Statistics: Submitted By: Submitted To: Adriano G. Sabado, Ed. D Student Professor
Statistics: Submitted By: Submitted To: Adriano G. Sabado, Ed. D Student Professor
Statistics: Submitted By: Submitted To: Adriano G. Sabado, Ed. D Student Professor
b.) indicate the upper and lower limits of each class interval
d.) Find the cumulative frequency “less than” and “greater than” for each class interval,
36 64 26 41 17 50 42 36 63 27
47 31 49 43 59 36 45 39 41 55
63 50 21 40 49 47 24 33 56 50
50 37 51 32 41 62 38 42 46 37
41 52 40 48 58 34 42 54 38 51
54 20 42 47 26 46 38 42 58 40
60 28 34 55 44 56 43 58 50 44
43 39 32 57 41 53 46 33 57 39
49 25 42 36 38 44 51 49 55 45
35 42 28 49 44 40 55 46 30 33
Step 1. Compute the Range in the given data, the highest score minus the lowest score (H-L) = Range.
Range = Highest Score – Lowest Score
= 64 - 17
= 47
Step 2. Divide the Range by 10 -15 to determine the acceptable size of the interval.
class interval (i) = Range
= 47
i = 4.7/5
Step 3. Organize the class interval. See to it that the last lowest interval begins with a number that is multiple of the interval
size. Since the lowest score is 28 and the size of your interval is 5, the lowest interval would begin with 25 and end at 29.
These are the interval limits. You take note that upper and the lower limits, here are 24.5 and 29.5 respectively. After
deciding upon the limits of the first class interval category, you determine the rest of the intervals by increasing each interval
limits by 5 until you reach 80-84 which contains the highest score in the distribution.
Step 4. Tally each score to the category of class interval it belongs to.
Step 5. Count the tally column and summarize it under column (f). Then add your frequency which is the total number of cases (N).
Step 6. Compute the midpoint (M) for each class interval and put it under column M. You can obtain the midpoint by the formula
M= L5 + H5
Where M = the midpoint
Step 7. Compute cumulative distributions for “less than” and “greater than” then put under column “less than” cumulative and “greater
than” cumulative distribution. Cumulative frequencies can be obtained by adding the frequency for any class interval or category to the
total frequency for all categories above and below it. From the given less than (CF) and greater than (CF) cumulative distribution, we can
interpret that ther is only 1 student whose score is less than 30, just as there are 4 students who scored less than 40. Those who scored
less than a given score is evident in the CF less than column. Also, you can interpret this as that only 1 has a score which is greater than
79, 2 students obtained a score that is greater than 74, and so forth.
Step 8. Compute the relative frequency distribution. This can be obtained by the given formula below.
Σf = 100 =100%