1c-Final Project Math Lesson

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Finding the Hidden Addend

1st grade
Math concepts: Number Sense and Operations, Place Value, Story Problems, Counting- On
(Addition) and Missing Addend
1.OA.D.8: Determine the unknown whole unknown number in an addition and subtraction
equation relating three whole numbers.
1.NBT.B.2: Understand that two-digits of a two-digit number represent amounts of tens/ones.
MP4: Modeling with Mathematics
The object of this lesson is for students to solve a problem in which the total and one part are
known and to represent the operation in an equation. They are to develop a conceptual
understanding of counting on. The counting on strategy can be difficult for some 1st grade
students.  Encourage students to share and try out the strategy but realize that not all your
students will truly understand this concept in a meaningful way. When students shift from
counting all to counting on, they must think about ideas such as: Where do I start counting?
Where do I stop?  What's my answer?  Students are expected to model their thinking with
mathematics and need to be able to understand that the two digits of a two-digit number
represent amounts of tens and ones.

Warm Up Game
Materials needed: Ten tongue depressors and a pen
Advanced preparation:  Draw a chart on the board with three columns.  The first column is
labeled 10's, the second column is labeled 1's, and the third column is labeled total.  Get ten
tongue depressors and on one side of each stick make 10 dots (2 groups of 5) and on the other
side of each stick put one dot. I ask the students to come sit in a circle.  I show them the sticks.
“There are 10 sticks altogether.  Each stick has ten dots on one side and one dot on the other
side.  I am going to drop them on the floor.  Once they are dropped, I am going to ask
someone to sort them by 10's and 1's.  We will then record the total number of tens, the total
number of ones, and the total number of dots.”
Then we will play a few rounds, I won't make the connection of the groups of 10's and 1's being
recorded in the total number but rather wait for students to start to notice this on their own.  I will
let them make this connection on their own because it will then have meaning by the ones who
discover it.  Then I can have them explain it to others and have them make predictions about how
other groups will be written.
Introduction to Missing Addend Games
I will introduce two new games today.  Both games focus on students solving a problem where
one of the parts and the total are known.  I will also reinforce the concept of the missing addend
by having the student record an equation with a missing addend and fill it in once the missing
part is identified.
Game 1: How Many Are In My Hand?
Materials needed: Blocks, Worksheet to record equations
“How many cubes do I have?”  (kids will count them with me) “I am going to put them
behind my back and break them into two stacks.  I will keep one stack behind my back, in my
hand, and place the other stack in front of me for you to see.” I break off three and place four
in front of me on the floor.  “There are 4 here.  How many are in my hand?  Think about what
you already know.  We know that there are 7 altogether.   What else do we know?   How many
are there all together?” 
I then call on students to share their strategies and answers.  I then show them the recording
sheet How Many Are In My Hand? I model how to fill out the sheet and writing the equation as
a missing addend problem. 

Game 2: What's Under the Cup?

Materials needed: Cups, Cubes, Worksheet to record the equations
I introduce this game the exact same way as I did with the game above, except I show them how
to hide cubes under the cup instead of in their hand.  
Both these activities have students solving for a missing addend. Students are to determine the
unknown whole number in an addition or subtraction equation relating three whole numbers. For
example, determine the unknown number that makes the equation true in each of the equations
8 + ? = 11, 5 = ? – 3, 6 + 6 =

Center Time for Assessment

Students choose from the two activities that were just introduced in the previous section.  As
students are engaging themselves in their activity choice, I would be circulating and watching for
the following:
1. How do the students figure out how many cubes are hidden?  What strategy are they
2. How are they doing with the use of an equation?
3. Do they understand that the total never changes?
As I am circulating, I will take note of two or three students that are using the strategy of
counting on to solve the missing addend.  Their work will be highlighted in the Wrap Up section
of the lesson.
It is important to let students choose their own strategy because it is developmental and each one
is based on an understanding of the previous one.  To not allow this choice would be to not allow
a student to go through the developmental process of understanding addition.
Wrap Up Time
I call the students to come join me on the carpet area and ask them to take 7 cubes and sit in a
circle. “I noticed a variety of strategies that students were using while playing, how many are
in my hand?   I would like you to watch a student (choose a student who was using the strategy
of counting on to model how they used that strategy to find the hidden number of cubes) solve
for the hidden number of cubes.”
I will hide some in my hand and show the rest. For example, I could hide 2 and show 5.  Then
the student will model their strategy.  I will narrate his or her action to the class to make sure it is
clear for everyone.  I will then call on a few more students (who I observed counting on during
Center Time).
In these activities and lesson, I would provide the sufficient time for solving the problems,
incorporate stimulating discussion times for their strategies and processes to build on their
understanding of when, why, and how. The use of different heuristics is to engage interest and
enable the students to discover or learn something for themselves. Students work in groups to
share their learning experiences and work individually to build on their proficiency. To establish
reasoning and achievement, the operations should be taught in conjunction with manipulatives,
authentic examples, and much student discussion, along with working abstractly (with written

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