (Class – VII : ENGLISH)

(ii) something that happens gives you very great pleasure ____________
(iii) you are quite satisfied with what you have ____________
(iv) someone does a favour to you ____________
(v) you are expecting something special to happen ____________
(vi) everything seems wrong in your life ____________
(vii) you have had enough of something that you don‟t like ____________
(viii) you are unhappy over quite a long period of life ____________
(ix) you are unable to do something you are keen to do ____________
(x) you cannot decide what to do ____________
(xi) something you don‟t like has happened and you feel disturbed____________
(xii) something important is about to take place and you feel afraid____________

upset confused grateful contented delighted frustrated

fed up nervous cheerful depressed excited miserable

B. Fill in the blanks with the most suitable word taken from above. (More than one choice
may be possible in certain cases)
(i) I am __________ to my teachers for their kind help.
(ii) Many students feel ____________ just before entering the examination hall.
(iii) Mr. Reddy was __________ to see the poor marks of his son.
(iv) Sarah was asked to garland the Chief Guest and she felt quite __________ about
(v) The police inspector felt ____________ because people gave two different
descriptions of the thief.

C. A person feels pleased. A scene may be pleasing. In these sentences, add the correct
ending, – ed or – ing.
(i) We found the World Cup Final match very excit __________.
(ii) This weather is terribly depress ________.
(iii) I was confus _______ by the large number of questions put to me.
(iv) Missing a train can be a very frustrat ________ experience.
(v) I found the question very confus _________.

Proverb Time
P.27 Birds of a feather flock together
(People of the same sort are usually found together)
P.28 Easier said than done
(What is suggested sounds easy but it is more difficult to actually do it)


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