Data Science Interview Preparation (30 Days of Interview Preparation)
Data Science Interview Preparation (30 Days of Interview Preparation)
Data Science Interview Preparation (30 Days of Interview Preparation)
(30 Days of Interview
# Day21
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Q1. Explain Grad-CAM architecture?
According to the research paper, “We propose a technique for making Convolutional Neural Network
(CNN)-based models more transparent by visualizing input regions that are ‘important’ for
predictions – producing visual explanations. Our approach is called Gradient-weighted Class
Activation Mapping (Grad-CAM), which uses class-specific gradient information to localize the
crucial regions. These localizations are combined with the existing pixel-space visualizations to
create a new high-resolution, and class-discriminative display called the Guided Grad-CAM. These
methods help better to understand CNN-based models, including image captioning and the apparent
question answering (VQA) models. We evaluate our visual explanations by measuring the ability to
discriminate between the classes and to inspire trust in humans, and their correlation with the
occlusion maps. Grad-CAM provides a new way to understand the CNN-based models.”
A technique for making CNN(Convolutional Neural Network)-based models more transparent by
visualizing the regions of input that are “important” for predictions from these models — or visual
This visualization is both high-resolution (when the class of interest is ‘tiger cat,’ it identifies crucial
‘tiger cat’ features like stripes, pointy ears and eyes) and class-discriminative (it shows the ‘tiger cat’
but not the ‘boxer (dog)’).
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Q2.Explain squeeze-net architecture?
Nowadays, technology is at its peak. Self-driving cars and IoT is going to be household talks in the
next few years to come. Therefore, everything is controlled remotely, say, e.g., in self-driving cars,
we will need our system to communicate with the servers regularly. So accordingly, if we have a
model that has a small size, then we can quickly deploy it in the cloud. So that’s why we needed an
architecture that is less in size and also achieves the same level of accuracy that other architecture
It’s Architecture
Replace 3x3 filters with 1x1 filter- We plan to use the maximum number of 1x1 filters as
using a 1X1 filter rather than a 3X3 filter can reduce the number of parameters by 9X. We
may think that replacing 3X3 filters with 1X1 filters may perform badly as it has less
information to work on. But this is not a case. Typically 3X3 filter may capture the spatial
information of pixels close to each other while the 1X1 filter zeros in on pixel and captures
features amongst its channels.
Decrease number of input channels to 3x3 filters- to maintain a small total number of
parameters in a CNN, and it is crucial not only to decrease the number of 3x3 filters, but also
to decrease the number of input channels to 3x3 filters. We reduce the number of input
channels to 3x3 filters using squeeze layers. The author of this paper has used a term called
the “fire module,” in which there is a squeeze layer and an expanded layer. In the squeeze
layer, we are using 1X1 filters, while in the expanded layer, we are using a combo of 3X3
filters and 1X1 filters. The author is trying to limit the number of inputs to 3X3 filters to
reduce the number of parameters in the layer.
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Downsample late in a network so that convolution layers have a large activation
map- Having got an intuition about contracting the sheer number of parameters we are
working with, how the model is getting most out of the remaining set of parameters. The
author in this paper has downsampled the feature map in later layers, and this increases
the accuracy. But this is an excellent contrast to networks like VGG where a large feature
map is taken, and then it gets smaller as network approach towards the end. This different
approach is too interesting, and they cite the paper by K. He and H. Sun that similarly
applies delayed downsampling that leads to higher classification accuracy.
This architecture consists of the fire module, which enables it to bring down the number
of parameters.
And other thing that surprises me is the lack of fully connected layers or dense layers at the end,
which one will see in a typical CNN architecture. The dense layers, in the end, learn all the
relationships between the high-level features and the classes it is trying to identify. The fully
connected layers are designed to learn that noses and ears make up a face, and wheels and lights
indicate cars. However, in this architecture, that extra learning step seems to be embedded within the
transformations between various “fire modules.”
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The squeeze-net can accomplish an accuracy nearly equal to AlexNet with 50X less number of
parameters. The most impressive part is that if we apply Deep compression to the already smaller
model, then it can reduce the size of the squeeze-net model to 510x times that of AlexNet.
Q3.ZFNet architecture
The architecture of the network is an optimized version of the last year’s winner - AlexNet. The
authors spent some time to find out the bottlenecks of AlexNet and removing them, achieving
superior performance.
(a): First layer ZFNET features without feature scale clipping. (b): the First layer features from
AlexNet. Note that there are lot of dead features - ones where the network did not learn any patterns.
(c): the First layer features for ZFNet. Note that there are only a few dead features. (d): Second layer
features from AlexNet. The grid-like patterns are so-called aliasing artifacts. They appear when
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receptive fields of convolutional neurons overlap, and neighboring neurons learn similar structures.
(e): 2nd layer features for ZFNet. Note that there are no aliasing artifacts. Source: original paper.
In particular, they reduced the filter size in the 1st convolutional layer from 11x11 to 7x7, which
resulted in fewer dead features learned in the first layer (see the image below for an example of that).
A dead feature is a situation where a convolutional kernel fails to learn any significant representation.
Visually it looks like a monotonic single-color image, where all the values are close to each other.
In addition to changing the filter size, the authors of FZNet have doubled the number of filters in all
convolutional layers and the number of neurons in the fully connected layers as compared to the
AlexNet. In the AlexNet, there were 48-128-192-192-128-2048-2048 kernels/neurons, and in the
ZFNet, all these doubled to 96-256-384-384-256-4096-4096. This modification allowed the network
to increase the complexity of internal representations and as a result, decrease the error rate from
15.4% for last year’s winner, to 14.8% to become the winner in 2013.
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In the NAS algorithm, the controller Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) samples the building blocks,
putting them together to create some end to end architecture. Architecture generally combines the
same style as state-of-the-art(SOTA) networks, such as DenseNets or ResNets, but uses a much
different combination and the configuration of blocks.
This new network architecture is then trained to convergence to obtain the least accuracy on the held-
out validation set. The resulting efficiencies are used to update the controller so that the controller
will generate better architectures over time, perhaps by selecting better blocks or making better
connections. The controller weights are updated with a policy gradient. The whole end-to-end setup
is shown below.
It’s a reasonably intuitive approach! In simple means: have an algorithm grab different blocks and
put those blocks together to make the network. Train and test out that network. Based on our results,
adjust the blocks we used to make the network and how you put them together!
SENets stands for Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks introduces a building block for CNNs that
improves channel interdependencies at almost no computational cost. They have used in the 2017
ImageNet competition and helped to improve the result from last year by 25%. Besides this large
performance boost, they can be easily added to existing architectures. The idea is this:
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Let’s add parameters to each channel of the convolutional block so that the network can adaptively
adjust the weighting of each feature map.
As simple as may it sound, this is it. So, let’s take a closer look at why this works so well.
Why it works too well?
CNN's uses its convolutional filters to extract hierarchal information from the images. Lower layers
find little pieces of context like high frequencies or edges, while upper layers can detect faces, text,
or other complex geometrical shapes. They extract whatever is necessary to solve the task precisely.
All of this works by fusing spatial and channel information of an image. The different filters will first
find the spatial features in each input channel before adding the information across all available
output channels.
All we need to understand for now is that the network weights each of its channels equally when
creating output feature maps. It is all about changing this by adding a content-aware mechanism to
weight each channel adaptively. In its too basic form, this could mean adding a single parameter to
each channel and giving it linear scalar how relevant each one is.
However, the authors push it a little further. First, they get the global understanding of each channel
by squeezing feature maps to a single numeric value. This results in the vector of size n, where n is
equal to the number of convolutional channels. Afterward, it is fed through a two-layer neural
network, which outputs a vector of the same size. These n values can now be used as weights on the
original features maps, scaling each channel based on its importance.
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The Bottom-Up Pathway
The bottom-up pathway is feedforward computation of backbone ConvNet. It is known as one
pyramid level is for each stage. The output of last layer of each step will be used as the reference set
of feature maps for enriching the top-down pathway by lateral connection.
Top-Down Pathway and Lateral Connection
The higher resolution features are upsampled spatially coarser, but semantically stronger,
feature maps from higher pyramid levels. More particularly, the spatial resolution
is upsampled by a factor of 2 using nearest neighbor for simplicity.
Each lateral connection adds feature maps of the same spatial size from the bottom-up
pathway and top-down pathway.
Specifically, the feature maps from the bottom-up pathway undergo 1×1
convolutions to reduce channel dimensions.
And feature maps from the bottom-up pathway and top-down pathway are merged
by element-wise addition.
Prediction in FPN
Finally, the 3×3 convolution is appended on each merged map to generate a final feature
map, which is to reduce the aliasing effect of upsampling. This last set of feature maps is
called {P2, P3, P4, P5}, corresponding to {C2, C3, C4, C5} that are respectively of same
spatial sizes.
Because all levels of pyramid use shared classifiers/regressors as in a traditional featured
image pyramid, feature dimension at output d is fixed with d = 256. Thus, all extra
convolutional layers have 256 channel outputs.
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The steps in black color are the old stuff that existed in R-CNN. The stages in red color do not
appear in R-CNN.
1. Selective Search
First, color similarities, texture similarities, regions size, and region filling are used as non-
object-based segmentation. Therefore you obtain many small segmented areas as shown
at the bottom left of the image above.
Then, the bottom-up approach is used that small segmented areas are merged to form the
larger segment areas.
Thus, about 2K regions, proposals (bounding box candidates) are generated, as shown
in the above image.
2. Box Rejection
R-CNN is used to reject bounding boxes that are most likely to be the background.
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3. Pre train Using Object-Level Annotations
Usually, pretraining is on image-level annotation. It is not good when an object is too small within
the image because the object should occupy a large area within the bounding box created by the
selective search.
Thus, pretraining is on object-level annotation. And the deep learning(DL) model can be any
models such as ZFNet, VGGNet, and GoogLeNet.
4. Def-Pooling Layer
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For the def-pooling path, output from conv5, goes through the Conv layer, then goes through the def-
pooling layer, and then has a max-pooling layer.
In simple terms, the summation of ac multiplied by dc,n, is the 5×5 deformation penalty in the figure
above. The penalty of placing object part from assumed the central position.
By training the DeepID-Net, object parts of the object to be detected will give a high activation value
after the def-pooling layer if they are closed to their anchor places. And this output will connect to
200-class scores for improvement.
5. Context Modeling
In object detection tasks in ILSVRC, there are 200 classes. And there is also the classification
competition task in ILSVRC for classifying and localizing 1000-class objects. The contents are more
diverse compared with the object detection task. Hence, 1000-class scores, obtained by
classification network, are used to refine 200-class scores.
In the above picture: A Simple Fractal Expansion (on Left), Recursively Stacking of Fractal
Expansion as One Block (in the Middle), 5 Blocks Cascaded as FractalNet (on the Right)
For the base case, f1(z) is the convolutional layer:
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Where C is a number of columns as in the middle of the above figure. The number of the
convolutional layers at the deepest path within the block will have 2^(C-1). In this case, C=4, thereby,
a number of convolutional layers are 2³=8 layers.
For the join layer (green), the element-wise mean is computed. It is not concatenation or addition.
With five blocks (B=5) cascaded as FractalNet at the right of the figure, then the number of
convolutional layers at the most profound path within the whole network is B×2^(C-1), i.e., 5×2³=40
In between 2 blocks, 2×2 max pooling is done to reduce the size of feature maps. Batch Norm and
ReLU are used after each convolution.
Conventionally, at the transformation of the Conv layer and FC layer, there is one single pooling
layer or even no pooling layer. In SPPNet, it suggests having multiple pooling layers with different
In the figure, 3-level SPP is used. Suppose conv5 layer has 256 feature maps. Then at the SPP layer,
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1. first, each feature map is pooled to become one value (which is grey). Thus 256-d vector
is formed.
2. Then, each feature map is pooled to have four values (which is green), and form the 4×256-
d vector.
3. Similarly, each feature map is pooled to have 16 values (in blue), and form the 16×256-d
4. The above three vectors are concatenated to form a 1-d vector.
5. Finally, this 1-d vector is going into FC layers as usual.
With SPP, you don’t need to crop the image to a fixed size, like AlexNet, before going into CNN. Any
image sizes can be inputted.
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