Cimac Paper No 244
Cimac Paper No 244
Cimac Paper No 244
Abstract: Thousands of dollars are wasted every than ever reliable solutions are of interest.
day through contamination and high consumption of Over the past years new stuffing box designs have
system oil, primarily caused by leaking piston rod stuff- been introduced and several modifications to housings
ing boxes. This allows system oil to escape past the and seals have been realized, but some designs are
seals into the scavenge area and likewise the cylin- still more susceptible to above mentioned problems
der oil and combustion products can enter the engine than others.
sump and pollute the system oil, raising the TBN and An other important factor for malfunctioning of
Viscosity to unacceptable levels. stuffing boxes are worn piston rods.
Cylinder oil and combustion residues carried down Experience has proven that also hardened piston
into the sump are the worst enemy of system oil and rods may suffer from wear and scoring thus influencing
therefore the indication section is an extremely impor- the performance of stuffing boxes in a negative way.
tant part of every stuffing box. This paper discusses causes of contamination and
The problem has already been presented in one of possible solutions to maintain a barrier between the
the papers during 21st CIMAG Congress in 1995 and scavenge space and crank case. Highlighted will be
the conclusion was, that more attention needs to be advantages and disadvantages of different stuffing box
paid to the design of stuffing boxes in order to improve designs and materials of scrapers and seal rings.
the sealing efficiency. However the price for oil has Case histories are presented showing damaged
gone up drastically since that time and therefore more rods and methods of repair or “touching up” on board.
CIMAC Congress 2007, Vienna
INTRODUCTION Stuffing boxes are designed, amongst other things,
to minimise loss of crank case oil but slight leakage
Stuffing boxes have always been a key component needs to occur to lubricate the metallic scrapers and
for the successful operation of a 2-stroke slow seal rings.
speed diesel engine. Their perfect operation is
decisive for safety! Unfortunately it is extremely difficult to control
leakage and to keep it at an acceptable level. As the
Failures of stuffing boxes are very costly to rectify seals wear and become less efficient, the leak rate
and can lead to high consumption and will increase drastically.
contamination of system oil.
Important criterias of stuffing boxes:
New stuffing box problems arose with the new
generation of long-stroke engines with the higher 1) Prevent scavenge air pressure from leaking into
stroke-to-bore ratios and increased scavenge air the crank case.
pressure. This combination places higher demands
on the stuffing box/piston rod interface which must 2) Prevent ingress of cylinder oil along with any
achieve a better seal to prevent system oil debris into the crank case.
contamination and excessive oil consumption.
3) Ensure system oil drain to return to the crank
Higher scavenge pressure creates higher pressure case.
on seal rings resulting in higher friction and wear on
piston rods. Therefore great attention has to be paid 4) Create an efficient barrier between the piston
to materials for scrapers and seal rings. If crank under side (scavenge space) and the crank
case system oil is contaminated with cylinder oil case.
then viscosity and base number increase and levels
of insolubles rise. The consequences of such 5) Ensure unhindered flow of high BN stuffing box
contamination can be very damaging to the engine. drain oil into the drain line / neutral space.
Sealing section
(upper part)
Drain section
Figure 1 – Contaminated stuffing box
High BN
scraping section
drain oil
Lower part
section pressure breaker
seal ring
High BN
piston ring
scraping section
Polymer Blends
Fillers: PEEK / PPS / Polyimide / Carbon Fibres and so on Clearance
\0.10 mm
Special PTFE Blends
Fillers: Polyimide / Carbon Fibers, MOS2 and so on
Labyrinth seal
Standard PTFE Grades Labyrinth seals, frictionless
Pa Pi Pa Pi
FA Rod ø: 300 mm
Rad ring thickn: 20 mm
Ax. ring width: 20 mm
FR Scavenge pressure: 2,5 bar
FA: 502 kg
FR: 530 kg
Coefficient of friction:
FA’ Steel – steel, lubr.: \0.30
Steel-PTFE, lubr.: \0.09
Traditional solutions sometimes overlook the PISTON ROD WEAR
harshness of the environment in which they operate
and the overall design of the stuffing box in many Piston rods are subject to wear but worn rods can
cases gives relatively easy access to the increase operational costs drastically.
surrounding contaminants.
Engine makers recommend hardened rods, but
Some time ago seal rings made of bronze and metallic seals in stuffing boxes are still a major
plastic have been analysed for embedded particles. contributor to piston rod wear sometimes even for
The results show clearly that in both, metal and hardened rods.
plastic contact surfaces particles can be found, but
Metal seals, e.g. bronze or cast iron, perform well on
the behaviour of these particles is different.
new rods without creating high friction if suitable
While materials with harder matrixes are suffering material quality is being used and if the seals are
from such particles, softer polymers are able to sufficiently lubricated. Low quality bronze or cast
embed the particles in a matrix containing solid iron may contain different kind of scrap, which can
lubricants, resulting in less damage to the counter lead to hard spots in the material. Seals made of
surface. such materials running on piston rods in
combination with marginal or even intermittent
lubrication can lead to excessive wear.
Such a surface quality can only be achieved by Figure 16 – Piston rod reconditioning
using correct technology and equipment as well as a
correct grinding process, including grinding wheel, Figures 17 + 18 show a macroscopic view of above
forward speed and so on. low quality piston rod surface condition [6].
Figure 18 – Surface of above piston rod (SEM Drain section Drain section
micrograph of replica taken from the running surface de-activated re-activated
showing break-out of spray particles and formation
of sharp edges (arrows) [6]
Different solutions have been designed to reduce Figure 20 - Traditional scrapers versus polymer
leakage into the drain line and some have worked scrapers/seal rings
out more successful than others.
Table 2 – Reduction of daily lube oil consumption of On the other hand an increasing number of owners/
older engines after installing oil scrapers in 5 operators have been using modern polymer sealing
segments as per customer information components in their stuffing boxes for many years.
Lube oil consumption / The author feels that engine builders should leave
24 hrs All piston the decision to owners/operators whether or not to
Engine type rods are of use non metallic seals, because in his opinion
Original Polymer mild steel
metal seals scrapers polymer seals have proven to offer some very real
benefits and at the same time solving some
B&W extremely common problems.
\1000 lt \100 – 150 lt worn
B&W worn up to 1
\150 lt \50 lt
5L67GFCA mm
6RTA58 \360 lt \120 lt high wear REFERENCES
6L45GFCA \120 lt \30 – 36 lt high wear
[1] N.E. CHELL, C.Eng, R.I.Mar.E., Loyds Register
6RTA62 \300 lt \40 lt high wear “Contamination of crank case system oils with
6L67GBL \240 lt \20 / 24 lt high wear cylinder oil drainings and combustion products
5RTA68 \180 lt \20 lt
on long stroke crosshead engines”, CIMAC
wear up to
7RTA76 \230 lt \35 lt
1.9 mm [2] ICI ADVANCED MATERIALS, USA, ”Physical
7RTA84C \300 lt \50 lt
extremely properties of unfilled and filled polytetrafluor-
high ovality ethylene”.
RTA48T \500 lt \70 lt worn
OIL CONTAMINATION [4] Dr. Ing. N. FEISTEL, Burckhardt Compression,
“Betriebsverhalten von trockenlaufenden Dicht-
Figure 21 shows a typical example of crank case oil systemen“ (2002).
suffering from high contamination due to leakage of
high BN oil through the stuffing boxes. All piston [5] Dr. G. DOERNER, Sulzer Innotec, “Energie-
rods showed relatively high wear. After installing dispersive Röntgenanalyse REM/EDX
flexible polymer seal rings and scrapers in 5 Segmente von Bronze und Kunststoff-
segments the oil quality improved drastically and the dichtungen“ (2004).
oil consumption dropped to an acceptable level.
[6] Dr. P. HEIMGARTNER, Sulzer Innotec,
Schaden- & Werkstoffanalytik, Technical report:
“Assessment of the surface of coated piston
rods” (2007).