Modal Verbs
Modal Verbs
Modal Verbs
English III
Presented by:
Javier Alexander Jurado Benítez
Guests Rules
Checking in and out
• check out time? Guests must check out at 9:00 a. m.
• check in time? Guests must check in at 2:00 p. m.
• pay by cash/credit card? Guests can pay by cash or credit card.
• if a guest checks out late? Guests have to pay surcharge for check out late.
• if a guest wants to stay longer? Guests have to inform in advance to stay longer.
• cancellation cost?
It have to cancellation cost.
• leave key when guests go out? Guests must leave the keys when they leave.
• smoking in the room? Guests can’t smoke in the room.
• Wi-Fi access? Cost? Guests have to access wi-fi, free.
• have visitors? If guests have to receive visitors, they must be announced.
• TV channels? There have to be tv channels
• breakfast start/finish time? Guests can start breakfast at 10:00 a.m.
• breakfast included/not included? Breakfasts can't include alcoholic beverages.
• book a table for lunch/dinner? Guests must reserve a table for lunch and dinner.
• tipping? Guests can tip for your consideration.
Staff Rules
Working hours
• work weekends (how often?) Staff can work weekends, three times a month.
• work evenings (how often?) Staff have to work evenings, every day
• holiday leave (how often?) Staff must go to holiday leave, every year.
• if a member of staff is sick? Staff have to go to the clinic if they are sick
• wear a uniform? Staff must wear a clean uniform
• clothing for
Kitchen staff have to clothes white
• clothing for kitchen staff?