Lapjag 30 Maret
Lapjag 30 Maret
Lapjag 30 Maret
} BP : 154/72 mmHg
} HR : 88x/minute
} RR : 22x/minute
} T: 36,90 C
} Skin : turgor was normal
} Limph Gland : No enlargement
} Eye
} Conjunctiva are anemic +/+
} Sclera are icteric -/-
} Neck
} JVP 5+2 cmH20
} Lung:
} Inspection: simetric in static and dinamic
} Palpation: fremitus left=right
} Percussion: sonor
} Auscultation:Vesicular, Rales -/-, wheezing -/-
◦ Inspection: ictus is not seen.
◦ Percussion:
Left border: 1 finger lateral LMCS ICS VI
} Extremities:
} Physiologic Reflex +/+
} Pathologic Reflex -/-
} Oedema +/+
Hb 7,1 g/dL
Ht 22%
WBC 5130/mm3
Platelet 343000/mm3
Ur/creatinin 83/10,4
Na/K/Cl 131/4.8/107
Total protein 6,4
Albumin/globulin 3,1/3,3
Calcium 8,7
Ur/cr 83/10,4
Chest X Ray
Working Diagnose
} Nefrogenic ascites
} CKD stg V ec GNC on HD
} Congestive heart failure Fc II
} Moderate anemia normositik normokrom ec
chronic disease
} Rest/ heart diet, RPRG
} Folic acid 1x5 mg
} Bicnat 3x500 mg
} Candesartan 1x16 mg
} Amlodipin 1x5 mg
} Parasintesa ascites
} Ascites analatysis
} Abdominal USG
2. Herryanto, 58 yo, male, mW 16
} Chief Complaint:
} Pro chemoteraphy 1st cycle
} Present Illness History
} Pro chemotheraphy 1st cycle, patient has been known with
chronic lymphocytyc leuchemia since 1 month ago.
} Abdomen was enlargement since 1 year. Fullness in the
stomach since 1 year ago.
} Swelling on the right and left neck with a size of marble.
} Fatigue and weakness since 1 month ago.
} Paleness since 1 month ago.
} Bleeding hystorical (-)
} Micturition in normal limits, Defecation in normal limits,
bloody stool (-).
Past illness history
} History of HT denied
} History of DM denied
Physical Examination
} Consciousness level: CMC
} BP : 110/70 mmHg
} HR : 74 x/minute
} RR : 19 x/minute
} T: 36,8 C
} Eye
} Anemic conjunctiva (+)
} Icteric sclera(-)
} Neck
} JVP 5-2 cmH20
} Palpable mass diameters 1,5cm at submandibula sinistra.
} Multiple mass diameter 1 cm at posterior
} Inspection: normochest
} Palpation: fremitus equal on both side, palpable marble sized
mass in the left axilla
} Percussion: sonor
} Auscultation: vesicular, rales -/-, wheezing -/-
} Cor:
} Inspection: ictus is not seen.
} Palpation: ictus is palpated at 1 finger medial LMCS ICS V
} Percussion:
} Left border: 1 finger medial LMCS ICS V
} Right border: linea sternalis dextra
} Upper border: ICS II
} Auscultation: regular rhytm, murmur (-)
} Abdomen:
} Inspection: enlargement (+)
} Palpation: Liver palpated 2 finger inferior arcus costae
dextra, Spleen S2
} Percussion: tympani
} Auscultation: bowel sound (+) N
} Extremities:
} Physiologic Reflex +/+
} Pathologic Reflex -/-
} Capillary refill time >2 sec
Laboratory findings
Hb 6,9 gr/dl
Ht 23 %
WBC 20.860/mm3
Platelet 210.000/mm3
Reticulocyte 2,9
DC 1/4/1/11/82/1
MCV/ MCH/MCHC 82/24/30
Ur/Cr 15/1,0
Na/K/Cl 137/3,8/108
GDS 130
Ro thorax
Working Diagnosis
} Chronic Lymphositic Leukemia pro chemotheraphy 1st
} Moderate anemia normocytic normochrome cb
} Hypoalbuminemia
} Rest/ Daily diet High energy protein
} IVFD NaCl 0,9% 8 hrs/kolf
} B complex 2x1 tab p.o
} Paracetamol 3x500mg p.o prn
} Crossmatch PRC 2 units
} Transfusse PRC 1 unit /day.
} Check hepatitis marker
} Protocol chemoteraphy
3. Andri,29 yo, male, mW 16
} Chief Complaint:
} Fatigue and weakness increased since 5 days ago
} Present Illness History
} Fatigue and weakness increase since 5 days ago
} Fatigue increased since 3 days ago. this complain had been felt
since 2 weeks ago
} Fever (-) Cough (-) Breathlessness (-)
} Decrease of appetite (-)
} Nausea and vomit (-)
} Bloody stool (-)
} Urine was normal
} Patient has known as Thalasemia since 8 years ago and regularly
receive blood transfusion
Past illness history
} History of hypertension and DM type 2 was denied
Physical Examination
} General Appearance : Moderate
} BP : 117/66 mmHg
} HR : 87 x/minute
} RR : 18 x/minute
} T: 37º C
} Eye
} conjunctiva anemic (+)
} Icteric sclera(-)
} Neck
} JVP 5-2 cmH20
} Lung:
} Inspection: statically & dynamically symmetric
} Palpation: fremitus right=left
} Percussion: sonor
} Auscultation: vesicular, Rh -/- Wh -/-
} Cor:
} Inspection: ictus is not seen.
} Palpation: ictus is palpated at 1 finger medial
} Percussion:
} Left border: 1 finger LMCS I medial ICS VI
} Right border: linea sternalis dextra
} Upper border: ICS II
} Auscultation: regular, murmur (-)
} Abdomen:
} Inspection: enlargement (-)
} Palpation: Hepar isn’t palpable, lien S$
} Percussion: tympani
} Auscultation: bowel sound (+) N
} Extremities:
} Oedema pretibia +/+
} Physiologic Reflex +/+
} Pathologic Reflex -/-
Hb 6,1 gr/dl
Ht 18 %
WBC 6820/mm3
Platelet 127.000/mm3
Diff. Count 0/1/1/48/45/5/
MCV/MCH/MCHC 57/19/33
Ur/Cr 32/0,8
Na/K/Cl 134/3,9/105
Alb/Glob 22/4,5
Peripheral blood Slide
Working Diagnosis
} Moderate anemia normocytic normochrom ec haemolytic
non autoimun ec Thalasemia
} Thalasemia beta mayor
} Rest/ Diet High Calori High Protein
} IVFD Nacl 0,9% 8h/kolf
} Ferriprox 3x500mg
} Transfusion PRC
} Check feritin
4. Friezka, Female, 19 yo, FW16
} Chief Complaint:
} Fatigue and weakness increased since 2 days ago
} Present Illness History
} Fatigue and weakness increase since 2 days ago
} Fatigue increased since 2 days ago. this complain had been felt
since 1 weeks ago
} Fever (-) Cough (-) Breathlessness (-)
} Decrease of appetite (+)
} Nausea and vomit (-)
} Bloody stool (-)
} Urine was normal
} Patient has known as Thalasemia since 2 years ago and regularly
receive blood transfusion (3-4 times a year)
Past illness history
} History of hypertension and DM type 2 was denied
Physical Examination
} General Appearance : Moderate
} BP : 120/83 mmHg
} HR : 110x/minute
} RR : 20x/minute
} T: 36.7º C
} Eye
} conjunctiva anemic (+)
} Icteric sclera(-)
} Neck
} JVP 5-2 cmH20
} Lung:
} Inspection: statically & dynamically symmetric
} Palpation: fremitus right=left
} Percussion: sonor
} Auscultation: vesicular, Rh -/- Wh -/-
} Cor:
} Inspection: ictus is not seen.
} Palpation: ictus is palpated at 1 finger medial
} Percussion:
} Left border: 1 finger LMCS I medial ICS VI
} Right border: linea sternalis dextra
} Upper border: ICS II
} Auscultation: regular, murmur (-)
} Abdomen:
} Inspection: enlargement (-)
} Palpation: Hepar isn’t palpable, lien S2
} Percussion: tympani
} Auscultation: bowel sound (+) N
} Extremities:
} Oedema pretibia -/-
} Physiologic Reflex +/+
} Pathologic Reflex -/-
Hb 6,1gr/dl
Ht 18 %
WBC 10.270/mm3
Platelet 332.000/mm3
Diff. Count 0/5/0/65/26/4
MCV/MCH/MCHC 59/20/33
Ur/Cr 77/2,7
Na/K/Cl 137/3,6/111
Alb/Glob 4,1/3,1
Ferritin 1896
Peripheral blood Slide
Working Diagnosis
} Moderate anemia micrositic hypocrom ec haemolytic
non autoimun ec Thalasemia intermediet
} AKI Stage II cb prerenal ec dehidrasi
} Rest/ Diet High Calori High Protein
} IVFD Nacl 0,9% 6h/kolf
} Ferriprox 1x750mg
} Transfusion PRC until Hb > 12 mg/dL
5. Lorenta Nadaek, Female, IW 03, 31 yo
◦ Cough since 1 week ago
HR :76 x/minute
RR :28x/minute
T: 36,90 C
◦ Conjunctiva anemic (+)
◦ Sclera are icteric (-)
◦ JVP 5-2 cmH2O
◦ Inspection: simetric in static and dinamic
◦ Palpation: fremitus equal both lung
◦ Percussion: sonor
◦ Auscultation: Bronchovesicular, Rales(+/+) ,wheezing
◦ Inspection: ictus is not seen.
◦ Palpation: ictus is palpated at 1 finger lateral LMCS
◦ Percussion:
Left border: 1I finger lateral LMCS ICSVI
◦ Oedema (-/-)
HB/HT/L/Tr 7.6/22/8270/226000
PT/APTT 13.3/22.2
Alb/Glb 3.0/3.7
Ur/Cr 103/9.5
Na/K/Cl 133/4.5/104
PH/PCO2/PO2/HCO3-/So2 7.38/25/148/15.8/99
• Community Acquired Pneumonia
• C K D stg V cb hypertensive kidney disease on H D
• Hyperrtensionheartdisease
• Moderate anemia normocyte normochrome cb chronic
Rest/Low Protein diet 50 gr Low Salt II
O2 4L/mnt
IVFD Easpfrimer 500 cc/24 hrs
Inj Ceftriaxon 2x1 gr (iv)
Amlodipine 1x10 mg (PO)
Candesartan 1x16 mg (PO)
Clonidin 3x0.15 mg/PO
Folic acid 1x5 mcg (PO)
Natrium bicarbonate 3x500 mg (PO)
Culture sputum
Expertised rontgen thorax
6. Triana Wahyuni, 30 yo female, HCU
Chief Complaint
} Watery stool since 1 week ago
Present Illness History
• Watery stool since 1 week. frequention 5 times a day,
amount about 1 glass, blood (-)
• Vomit since 3 days ago. frequention 3x/day,amount about 1
• Fever since 1 week ago, no chilling
• Decreased of appetite since 1 months ago
• Fatique since 1 week ago, look pale (+)
• Decreased of body weight (-)
• Cough (-), breathlessness (-)
• Micturition was normal
• Patient are known as SLE on therapy.
}History of DM (-)
}History of hypertension (-)
}History of same illness (-)
General Examination
} Counsciousness : cmc
} Blood Pressure : 80/64 mmHg
} Heart Rate : 121x/mnt
} Temperature : 38 C
} Respiratory Rate : 24 x/mnt
} Cyanosis :-
} Edema :-
} Anemic :+
} Icteric :-
Turgor was normal
Lymph nodes
} no enlargement
Jvp : 5-2cmH2O
Tyroid : not palpable
} Normocephal
} Anemic (+), icteric (-/-)
-Insp : symmetrical static and dynamic
-Palp : fremitus left=right
-Perc : sonor
-Ausc : vesikuler , ronchi -/- , wheezing -/-
-Insp : ictus unseen
-Palp : ictus 1 finger medial of LMCS RIC V
-Perc : left : 1 finger medial of LMCS RIC V,right :
LSD, upper: RIC II
-Ausc : Iregular rhythm, murmur (-)
-Insp : enlargement of abdomen (-)
-Palp : Liver and spleen unpalpable
-Perc : tympani
-ausc : bowel sound (+) increased
} costovertebral pain (-)
Cold akral, Udem -/-
Laboratory Values
Hb/ht/leu/Tro 3,8/11/340/6.000
Alb/Glo 2,5/3,9
SGOT/SGPT 222/45
Na/K/Cl 118/3,4/87
Ur/Cr 34/1,3
PT/aptt/d-dimer 11,6/33,2/957
AGD 7,557/16,6/135,7/14,6/-7,2/97,1
Rontgen Thorax
Working Diagnosis
}Gastroenteritis acute with severe dehydration
} Shock Hypovolemic
}Pansitopenia cb Secondary aplasia
}Febrile neutropenia
}Severe anemia cb Chronic Disease
} rest / soft diet low fiber
} Loading Nacl 0,9% 2000 cc à IVFD NaCl 0.9%
} IVFD NaCl 3% 500cc 12/kolf
} Inj Ceftriaxone 2x1 gram (iv)
} Inf Levofloxacine 1x500mg (iv)
} New diatab 3 x 2 tab (po)
} Paracetamol 3x500 (po)
} Imuran 2x 50 mg (po)
} Hydroxychloroquine 1x200mg (po)
} Metylprednisolone 1x4 mg (po)
7. Rico Renaldo, Male, 46 yo, HCU
Chief Complaint :
} Black stool since 1 day ago
Present Illness History :
} Black stool since 1 day ago, 2-3 times daily, volume around 20
} Black vomit since 1 day ago, 3 times daily, volume around 30 cc.
} Fatigue and weakness since 3 days ago.
} Look pale since 3 days ago.
} There is no fever, no breathlessness, no cough.
} Defecation and micturition is normal.
} Patient was diagnosed by hepatic cirrhosis since 4 month ago.
Pass Illness History :
} History of HT (-)
} History of DM (-)
} History of malignancy (-)
} BP : 116/75 mmHg
} HR : 116x/ minute
} RR : 20x/ minute
} T : 36,9
} Sat : 98%
Turgor normal
}Lymph nodes
No enlargement on the neck, armpit and thigh area
} Eye
◦ Conjunctiva anemic +/+
◦ Sclera not icteric
} Neck
◦ JVP 5-2 cmH20
} Lung :
◦ Inspection: normochest
◦ Palpation : simetric dextra and sinistra
◦ Percussion : sonor
◦ Auscultation : vesicular, rhonchi -/-, wheezing -/-
} Cor :
} Inspection : ictus not seen
} Palpation : ictus is palpated at 1 finger medial
} Percussion :
Left border : 1 finger medial LMCS ICS V
Right border : linea sternalis dextra
Upper border : RIC II
} Auscultation : regular, murmur (-)
} Abdomen :
} Inspection: enlargement (-)
} Palpation : liver unpalpable , spleen s2
} Percussion : tympani
} Auscultation : bowel sound (+) normal
} Extremities :
} Oedema -/-, Palmar eritem (+)
Hb 9,3 g/dL
Ht 26 %
WBC 8.340/ mm3
Platelets 82.000/ mm3
Diff count 0/1/55/32/12
PT/APTT 20/45,4 detik
Alb/ Glb 1,7/3,6 g/ dL
SGOT/ SGPT 52/ 22 U/ L
Bil I/ II 3,5/ 4,6 mg/ dL
Ur/Cr 36/ 0,7 mg/ dL
RBG 111 mg/ dL
Na/K/Cl 137/ 3,6/ 108 mmol/ L
HBsAg/ Anti HCV Non reaktif/ Reaktif
pH/ pCO2/ pO2/ HCO3/ BE/ SO2 7,498/ 18,5/ 121,8/ 14,5/ -9,0/ 98,6
Chest X-Ray
Working Diagnose
} Hematemesis melena cb variceal bleeding
} Hepatisc cirrhosis post necrotic stadium decompensata
} Mild anemia cb acute bleeding
} Hypocoagulation cb hepatic cirrhosis
} Hepatitis C
◦ Fatigue since 3 day ago
◦ JVP 5-2 cmH2O
◦ Inspection: simetric in static and dinamic
◦ Palpation: fremitus equal both lung
◦ Percussion: sonor
◦ Auscultation: Vesicular, Rales(-/-) ,wheezing
◦ Inspection: ictus is not seen.
◦ Palpation: ictus is palpated at 1I finger
lateral LMCS ICS VI
◦ Percussion:
Left border: 1I finger lateral LMCS ICS VI
◦ Oedema (-/-)
HB/HT/L/Tr 1.7/5/2180/107000
PT/APTT 13.8/19.7
Alb/Glb 3.3/3.1
Ur/Cr 71/0.9
Hb 9,5 PT 12,2 s
Ht 15,73 APTT 47,0 s
L 13.512 SGOT 912
Tr 37.000 SGPT 527
Diff count 0/0/1/73/21/5 Alb/glob 3,7/2,0
Ur/kr 35/0,7 RBG 149
Na/K/Cl 143/3,5/109
X Ray
Working Diagnose
} Melena ec peptic ulcer
} Mild Anemia normocytic normochrome cb acute bleeding
} Type 2 DM uncontrolled overweight
} Hypertension stage 2 cb essential
} Urinary tract infection
} Rest/ flow NGT, fasting/ O2 3 liter/minute
} IVFD aminofusin: triofusin : NaCl 0,9% 1:1: 2 6 hours/kolf
} Inj lansoprazole 60 mg followed with 30 mg in 100 cc
NaCl 0,9% in 1 hour every 6 hours
} Inj Vit K 3x1 amp
} Inj Transamin 3 x 1 amp
} Inj Ceftriaxone 2 x 1 gram
} Amlodipin 1x5mg
} Candesartan 1x8 mg
} Fluid balace: balance
} Urinalysis
} Culture urine
10. Aisah, female, 61 y.o, FW 12
} Cc:
} Breathlessness increased since 3 days ago.
Present Illness History
} Breathlesness increased since 3 days ago. Breathlessness has been
felt since 3 months a go, affected by activity, not affected by food or
} Waist pain since 3 months a go
} Hematuri since 3 months a go, not always
} Abdominal enlargement since 1 month ago
} Look pallor since 1 weeks a go
} Fatigue and weakness that increased since 3 days a go, fatigue and
weakness has been felt since 1 weeks a go
} Fever (-)
} Cough (-)
} Spontaneus bleeding (-)
Past illness history
} History of hipertension (-)
} History of DM (-)
Physical Examination
} Consciousness level: CMC
} BP : 80/70 mmHg
} HR : 120x/minute
} RR : 26 x/minute
} T: 37 C
} Spo2 93%
} Eye
} Conjunctiva are anemic (+)
} Sclera are icteric (-)
} Neck
} JVP 5-2cmH20
} Lung:
} Inspection: simetric at statis and dinamic
} Palpation: fremitus Right = Left
} Percussion: : sonor
} Auscultation : Pulmo sinistra : vesikuler, ronki (+/+), wheezing (-
} Cor:
} Inspection: ictus isn’t seen
} Palpation: ictus palpable 1 finger medial LMCS ICS V
} Percussion:
} Left border: ICTUS palpable 1 finger medial LMCS ICS V
} Right border: LSD
} Upper border: RIC II
} Auscultation: pure rhythm, murmur (-)
} Abdomen:
} Inspection: enlargement (+)
} Palpation: liver and spleen hard to access
} Percussion: shifting dulness +
} Auscultation: bowel sound (+) normal
} Extremities:
} Physiologic Reflex +/+
} Pathologic Reflex -/-
} Oedema -/-
Hb 6.4 gr/dl
HT 19 %
WBC 13070
Platelet 444.000
DC 0/0/91/3/6
PT/APTT 10.2/18.7
Alb/glo 2.6/2.8
OT/PT 15/7
Ur/Cr 240/2,5
RBG 113
Na/K/Cl 131/4.0/88
BGA 7.54/27.7/144.7/24.3/2.5/97.9
eGFR 20-23
Working Diagnose
} Septic shock cb Hospitalized acquired pneumonia
} Acute on CKD
} Moderate Anemia normositik normokrom cb chronic
} Susp Tumor intra abdomen
} Rest/ soft diet/o2 3l
} Loading Nacl 1000cc then drip vascon 1 amp
} Cefepim 3x1g IV
} Levofloxasin 1x500mg IV
} Sodium Bicarbonate 3x500 mg
} Folic acid 1x 5 mg
} N-acetilsistein 3x200mg
} Fluid Balance (+)
} Tranfusion PRC
} USG abdomen
} Experise chest x ray
} Hepatitis marker
11. Ermanita, female, 47th YO, HCU 03
} CC:
Breathlessness (+) since 2 days ago
} Present Illness History
} Breathlessness (+) since 2 days ago,
continuously, unaffected by weather, food and activity
} Fever (+) since 2 days ago, not high, no chills
} Black vomit since 2 days ago
} cough (-)
} Decrease of consciousness since 9 days ago suddenly,
Patient has been hospitalized for brain bleeding in
neurology department.
} Weakness of right extremities since 9 days ago
} Defecation and micturition within normal limits
} History of swollen leg was denied
} History of breathlessness was denied, history of
breathlessness after walking distance was denied
} History of Hypertension (+) since 2017.
} History of DM (+) type 2 since 2017 and get insulin
Physical Examination
level of consciousness : sopor
General circumstances : severe
BP : 127/77 mmHg
HR : 112 x/minute
RR : 29x/minute
T: 38oC
SpO2 = 99%
◦ Conjunctiva anemic -/-
◦ Sclera icteric -/-
◦ normal
◦ Thorax : normochest
◦ Inspection : Simetric left = right,
◦ Palpation : fremitus could not be assesed
◦ Percussion : sonor
◦ Auscultation : Broncovesicular, Rh +/+ Wh -/-
◦ Inspection: ictus is seen at ICS VI
◦ Palpation: ictus is palpated at 1 finger lateral LMCS
◦ Percussion:
Left border: 1 finger lateral LMCS ICS VI
Right border: linea sternalis dextra
Upper border: RIC II
◦ Auscultation: murmur (-)
◦ Inspection : Enlargement (-)
◦ Palpation : Hepar not palpable and lien
not palpable
◦ Percussion : thympani, shifting dullness (-)
◦ Auscultation : bowel sound (+) normal
◦ Physiologic Reflex +/+
◦ Pathologic Reflex -/-
◦ Oedema -/-
Examination Result
Hb 10,3
Leucocyte 14.450
platelet 213.000
Hematocrit 34%
Diff Count 0/2/1/62/26/9
Alb / glob 3,7/4,2
procalcitonin 1,31
Ur/Cr 131/3,2
Na/K/Cl 140/4.5/112
PT/APTT 9,7/18,7
Examination Result
BGA 7,38/24/109/14,2/98%
HDL/LDL 25/160
Trigliserida 290
total cholesterol 263
Uric acid 10,3
RBG 189
Hba1C 10,2
Ro Thoraks
CT scan of brain
Working Diagnose
} Sepsis ec Hospital Acquired Pnemonia
} Hemathemesis cb stress ulcer
} DM type 2 uncontrolled overweight
} Acute on CKD
} Ischaemic Miokard of inferolateral
} Dyslipidemia
} Hyperuricemia
} Stroke hemorrhagic e/r thalamus (s) +
intraventricular OH-9
Rest/ fasting for 8 hours continue with liquid diet 6X150cc Heart diet, diabetic diet
1700 kkal via NGT,
IVFD Nacl 0,9% 8 hours/kolf
Inf levofloxacin 1x250mg IV
Inj meropenem 2x1gr IV
Bolus prosogan 2 amp (extra)
Drip prosogan 4x1 amp in 100 cc Nacl 0,9% finished in 1 hour
Vitamin K 3x1 IV
Transamin inj 3x1 IV
Novorapid 3x8 unit (correction dose) SC
Levemir 1x18 unit SC
Paracetamol 2x500 mg PO
Candesartan 1 x 16 mg PO
Amlodipin 1 x 10 mg PO
Atorvastatin 1x40 mg PO
Allopurinol 1x100 mg PO
Asetil sistein 3x200 mg PO
} Sputum, blood, urine culture
} Check GDP, GD2PP
} Urinalysis
12. lisdawati, female, 67 yo, HCU 10
◦ Decrease of consciousness since 1 day ago
BP : 101/66 mmHg
HR : 99x/minute
RR : 24x/minute
T. : 37,50 C
turgor was normal
Limph Gland
No enlargement
} Conjunctiva are anemic -/-
} Sclera are icteric -/-
} JVP 5-2 cmH20
} Inspection: simetric in static and dinamic
} Palpation: fremitus could not be assesed
} Percussion: sonor
◦ Inspection: ictus is seen at ICS V
◦ Palpation: ictus is palpated at 1 finger medial LMCS ICS V
◦ Percussion:
Left border: 1 finger lateral LMCS ICS V
Right border: linea sternalis dextra
Upper border: RIC II
} Physiologic Reflex +/+
} Pathologic Reflex -/-
} Edema -/-
Hb 9,9 g/dL
Ht 34%
leucosite 35.920/mm3
Platelet 273.000/mm3
DC 0/0/8/80/8/2
} Urinalysis
} Complete blood count
} Sputum Culture, blood culture
13. Eka Prima Susilawati , 34 yo, FW 17
} Cc: Gum bleeding since 3 days ago
} BP : 110/70 mmHg
} HR : 80x/minute
} RR : 18 x/minute
} T : 36,7 C
} Eye
} Conjunctiva are anemic +
} Sclera are icteric -
} Neck
} JVP 5 -2 cmH20
} Lung:
} Inspection: simetric static and dinamic
} Palpation: fremitus right = left
} Percussion: sonor
} Auscultation: vesicular, rales -/-, wheezing (-/-)
} Cor:
} Inspection: ictus is not seen
} Palpation: ictus is not palpable
} Percussion:
} Upper border: ICS II
} Right border: LSD
} Left border: 1 finger medial LMCS ICS V
} Auscultation: normal (+)
} Abdomen:
} Inspection: enlargement (-)
} Palpation: liver and spleen are not palpable
} Percussion: shifting dullness (-)
} Auscultation: bowel sound (+) N
} Extremities:
} Oedema -/-, FR (+/+), Pr (-/-)
Hb 7,6 gr/dl
Ht 22 %
WBC 3.940/mm3
Platelet 46.000 /mm3
} History of DM : + since 4 years ago, get routine therapy basal insulin and long acting insulin.
Absent since 3 mounth ago.
} Hitory of hipertension (+) since 4 years ago.
Physical Examination
} Consciousness level: CMC
} BP : 150/70 mmHg
} HR :82x/min
} RR : 20x/minute
} T: 36,6 oC
} Skin : ptechie (-)
} Eye
} Conjunctiva anemic (+/+)
} Sclera icteric (-)
} Neck
} JVP 5-2 cmH20
} Lung:
} Inspection: symetric left=right
} Palpation: fremitus left=right
} Percussion: sonor
} Auscultation:vesicular, rales -/- wheezing -/-
} Cor:
} Inspection: ictus is not seen
} Palpation: ictus is not palpable
} Percussion:
} Upper border: ICS II
} Right border: LSD
} Left border: 1 finger medial LMCS ICS V
} Auscultation: normal (+)
} Abdomen:
} Inspection: enlargement (-)
} Palpation: liver and spleen are not palpable
} Percussion: shifting dullness (-)
} Auscultation: bowel sound (+) N
} Extremities:
} Oedema -/-, FR (+/+), Pr (-/-)
Laboratory Result
Hb 9,3 mg/dl
Ht 28 %
WBC 13640 mg/dl
Platelet 885.000 /mm3
BGR 126 mg/dl
Ur/cr 13/ 0,8 mg/dl
Na / K / Cl / Ca 141/4,8/111
SGOT/ SGPT 47/31
Alb/glb 3,1/3,1
Ro Thorax
Working Diagnose
} Melena c.b gastropati NSAID
} Essential trombocytosis
dd/ Reactive trombocytosis
} Tipe 2 DM controlled insulin normoweight
} Mild anemia normocytic normochrom cb chronic
} Myocard ischemic anteroinferior
} Hypoalbuminemia
} Rest/ Diabetic Diet low salt 1700 kkal
} Ivfd nacl 0.9% 8 h/kolf
} Bolus prosogan 2 amp iv
} Drip prosogan 1 amp / 100cc Nacl 0,9% for 1hours 4x1 iv
} Inj.Vitamin K 3x1amp iv
} Inj. Transamin 3x500mg iv
} Novorapid 3x14 iu sc
} Levemir 1 x 16 iu sc
} Domperidone 3x10 mg po
} Paracetamol 3x500 mg po
} Candesartan 1x 16 mg po
} Amlodipin 1x10 mg po
} Vitamin b complex 1x1
} Plan :
} check troponin I