Fantastic MR Fox

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Name ______________________________

Mr. Fox

by Roald Dahl
Fantasy Unit
Fantastic Mr. Fox

Day 1 (Whole Group)

Introduce the genre of fantasy by brainstorming some titles with the students that
they may have read. Discuss common elements the books listed share. Then
compile a list of characteristics of the genre on the board (see attachment).

Explain to the students that they will be doing an author study of Roald Dahl. All
of the books in this units are written by him. Give some information about the

Read aloud an excerpt from one of Roald Dahl’s books.

Developed by Kannapolis City Schools 2

Fantasy Unit
Fantastic Mr. Fox

Day 2

Part I
Pre-reading 1. look at the cover
2. read the title
3. look at the pictures
4. read the chapter titles
5. read the back cover
6. make predictions about what will happen in the story

Part II
Read chapters 1 and 2. Create a Bubble Map that describes each of the farmers.

Part II
Devise a plan to catch Mr. Fox.
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Fantasy Unit
Fantastic Mr. Fox
Day 3

1. Read Chapter 3 and 4.

2. Use the context of the sentence to define the following words.

goons (p. 10) ____________________________________________

reeks (p.10) _____________________________________________

cocky (p. 11) ____________________________________________

glint (p. 12) _____________________________________________

3. How did the farmers out-wit Mr. Fox?


4. Evaluate how the fox family shows characteristics of a human family.

Site details from the story.

5. Draw two multi-flow maps. Each one is to show a different cause and
effect relationship found in these two chapters.

Developed by Kannapolis City Schools 4

Fantasy Unit
Fantastic Mr. Fox
Day 4

1. Read Chapter 5 and 6

2. Use the context of the sentence to define the following words.

flask (p.20) _____________________________________________

murderous (p.22) ________________________________________

dervish (p.27) ___________________________________________

jeered (p.28) ____________________________________________

obstinate (p.28) __________________________________________

3. Create a Buble Map that describes the farmers in this section of the story.
The author uses lots of descriptive words so, refer to the book for

4. Place an X beside the details from the story that would be important
enough to include in a summary of Chater 6.

_____ The foxes raced to escape the tractors.

_____ The foxes saw the sharp metal edge of the shovel.
_____ The farmers would not give up. They dug all day.
_____ The tractor dug a huge crater into the hill.
_____ It was five o'clock in the afternoon.
_____ A crowd of people laughed at the farmers.
_____ Bean suggested they use mechanical shovels to dig with.

Developed by Kannapolis City Schools 5

Fantasy Unit
Fantastic Mr. Fox

Day 5

1. Read Chapters 7, 8 and 9.

2. Where do you think the foxes are digging to? Support your answer.

3. Use details from the story to draw a picture that shows what the hill
looked like.

Developed by Kannapolis City Schools 6

Fantasy Unit
Fantastic Mr. Fox
Day 6

1. Read Chapters 10, 11, and 12.

2. Describe the situation that all of the digging animals are in now at the fault
of Mr. Fox.

3. Based on what you know has already happened in the story, how do you
think Mr. Fox is going to get the food to have a feast?

Developed by Kannapolis City Schools 7

Fantasy Unit
Fantastic Mr. Fox
Day 7

1. Read Chapters 13 and 14.

2. Mr. Fox and Badger discuss the morality (right/wrong) of stealing. Explain
Mr. Fox’s reason for stealing. Do you agree or disagree with this. Explain
your answer.

3. What do you think the underground wall that the animals have hit is?

Developed by Kannapolis City Schools 8

Fantasy Unit
Fantastic Mr. Fox
Day 8

1. Read Chapter 15.

2. Discuss some of the different things that could happen to the animals in the
next chapter. Create a Multi-Flow map that depicts one of the things that
could happen as a result of them going into the cellar and what might happen

3. Read Chapter 16

4. Create a Bubble Map that describes Rat. Use information from Chapters 15
and 16.

Developed by Kannapolis City Schools 9

Fantasy Unit
Fantastic Mr. Fox
Day 9

1. Read Chapters 17 and 18.

2. Use context clues to define the following words:

impudent (p.72) _____________________________________________

colossal (p. 77) ______________________________________________

famished (p. 80) _____________________________________________

3. How did Fox intend for the digging animals to live for the rest of their lives?





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Fantasy Unit
Fantastic Mr. Fox
Day 10

Staple several pieces of paper together for a simple journal, or bind paper into
construction paper or tag board covers. Use lined or unlined paper. Illustrate the
cover. Log in several entries for Mr. Fox that explain what he did during the
course of the story.


Create a map that shows the setting of the story. Be sure to include where the
foxes live, and where the farmers live. You may also include the homes of the
other digging animals.

Day 12

Complete a flow map of the story.

Developed by Kannapolis City Schools 11

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