10 Mins.: A. Introduction

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Learning Area Media and Information Technogy (MIL) Grade Level Grade 12

W3 Quarter Quarter 3 Date April 2021

I. LESSON TITLE Evolution of Media (Part 1)

Discuss responsible use of media and information
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT After going through this module, you are expected to:
✓ identify traditional and new media;
✓ identify different sources of information in various ages;
✓ discuss the importance of evaluating information from the internet
✓ compare and contrast indigenous media to other sources of information
✓ explain how the evolution of media shaped the values and norms of people and society
Learning Activities
A. Introduction 10 mins. Are you aware of what is happening in your community? Are you still updated with the current
issues that our country is facing today? If yes, good to hear that! I bet you have your cellphone,
television or radio with you to stay updated on what is happening around. Did you ever wonder
how people in the past received and delivered information or data?
With the development of technology, people of today receive new tools that make them work more
efficient and effective.
B. Development 60 mins. As media and information evolve throughout the history, it provided people with a better and faster
access to information that is easier to adopt and to manipulate.
Below are the different tools that were used in various eras in the history of communication.

Other examples:
• Acta Diurna in Rome (130 BC)
• Dibao in China (2nd Century)
• Codex in the Mayan region (5th Century)
• Printing press using wood blocks (220 AD
Learning Activities

Other Examples:
• Newspaper- The London Gazette (1640)
• Typewriter (1800)
• Telephone (1876)
• Motion picture photography/projection (1890)
• Commercial motion pictures (1913)
• Motion picture with sound (1926)
• Punch cards
Learning Activities

Other Examples:
• Television (1941)
• Personal computers - i.e. Hewlett Packard 9100A (1968), Apple 1 (1976)
• OHP, LCD projectors

New Age or Information Age

Information Age (1900s-2000s) - The Internet paved the way for faster communication and
the creation of the social network. People advanced the use of microelectronics with the
invention of personal computers, mobile devices, and wearable technology. Moreover, voice,
image, sound and data are digitalized. We are now living in the information age

Source: Ferdinand B. Pitagan, Ph.D et.al., “Teaching Guide for Senior High School Media and Information Literacy” Philippines
Quezon City: Commission on Higher Education, 2016, pp.20-21

Other Examples:
• Web browsers: Mosaic (1993), Internet Explorer (1995)
• Blogs: Blogspot (1999), LiveJournal (1999), Wordpress (2003)
• Social networks: Friendster (2002), Multiply (2003), Facebook (2004)
• Microblogs: Twitter (2006), Tumblr (2007)
• Video: YouTube (2005)
• Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality
• Video chat: Skype (2003), Google Hangouts (2013)
• Search Engines: Google (1996), Yahoo (1995)
• Portable computers- laptops (1980), netbooks (2008), tablets (1993)
• Smart phones
• Wearable technology
• Cloud and Big Data
Learning Activities

C. Engagement 60 mins Activity 1

Picture Analysis Analyze the picture and answer the question that follows. What does the picture
tell you? Explain your answer

Activity 2. Classification of Words Directions:

Classify the following communication tools according to what age they belong.
Learning Activities

Activity 3. Media at Four Ages Directions:

Complete the table below by giving two (2) examples for each question.

D. Assimilation 10 mins Let us remember:

✓ As media and information evolve throughout the history, it provided people with a better and
faster access to information that is easier to adopt and to manipulate.
✓ Media as a communication tool is used to inform people on what is happening around them, and
educating people to make significance of facts.
✓ Media is also used as a platform for public political discourse which can form public opinion. ✓
Media also serves as a watchdog of the government and private agencies which leads to
accountability and effecting positive change.
V. ASSESSMENT 30 mins Poster Making
(Learning Activity Directions: Create a poster that portrays
the aphorism of Herbert Marshall McLuhan who is
Sheets for Enrichment, a Canadian communication theorist and
Remediation or educator, “The Medium is the message”.
Assessment to be
given on Weeks 3 and Use a ½ cartolina for your poster. [Modular]
Use a digital format to represent your
6) poster [Online]

Below is a rubric for your guidance.

VI. REFLECTION 10 mins Reflect to this quotes, “Technology is best when it brings people together.”
~Matt Mullenweg, Social Media Entrepreneur
 The learner communicates the explanation of their personal assessment as indicated in
the Learner’s Assessment Card.
Learning Activities
 The learner, in their notebook, will write their personal insights about the lesson using
the prompts below.
I understand that ___________________.
I realize that ________________________.
 I need to learn more about __________.

Prepared by: CHARMAINE MARIE V. PARIAN Checked by: Mark Anthony P. Lagumen


Department of Education – Davao City Division, Region XI

1MayaMaria. “Traditional Media Vs New Media”. last modified April 26, 2015,

Ferdinand B. Pitagan, Ph.D et.al., “Teaching Guide for Senior High School Media and Information Literacy” Philippines
Quezon City: Commission on Higher Education, 2016, pp.20-21; 21-22

LinkedIn. “Functions of Communication and Media”. last modified January 26, 2017,

Sutori.“The evolution of Traditional to New Media”. accessed June 11, 2020, https://www.sutori.com/item/printing-press-

The Denver Post. “Evolution of Communication”. last modified May 7, 2016,

https://www.denverpost.com/2009/03/26/evolution-of-communication/ Timetoast. “The Evolution of Traditional to New
Media: Different Devices through the Ages”. accessed June 11, 2020, https://www.timetoast.com/timelines/prehistoric-or-

Charles Darwin University Australia. “Evaluating Information Sources Guide: Activities”. last modified May 4, 2020,
https://libguides.cdu.edu.au/evaluation BA Media and Information Literacy. “Media and Information Sources”. last modified
September 18, 2018, https://bamil786447613.wordpress.com/2018/09/18/media-and-informationsources/

UNESCO. “Oral traditions and expressions including language as a vehicle of the intangible cultural heritage”. accessed
June 12, 2020, https://ich.unesco.org/en/oral-traditions-and-expressions-00053

Charles Darwin University Australia. “Evaluating Information Sources Guide: Activities”. last modified May 4, 2020,

Encyclopaedia Britannica.“Motion Picture”. accessed June 12, 2020, https://www.britannica.com/art/motion-


R.Campus.“Writing Newspaper Article Rubric”. accessed June 12, 2020, https://www.rcampus.com/rubricshowc.cfm?


Encyclopaedia Britannica. “Cave Art”. last Modified May 22, 2020, https://www.britannica.com/art/cave-painting

History. “Morse Code and the Telegraph”. last modified June 6, 2019, https://www.history.com/topics/inventions/telegraph

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