Intermediate Accounting 2 Second Grading Examination: Name: Date: Professor: Section: Score
Intermediate Accounting 2 Second Grading Examination: Name: Date: Professor: Section: Score
Intermediate Accounting 2 Second Grading Examination: Name: Date: Professor: Section: Score
NAME: Date:
Professor: Section: Score:
Trial and error approach
First trial: (at 10%)
Future cash flows x PV factor at x% = PV of note
4,800,000 X PV of ₱1 @ 10%, n=3 = 4,000,000
(4,800,000 x 0.751315) = 3,606,312 is not equal to 4,000,000
We need a substantially higher amount of present value. Therefore, we need to decrease substantially
the interest rate. Let’s try 6%.
Second trial: (at 6%)
Future cash flows x PV factor at x% = PV of note
4,800,000 X PV factor at 6%, n=3 = 4,000,000
(4,800,000 x 0.839619) = 4,030,171 is not equal to 4,000,000
We need a slightly lower amount of present value. Therefore, we need to increase slightly the interest
rate. Let’s try 7%.
In here, we need to perform interpolation. Looking at the values derived above, we can reasonably
expect that the effective interest rate is a rate between 6% and 7%.
The formula is derived based on our expectation that the effective interest rate is somewhere between 6%
and 7%. Notice that the lower rate appears in both the numerator and denominator of the formula while x
% appears in the numerator.
Let us substitute the amounts of present values computed earlier on the formula.
4,000,000 - 4,030,171 (30,171) 0.269
= =
3,918,230 - 4,030,171 (111,941) 5
The amount computed is added to 6% to derive the effective interest rate. The effective interest rate is
6.2695% (6% + .2695%).
4. How much is the carrying amount of the note on December 31, 20x1?
a. 4,250,780 b. 4,279,830 c. 4,400,000 d. 4,000,000
Date Payments expense Amortization Present value
Jan. 1, 20x1 759,337
Dec. 31, 20x1 250,000 91,120 158,880 600,458
Dec. 31, 20x2 250,000 72,055 177,945 422,513
Dec. 31, 20x3 250,000 50,702 199,298 223,214
Dec. 31, 20x4 250,000 26,786 223,214 0
6. Kemp Company must determine the December 31, 2005, year-end accruals for
advertising and rent expense. A P50,000 advertising bill was received January 7,
2006, comprising cost of P35,000 for advertisements in December 2006 issues, and
P15,000 for advertisements in January 2006 issues of the newspaper.
A store lease, effective December 16, 2004, calls for fixed rent of P120,000 per month,
payable one month from the effective date and monthly thereafter. In addition, rent
equal to 5% of net sales over P6,000,000 per calendar year is payable on January 31 of
the following year. Net sales for 2005 were P9,000,000.
In its December 31, 2005 balance sheet, Kemp should report accrued liabilities of
a. 260,000
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b. 185,000
c. 210,000
d. 245,000
D 35+ 60 + 150
The estimated issue price pertaining to the bonds only on Sept. 30, 20x1 is ₱962,563.
Only the accrued interest from July to Sept. is added to the issue price of the bonds because the last
interest payment date was on July 1.
8. On January 1, 20x1, SALIENT PROMINENT Co. issued 1,000, ₱4,000, 12%, 3-year
bonds for ₱4,412,336. Principal is due on December 31, 20x3 but interests are due
annually every year-end. In addition, SALIENT incurred bond issue cost of
₱213,388.The effective interest rate before adjustment for transaction costs is 8%.
How much is the carrying amount of the note on December 31, 20x1?
a. 4,019,832 b. 4,198,948 c. 4,288,776 d. 4,138 ,843
The carrying amount of the bonds on initial recognition is computed as follows:
Issue price before transaction costs 4,412,336
Transaction costs (Bond issue costs) (213,388)
Carrying amount - Jan. 1, 20x1 (net issue price) 4,198,948
Since 10% exactly discounts the future cash flows to the initial carrying amount of the bonds, it shall be
regarded as the effective interest rate. No further interpolation is needed.
Date payments Interest expense Amortization Present value
Jan. 1, 20x1 4,198,948
Dec. 31, 20x1 480,000 419,895 60,105 4,138,843
9. What is the effect of the error on the carrying amount of the bonds on December
31, 20x1? (over) understated
a. 7,107 b. (7,107) c. 6,341 d. (6,341)
Erroneous amortization of discount using straight line:
The erroneous straight-line amortization of the discount on bonds payable is computed as follows:
Face amount of bonds 4,000,000
Cash proceeds (3,807,852)
Discount on bonds payable - Jan. 1, 20x1 192,148
Divide by: Term of bonds (in years) 3
Annual amortization (straight line method) 64,049
The carrying amount of the bonds on December 31, 20x1 under the straight line method is overstated by
10. What is the effect of the error on the 20x1 profit? (over) understated
a. 7,107 b. (7,107) c. 6,341 d. (6,341)
Effect on 20x1 profit
Interest expense in 20x1:
Straight-line (see computations above) 464,049
Effective interest rate (see computations above) 456,942
Difference - overstatement under straight-line 7,107
Since interest expense under straight-line is overstated, the profit under straight-line is understated
by ₱7,107.
12. Arrange the following steps in the accounting for defined benefit plans in the
correct order.
I. Determine the components of the defined benefit cost to be recognized in P/L
and OCI.
II. Determine the net defined benefit liability (asset)
III. Determine the deficit or surplus
a. I, III and II
b. III, II and I
c. II, III and I
d. I, II and III
13. Actuarial gains or losses result from the accounting for which of the following
employee benefits?
a. Short-term compensated absences
b. Post-employment defined contribution plans
c. Post-employment defined benefit plans
d. Profit sharing and bonus plans
14. Which of the following factors is least likely to affect the amount of retirement
benefits under a defined benefit plan?
a. The age of the retiring employee.
b. The level of the employee’s compensation.
c. The employee’s length of service.
d. The amount of employer contributions to a fund.
15. Information on the defined benefit plan of Entity A as of December 31, 20x1 is
as follows:
Fair value of plan assets ₱ 800,000
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How much is (are) presented in Entity A’s December 31, 20x1 statement of financial
position in relation to its post-employment benefits plan?
a. ₱800,000 in noncurrent assets and ₱1M in noncurrent liabilities
b. ₱200,000 net defined benefit asset in noncurrent assets
c. ₱200,000 net defined benefit liability in noncurrent liabilities
d. ₱1M in noncurrent liabilities
16. The actuarial valuation report of Entity A’s post-employment benefit plan shows
the following information:
Service cost 00
Net interest on the net defined benefit 90,0
liability (asset) 00
Remeasurements of the net defined benefit
liability (20,000)
How much will be shown in profit or loss and in other comprehensive income?
Profit or loss Other comprehensive income
a. 370,000 0
b. 300,000 70,000
c. 390,000 (20,000)
d. 0 370,000
17. According to PAS 19, how are other long-term benefits accounted for?
a. similar to defined benefit plans.
b. similar to short-term employee benefits except that the cash flows are
c. similar to defined benefit plans except that all the components of the defined
benefit cost is recognized in other comprehensive income.
d. similar to defined benefit plans except that all the components of the defined
benefit cost is recognized in profit or loss.
18. Entity B, a trustee, undertakes to manage the retirement benefit fund of Entity
A for the benefit of Entity A’s employees. When reporting to Entity A regarding the
status and performance of the fund, Entity B would most likely apply which of the
following standards?
a. PAS 19
b. PAS 24
c. PAS 26
d. PFRS 6
was recently awarded by the same judge in a similar case). Other outcomes are
The court is expected to rule in late December 20x2. There is no indication that the
claimant will settle out of court. A 7% risk adjustment factor to the probability-
weighted expected cash flows is considered appropriate to reflect the uncertainties in
the cash flow estimates. An appropriate discount rate is 10% per year.
19. How much is the provision for lawsuit at December 31, 20x1?
a. 436,360 b. 446,908 c. 326,836 d. 0
At twenty per cent chance: (800K x 20%) 160,000
At eighty per cent chance: (400K x 80%) 320,000
Total 480,000
Multiply by: PV of P1 @10%, n=1 0.90909
Total 436,363
Multiply by: Risk adjustment (100% + 7%) 107%
Total 466,909
Multiply by: Probability of settlement (100% - 30%) 70%
Provision for lawsuit – Dec. 31, 20x1 326,836
20. Use the fact pattern above. However, in this question, the entity’s lawyers
believe there is a 60 per cent chance that the court will dismiss the case and the
entity will incur no outflow. How much is the provision for lawsuit at December 31,
a. 186,764 b. 446,908 c. 326,836 d. 0
Fact pattern:
On January 1, 20x1, Entity X (Customer) enters into a 4-year lease of equipment with
Entity Y (Supplier). The annual rent is ₱220,000, payable at the end of each year. The
equipment has a remaining useful life of 10 years. The interest rate implicit in the
lease is 10% while the lessee’s incremental borrowing rate is 12%. Entity X uses the
straight-line method of depreciation. The relevant present value factors are as follows:
- PV of an ordinary annuity of ₱1 @10%, n=4………… 3.16987
- PV of an ordinary annuity of ₱1 @12%, n=4………… 3.03735
Fixed payments 220,000
Multiply by: PV of an ordinary annuity of ₱1 @10%, n=4 3.16987
Lease liability 697,371
Cost of right-of-use asset 697,371
Divide by: Lease term (shorter) 4
Annual depreciation 174,343
Since the lease contract neither provides for the transfer of ownership to the lessee
nor a ‘reasonably certain’ purchase option, the asset is depreciated over the shorter of
its useful life (10 yrs.) and the lease term (4 yrs.).
23. Assume the lease qualifies for accounting as a lease of “low-value asset.” How
much is the lease liability to be recognized by Entity X on initial recognition?
a. 702,345 c. 668,217
b. 697,371 d. 0
25. Assume the lease is a finance lease. How much is the net investment in the lease
to be recognized by Entity Y on initial recognition?
a. 702,345 c. 668,217
b. 697,371 d. 0
Fixed payments 220,000
Multiply by: PV of an ordinary annuity of ₱1 @10%, n=4 3.16987
Net investment 697,371
26. Assume the lease is an operating lease. How much is the lease (rent) income in
a. 220,000 c. 167,054
b. 174,343 d. 0
Concept: If the carrying amount (CA) of an asset exceeds its tax base (TB), the difference is a taxable
temporary difference which, if multiplied by the tax rate, results to a deferred tax liability.
“For an asset: CA > TB = difference is TTD; TTD x Tax rate = DTL”
28. Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets are accounted for using
a. PAS 37
b. PFRS 6
c. PAS 29
d. PAS 8
29. These are differences that do not have future tax consequences.
a. Permanent differences
b. Taxable differences
c. Temporary differences
d. Deductible differences
30. This type of difference will give rise to deferred tax asset.
a. Taxable temporary difference
b. Permanent difference
c. Deductible temporary difference
d. No difference
31. The tenant (as opposed to the landlord) in a lease contract is referred to as the
a. Lessor
b. Lessee
c. Leasee
d. Tenor
34. In accounting for a defined benefit plan which is fully funded at the start of the
year, any difference between the defined benefit cost recognized and the
contributions made to the fund during the year should be reported as
a. An offset to the liability for past service costs.
b. Net defined benefit liability.
c. An operating expense in this period.
d. An accrued actuarial liability.
35. If not yet vested, past service cost (under the revised PAS 19)
a. is recognized immediately in profit or loss
a. is amortized over the vesting period which is at least 10 million years
b. prior period financial statements are restated
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c. recognized as expense in the current and future periods until the end of the
world or until the moon turns blue, whichever comes earlier.
36. PARADIGM EXAMPLE Co. has a 10%, P4,000,000 loan payable as of December
31, 20x1 that is maturing on July 1, 20x2. Interest on the loan is due every July 1
and December 31. On February 1, 20x2, PARADIGM Co. entered into a refinancing
agreement with a bank to refinance the loan on a long-term basis. Both parties are
financially capable of honoring the agreement's provisions. PARADIGM’s financial
statements were authorized for issue on March 15, 20x2. How much is presented as
current liability in relation to the loan in PARADIGM’s 20x1 year-end financial
a. 4,000,000 b. 200,000 c. 4,200,000 d. 0
A – general rule
37. UNKEMPT UNTIDY Co. requires advance payments for custom-built guitar
effects, gadgets, and racks. The records of UNKEMPT Co. show the following:
Unearned revenue, January 1, 20x1 P 4,000,000
Advances received during 20x1 40,000,000
Advances applied to orders shipped in 20x1 32,000,000
Advances pertaining to orders cancelled in 20x1 1,200,000
How much is the current liability if the advance payments received are refundable?
a. 10,800,000 b. 13,200,000 c. 12,000,000 d. 0
38. On January 1, 20x1, ABC Co. borrowed 10%, ₱1,000,000 loan from XYZ Bank.
Principal is due on January 1, 20x4 but interests are due annually starting January
1, 20x2. The bank charged ABC a 3% nonrefundable loan origination fee
representing service fee. How much is the carrying amount of the loan on initial
a. 1,000,000
b. 970,000
c. 930,000
d. 870,000
39. If the current tax expense is greater than the income tax expense during the
period, there must be a
a. deferred tax benefit c. income tax payable
b. deferred tax expense d. prepaid income tax
40. An equipment cost P4,000. For tax purposes, depreciation of P2,400 has already
been deducted in the current and prior periods and the remaining cost will be
deductible in future periods, either as depreciation or through a deduction on
disposal. Revenue generated by using the equipment is taxable, any gain on
disposal of the equipment will be taxable and any loss on disposal will be deductible
for tax purposes. How much is the tax base of the equipment?
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41. Interest receivable has a carrying amount of P4,000. The related interest
revenue will be taxed on a cash basis. How much is the tax base of the asset?
a. 4,000 b. 2,400 c. 1,600 d. 0
42. A loan receivable has a carrying amount of P4,000. The repayment of the loan
will have no tax consequences. How much is the tax base of the asset?
a. 4,000 b. 2,400 c. 1,600 d. 0
43. Current liabilities include accrued expenses with a carrying amount of P4,000.
The related expense will be deducted for tax purposes on a cash basis. How much is
the tax base of the liability?
a. 4,000 b. 2,400 c. 1,600 d. 0
44. Current liabilities include accrued expenses with a carrying amount of P4,000.
The related expense has already been deducted for tax purposes. How much is the
tax base of the liability?
a. 4,000 b. 2,400 c. 1,600 d. 0
Multiply by
Description of items Tax rate
Description of items
Pretax income 100,000
Permanent differences:
Add: Non-deductible
Loss on expropriation 35,000
Premium on life
insurance 6,000
Less: Non-taxable income
P a g e | 12
Non-taxable interest
income (5,000)
Accounting profit subject to tax 136,000 30% Income tax expense 40,800
Temporary differences:
Less: Taxable temporary Less: Deferred tax
difference (TTD) 'FI>TI': liability (DTL):
Excess depreciation (10,000) 30% (3,000)
Add: Deductible temporary Add: Deferred tax
difference (DTD) 'FI<TI' asset (DTA):
Warranty expense 15,000 30% 4,500
Rent received in advance 8,000 30% 2,400
Current tax
Taxable profit 149,000 30% expense 44,700
Deferred tax
= Increase in DTL - Increase in DTA
49. How much is the deferred tax liability to be presented in the statement of
financial position?
a. 3,600
b. 6,600
c. 3,000
d. 6,000
50. How much is the deferred tax asset to be presented in the statement of financial
a. 9,000
b. 9,600
c. 10,200
d. 11,000
Additional information:
ABC recognizes revenues from service fees as services are rendered but are taxed
only when cash is collected. Total collections in 20x2 amounted to ₱800,000.
The prepaid insurance account pertains to the unexpired portion of life insurance
premiums taken on the life of key personnel. ABC is the irrevocable beneficiary of
the insurance policy. Total premiums paid in 20x2 were ₱50,000.
The building was acquired on January 1, 20x1 and is depreciated over an estimated
useful life of 20 years with no residual value. The straight line method of
depreciation is used for financial reporting while the double declining balance
method is used for taxation.
Warranty expense is recognized at the time goods are sold but are tax deductible
only when actually paid. Tax deductible warranty expense for 20x2 amounted to
Pretax income in 20x2 is ₱1,000,000. Income tax rate is 30%.
51. How much is the deferred tax asset as of December 31, 20x1?
a. 84,000
b. 96,000
c. 102,000
d. 114,000
Requirement (a) – DTL and DTA in statement of financial position in 20x1 and
For an asset:
P a g e | 14
Trade account receivable – December 31, 20x1:
*The tax base of the building on Dec. 31, 20x1 is computed as follows:
The building is 1-year old as of December 31, 20x1 because the acquisition date is January
1, 20x1.
Double declining rate is 10% (2 ÷ 20 years).
* The tax base is zero because the warranty is tax deductible only when paid. (See previous discussion
on tax bases)
52. How much is the deferred tax liability as of December 31, 20x1?
a. 360,000
b. 410,000
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c. 510,000
d. 620,000
53. How much is the deferred tax asset as of December 31, 20x2?
a. 72,000
b. 86,000
c. 90,000
d. 110,000
*The tax base of the building on Dec. 31, 20x2 is computed as follows:
54. How much is the deferred tax liability as of December 31, 20x2?
a. 510,000
b. 680,000
c. 720,000
d. 810,000
Multiply by
Description of items Tax rate
Description of items
Pretax income 1,000,000
Permanent difference: a
Acctg. profit subj. to tax 1,030,000 30% ITE 309,000
Less: TTD (700,000) 30% DTL b
Add: DTD 20,000 30% DTA 6,000
Taxable profit - 20x2 350,000 30% CTE 105,000
The permanent difference pertains to the insurance expense recognized in financial
reporting but is non-tax deductible. This is computed in the T-account below:
Prepaid insurance
Jan. 1, 20x2 100,000
Premiums paid 50,000 30,000 Insurance expense (squeeze)
120,000 Dec. 31, 20x2
The amounts placed in the formula above are the changes in TTD, DTD, DTL and
DTA, respectively. The changes in DTL and DTA are computed as follows:
Pretax incomes were ₱400,000 and ₱500,000 in 20x2 and 20x1, respectively. Income
tax rate is 30%.
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The 20x1 income tax expense and current tax expense are computed as:
Multiply by
Description of items Tax rate
Description of items
Pretax income 500,000
Permanent difference: -
Acctg. profit subj. to tax 500,000 30% ITE 150,000
Less: TTD (20,000) 30% Less: DTL (6,000)
Add: DTD 15,000 30% Add: DTA 4,500
Taxable profit - 20x1 495,000 30% CTE 148,500
The 20x2 income tax expense and current tax expense are computed as:
Multiply by
Description of items Tax rate
Description of items
Pretax income 400,000
Permanent difference: -
Acctg. profit subj. to tax 400,000 30% ITE 120,000
ADD: TTD (10,000) 30% ADD: DTL 3,000
LESS: DTD 8,000 30% LESS: DTA (2,400)
Taxable profit - 20x1 402,000 30% CTE 120,600
60. How much is the deferred tax liability as of December 31, 20x3?
a. 280,000
b. 245,000
c. 120,000
d. 105,000
Multiply by
Description of items Tax rate
Description of items
Pretax income before depn. 1,000,000
Depreciation expense (150,000)
Pretax income after depn. 850,000
Permanent differences: -
Acctg. profit subj. to tax 850,000 30% ITE 255,000
63. Entity A received a subscription for 2,000 shares at ₱18 per share on March 31,
20x1. Entity A’s shares have a par value ₱5 per share. Entity A collected the
subscription receivable on May 15, 20x1. Which of the following statements is
a. Entity A should credit share premium for ₱13,000 on March 31, 20x1.
b. Entity A should credit share premium for ₱26,000 on March 31, 20x1.
c. Entity A should credit share premium for ₱13,000 on May 15, 20x1.
d. Entity A should credit share premium for ₱26,000 on May 15, 20x1.
2,000 sh. x (18 – 5) = 26,000 share premium recorded at the subscription date, not
collection date
64. Entity A has the following share capital transactions during the year:
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Issued 10,000 shares with par value of ₱10 per share for a total consideration of
Received share subscriptions for 20,000 shares at a subscription price of ₱22
per share. Only half of the subscriptions were collected by the end of the year.
How much is the total share premium arising from the share transactions above?
a. 60,000 c. 300,000
b. 320,000 d. 180,000
How much is the Entity A’s total shareholders’ equity after recording the
transactions above?
a. 900,000 c. 540,000
b. 680,000 d. 360,000
Share capital (30K x 10)
Subscribed shares (40K x 10)
Subscriptions receivable (40K x 18 x
25%) (180,000)
Share premium (30K x 2) + (40K x
8) 380,000
Total SHE
66. Entity A’s total shareholders’ equity was ₱900,000 before recording the
following share transactions:
Received cash subscriptions for 10,000 shares with par value of ₱1 at ₱14 per
share. Share issuance costs amounted to ₱2,000.
Received subscriptions for 20,000 shares at ₱20 per share. Twenty-five percent
down payment was collected on subscription date.
Collected the remaining unpaid subscription price of 15,000 subscribed shares
and issued the related share certificates. Share issuance costs amounted to
How much is the balance of Entity A’s total shareholders’ equity after recording the
transactions above? (Hint: Preparing journal entries makes this problem easier to solve.)
a. 1,490,000 c. 1,360,000
b. 1,510,000 d. 1,610,000
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67. On February 26, 20x1, Entity A acquires 10,000 of its own shares for ₱3 per
share. The shares have a par value of ₱1 and were selling in the stock market at ₱4
per share on this date. To record the reacquisition, Entity A should
a. debit Treasury shares account for ₱30,000.
b. credit Treasury shares account for ₱30,000.
c. debit Share premium account for ₱10,000.
d. credit Treasury shares account for ₱40,000.
68. Two years ago, Entity A reacquired 2,000 of its own shares with par value of
₱100 per share for ₱240,000. Today, Entity A reissues half of the treasury shares at
₱160 per share. The journal entry to record the reissuance includes which of the
a. Credit to Retained earnings – unrestricted account for ₱240,000
b. Debit to Treasury shares account for ₱120,000
c. Credit to Share premium – treasury shares for ₱80,000
d. Credit to Share premium – treasury shares for ₱40,000
Date Cash (1,000 x ₱160) 160,000
Treasury shares (240,000 x 1/2) 120,000
Share premium – treasury shares 40,000
Date Retained earnings – appropriated 120,000
Retained earnings – unrestricted 120,000
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69. Entity A reacquires 10,000 of its own shares for ₱50. The shares have par value
of ₱10 and were originally issued at ₱15 per share. Subsequently, Entity A reissues
the 10,000 shares at ₱48 per share. The journal entry to record the reissuance
involves which of the following?
a. Debit to Retained earnings for ₱20,000
b. Credit to Cash for ₱480,000
c. Debit to Share premium for ₱50,000
d. Debit to Treasury shares for ₱500,000
Date Cash (10,00 x ₱48) 480,000
(a) Share premium – treasury shares -
(b) Retained earnings 20,000
Treasury shares (10,000 x ₱50) 500,000
70. Entity A reacquires 10,000 of its own shares for ₱50. The shares have par value
of ₱10 and were originally issued at ₱15 per share. Subsequently, Entity A reissues
half of the reacquired shares at ₱58 per share and retires the other half. The
journal entry to record the retirement of the shares includes which of the
following? (Hint: Provide the entries for both the reissuance and the retirement.)
a. Debit to Retained earnings for ₱175,000
b. Credit to Share premium - retirement for ₱40,000
c. Debit to Share premium for ₱50,000
d. Debit to Retained earnings for ₱135,000
71. Entity A reacquires 1,000 of its own shares for ₱25 and immediately retires
them. The shares have par value of ₱10 and were originally issued at ₱30 per share.
The journal entry to record the retirement of the shares includes which of the
a. Debit to Retained earnings for ₱5,000
b. Credit to Treasury shares for ₱30,000
c. Credit to Share capital for ₱10,000
d. Credit to Share premium - retirement for ₱5,000
72. Entity A receives 20,000 shares with par value of ₱100 and fair value of ₱210 on
November 2, 20x1. The shares have fair value of ₱220 per share on December 31,
20x1. How much additional capital is recognized in Entity A’s December 31, 20x1
balance sheet as having resulted from the receipt of the donated shares?
a. 2,000,000 c. 4,400,000
b. 4,200,000 d. 0
73. You and I are the accountants of A Corporation. Our company’s authorized
capitalization is ₱100M divided into 100M shares with par value per share of ₱1.
Which of the following statements is correct?
a. If our company issues 10,000 shares for ₱5 each, we will recognize a share
premium of ₱50,000.
b. Our company can issue shares at a subscription price that is below ₱1.
c. Our company can issue more than 100M shares without amending its articles of
d. If our company receives share subscription for 20,000 shares at ₱15 per share,
we will most likely recognize the related share premium on subscription date
rather than on the collection date.
Excess of gross profit recognized for financial reporting
over taxable gross profit (1M – 800,000) – ‘FI>TI’ 200,000
Excess of retirement benefits expense recognized for
P a g e | 23
Description of items
Pretax income 100,000
Add: Non-deductible losses on fines and surcharges 40,000
Accounting profit subject to tax 140,000
Less: Taxable temporary difference (TTD) 'FI>TI': (250,000)
Add: Deductible temporary difference before NOLCO (DTD) 'FI<TI' 70,000
Operating loss carry forward (40,000)
76. On December 31, 20x1, an entity has an asset of ₱4,000 for interest receivable
that will be taxed when the cash is received in 20x2. Tax is payable at 20% on the
first ₱500,000 of taxable profit earned and 30% on any remainder (i.e., excess
above ₱500,000). In 20x1 the entity earned taxable profit of ₱450,000. In 20x2 the
entity expects to earn taxable profit of ₱550,000. How much is the deferred tax
liability on Dec. 31, 20x1?
a. 864.15
b. 748.19
c. 891.23
d. 836.40
Tax on first ₱500,000 of taxable profit (500,000 x 20%) 100,000
Tax on excess taxable profit [(550,000 - 500,000) x 30%] 15,000
Total current tax expense in 20x2 115,000
Divide by: Expected taxable profit in 20x2 550,000
Average rate expected to apply on reversal date 20.91%
77. Wall Co. leased office premises to Fox, Inc. for a five-year term beginning
January 2, 20x9. Under the terms of the operating lease, rent for the first year is
₱8,000 and rent for years 2 through 5 is ₱12,500 per annum. However, as an
inducement to enter the lease, Wall granted Fox the first six months of the lease
rent-free. In its December 31, 20x9, income statement, what amount should Wall
report as rental income?
a. 12,000 b. 11,600 c. 10,800 d. 8,000
Rent for the first year (8,000 x 6/12) 4,000
Rent for the subsequent years (12,500 x 4) 50,000
Total collection on rentals 54,000
Divide by: 5
Annual rent income 10,800
78. As an inducement to enter a lease, Arts, Inc., a lessor, grants Hompson Corp., a
lessee, nine months of free rent under a five-year operating lease. The lease is
effective on July 1, 20x5, and provides for monthly rental of ₱1,000 to begin April 1,
20x6. In Art's income statement for the year ended June 30, 20x6, rent income
should be reported as
a. 10,200 b. 9,000 c. 3,000 d. 2,550
Lease term in years 5
Multiply by: No. of months in a year 12
Lease term in months 60
Nine months free rent (9)
Total 51
Multiply by: Monthly rental 1,000
Total rental payments on the lease 51,000
Divide by: Lease term in years 5
Annual rent income (July 1 to June 30) 10,200
79. ABC Co. has the following information relating to its income tax on December
31, 20x1:
Provision for probable loss on litigation of ₱300,000 is recognized for financial
reporting. This amount is tax deductible only when actually paid. ABC expects to pay
for the accrued loss in 20x2.
Revenue for financial reporting is recognized based on percentage of completion
while revenue for taxation purposes is recognized based on collections on progress
billings. Total revenue recognized for financial reporting is ₱1,000,000 while
revenue recognized for taxation purposes is ₱800,000.
Pretax income for the year is ₱1,000,000. Income tax rate for 20x1 is 30%. However,
an enacted tax law that will take effect starting January 1, 20x2 requires a tax rate
of 32%.
There are no temporary differences on January 1, 20x1.
P a g e | 25
Description of items Tax rates
Pretax income 1M
Permanent differences -
Acctg. profit subj. to N/ 298 SQUEEZ
tax A K E
Less: Revenue (200 32 (64K
(FI>TI) K) % )
Add: Provision 32
300K DTA 96K
(FI<TI) %
30 330
Taxable profit 1.1M CTE
% K
“We want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, so that
what you hope for may be fully realized.” (Hebrews 6:11)
- END -