Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, and Adjourning
Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, and Adjourning
Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, and Adjourning
Managers are people who do things right, while leaders are people
Glen B. Alleman, 2003 who do the right thing. – Warren Bennis, Ph.D. "On Becoming a Leader"
¨ The Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing stages are seemingly obvious,
but are in fact difficult.
¤ Participants want to move to the Performing stage without passing through the
first three stages.
¤ The Forming stage is relatively easy.
¤ The Storming stage is difficult and many times the cause of the team’s failure.
¤ Performing seems easy once the storming process is complete.
¨ The “Real” problem is how to identify when a stage is complete:
¤ The team members agree that the stage is complete?
¤ The team coach agrees the stage is complete?
¤ The team simply moves on to the next stage?
¨ The definition of the “exit criteria” between stages needs to be worked out
prior to the team’s reaching the end of the stage.
¤ This again, seems obvious but is also very difficult.
concept is, what their role is, how they are going to
hang on to their power base.
¨ Initial “silent” leaders may take the reins.
¨ The team is usually positive – for the most part – for
the initial meetings.
¨ No one has offended anyone at this point yet!
¨ The team starting to work well together, and has turned around
from the “storming” phase.
¨ They may start to “brag up” the team concept to others who
aren’t in the team and will be very positive about their role/
team group.
¨ Often, the team will bounce back and forth between
“storming” and “norming” when issues crop up.
¨ Regressions will become fewer and fewer and the team will
bounce back to “norming” in a quicker manner as the team
¨ The natural leaders at this stage may not be the ones who
were visible in stages 1 & 2. Those people may no longer have
the “unofficial lead roles” within the team.
¨ This team still takes management direction, but not as much as
¨ The team is now an effective, cohesive unit. You can tell
when your team has reached this stage because you
start getting a lot of work done.
¨ Exit Criteria?