Positive Impact of Extracurricular Activities On University Students in Lahore, Pakistan
Positive Impact of Extracurricular Activities On University Students in Lahore, Pakistan
Positive Impact of Extracurricular Activities On University Students in Lahore, Pakistan
4, Issue-1: 22-31
DOI: 10.3126/ijssm.v4i1.16339
Research Article
Extracurricular activities refer to the activities that take place outside of the regular (compulsory) school
curriculum. These activities are voluntary, and students do not receive extra grades while participating in it, and
have many positive impacts on students. These activities are sports, clubs, administration, music, arts and
dramatization. Thus, this study aims to examine the positive impact of extracurricular activities on University
students in Lahore, Pakistan. Cross sectional survey technique was used in the current study. The self-
administered questionnaire distributed to the 200 students through convenient random sampling. Descriptive
analysis was used to analyse the data while regression analysis has performed to test the research hypotheses.
The findings of the current study showed that the university students of Lahore, who had participated in the
extracurricular activities, had been improved their academic performance and self-concept. The study also
suggested that there is a minor alteration in the behaviour of the students who had participated in extracurricular
Keywords:Extracurricular activities; University students; Behaviour; Self-concept; Students grade.
students which are not part of the study course. They give
Introduction an opportunity to the students to implement their
Extracurricular activities are those that fall outside the understanding and experience to adopt independent
domain of the ordinary educational modules of college or behaviour. Similarly extracurricular activities have a
university training, performed by students (Dacombe, variety of positive consequences on their learning and
2014). OR The term “extracurricular activities” refers to behaviour in order to achieve their optimal goals and
the activities that take place outside of the regular ambitions.
(compulsory) school curriculum. These activities are
voluntarily performed, and students do not receive extra Massoni (2011), emphasized the beneficial outcomes of
grades in response to participate in these activities extracurricular activities that includes positive behaviour,
(Holloway, 2010). learning or grade and ambition of understanding to
approach their maturity in social life while having
There are numerous types of extracurricular activities, for productive benefits.Furthermore extracurricular activities
example, sports, clubs, administration, music, arts and open the way, to minimize the educational or academic
dramatization. Extracurricular activities are absolutely anxiety and stress, which ultimately enhance the efficiency
willful i.e. students who are not willing to participate have level of learning.
the right to cut off. Extracurricular activities are part of
every student's ordinary lifetime and they display a key Joseph (2009), viewed that various universities regularly
role in students’ lives. Juma (2015), stated that emphasized on organizing extracurricular activities in term
extracurricular activities play the similar ambition and role of technical and educational accomplishments that give
as the other elective course in educational modules. These social and emotional enhancement.
activities give a lot of understanding and skills to the
Table 20: Regression analysis for extracurricular activities with students’ grade.
Change Statistics
Adjusted R Std. Error of the
Model R R Square R Square Sig. F
Square Estimate F Change df1 df2
Change Change
1 .090a .008 .30 2.103 .008 1.603 1 198 .207
a. Predictors: (Constant), ECA
Unstandardized Standardized 95.0% Confidence Interval
Model Coefficients Coefficients T Sig. for B
B Std. Error Beta Lower Bound Upper Bound
(Constant) 12.894 1.264 10.200 .000 10.401 15.387
ECA -.083 .065 .090 -1.266 .000 -.211 .046
a. Dependent Variable: Grade
As result of Simple Regression is displayed in (Table 19). Table 20 reveals that with beta value .090(p=.000),
With beta value .030 (p=.000) showing significant positive showing a significant positive relationship between
relationship between extracurricular activities and students extracurricular activities and students grades. Whereas
self-concept.Whereas value of adjusted R² showing 60% value of adjusted R² showing 30 % (F=1.60, p <.001) of
(F=.141, p <.001) of variance caused by independent variance caused by independent variable (extracurricular
variable (extracurricular activities) in dependent variable activities) in dependent variable (students grades).
(students self-concept). Therefore the null hypothesis Consequently, the null hypothesis which claims that there
which states that there is negative relationship between is negative relationship between extracurricular activities
extracurricular activities and students self-concept is and students grades is rejected. Hence, it is evidenced that
rejected. Hence, it is proved that there is a significant there is a significant positive influence of extracurricular
positive relationship between extracurricular activities and activities on students’ grades.
students’ self-concept
Hypothesis 3:
H3o: There is negative relationship between extracurricular activities and students behaviour.
H3a: There is positive relationship between extracurricular activities and students behaviour.
Table 21: Regression analysis for extracurricular activities with student’s behaviour.
Change Statistics
Adjusted Std. Error
Model R R Square R of the F
Square df1 df2 Sig. F Change
Square Estimate Change
1 .027 .001 .04 2.336 .001 .148 1 198 .000
a. Predictors: (Constant), ECA
Model Unstandardized Standardized t Sig. 95.0% Confidence Interval
Coefficients Coefficients for B
B Std. Beta Lower Bound
(Constant) 15.631 1.404 11.129 .073 12.861
ECA -.028 .072 -.027 -.384 .073 -.171
a. Dependent Variable: Behaviour
In Table 21 with beta value -.027(p=.073) showing gain better self-respect, self-esteem and self-confidence.
negative relationship between extracurricular activities and Extracurricular activities can improve self-confidence,
students behaviour.Whereas value of adjusted R² showing increase self-esteem and provide the opportunity to
4 % (F=.148, p ≥.001) of variance caused by independent experience the emotions that students would not normally
variable (extracurricular activities) in dependent variable encounter in traditional curriculum setting (Bailey, 2012).
(students behaviour). So, alternative hypothesis which
In addition, the study also shows that extracurricular
states that there is positive relationship between
activities enhance the students’ grades which is similar to
extracurricular activities and students behaviour is
the findings of the study conducted by (Cosdenet al.,
2012) which states that students who participate in
Discussion extracurricular activities have three times more likely
The findings of this study reveal that there is a significant significantly higher gradesand other academic
positive association between participation in achievement than those students who do not participate in
extracurricular activities and students’ self-concept and extracurricular activities .
grades. This corresponds with the findings of previous The null hypothesis 1 states that there is negative
study (Howie, Lukacs, Pastor, Reuben, and Mendola, relationship between extracurricular activities and students
2010) whichstates that between age of fifteen and twenty self-concept. The findings of the study reveal that there is
are students’ learning to make their own decision and this significant positive influence of extracurricular activities
is a crucial time for students to be involved in on student self-concept which corresponds with the finding
extracurricular activities because they are under of previous study (Brown, 2010). Similarly, the null
supervision, guidance, and they are in engaged and hypothesis 2 states that there is negative relationship
enriched learning experiences. between extracurricular activities and students grades.
Moreover, the results show that majority of participants Findings of the current study reveal that extracurricular
were agree and strongly agree that extracurricular activities have significant positive influence on students’
activities increase self-concept of students than those grades which in line the previous study results (Cosdenet
students who do not participate. Brown (2010) highlighted al., 2012).
in his study that most of the students have high self- The null hypothesis 3 states that there is negative
esteem, and self-confidence, because when they take part relationship between extracurricular activities and students
in some extracurricular activities then they perform well behaviour. Table 21 illustrated that null hypothesis is
and are rewarded for their performance and they take pride accepted; hence there is no positive influence of
in their accomplishments and because of the pride, they extracurricular activities on students behaviour.