Small-Molecule Library Screening by Docking With Pyrx: Sargis Dallakyan and Arthur J. Olson
Small-Molecule Library Screening by Docking With Pyrx: Sargis Dallakyan and Arthur J. Olson
Small-Molecule Library Screening by Docking With Pyrx: Sargis Dallakyan and Arthur J. Olson
Virtual molecular screening is used to dock small-molecule libraries to a macromolecule in order to find
lead compounds with desired biological function. This in silico method is well known for its application in
computer-aided drug design. This chapter describes how to perform small-molecule virtual screening by
docking with PyRx, which is open-source software with an intuitive user interface that runs on all major
operating systems (Linux, Windows, and Mac OS). Specific steps for using PyRx, as well as considerations
for data preparation, docking, and data analysis, are also described.
Key words Virtual molecular screening, Computer-aided drug design, Molecular docking, PubChem,
AutoDock, Vina, Open Babel
1 Introduction
Jonathan E. Hempel et al. (eds.), Chemical Biology: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1263, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-2269-7_19, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
244 Sargis Dallakyan and Arthur J. Olson
2 Materials
2.1 Hardware 1. Dell Studio 540S with Intel Core 2 Duo CPU at 2.53 GHz,
and Software 4 GB memory (RAM), ATI Radeon HD 3400 series graphics
card, and 32-bit Windows Vista operating system.
2. Binary distribution of PyRx version 0.8 for Windows available
free from
2.2 Input Files To start with structure-based virtual screening, structures of the
target macromolecule and small molecules are needed as input
files. There are a number of publicly available websites where users
can download these input files. Used in this chapter are DrugBank
[7] to get the structure of zanamivir, PubChem [8] for 3D structure
of sucrose, and Protein Data Bank [9] to get 3D structures of
influenza virus neuraminidase and sialic acid.
1. Open a preferred web browser and visit http://www.drug-, click on SDF link next to
Download, and save that page as DB00558.sdf.
2. Go to
cgi?cid=5988, click SDF icon on top right, and select 3D SDF: Save.
3. Visit
Id=2BAT, click on Download Files, and select PDB File (Text).
The reason for choosing these particular molecules is that they
are familiar to most of the readers and computations can be run
relatively quickly on a PC. To apply the protocol described in
Subheading 3 to other binding target and ligands, users would
need to obtain input files corresponding to their specific binding
target and ligands. Selection of the binding target depends on the
biological problem of interest, and it is assumed that the 3D struc-
ture of the target is available in PDB format through Protein Data
Bank ( or other sources (see Note 1). Selection of
ligands depends on whether virtual screening is used for lead dis-
covery or lead optimization. For lead discovery, it is advised to
include as many ligands with diverse shapes, sizes, and composition
as possible. Since individual docking computations are indepen-
dent from each other, users are practically only limited by compu-
tational power available at their disposal. For lead optimization, on
the other hand, ligands are selected to closely match the lead com-
pound [10]. One of the advantages of virtual screening is that it is
not limited to commercially available compounds; a ligand file for
a novel compound not found in any of the databases can also be
used (see Note 2).
3 Methods
3.1 Prepare Input Before input files can be used for virtual screening, they must be
Files for Docking converted to the PDBQT file format suitable for docking with
AutoDock Vina [11].
246 Sargis Dallakyan and Arthur J. Olson
3.2 Run Virtual 1. Select Vina Wizard tab under the Controls panel and click on
Screening Using Vina the Start button.
Wizard 2. Select 558_uff_E = 197.68.pdbqt, 5988.pdbqt and SialicAcid.
pdbqt under the Ligands folder (use the Shift key for selecting
multiple ligands).
3. Select 2BAT under the Macromolecules folder and click on the
Forward button on Vina Wizard.
4. Click on the Maximize button under Vina Search Space and
then click on the Forward button. This starts AutoDock Vina
and docks each ligand, one by one, to neuraminidase (2BAT).
It takes less than 20 min to complete this virtual screening on
a PC mentioned in Subheading 2.1 (see Note 4) (Fig. 1).
5. After virtual screening is completed, PyRx automatically
advances to Analyze Results page, where results of virtual
screening computation can be viewed. AutoDock Vina, by
default, outputs the ten best binding modes for each docking
run (see Note 5). Left-click on Binding Affinity (kcal/mol)
table header cell under Analyze Results tab to sort this table by
predicted binding affinity (see Note 6).
248 Sargis Dallakyan and Arthur J. Olson
Fig. 1 A screenshot of the PyRx virtual screening tool. The table on the left lists predicted binding affinity of
zanamivir (2BAT_558_uff_E = 197.68), sialic acid (2BAT_SalicAcid), and sucrose (2BAT_5988) for influenza
virus neuraminidase (2BAT). The 3D scene on the right shows line drawing and transparent molecular surface
of neuraminidase. Ball-and-stick models for zanamivir and sialic acid are also shown on this 3D scene
4 Notes
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