Media Information Literacy Summative

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NAME: ________________________________ SECTION: ________________ DATE: _________________ SCORE: ______

I. TRUE OR FALSE. Write T if the statement is correct or F if it is not. Write the letter on the space before the number.

_____1. A visual artist paints to convey a message.

_____2. A responsible journalist must write a biased article for a politician.
_____3. Facebook is an example of print media.
_____4. A literate person can read and write.
_____5. Journalists should write articles that interest the public.
_____6. Both past and present technologies provide convenience and efficiency.
_____7. www. means Word Wide Web.
_____8. A media literate person can think independently and give opinion on contemporary issues.
_____9. With or without technology, people need to communicate with one another.
_____10. All information found in the Internet are reliable.

II. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the letter of the correct answer from the choices then write it on the space before the number.

_____11. It is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate and create media.

a. Media b. Information literacy c. media literacy d. technology literacy
_____12. These are acquired data for specific purpose.
a. Information b. Technology c. media d. literacy
_____13. It is the systematic application of one’s art or skill for a practical purpose.
a. Information b. Technology c. media d. literacy
_____14. This is the skill that allows a person to recognize when information is needed and how he will be able to access, locate,
evaluate and use it effectively.
a. Information literacy c. media literacy
b. Technology literacy d. media and information literacy
_____15. It is the ability to acquire relevant information and use modern-day tools to get, manage and communicate
a. Information literacy c. media literacy
b. Technology literacy d. media and information literacy
_____16. This refers to how a person is able to look for relevant information from various media with the help of technology.
a. Information literacy c. media literacy
b. Technology literacy d. media and information literacy
_____17. Examples of these are radio, television, newspaper and internet.
a. Media b. Technology c. literacy d. information
_____18. This characterize by conveying a message of information that is accurate, factual, and truthful
a. Fairness and objectivity b. Empathy c. truthfulness d. responsibility
_____19. This is being in another person’s shoes.
a. Sympathy b. Empathy c. responsibility d. integrity
_____20. Media practitioners are expected to show professionalism regardless of the situation they are in.
a. Responsibility and integrity c. fairness and objectivity
b. Hard working d. truthfulness

III. IDENTIFICATION. Identify the correct letter of the answer to the following. Write it on the space before the number.


_____21. James found erroneous facts in the newspaper he is reading.

_____22. Peter uses his tablet to read his e-books, which he downloaded using an app.
_____23. Charlene, an exchange student, tells her mother that she misses her through e-mail.
_____24. The teacher told the students to go to the library for their research activity.
_____25. A mother bought an alphabet chart for her four-year-old daughter.
_____26. Mike is preparing a PowerPoint presentation for his report in history.
_____27. The Stem 6-Pasteur is researching about the effects of social media on students’ performance in class.
_____28. Marie chats with her friends in London very often.
_____29. We heard from the radio that there was a strong earthquake that struck Leyte yesterday.
_____30. The Grade-10 students are to create a webpage of their advertisement in Economics.

IV. ESSAY. Answer each question briefly based on your objective insight and critical thinking. (5 points each)

1. Why should parents monitor what Internet sites their children visit?


2. What information do you frequently access from the Internet? Why? Give at least three reasons.


-------------------------------------------------------- GOD BLESS AND STAY SAFE 😊 ----------------------------------------------------------------------

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