Cornel Taher Case
Cornel Taher Case
Cornel Taher Case
A.H.M.Shamsuddin Choudhury,J.-
Petitions no. 7236 of 2010, 826 of 2011, 1048 of 2011 and 1059
(iii) the judgment and order dated 17th July, 1976 passed by the
for varying terms while Lt. Col. (retd.) M. A. Taher, Bir Uttam,
Since the basic theme and the relief craved in all these
run as follows;
Code was cited in the said FIR along with some other
and VII of the Penal Code were also brought within the so-
Colonel, named Yusuf Haider (who chaired it), one Air Force
with the case in which Lt. Col. M.A. Taher, Bir Uttam, Flight
Sergeant Abu Yusuf Khan, Bir Bikram and the Petitioner No. 1
effect was never responded to. It is only from the news paper
same on halt.
She was, however, told in reply, that the president has not
Bir Uttam, was executed on 21st July 1976, whereafter his corps
was removed from Dhaka Central Jail in a pick up and then was
3 were released from the prison in June 1980, yet they were not
any other matter quo the trial was ever given to the Petitioner
passed on 06th April 1979, the so-called 5th Amendment Act, all
that one Mr. Lawrence Lifschultz, who was the South Asian
called trial were published in Daily Prothom Alo and that they
along with the allied forces of India to mark their maiden entry
Sergeant Khan, who, along with the Indian Army went to the
who plucked the flag from the staff car of Lt. General Niazi,
All of the eight siblings, six male and two female, of Col.
abrupt impasse with the arrest of his two brothers, Col. Taher
and Ft. Sergeant Yusuf Khan, which event plunged his family
kept there until 15th June 1976, the day on which he was
Taher”, Dr. AMM Showkat Ali, who was placed as the Deputy
international standards”.
Col. Taher was not even based on the decision of the mock
earlier Writ Petition and hence we are figuring below only those
Force, who joined the then Pakistan Army in 1966 and was
of time were they supplied with any FIR, any complaint or any
or trial.
Even their closest relatives did not have any access to them.
which they did not know what were the charges that they were
nor were the charges read over to them. They did not have the
judges of the tribunal swiftly went away and the accused were
that his wife was told that he would face the same consequence
Martial Law Tribunal Case no. 1 of 1976 and the accused were
General, who served the Army for about 25-30 years. The
least until 1995 and, given his initial ranking and participation in
and stood 1st among 190 cadets showing the best rate of
decades with due financial and other benefits along with the
Hon’ble Court.
special martial law tribunal has been set up in that room which
will sit in camera and try the Petitioners for an alleged offence
dated 4.6.1976 under section 121A of the Penal code read with
the allegation laid against them and also asked for the copies of
the FIR, charge sheet and other relevant papers, but their
bounds of Dhaka Central Jail and the accused were not allowed
purported proceedings.
months afterwards.
Lt. Col. (retired) Abu Taher, Bir Uttam and the Petitioners were
A Hero of our Liberation War, Lt. Col. (retired) Abu Taher, Bir
of the Penal Code at any point of time in any manner, and the
black ship among the freedom fighters, Lt. Gen. Ziaur Rahman,
with a motive to set the Country against the spirit of the War of
wiping out the pattern, the colonial rulers established and left
Rahman, who was the Chief of Army Staff, and at the helm of
did not only rehabilitate Rajakers and Al Bodors, but also made
and sentenced the Petitioners and others who fought for the
of 2011, was filed by Mr. Abdul Mazid, which has also been
discussed above.
to him only.
Dhaka Court, after confining him in a car for the whole day. He
which time he did not exactly know the charges that were
nor were the charges read over to him. He did not have
and was put inside a barbed cage as if they were roman slaves.
being produced and were hurriedly taken away after their hasty
their deposition.
defense witness.
report could not be traced. All they could detect was a list of
Awdmvi Bb PvR©
‡gvnv¤§`cyi _vbv
XvKv †g‡U«vcwjUb cywjk, XvKv|
welqt gvgjvi GRvnvi Kwc mievin KiY cÖm‡½|
m~‡Î ewY©Z gvgjvi GRvnvi Kwc AÎ g¨vwR‡ó«mxi wRAvi kvLvq †LuvR K‡i
cvIqv hvq bvB| GZ`wel‡q mswk−ó wRAviI †gvt Rvnv½xi Avjg Gi GKwU
Dc-cywjk Kwgkbvi (PjwZ `vwqZ¡)
Aciva Z_¨ I cÖwmwKDkb wefvM
XvKv †g‡U«vcwjUb cywjk, XvKv|
‡dvb-7116188 d¨v·-7114470
Kwiqv †`wL‡Z cvB ‡h, myÎ ewY©Z gvgjvi GRvnvi weÁ Av`vjZ/wRAvi kvLvq
M„nxZ nq bvB| wRAvi kvLvq ewY©Z gvgjvi mswk−ó wRAvi †iwRóv‡i FIR
Received K_vwU GKwU Uvb w`qv KvUv Av‡Q| Avwg wRAvi kvLvq eû
†LuvRvLyuwR KwiqvI ewY©Z gvgjvi GRvnvi ev †Kvb †iKW© cÎvw`i mÜvb Kwi‡Z
cvwi bvB| GB wel‡q †Kn Avgv‡K †Kvb Z_¨ cÖ`vb Kwi‡Z cv‡i bvB| d‡j
my‡Î ewY©Z gvgjvi GRvnvi Kwc cÖ`vb Kiv m¤¢e nB‡Z‡Q bv|
wW‡m¤¦i 2010|
welqt gnvgvb¨ mycÖxg †Kv‡U©i nvB‡KvU© wefv‡Mi `v‡qiK…Z ixU wcwUkb gvgjv
bs 7236 cÖms‡M|
Dchy©³ welq I m~‡Îv³ c‡Îi Av‡jv‡K Rvbv‡bv hv‡”Q ‡h, †jt K‡Y©j
gva¨‡g g„Zy`Û cÖ`vb Kiv n‡qwQj| wZwb wePv‡ii A‡bK c~‡e©B 6 A‡±vei
1972 Zvwi‡L Gj,wc, Avi, G MgY K‡ib Ges 6 RyjvB 1973 Zvwi‡L
†mbvevwnbx †_‡K Aemi MÖnb K‡ib| †h Kvi‡Y †jt K‡Y©j Gg, G, Zv‡ni exi
(‡Rvniv †eMg)
wmwbqi mnKvix mwPe
‡dvbt 9112396
mwjwmUi DBs
AvBb, wePvi I msm` welqK gš¿Yvjq
GUbx© †Rbv‡ij I mwjwmUi Kvh©vjq feb,
evsjv‡`k mycÖxg‡KvU© feb, XvKv|
1| mwPe, ¯^ivó« gš¿Yvjq (`„t Avt †gvnv¤§` Avey mvC` †gvj−v, mnKvix
mwPe), evsjv‡`k mwPevjq, XvKv|
2| mwPe, AvBb, wePvi I msm` welqK gš¿Yvjq, evsjv‡`k mwPevjq,
3| ‡iwRó«vi, evsjv‡`k mycÖxg †KvU©, nvB‡KvU© wefvM, XvKv|
4| Rbve AvjZvd †nv‡mb, †WcywU GUbx© †Rbv‡ij, GUbx© †Rbv‡ij I
mwjwmUi Kvh©vjq feb evsjv‡`k mycÖxg †KvU© cÖv½Y, XvKv|
MYcÖRvZš¿x evsjv‡`k miKvi
cÖavbgš¿xi Kvh©vjq
mk¯¿ evwnbx wefvM
cÖkvmb I e¨e¯’vcbv cwi`ßi
XvKv †mbvwbevm
‡Uwj‡dvbt 8713297 mvgwiK
B-†gBjt admin
[email protected]
18 AMÖnvqY 1417
40009/1/GGÛGj-1/1310 02 b‡f¤¦i 2010|
7236/2010 cÖÖms‡M|
wePv‡ii gva¨‡g g„Zy`Û cÖ`vb Kiv n‡qwQj| D‡j−L¨, D³ wePv‡ii A‡bK c~‡e©B
A_v©r 06 A‡±vei 1972 Zvwi‡L wZwb Gj,wc, Avi, G MgY K‡ib Ges 6
RyjvB 1973 Zvwi‡L †mbvevwnbx n‡Z Aemi MÖnb K‡ib| †h Kvi‡Y †jt
K‡Y©j (Aet) †gvnv¤§` Avey Zv‡ni, exi DËg-Gi wePvi †¯úkvj gvk©vj j
U«vBey¨bv‡ji gva¨‡g m¤úbœ Kiv nq, †KvU©gvk©vj-Gi gva¨‡g Kiv nqwb| †m‡nZy
D³ wePvi m¤úwK©Z †Kvb bw_cÎ A_ev iv‡qi Av‡`k †mbvm`‡i gIRy` †bB|
¯^ivó« gš¿Yvjq
evsjv‡`k mwPevjq, XvKv
(`„wó AvK©lYt †gvnv¤§` Avey mvC` †gvj−v
mnKvix mwPe
cÖwZi¶v gš¿Yvjq
MYfeb Kg‡c−·
‡k‡ievsjv bMi, XvKv
There are several other letters which formed part of the
recorded below.
(K) gvgjvwU miKvi c‡¶ cÖwZØw›`¡Zv Kivi Rb¨ GKRb Dchy³ weÁ
Kvh©v‡_© mwPe, ¯^vivó« gš¿Yvjq; mwPe, AvBb, wePvi I msm` welqK gš¿Yvjq,
Ges mwjwmUi, mwjwmUi DBs (ixU) eivei †cÖiY Kiv n‡q‡Q (Kwc mshy³)
AvwR©i `dvIqvix Reve I †jt K‡Y©j Gg,G, Zv‡ni exi DËg (g„Z)-Gi
(N) †jt K‡Y©j Gg,G, Zv‡ni exi DËg-†K g„Zy¨`Û cÖ`vbKvix mvgwiK
2| D‡j−L¨ †h, mvgwiK U«vBey¨bv‡ji iv‡qi wel‡q mk¯¿ evwnbx wefvM mswk−ó
weavq GZ`msµvš— mKj KvMRcÎ †mbvm`i †_‡K msMÖn K‡i mwjwmUi DBs-
(‡Rvniv †eMg)
wmwbqi mnKvix mwPe
‡dvbt 9112396
Rbve AvjZvd †nv‡mb
†WcywU GUbx© †Rbv‡ij
GUbx© †Rbv‡ij I mwjwmUi Kvh©vjq feb,
evsjv‡`k mycÖxg †KvU© cÖv½Y, XvKv|
Avbvqb Kiv n‡q‡Q| wZwb Av‡e`‡b D‡j−L K‡i‡Qb †h, 1976 mv‡i †jt K‡Y©j
duvwmi wei“‡× ms¶y× n‡q wZwb mwPe AvBb, wePvi I msm` welqK
K‡i mywcÖg‡Kv‡U©i nvB‡KvU© wefv‡M GKwU ixU wcwUkb gvgjv `v‡qi K‡i‡Qb|
(‡Rvniv †eMg)
wmwbqi mnKvix mwPe
‡dvbt 9112396
mwjwmUi DBs (ixU)
AvBb, wePvi I msm` welqK gš¿Yvjq,
GUbx© †Rbv‡ij I mwjwmUi Gi Kvh©vjq,
‡mbvm`i †R G wR wefvM
XvKv †mbvwbevm
†cÖiYc~e©K gvgjvi cÖ‡qvRbxq Kvh©µg MªnY Kivi Rb¨ Aby‡iva Kiv n‡jv|
†cÖiY Kiv n‡jv |gnvgvb¨ mycÖxg †Kv‡U©i nvB‡KvU© wefv‡M `v‡qiK…Z ixU
(‡Rvniv †eMg)
wmwbqi mnKvix mwPe
‡dvbt 9112396
†R G wR wefvM
XvKv †mbvwbevm
AwZe Ri“ix
GKB Zvwi‡Li GKB b¤¦i c‡Îi cÖwZ¯’vcK
2| ewY©Z Ae¯’vq, ¯^ivó« gš¿Yvj‡qi Dc‡iv³ c‡Îi Pvwn`v Abyhvqx †jt K‡Y©j
(‡Rvniv †eMg)
wmwbqi mnKvix mwPe
‡dvbt 9112396
†R G wR wefvM
XvKv †mbvwbevm
Abywjwc t-
¯^ivó« gš¿Yvjq
AvBb kvLv-1
evsjv‡`k mwPevjq, XvKv|
†R G wR wefvM
XvKv †mbvwbevm
Zvivjvcbxt 8750011 ewa©Z
17 KvwZ©K 1417
5525/2/(wW-68)/†RGwR 01 b‡f¤¦i 2010|
ixU wcwUkb bs- 7236/2010 Gi `dvIqvix Reve †cÖiY cÖÖms‡M|
1| eivZ c‡Îi cÖwZ m`q `„wó AvKl©Y c~e©K XvKv wek¦we`¨vj‡qi cÖ‡dmi
cÖwZev`xi c‡¶ Bs‡iwRx‡Z `yB cÖ¯’ ceve I †jt K‡Y©j Gg G Zv‡ni, exi
c‡¶ fvicÖvß ‡R G wR
cÖwZi¶v gš¿Yvjq (wW-21)
MYfeb Kg‡c−µm
‡k‡ievsjv bMi
mwjwmUi DBs (ixU kvLv)
AvBb, wePvi I msm` welqK gš¿Yvjq,
GUbx© †Rbv‡ij I mwjwmUi Gi Kvh©vjq,
mvgwiK mwP‡ei kvLv
wc Gm cwi`ßi
possessed of.
view, however, does not reflect a rule of thumb, and there are
cases, very sparing though, where the Courts can, if the interest
But the Court may direct that such questions, as it may consider
manner as it may deem fit and in that case it may follow such
Article 226, the High Court has jurisdiction to try issues both of
553), the Indian Apex Court came up with a clear finding that
that the Court may allow one party to cross examine the other
may be desirable.
because it can be said with all certitude that this is one of the
window of evidence.
of Lt. Col. Taher, Bir Uttam, in Dhaka Central Jail as they came
frail state of health for his inability to appear. All save the last
portraying the facts they are familiar with. We had been given
truly indispensable.
his affidavit: he can shortly fly. Having perused the articles, Mr.
of the world.
United States.
Bangladesh society.
three hours.
that time.
was lawful?
26, 1976.)
mail address.
this Court.
word to word;
By Lawrence Lifschultz
verdict. But, like others, I have hoped for a day like this one,
these many decades. Only last week, Taher’s daughter Joya told
moment.” She was five years old when her father died. So you
Rosenbergs, Joe Hill and Sacco & Vanzetti stand out most
year ago.”
Fifty years have not passed as in the Sacco and Vanzetti case.
death. The time has come to face the issues squarely. Can we
even call what Taher and his colleagues faced a “trial”/ there
film and arrested me, under what charge I was never told. But,
back then, they were trying to cover their tracks and keep
not like us, who gather here today. They did not want anyone in
and who they were. They preferred that their crime stay hidden.
has also ordered a search for any and all surviving documents.
of purpose.
an open court of law and the public reaction that would have
Central Jail.
make one claim, which if true, has importance for this Court’s
Moudud claims his source for this story was General Zia
write their own rules and that is precisely what happened in this
the events that took place behind the gates of Dhaka Central
the macabre manner of his murder (it was murder pure and
simple), in July 1976, he revives within our souls all the pains
we have either carefully pushed under the rug all these years or
whateven else he has done, has made clear that General Zia
have opened. The Supreme Court has declared the 5th and 7th
issues that are at the very heart of a new and challenging period.
heart of the matter. The question is not only whether “the rule
there is no guarantees.
the line again and embrace armed dictatorship, they will face
“rule of law”.
daughter, Joya, wrote me ten days ago. The verdict “will not
bring back my Dad,” she said, but it will bring an end the “kind
of assassination” which took her father from her and her two
and admired for the remarkable man he was, will bring some
time. I remember when I typed the last page. I reread the text
waling around the corner to a tiny post office where I knew the
staff. I bought the requisite number of stamps and two Air Mail
not possible.
account of all that had taken place. Then two things happened.
that had been brought from Dhaka. When I received it, I read
ever read.
live after the paratner of my life has left. It seems the children
anything. Nitu says, ‘Father, why did you die? You would have
Every day they go to the grave with flowers. They place the
flowers and pray, ‘Let me become like father.’ Jishu says that
think: Taher is still alive amongst them, and will live in them.
Taher have become the ideals of all, then I will find peace. It is
my sorrow that when that day comes, Taher will not be there.
Taher’s death. The time has come to face the issues squarely.
Can we even call what Taher and his colleagues faced, a “trial”?
film and arrested me, under what charge I was never told.
Moudud claims his source for this story was General Zia
the events that took place behind the gates of Dhaka Central
not a trial.
Petitioner No. 2) and his execution on 21st July, 1976; and this
Dhaka Central Jail. The case records including the FIR and
country was under Martial Law and the trial was conducted
following terms;
during 2008, now residing at House No. 44, Road No. 23,
Petitioner No. 2) and his execution on 21st July, 1976; and this
said trial held in Dhaka during June and July, 1976 which ended
Since the country was under Martial Law and the Special
17/07/1976. The trial was not fair and impartial under the
before the trial by the Special Martial Law Tribunal retired from
in front fighting and lost one of his legs. Before he joined the
MLR, 1975 upon Lt. Col. (retd.) M. A. Taher Bir Uttam (the
1976; and this Hon’ble Court issued Rule Nisi as prayed for.
Since the country was under Martial Law and the Special
during the trial, that he knew the laws invoking which Col.
the date the trial commenced, but the chair of the tribunal did
not ask for his view on the conviction or the sentences, there
country was under martial law, he was left with no choice but
purportedly under section 121A of the Penal Code and Lt. Col.
No. 2) and his execution on 21st July, 1976; and this Hon’ble
without mask and in reply I very humbly said that the rule does
Before he was taken to the gallows, Colonel Taher said that the
was not legal and fair. His last words on the gallows “long live
the question of this trial would be raised later and for that
Central Jail.”
Attorney General appeared for the state with his fully equipped
Khan, Mr. Amit Talukdar, Mr. Shoeb Khan and Ms. Purabi
the so-called trial was but a farce, a pure and simple mockery in
the pretext of the judicial process and hence, at the end, what
murder. “It was not even a show trial,” said Dr. Kamal, “and
medieval feud.
some kind of judicial facade yet, in the instant case, even those
but by the persons who were at the helm of the state affairs.”
Uttam, who shall never disappear from the minds of the people
worse even.
Haque Inu (W.P. No. 826/2011) and others, relied on the 5th
was not an ordinary martial law court and that the proclamation
procure information from those who are familiar with all that
statement when the courts asked for. This Court has all the
initio and without any lawful effect and all the proclamations,
allowed in the secluded trial inside the jail without any or little
this right must have reduced the trial into a farcical one.”
not accept the mercy petition of Col. Taher and sent him to the
right, yet the Special Martial Law Regulation did not provide
for any such sefty valve. “The conviction,” he said, “was wholly
conviction is a part and parcel of the notion of fair trial; and the
fact that the Regulation No. 4(8) of the MLR XVI of 1976 took
Fighter like Col. Taher had to face a so-called trial in the dark
He went on saying;
which by itself depicts that the authorities of the day were bent
person who had wagered his life for this country and, lost one
travesty of the truth and justice: the martial law rulers, to gratify
echoed the theme that after the decisions in 5th and 7th
after 3 decades.
never lasts long, it did not glorify Hitler or Lewis 14th. Many
General he had been sent the file relating to the case of late
and he had formed his view that the judgment bore no relation
Code did not provide for death sentence. MLR 30 was declared
insisted that the Writ Court originates from the Court of Star
be snatched away.
76, but there was no death penalty for the alleged offence. It
a judicial killing.”
the nation must be relieved from the smirch it has been trailing,
Freedom Fighter of his standing had to see the end of his life
black and white and partly verbalised, stated that Col. Taher
Human Rights.
as the right policy the kings and ruling chiefs, waged incessant
women, young and old without number. The gallant and brave
became helpless captives and were put down with brute froce.
urged the people and the rulers to test everything said or done
dignity, rights and liberty, after mock trials to give the savage
one of them.
colonial judges. Those like Surja Sen, Madan Lal, Bhagat Singh,
to languish there for years. The only fault on their part having
of them.
The trial was made clear when Martial Law decrees (between 15
on 5th Amendment. This case has opened the scope for the
And now I shall give my life. Let this illuminate and infuse new
could there be for me? No one can kill me. I live in the midst
the entire people must also be killed. What force can do that?
None....” See Tahir;s letter dated 18th July 1976 from Dhaka
jail with the defense lawyers put under the embargo of oath of
300 years ago: ‘Be you ever so high, the law is above you.”
nothing else.
Martial Law Regulation No. XVI and all its contents including
has been declared illegal, void and non-est in the eye of law. In
above for the sole purpose of vindicating the assertion that (1)
top to the toe, owes its existence to the will of the people (3) it
centrifugal body for all democratic activities (4) the Head of the
Case NO. 1/76 do not fall within the ambit of Court Martial as
envisaged under the Army Act 1952, the Air Force act 1953
the accused (the regulation does not even provide for the cross-
-Presumption of Innocence
-Right to be heard
Jail. I had arrived early for a day that would become a “day to
Taher and more than twenty others had begun. The accused,
3(three) years. The fact that trial was held within the confines
the time of the German trial, much of the Bill of Rights, with
for Civil and Political Rights and many other treaties and
of their liberty befor they are brought to trial and set out rules
4.b) Special Martial Law Tribunal (SMLT) Case No. 1/76 held
procedure wihtout any right of appeal are and have been held
-Id Quod Alias Non Est Licitum, Nexessitas Licitum Facit (that
law); and
supreme law)
in aid only after the court has come to the conclusion that the
test, I would condone (1) all transactions which are past and
or the previous legal order (3) all acts which tend to advance or
promote the good of the people (4) all acts required to be done
for the ordinary orderly running of the State and all such
are of no effect in the eye of law. In view of the fact that such a
(a) All executive acts, things and deeds done and actions
(d) All routine works done during the above period which
The High Court Division applied the above test in the 7th
judgment, our view is that the said list does not apply to the
L.Ed. 281 (1866), glorified the rights of people even during war.
This was a time when civil war was raging for more than
in that event he will go scot free without facing a fresh trial de-
the trial had even begun. Martial Law Regulation (MLR) No.
that the “Taher trial” was the first and the last time such a
to 10 years.
this, that no case has been found in which it has been done
never get anywhere. The law will stand still while the rest of the
and the 7th Amendment cases, all the Rules are but destined to
tribunal and the rogue nature of the trial process insisting that
Mr. Khashru.
a civilised nation.
adducing some books to show that during the period from 75-
81, innumerable killings took place and Gen Zia was the prime
that even a mockery has a limit and even that limit was not
case. He insisted that all that we have heard from well endowed
equation that Zia decided the fate of Col. Taher Bir Uttam, well
before even the tribunal was set up, as this fact is obvious from
conscientious observer.
was a dastardly murder at the behest of General Zia and his anti
proffered that in any event, the trial and the verdict as a whole
if the ratio of the decisions in the 5th and the 7th Amendment
was actually the author of the book, and whether it is truly him
judgment and order dated 17th July 1976 was with lawful
the negative, this case falls within the index of condonation set
the verdict in any event went hand in gloves with the minimum
reflection of appeasement.
everything that flocked with it, had been declared unlawful and
Act, 1979, enacted Paragraph 18, for its insertion in the Fourth
real purport and reason, ‘the pith and substance’ for the
Besides, since the Martial Law Proclamations etc. were void and
were not issued under any legal authority and since we refuse to
already found and held that neither Martial Law nor the office
Ziaur Rahman B.U., psc., was illegal and void. Under the
were all illegal, void and non est in the eye of law.
The same goes for all the Martial Law Regulations and
above period.”
war for more than eleven years, could only become a Lord
Sayem and Major General Ziaur Rahman BU, could attain the
the Constitution and the Army Act or any other law prevalent
initio and non est in the eye of law. This we have held strictly in
the said Proclamations, MLRs and MLOs and the acts taken
age old principles, such as, Id quod Alias Non Est LIcitum,
people is the supreme law) and salus republicae est suprema lex
warning sounded over 300 years ago: ‘Be you ever so high, the
Martial Law Orders made during the period from August 15,
1975 to April 9, 1979, were illegal, void and non est because;
16. The Parliament may enact any law but subject to the
Act, 1979, enacted Paragraph 18, for its insertion in the Fourth
eventful months.
Military Rule was wrongly justified in the past and it ought not
and every soldier of the Armed Forces who are oath bound to
95 is not approved;
and closed;
the Constitution;
of the Constitution;
it is the Parliament which can make law in this regard, let us bid
against Pakistan.
of original Article 6.
above for the sole purpose of vindicating the assertion that (1)
top to the toe, owes its existence to the will of the people (3) it
centrifugal body for all democratic activities (4) the Head of the
potential adventurers.
the purported trial of all the Petitioners, was also a sham one
equally well.
W.P. 1059/11.
from the top to the toe, we are now swang to address question
that in the earlier case initial cognisance was taken by, and the
Petitioners’ favour.
to declare illegal and set aside the trial, sentence and the
Constitutional consideration.
did not, at the end of the day, find the issue no (IV) very
country as an usurper.
Dhaka Magistratcy.
a judicial proceeding?
the trial.
adversary proceeding.
(b) Arraignment
Criminal Procedure.
aspects which are sine qua non for a judicial proceeding and we
engendered the so-called tribunal did not lay down the above
clandastine process.
to burlesque any way because they were not allowed (i) to cross
over to them, they were not asked about pleading, were not
called tribunal, no paper was placed before him and he was not
regulations that were showingly invoked, did not allow the so-
military usurpers.
the so-called tribunal was nothing other than a device to air its
in our history.
martial law dated 20th August 1975 and all the chicks the said
are but vacuous, void and non est. That leaves us to address the
his cadetship and the War of Liberation and given that his
fellow peers rose to the highest strata of the army, he has every
and career.
benefits till the last day that he would have served as a Major
have been in their respective jobs until the date on which they
named, “Deyal”;
e¡j ‘l¡øª’ he¡j ®jSl S¢mm Nw’z L−eÑm a¡−qlpq A¢ik¤š² phÑ−j¡V
33 Sez
a¡¢L−u BP¥m Ey¢Q−u ¢hpÈ−ul p−‰ h−me, B¢j Bj¡l S£h−e A−eL
r¥â j¡e¤o ®c−M¢R, Bfe¡l j−a¡ r¥â j¡e¤o ®c¢M ¢ez L−eÑm a¡−q−ll
¢Q¢W−a ¢a¢e L−eÑm a¡−q−ll S£h−el ®no L−uL O¾V¡l jjÑ−ic£ hZÑe¡
pñh e¡zÕÕ
I agree.