Positive Impact of Extracurricular Activities On University Students in Lahore, Pakistan

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Rafiullah et al. (2017) Int. J. Soc. Sc. Manage. Vol.

4, Issue-1: 22-31
DOI: 10.3126/ijssm.v4i1.16339

Research Article

Positive Impact of Extracurricular Activities on University Students in Lahore,

Rafiullah*, Fakhar Zaman and Jehanzaib khan
The University of Lahore, Pakistan
*Corresponding author email: [email protected]

Extracurricular activities refer to the activities that take place outside of the regular (compulsory) school
curriculum. These activities are voluntary, and students do not receive extra grades while participating in it, and
have many positive impacts on students. These activities are sports, clubs, administration, music, arts and
dramatization. Thus, this study aims to examine the positive impact of extracurricular activities on University
students in Lahore, Pakistan. Cross sectional survey technique was used in the current study. The self-
administered questionnaire distributed to the 200 students through convenient random sampling. Descriptive
analysis was used to analyse the data while regression analysis has performed to test the research hypotheses.
The findings of the current study showed that the university students of Lahore, who had participated in the
extracurricular activities, had been improved their academic performance and self-concept. The study also
suggested that there is a minor alteration in the behaviour of the students who had participated in extracurricular
Keywords:Extracurricular activities; University students; Behaviour; Self-concept; Students grade.
students which are not part of the study course. They give
Introduction an opportunity to the students to implement their
Extracurricular activities are those that fall outside the understanding and experience to adopt independent
domain of the ordinary educational modules of college or behaviour. Similarly extracurricular activities have a
university training, performed by students (Dacombe, variety of positive consequences on their learning and
2014). OR The term “extracurricular activities” refers to behaviour in order to achieve their optimal goals and
the activities that take place outside of the regular ambitions.
(compulsory) school curriculum. These activities are
voluntarily performed, and students do not receive extra Massoni (2011), emphasized the beneficial outcomes of
grades in response to participate in these activities extracurricular activities that includes positive behaviour,
(Holloway, 2010). learning or grade and ambition of understanding to
approach their maturity in social life while having
There are numerous types of extracurricular activities, for productive benefits.Furthermore extracurricular activities
example, sports, clubs, administration, music, arts and open the way, to minimize the educational or academic
dramatization. Extracurricular activities are absolutely anxiety and stress, which ultimately enhance the efficiency
willful i.e. students who are not willing to participate have level of learning.
the right to cut off. Extracurricular activities are part of
every student's ordinary lifetime and they display a key Joseph (2009), viewed that various universities regularly
role in students’ lives. Juma (2015), stated that emphasized on organizing extracurricular activities in term
extracurricular activities play the similar ambition and role of technical and educational accomplishments that give
as the other elective course in educational modules. These social and emotional enhancement.
activities give a lot of understanding and skills to the

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Rafiullah et al. (2017) Int. J. Soc. Sc. Manage. Vol. 4, Issue
Issue-1: 22-31
Involvement in extracurricular
tracurricular activities does not as a other activities which are not fruitful for their academic
matter, of course, guarantee achievement, enhancement as well as for their physical fitness. As it is a
acknowledgment, responsibility, or the physical and universal truth that sounds body has a sound mind;
enthusiastic development of the students. There is a solid henceforth it is necessary to work out on the physique of
confirmation to propose that there are advantages to the individual that ultimately enhance the academics, self-
students, too have involvement in extracurricular activities. concept and behaviour.
Recent research in the UK, embraced by Booth et al.
The students who participate in extracurricular activities
(2013),, investigated the relationship between
decrease behavioural issues. In sports,
s they show
extracurricular activities and academic accomplishment in
discipline, practices, and routine and in results their self-
UK youngsters. It might have been inferred that
confidence and self-esteem
esteem increases (Massoni&Erub,
extracurricular activities enhance teenagers' academic
2011). Therefore the current study will be driven in order
performance, and especially appear to offer young ladies
to examine the positive impact of extracurricular activities
some assistance with doing better in science. This further
upon the
he university students.
emphasizes as the requirement for youngsters to enh enhance
their general physical level of moderate to overwhelming Significance of the study
levels. The current study will be helpful for the educational
The above discussion clearly shows the aim of this study institutes to identify the positive impact of extracurricular
to examine the positive impact of extracurricular activities activities on students. Similarly, the current study results
on students.Higher grades and certain mentality or positive will be useful for the administrators
admini and authorities of the
attitude at college will be sure impact that extracurricular private and public universities to involve students in
exercises have on students. Cosinger (2011)
(2011), discussed in extracurricular activities within the academic environment.
his study that students who take participation more in Moreover, the findings of this study will be helpful for the
extracurricular activities, the more grade they will achieve, ministry of education to know about the importance
importan of
and contrast tothose who did not participate, the lesser extracurricular activities and helping the students to
grade they will achieve.
chieve. The extracurricular activities participate in extracurricular activities to improve the
totally dependent on the students’ that play a key role in quality of education and create a sense of confidence and
the development of self-concept
concept and self
self-confidence. self-esteem in students.
These two things further polished the talent and abilities of Research Framework
participants and also enhance the patience level as well as The research framework comprises of one independent
promote role, regulation, practices and routine. variable while three dependent variables. The framework
According to this study the independent variable is shows that the independent variable i.e. extracurricular
extracurricular activities and dependent variables are activities may reflect changes in the dependent variables
student self-concept, student behavior and student grades. i.e. students behaviour, self-concept
self- and students’ grades
(Fig 1).
Research Problem
It is observed that students give little time towards
extracurricular activities, and spend much of their time on

Fig. 1: Research framework

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Rafiullah et al. (2017) Int. J. Soc. Sc. Manage. Vol. 4, Issue-1: 22-31
level as well as promote role, regulation, practices and
Literature Review routine.
Extracurricular activities organized by colleges or
universities help the learners to expertise by creating the According to van Houdt (2009) those students who
new thinking and new ideas. Moreover, when they get new participate in extracurricular activities have significantly
thinking and ideas further polished their abilities, by higher grades or GPA’s and significantly lowers
applying their skills to explore their learning, self-concept absenteeism in the class. Although these results are
and self-confident. Extracurricular activities refer to the dependable across genders, societies, and socio-economic
activities that take place outside of the regular levels; the results show that differences do exist.Research
(compulsory) school curriculum. These activities are has focussed on the influence of extracurricular activities
usually considered to be voluntarily performed and on academic performance. The GPA of a student refers to
students are not given extra grades in this regard. their average grade, which is indicated to increase when
participating in extracurricular activities take place. In
Hattie (2012), noted that extracurricular activities might addition to the higher grades, those student who participate
advantageous to students as they figure out the new ideas in regular, organised activities, are found to be absent from
and understanding which they could not figure out in the school less frequently than those students who do not
classroom. What's more, students with more commitment participate.
for the tasks have showed decay in their behavioural
issues, and a foremost valuable conclusion with respect to Slutzky and Simpkins (2009), aggregated information
students’ academic achievement. These components could concerning three bunches for Primary age-old children,
recognize with their study; for instance, when the their folks and their teachers, and discovered that people
behavioural issues diminish, those disciplinary issues who went through in cooperation sports instead of
moreover decrease and incredible request could prompt distinctive sports, accounted for higher levels of self-
academic learning process. concept, what's more accordingly higher self-esteem, over
their non-sporting associates. Higher self-concept leads to
Ahren (2009), highlighted in his study that taking more active learning and good academic performance.
participation in extracurricular activities, e.g. physical Extracurricular activities also play a key role in developing
activities, further more reduced absenteeism rates. once self-concept or self-esteem. Self-concept or self-
Students’ involvement in extracurricular activities could esteem is anything that an individual see to their talent and
be the way to integrate the process of learning and abilities.
simultaneously optimize academic achievement.
Massoni&Erub (2011), concluded in his study that those
The current study is a quantitative descriptive, cross
learners who take part in extracurricular activities
sectional study which examine the positive impact of
decreases behavioural issues. In sports, they show
extracurricular activities on university students in Lahore.
discipline, practices, and routine.Students who participate
The site of the study was the University of Lahore.
in these activities become more responsible and perform
Targeted population of this study was the students of four
every task correctly, whether it is basketball, football or
different departments in the University of Lahore.Sample
any other activity, then these students are pleased for their
size for this study was two hundreds (200) students; 50
moral behaviour and they get pride and because of this
students were selected from each department and
pride they achieve more self-confidence and self-
calculated according to Slovin’s formula n=N/1+ (N) (E) 2.
esteem.Furthermore extracurricular activities open the
way, to optimize the educational or academic anxiety and The study participants were selected through simple
stress, which progressively enhance the efficiency level of random method. All the students from the four different
learning. departments of the university of Lahore namely IMMB
department, DPT department, Pharmacy department and
Cosinger (2011) conducted another study and he found
Nursing department had an equal opportunity of being the
better grades and productive attitudes of extracurricular
part of the current study. The students other than these
activities among the students also discussed in his study
mentioned departments were not considered as part of the
that students who take participation more in extracurricular
study. Enough information of research was provided to
activities, the more grade they will achieve, and contrast to
participants with the help of full consent form and this was
those who did not participate, the lesser grade they will
achieved via a consent letter attached to the questionnaire.
achieve. The extracurricular activities have a key role in
Confidentiality was considered by informing participants.
the development of students’ self-concept and self-
confidence. These two things further polish the talent and The tool for this study was a self-reported questionnaire,
abilities of the participants and also enhance the patience adopted from the article written byGilliam (2013) for the
purpose to assess the positive impact of extracurricular

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Rafiullah et al. (2017) Int. J. Soc. Sc. Manage. Vol. 4, Issue-1: 22-31
activities on university students.The questionnaire consists Section B: Analysis of Research Questions
of fifteen questions. A five point Likert scale questionnaire
Research Question 1:
was used which measures responses from 1“Strongly-
Agree (SA)” to 5“Strongly-Disagree”. The collected data Extracurricular activities are important for healthy life.
was analysed by Descriptive statistics of frequencies, Table No. 4 illustrates that 9 (4.5%) participants responded
charts and tables, while the research hypothesis were to strongly disagree and 16 (8%) were response to disagree
tested by inferential statistics of Regression, through SPSS and 19 (9.5%) respondents were neutral about this
version 21. question. And a significant number 92 (46%) of the
respondents were agree and 64 (32%) were strongly agree.
Table 4:Extracurricular activities are important for healthy
Section A: Demographic Analysis life
Extracurricular activities Frequency Percentage
are important for healthy
Data was collected from both male and female university life
students. The statistics of Table No.1 show that there were Strongly disagree 9 4.5
66 (33%) male participants and 134 67% female Disagree 16 8.0
participants. Neutral 19 9.5
Agree 92 46.0
Table 1: Gender
Strongly agree 64 32.0
Gender Frequency Percentage % Total 200 100.0
Male 134 67.0 Research Question 2:
Female 66 33.0
Extracurricular activities tend to develop social
Total 200 100.0 connection.
Table No. 5 reveals that 3 (1.5%) participants responded to
Age Group strongly disagree and 8 (4%) responded to disagree and 18
Data was collected from the students without any age (9%) of respondents were neutral about this statement. A
restriction. The results in the Table No. 2 show that 126 lot of the respondents 94 (47%) were agree and 77(38.5%)
(63%) of the participants were in the age group of 20-25 respondents were responded to strongly agree which
years, 74 (37%) of the students were in the age group of reflect that extracurricular activities increase social
26-30 years. connection.
Table 2: Age group Table 5: Extracurricular activities tend to develop social
Age group Frequency Percentage % connection.
Extracurricular activities Frequency Percentage
20-25 126 63.0 tend to develop social
26-30 connection.
74 37.0
Strongly disagree 3 1.5
Total 200 100.0
Disagree 8 4.0
Qualification Neutral 18 9.0
Table No. 3 illustrates about the qualification of the Agree 94 47.0
participants. There were 140 (70%) bachelor students
participated in the study, 50 (25%) of the participants were Strongly agree 77 38.5
Master Students, PhD students participated in the study Total 200 100.0
were 10 (5%).
Research Question 3:
Table 3: Qualification
Extracurricular activities teach punctuality.
Qualification Frequency Percentage %
Table No. 6 describes that only 1 (0.5%) participants were
Bachelor 140 70 responded to strongly disagree and 11 (5.5%) were
Master 50 25 responded to disagree that extracurricular activities teach
PHD 10 5 punctuality and 22 (11%) of responded were neutral. 85
(42.5%) of the respondents mentioned that they were agree
Total 200 100 and 81 (40 .5%) were strongly agreed. The result revealed
that these activities have positive impact on students.

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Rafiullah et al. (2017) Int. J. Soc. Sc. Manage. Vol. 4, Issue-1: 22-31
Table 6:Extracurricular activities teach punctuality. Research Question 6:
Extracurricular activities Frequency Percentage
Extracurricular activity like sport can help in emotions
teach punctuality.
control of the students.
Strongly disagree 1 .5 Table No. 9 reveals that 2 (1%) of the respondents were
Disagree 11 5.5 strongly disagreed, 5 (2.5%) were disagreed and 23
(11.5%) of the participants were neutral about the
Neutral 22 11.0
question. 62 (31%) of respondents were agree and 108
Agree 85 42.5 (54%) were strongly agree to this statement, which
Strongly agree 81 40.5 indicates that these respondents significantly agreed that
extracurricular activities help in emotions control among
Total 200 100.0
the students.
Research Question 4:
Table 9: Extracurricular activity like sport can help in
Extracurricular activities promote motivation. emotions control of the students
Table 7 indicates that only 3 (1.5%) participants responded Extracurricular activity like
to disagree, 14 (7%) respondents were neutral about the sport can help in emotions Frequency Percentage
statement, 102 (51%) respondents were agree and 81 control of the students.
(40.5%) were strongly agree which reflects that most of
Strongly disagree 2 1.0
the respondents believe that extracurricular activities
promote motivation. Disagree 5 2.5
Table 7:Extracurricular activities promote motivation Neutral 23 11.5
Extracurricular activities
Frequency Percentage Agree 62 31.0
promote motivation
Disagree 3 1.5 Strongly agree 108 54.0

Neutral 14 7.0 Total 200 100.0

Agree 102 51.0
Research Question 7:
Strongly agree 81 40.5
Extracurricular activities can make a student’s more
Total 200 100.0 disciplinary.
Table No. 10 mentions that a few 5 (2.5%) of respondents
Research Question 5:
were strongly disagree, 5 (2.5%) were agreed and 24
Extracurricular activities enhance teamwork. (12%) of respondents are neither agree nor disagree to the
Table 8 shows that just 2 (1.0%) of the respondents were statement. Moreover a significant number of the students
responded to strongly disagree, 13 (6.5%) were responded i.e. 65 (32.5%) of the respondents were agree and 101
to disagree and 21 (10.5%) respondents were neutral about (50.5%) were strongly agree about the statements that
this statement. And 77 (38.5%) respondents were extracurricular activities make a student more disciplinary.
responded to strongly agree and 87 (43.5%) were strongly
agree to the above statement which clearly shows that Table 10: Extracurricular activities can make a student’s
these activities enhance team work. more disciplinary
Extracurricular activities
Table 8:Extracurricular activities enhance teamwork can make a student’s more Frequency Percentage
Extracurricular activities Frequency Percentage disciplinary.
enhance teamwork.
Strongly disagree 5 2.5
Strongly disagree 2 1.0
Disagree 5 2.5
Disagree 13 6.5
Neutral 21 10.5 Neutral 24 12.0

Agree 77 38.5 Agree 65 32.5

Strongly agree 87 43.5 Strongly agree 101 50.5

Total 200 100.0 Total 200 100.0

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Rafiullah et al. (2017) Int. J. Soc. Sc. Manage. Vol. 4, Issue-1: 22-31
Research Question 8: Research Question 10:
Extracurricular activities like sports can help the Extracurricular activities increase the self-concept of
students to maintain role and regulation. students.
Table 11 indicates that 8 (4%) of respondents’ response Table No. 13 reveals that only 2 (1%) of respondents
were strongly disagree and 10 (5%) were disagree and 20 replied in strongly disagree, 6 (3%) were agree and 16
(10%) of respondents were neutral about the statement. (8%) of the respondents were neutral to the statement.
Most of the students 63 (31.5%) were agree and 99 While a significant number of respondents i.e. 80 (40%)
(49.5%) were strongly agree, which revealed that remained agree and 96 (48%) were strongly agree to the
extracurricular activities help the students to maintain role statement that extracurricular activities increase the self-
and regulation. concept of students.
Table 11:Extracurricular activities like sports can help the Table 13:Extracurricular activities increase the self-
students to maintain role and regulation. concept of students.
Extracurricular activities Extracurricular activities
like sports can help the increase the self-concept of Frequency Percentage
Frequency Percentage
students to maintain role students.
and regulation.
Strongly disagree 2 1.0
Strongly disagree 8 4.0
Disagree 6 3.0
Disagree 10 5.0
Neutral 16 8.0
Neutral 20 10.0
Agree 80 40.0
Agree 63 31.5
Strongly agree 96 48.0
Strongly agree 99 49.5
Total 200 100.0
Total 200 100.0
Research Question 11:

Research Question 9: Extracurricular activities increase the leadership abilities

of students.
Extracurricular activity affects the rate of maturation in Table 14 mentions that 4 (2%) of the respondents were
students. strongly disagree, 7 (3.5%) were disagree to the statement
Table 12 shows that 5 (2.5%) of the respondents were and 13 (6.5%) of respondents remained undecided about
strongly disagree, 14 (7%) were disagree and 21 (10.5%) the statement. Most of the students 78 (39%) responded as
of the respondents were neutral about the statement. A agree and 98 (49%) were strongly agree, which reflects
significant number of the students i.e. 56 (28%) agree and that extracurricular activities enhance the leadership
104 (52%) were strongly agree to the stated question. qualities of the students.
Table 12: Extracurricular activity affects the rate of Table 14: Extracurricular activities increase the leadership
maturation in students abilities of students.
Extracurricular activity Frequency Percentage
Extracurricular activities
affects the rate of
increase the leadership Frequency Percentage
maturation in students
abilities of students.
Strongly disagree 5 2.5
Strongly disagree 4 2.0
Disagree 14 7.0
Disagree 7 3.5
Neutral 21 10.5
Neutral 13 6.5
Agree 56 28.0
Agree 78 39.0
Strongly agree 104 52.0
Strongly agree 98 49.0
Total 200 100.0
Total 200 100.0

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Rafiullah et al. (2017) Int. J. Soc. Sc. Manage. Vol. 4, Issue-1: 22-31
Research Question 12: Research Question 14:
Extracurricular activities increase the overall Interest is increased in study after doing some
responsibility in students. extracurricular activities.
Table 15 shows that 1 (0.5%) of the respondents were Table 17 reveals that 2 (1%) of the participants were
strongly disagree, 2 (1%) were disagree and 9 (4.5%) of strongly disagrees, 3 (1.5%) were disagree and 11 (5.5%)
the respondents remained neutral. A lot of the respondents were neutrals about the statement. A significant number of
i.e. 85 (42.5%) were agree and 103 (51.5%) was strongly the student i.e.85 (42.5%) and 99 (49.5%) were agree and
agree to the statement. strongly agree respectively which indicates that the
participants interest in study increase as they participate in
Table 15: Extracurricular activities increase the overall
responsibility in students. these activities.
Extracurricular activities Table 17:Interest is increased in study after doing some
increase the overall Frequency Percentage extracurricular activities
responsibility in students Interest is increased in study
Strongly disagree 1 .5 after doing some Frequency Percentage
extracurricular activities.
Disagree 2 1.0
Strongly disagree 2 1.0
Neutral 9 4.5
Disagree 3 1.5
Agree 85 42.5 Neutral 11 5.5
Strongly agree 103 51.5 Agree 85 42.5
Strongly agree 99 49.5
Total 200 100.0
Total 200 100.0

Research Question 13: Research Question 15:

Extracurricular activities increase the academic Students who participate in some extracurricular
achievement of students. activities have high grades than those who do not
Table 16 mentions that 5 (2.5%) of the respondents were participate
strongly disagree, 6 (3%) were disagree and 16 (8%) of the Table 18 illustrates that 3 (1.5%) of the respondents were
respondents were neutral about the statement. 76 (38%) of strongly disagree and 7 (3.5%) were agree to the statement
the respondents were agree and 97 (48.5%) of the and 14 (7%) of the respondents were neutral about the
respondents were strongly agree about the question; hence statements.A significant number i.e. 76 (38%) of the
the overallresponses indicate that extracurricular respondents replied as agree and 100 (50%) of the
activities increase the academic achievement of respondents were strongly agree to the stated question;
the students. hence they are agreed that the students participating in
extracurricular activities achieve higher grades as
Table 16:Extracurricular activities increase the academic compared to the non-participants in these activities.
achievement of students.
Extracurricular activities Table 18: Students who participate in some extracurricular
increase the academic Frequency Percentage activities have high grades than those who do not
achievement of students. participate.
Students who participate in
Strongly disagree 5 2.5 some extracurricular
Disagree 6 3.0 activities have high grades Frequency Percentage
than those who do not
Neutral 16 8.0 participate.
Agree 76 38.0 Strongly disagree 3 1.5
Disagree 7 3.5
Strongly agree 97 48.5
Neutral 14 7.0
Total 200 100.0 Agree 76 38.0
Strongly agree 100 50.0
Total 200 100.0

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Rafiullah et al. (2017) Int. J. Soc. Sc. Manage. Vol. 4, Issue-1: 22-31
Section C: Regression Analysis
For the purpose of testing the stated hypothesis, inferential statistics of Regression analysis was used.
Hypothesis 1:
H1o: There is a negative relationship between extracurricular activities and students self-concept.
H1a: There is positive relationship between extracurricular activities and students self-concept.
Table 19: Regression analysis for extracurricular activities with student’s self-concept
Model R R Adjusted R Std. Error of the Change Statistics
Square Square Estimate R Square F df1 df2 Sig. F
Change Change Change
1 .027 .30 .60 1.846 .001 .141 1 198 .000
a. Predictors: (Constant), ECA
Model Unstandardized Standardized T Sig. 95.0% Confidence
Coefficients Coefficients Interval for B
B Std. Error Beta Lower Upper Bound
1 (Constant) 12.073 1.110 10.880 .000 9.885 14.261
ECA -.021 .057 .030 -.375 .000 -.134 .091
a. Dependent Variable: Self-concept
Hypothesis 2:
H2o: There is a negative relationship between extracurricular activities and students grades.
H2a: There is positive relationship between extracurricular activities and students grades.

Table 20: Regression analysis for extracurricular activities with students’ grade.
Change Statistics
Adjusted R Std. Error of the
Model R R Square R Square Sig. F
Square Estimate F Change df1 df2
Change Change
1 .090a .008 .30 2.103 .008 1.603 1 198 .207
a. Predictors: (Constant), ECA

Unstandardized Standardized 95.0% Confidence Interval
Model Coefficients Coefficients T Sig. for B
B Std. Error Beta Lower Bound Upper Bound
(Constant) 12.894 1.264 10.200 .000 10.401 15.387
ECA -.083 .065 .090 -1.266 .000 -.211 .046
a. Dependent Variable: Grade

As result of Simple Regression is displayed in (Table 19). Table 20 reveals that with beta value .090(p=.000),
With beta value .030 (p=.000) showing significant positive showing a significant positive relationship between
relationship between extracurricular activities and students extracurricular activities and students grades. Whereas
self-concept.Whereas value of adjusted R² showing 60% value of adjusted R² showing 30 % (F=1.60, p <.001) of
(F=.141, p <.001) of variance caused by independent variance caused by independent variable (extracurricular
variable (extracurricular activities) in dependent variable activities) in dependent variable (students grades).
(students self-concept). Therefore the null hypothesis Consequently, the null hypothesis which claims that there
which states that there is negative relationship between is negative relationship between extracurricular activities
extracurricular activities and students self-concept is and students grades is rejected. Hence, it is evidenced that
rejected. Hence, it is proved that there is a significant there is a significant positive influence of extracurricular
positive relationship between extracurricular activities and activities on students’ grades.
students’ self-concept

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Rafiullah et al. (2017) Int. J. Soc. Sc. Manage. Vol. 4, Issue-1: 22-31

Hypothesis 3:
H3o: There is negative relationship between extracurricular activities and students behaviour.
H3a: There is positive relationship between extracurricular activities and students behaviour.
Table 21: Regression analysis for extracurricular activities with student’s behaviour.
Change Statistics
Adjusted Std. Error
Model R R Square R of the F
Square df1 df2 Sig. F Change
Square Estimate Change
1 .027 .001 .04 2.336 .001 .148 1 198 .000
a. Predictors: (Constant), ECA

Model Unstandardized Standardized t Sig. 95.0% Confidence Interval
Coefficients Coefficients for B
B Std. Beta Lower Bound
(Constant) 15.631 1.404 11.129 .073 12.861
ECA -.028 .072 -.027 -.384 .073 -.171
a. Dependent Variable: Behaviour

In Table 21 with beta value -.027(p=.073) showing gain better self-respect, self-esteem and self-confidence.
negative relationship between extracurricular activities and Extracurricular activities can improve self-confidence,
students behaviour.Whereas value of adjusted R² showing increase self-esteem and provide the opportunity to
4 % (F=.148, p ≥.001) of variance caused by independent experience the emotions that students would not normally
variable (extracurricular activities) in dependent variable encounter in traditional curriculum setting (Bailey, 2012).
(students behaviour). So, alternative hypothesis which
In addition, the study also shows that extracurricular
states that there is positive relationship between
activities enhance the students’ grades which is similar to
extracurricular activities and students behaviour is
the findings of the study conducted by (Cosdenet al.,
2012) which states that students who participate in
Discussion extracurricular activities have three times more likely
The findings of this study reveal that there is a significant significantly higher gradesand other academic
positive association between participation in achievement than those students who do not participate in
extracurricular activities and students’ self-concept and extracurricular activities .
grades. This corresponds with the findings of previous The null hypothesis 1 states that there is negative
study (Howie, Lukacs, Pastor, Reuben, and Mendola, relationship between extracurricular activities and students
2010) whichstates that between age of fifteen and twenty self-concept. The findings of the study reveal that there is
are students’ learning to make their own decision and this significant positive influence of extracurricular activities
is a crucial time for students to be involved in on student self-concept which corresponds with the finding
extracurricular activities because they are under of previous study (Brown, 2010). Similarly, the null
supervision, guidance, and they are in engaged and hypothesis 2 states that there is negative relationship
enriched learning experiences. between extracurricular activities and students grades.
Moreover, the results show that majority of participants Findings of the current study reveal that extracurricular
were agree and strongly agree that extracurricular activities have significant positive influence on students’
activities increase self-concept of students than those grades which in line the previous study results (Cosdenet
students who do not participate. Brown (2010) highlighted al., 2012).
in his study that most of the students have high self- The null hypothesis 3 states that there is negative
esteem, and self-confidence, because when they take part relationship between extracurricular activities and students
in some extracurricular activities then they perform well behaviour. Table 21 illustrated that null hypothesis is
and are rewarded for their performance and they take pride accepted; hence there is no positive influence of
in their accomplishments and because of the pride, they extracurricular activities on students behaviour.

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Rafiullah et al. (2017) Int. J. Soc. Sc. Manage. Vol. 4, Issue-1: 22-31

Conclusion measured physical activity and academic attainment in

adolescents from a UK cohort. British Journal of Sports
The current study examines the positive impact of
Medicine, bjsports-2013-092334.
extracurricular activities on university students. The result
indicates that extracurricular activities have significant Cosden M, Morrison G, Gutierrez L and Brown M (2012)The
influence on students and their academic performance. effects of homework programs and after-school activities
These activities enhance the students’ self-concepts and on school success. Theory into Practice43(3): 220-226.
academic achievements but bring a little change in Cosinger (2011)An Analysis of Burmese and Iraqi Resettlement
students’ behaviours. They play important role in students’ Location and Assimilation in a Midsized City:
lives i.e. school performance, positive aspects to become a Implications for Educational and Other Community
successful adults and increased self-concept. Leaders.
Dacombe M (2014) Report of the Executive Committee for 2006.
The outcomes of the study suggest that the universities and
ActaCrystallographicaSection A:Foundations of
other education systems that currently lack extracurricular
Crystallography63(6): 484-508.
activities, should arrange extracurricular activities and
allow students to explore their learning to the external Gilliam J (2013)The Challenges of Minority, Non-Affluent
world, and pursue activities that to create a positive Students: Perceptions of the Transitions to College.
atmosphere in university. Hattie J (2012)Visible learning for teachers: Maximizing impact
on learning: Routledge.
Holloway JH (2010)Adolescent Involvement in Extracurricular
1. The current study is driven by quantitative
Activities and Positive Development: A Comparative
method so further studies should approach both
Study between Government and Private Schools’
quantitative and qualitative methods in order to Students.
know about student’s opinions.
2. It is also recommended that parent, student Howie LD, Lukacs SL, Pastor PN, Reuben CA and Mendola P
(2010) Participation in activities outside of school hours
andteacher perceptions also be examined to
in relation to problem behavior and social skills in middle
further validate the role of
childhood. Journal of School Health80(3): 119-125.
extracurricularactivities on student.
3. Continued research of school extracurricular Joseph NA (2009)Exploring the relationship between
extracurricular participation and probability of
activities and the role they play in the lives of
employment for high school graduates. (A Thesis)
young students.
Georgetown University.
4. We must strive to learn more about how
extracurricular activities promote a healthy school Juma ZR (2015)Exploring the development of biological literacy
learning environment. in Tanzanian junior secondary school students.
5. Teachers, parents and school officials need to Massoni E (2011) Positive effects of extracurricular activities on
continue to learn and help students develop these students. ESSAI9(1): 27.
skills and areas of the maturing process. It Slutzky CB and Simpkins SD (2009)The link between children's
appears that extracurricular activities play an sport participation and self-esteem: Exploring the
important role on student. mediating role of sport self-concept. Psychology of Sport
and Exercise10(3): 381-389.
References Van Houdt K (2009)Extracurricular activities at school The
Ahren CS (2009)Disentangling the unique effects of co-
relationship between specialisation in subject areas and
curricular engagement on self-reported student learning
exit level and the extracurricular activities of high school
outcomes. Citeseer.
Booth J, Leary S, Joinson C, Ness A, Tomporowski P, Boyle J
and Reilly J (2013) Associations between objectively

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