Girlfriend Generator: Your Step by Step Guide To Finding Your Dream Lover

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The key takeaways are creating solid criteria for finding a committed partner and sorting through potential partners until finding one that meets enough criteria.

The purpose of creating criteria is to have a set of standards to evaluate potential partners and decide which one to commit to for a long-term relationship.

The two important META criteria mentioned are: 1) The partner meets enough of your criteria that you are okay not dating others, and 2) The partner feels the same way about you.


Your step by step guide to finding your
dream lover

George Hutton
First Things First! 3

What This Course Is 6

Meat and Potatoes 13

Secrets of Female Attraction 18

Female Attraction Triggers 22

Social Status 25

Signs of Social Status 31

Criteria 37

Criteria before Sex 40

Sorting and Skill Building 43

The Steps to Confidence 53

When to Call 67

Dating - The Ultimate Sorter 73

The Ultimate Sorting Tool 79

How to Juggle Many Girls At Once 84

Other Issues 89

Texting 94

Assertive Behavior 98

Beware Of the Shoulds 101

Boundaries vs. Tests 105

How to Disqualify 111

Final Words 116

Appendix One 118

Appendix Two 137

More Information 149

First Things First!

What This Course Is Not

Just in case you stumbled into this book by mistake, let's

first clear up a few things. You will NOT find any of the
following material in this course:

Language Patterns

This is not a course on language patterns. Language

patterns are incredibly powerful, can take any persuasion
conversation and turn it from a lukewarm maybe into a red
hot yes. They certainly have their place. However, they are
more of a technical aspect of persuasion. This guide is more
of big picture, step by step guide. For the purposes of this
course, the best language to use is simply whatever you
come up with in the moment. Right then and there. That
being said, language patterns to have their place in a
relationship. Once you've established your dream
relationship with your dream girl, you can (and should) learn
all the language patterns you need in the Covert Hypnosis

Pick Up Techniques

There's plenty of books that will tell you what to wear, what
to say, how to approach, how many times to call, crazy
texting techniques that will turn her from an ice cold
memory into a dripping wet vixen at your front door
desperately begging for a booty call. You will not find these in
this guide. Those techniques work, and they work well. But
guess what? In the process of learning the ideas, skills and
beliefs in this book, you'll soon be talking to gorgeous women
everywhere you go. Easily. Naturally. Fearlessly. And you'll
simply need to be yourself. Your true self. Your best self. No
techniques required. Seriously.

How to Get Your Ex Back

There are plenty of those courses being sold right now all
over the Internet. If you purchased this book to find out how
to get your ex to fall back in love with you, please send this
back for a refund. This course is for getting women in
general, not the one that got away. Nor is this filled with any
techniques or gambits designed for one particular woman.
For the purposes of this guide, if your ex is gone, consider
that she's gone for good. For that matter, if you’ve purchased
this for that “one” girl whom you think is your perfect angel,
she’s not. Forget her. Forget all the girls you know. This if for
all those girls out there you haven’t met yet. Look forward,
not backward.

A Pump and Dump Guide

There are plenty of techniques you can put to use that will
get you laid, and get you laid a lot. Those work and they work
very well. However, this guide is for those guys looking to
create a special relationship with a special lady. Sure, along
the way you'll meet several women that will certainly spin
your propeller. But the ultimate aim of this guide is to get
you a girlfriend. A girlfriend who you will be proud to
introduce to your parents. A girlfriend with whom you can
imagine your future together. Not a string of lays to notch
your bedpost with.
What This Course Is

This called the Girlfriend Generator for a reason. It's not a

course on getting that one girl you’ve had your eye on since
kindergarten. It's not a course on getting your ex back. It is,
however, a course designed to start exactly where you are,
and create the skills, beliefs and behaviors in you that will
result in you having a girlfriend. Not just any girlfriend, a girl
that is as close to your ideal as you can get. Sure, it will take
some time. Sure, it will definitely take effort on your part.
But if you take your time, put the principles to work in this
course, you will get a girlfriend.

How to Sort For Your Girlfriend

Stated simply, this course will teach you how to sort through
the vast sea of femininity in the world around to find the girl
that's perfect for you. This is NOT a course on going out,
choosing a girl and then turning THAT girl into your
girlfriend. That would be like a cookbook which teaches you
how to go to the supermarket, buy an apple, and then take it
home and turn it into a chocolate cake!

You can think of this sorting process like a system. A system

that when put to work, will result in a happy girlfriend on
your arm.

I was once in Tijuana with a couple of friends of mine. We

went into a restaurant that had this small tortilla machine. I
don't know about you, but I LOVE tortillas! This machine
was a self-contained piece of magic! You put in all the raw
ingredients on one end, and out the other end came a
continuous stream of warm, fresh, DELICIOUS tortillas.
So long as you put right ingredients on one side, the tortillas
came out the other side.

Non-Physical Criteria

One thing you'll be doing is creating non-physical criteria.

You can't sort if you don't know what you're looking for!

Now, must guys, scratch that, ALL guys, have criteria. Only
these criteria are based on pure physical appearance. If
she's hot, that's good enough for most guys. Then they date
her, and find she doesn't quite fit his personality. Or they
date her, and decide she's "low quality" (whatever THAT

But in this course, you'll be learning to create a list of

non-physical criteria that's important only to you. Why only
non-physical criteria? Because you've already got the
physical criteria taken care of, on auto pilot! (In case you're
confused, when you see a girl and think she's hot, that
means she matches your subconscious physical criteria).

Women's Criteria

Next thing we'll do is go over a basic list of qualities that

women look for in a man. Be sure to understand these are
unconscious. These are NOT the things she writes down in
her dating profile. Forget about those. Those will quickly
become unimportant and take a backseat when a guy meets
her subconscious criteria.

Think of it this way. You may think you want a woman who
can cook. But what happens if you meet an absolutely
gorgeous, model quality woman, who looks like your favorite
porn star? And she's totally into you! Will the fact that she
can't cook mean she's LESS physically attractive to you? Not
likely. Now, you may not want a relationship with her, but
that's not important, because this is just a metaphor!

What is important is to cultivate the qualities that women

find attractive on a deep subconscious level. You'll find once
you create these, you'll be attractive to many women. Then
we can worry about your non-physical criteria, and her
non-attraction based criteria.

Why do we use non-physical criteria for you (a guy) and

non-attraction based criteria for her (a girl)?

Because as we'll find out later, girls aren't nearly as

dependent on looks as guys are!

Lucky us!

Once we figure out what we want, and what girls are

generally after, then we'll be ready to kick off the process.

And that's what this is. A process. A systematic behavioral

process that will allow you to start wherever you are, and
start doing small things every single day, that will do two

The first is to increase your self-confidence. Let's be honest.

If shopping for girls were as easy as shopping for apples,
we'd all have gorgeous supermodels (at least in our own
eyes!) on our arms.

To be quite honest, the process is pretty simple. It's the same

as shopping for a car, or a video game. First step is to figure
out what you want. Next step is to go looking for it.

Easy peasy, right?

Only when it comes to finding your ideal dream girl, looking

for her can be pretty scary. And one thing guys don't like to
admit is how scared they are of talking to girls.

When I was a kid we used to go on scavenger hunts. One of

the older kids would organize it. We'd break into teams, and
get a list of random, cheap household items. Then we'd just
start going door to door until we found them. It was easy, it
was fun. It wasn't scary. We were in a group, so even if we got
yelled at by some crazy old person, it was still pretty fun.

Finding your dream girl is the same. Make a list, and then
start looking for girls who meet the criteria.

But like I said, most guys would rather wrestle a lion than
walk across the room to talk to that cute girl over there.

Most guys need to go through all kinds of pregame activities,

have a few drinks, do all kinds of focused self-talk before
feeling comfortable just being in the same room with a
bunch of pretty girls.

Don't worry.

In this course, we'll go slowly. You'll be building up your

courage at the same time you'll be going through the sorting

In the very beginning, some of the things you'll be doing will

be 90% courage building, 10% sorting. But near the end, it
will be switched the other way around. 10% courage building
and 90% sorting. Both building up your courage AND
sorting through the millions of ladies out there is part of the
same process. So as you go through this process, your
courage will naturally increase, and you’re “sorting muscle”
will increase as well.

How Long Will This Take?

Stop now, and just imagine life with your dream girl. A girl
who believes in you. A girl who will support you. A girl who
will bring out your best. A girl that expects the same from
you. A girl who will be your true partner for life, if that's what
you want. A girl that will listen patiently to your deepest
sexual fantasies and do her very best to make them come
true. A girl who will expect the same of you.

Fully imagine all the benefits of having some a positive

presence in your life. Think of all the benefits. Think of all
the things you could do. Think of how much more you can
accomplish in life.

Pretty amazing, right?

You bet.

That's why you need to take your time. Not only in building
up the skills, but going through the sorting process.

As much as finding the right girl can make your life magic,
getting together with the wrong girl can make your life a
living nightmare.
So please, don't rush this process. If you want to hurry up
and get results, take a deep breath, and slow down. Forget
your buddies who are always talking about going out and
getting laid every five minutes.

Forget those guys who talk about how many numbers

they've collected, or how many girls they've banged.

If you wanted a six pack (not the drinking kind!), you would
know it would take some time, right?

If you wanted an advanced degree in Electrical Engineering,

it would take a while, right?

If you wanted to earn your black belt, you wouldn't be

looking for short cuts, would you?

If you wanted to work your way up to become company

president, you wouldn't expect to be promoted from day one
out of the mailroom, would you?

Finding your dream girl is no different. It is one of the most

important things you can create with your life. Take your
time. Go slow.

It's tempting to start out like gangbusters, but avoid that. We

want to create a daily routine that is sustainable. One you
enjoy doing. One you look forward to doing. One that doesn't
require massive amounts of willpower every single day.

Take your time. Go slow. Go at your own pace. Slowly,

steadily, and carefully stretch out your comfort zone. Be the
turtle, not the rabbit.
Let all those other clowns screw up their courage with booze
and number close everything in sight.

This is your life. Build it at your pace. And receive your

Meat and Potatoes

Let's cover the basic outline, the basic theory and strategy of
this course. First, you'll be creating some rock solid criteria.
Criteria that are not based on her physical looks. Then we'll
be sorting through all the women you meet on a daily basis,
until you find one that meets enough of your criteria that
you decide to settle with her. How long? That's up to you.
Many people these days are putting off marriage for various

We can say, then, that the purpose of this guide is to teach

you how to find a girl for a committed relationship that lasts
as long as you both agree is worthwhile to maintain. That
may be a year. That may be fifty years. That's up to you and

So for the purpose of this course, we'll be looking for a girl

that meets two very important META criteria:

1) She meets enough of your criteria that you are OK

not dating other girls while you're dating her

2) She feels the same way about you.

Many guys get tripped on point number two. They find a girl
that satisfies point one, and they think they're done. But
unless the girl feels the same thing about you as you feel
about her, you're kind of missing the point.

We're not shopping for inanimate objects like cars or roller

skates. We're looking to create a relationship with another
human being. Someone who has just as many criteria as you

Many people, both guys and girls, make a huge mistake of

chasing somebody that's just not interested in them. This is
expensive, time-consuming, and extremely hard on the ego.

But don't worry. We'll be learning some techniques and rules

for you that will ensure you don't make this costly mistake.

How will you know? Don't worry, as you go through this

course, you'll learn some simple techniques that will make it
nearly impossible to be spending time with girls that aren't
into you!

Importance of Non-Physical Criteria

Here's a harsh shocker that you already know, but will

pretend isn't true. When people get together it feels
wonderful. Fantastic. The greatest feeling on Earth. Things
you wouldn't even consider doing, you'd do without
hesitation to get that feeling. Love, affection, romance, call it
what you want.

But realize it is a feeling. In the initial stages of a

relationship, you'll both be feeling those feelings
automatically. They will be generated in you by her
subconscious behavior, and they'll be generated in her by
your subconscious behavior.

Nobody needs to know why. Nobody needs to know how. You

just show up, see each other, and get all lovey-dovey on each

Now, I'm not going to be a cold hard cynic and say those
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