Guidance Livelihoods April 30 Lo Res
Guidance Livelihoods April 30 Lo Res
Guidance Livelihoods April 30 Lo Res
Livelihoods Programming
in Emergency Response
and Recovery Contexts
Cover photo: Through CRS cash-for-work
activities, refugees and host community
members in Uganda construct shelters,
and water and sanitation systems.
Photo by Oscar Leiva Marinero/Silverlight
for CRS
Catholic Relief Services is the official international humanitarian agency of the United States Catholic community. CRS’ relief and
development work is accomplished through programs of emergency response, HIV, health, agriculture, education, microfinance and
peacebuilding. CRS eases suffering and provides assistance to people in need in more than 100 countries, without regard to race,
religion or nationality.
Copyright © 2018 Catholic Relief Services. Any reproduction, translation, derivation, distribution or other use of this work is
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The objective of this guide is to support CRS staff and partners
to plan and implement quality programming in livelihood
interventions in emergency and recovery contexts. It has three
specific objectives:
1. Definitions
Natural Political
Social capital is made up of networks within and among groups
with “shared norms, values and understandings that facilitate Loss of social capital can
cooperation” (OECD 2001). Social capital may be the most be one of the greatest
significant fallback plan for vulnerable households in contexts where hardships for refugees and
social links and mutual help are strong. It is key to enabling affected displaced people when
people to access useful information about markets, jobs and social they are forced to move
services, in addition to the sense of belonging and comfort that is from a stable social setting.
derived from socially interacting with other people.
With six children at home—two boys and four girls, from 20 months to 7 years old—along with
two nephews and a niece who had lost their parents, Francoise struggled to make ends meet. The
SILC group was of great assistance: a US$30 loan allowed her to set up a small shop. But it’s not
the loans that Françoise liked best about the savings group; it’s her friendship with Yvonne.
When Yvonne’s brother fell seriously ill and died, she was frantic. “I was running around the
hospital not knowing what happened,” Yvonne says. “It was amazing; Francoise was the first
person to come and comfort us.”
Their friendship deepened and Yvonne became a frequent visitor at Francoise’s house, helping
her take care of her six children. “School fees are a real trial for me,” said Francoise. “Each
time students are about to go back to school, Yvonne has always been there to comfort and
encourage me.”
She also helped pay school fees when Francoise couldn’t raise the money on time. With the
support their friendship provides, both women feel that their lives are better now.
Savings groups strengthen communities through friendship and solidarity. Women chat with
one another about their children, their jobs and their husbands. They also help one another.
Adapted from Savings and Internal Lending Communities – SILC: Voices from Africa (CRS 2010)
The project team first talked to businesses in growing sectors (e.g. hotels for cleaning staff,
shipping companies for dock crew), and also pursued linkages through the local Caritas to
set up ‘social sponsors’ who could facilitate job matching to enable asylum seekers to gain
experience and find work opportunities.
The project team assessed participants to identify other skills gaps, such as basic language
skills, cultural awareness training, household budgeting and other soft skills that could also be
addressed through the project. On-the-job placement opportunities were found for those who
regularly attended soft-skills and preparatory activities and exhibited motivation.
Adapted from a webinar on urban livelihoods in the Middle East by Melissa Kreek, Livelihoods Technical
Advisor, EMECA, September 2017
Financial capital refers to assets needed to provide goods or
services, measured in terms of monetary value (Investopedia). Many recovery projects
The concept is mainly used when money is aimed at production, support activities that
although it can contribute to consumption (DFID 1999). There are generate income for
two main types of financial capital: households by providing
financial capital.
• Available stocks: May be in the form of savings, liquid assets
(e.g., livestock or jewellery) or loans (informal, or formal if
provided by a financial institution)
• Regular inflows of money: Income, pensions and remittances.
To constitute reliable financial capital, the inflow should be
regular and allow households to plan for investment. Many
recovery projects support activities that generate income for
households by providing financial capital (e.g., cash transfers
for business start-up, recovery or expansion); by facilitating
savings (e.g., SILC); or by providing liquid assets (e.g.,
livestock fairs).
Adapted from the quarterly report of a CRS livelihoods project in Cameroon (2017), funded by USAID
Physical capital is ‘the basic infrastructure and producer
goods needed to support livelihoods’ (DFID 1999). Essential Essential components
components of physical capital for sustainable livelihoods are of physical capital for
transportation, shelter, water supply and sanitation, clean and sustainable livelihoods
affordable energy, and other tools and equipment used for a are transportation,
productive life. shelter, water supply
and sanitation, clean
Some relief projects may implement—for instance—water, and affordable energy,
sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and agriculture activities with and other tools and
no clear link between the two components. It is important that equipment used for a
practitioners create a clear link between livelihoods components productive life.
during interventions. Better yet, integrated programming—
combining more than one sector in a program—makes it more
effective and sustainable.
In the early stages of the response, A collapsed house along the highway near Tagbilaran in
before the implementation of cash Bohol. CRS cash grants allowed people the freedom to buy
the materials needed to build back on site, using what was
support, CRS provided basic building salvageable from their damaged homes. Photo by Garrett
materials to support people who were Nolasco for CRS
already rebuilding and repairing their
own homes. This support included tools;
advice on how to build back safer using
disaster‑resilient construction techniques;
and helping beneficiaries salvage wood
that they could reuse in construction.
Natural capital is made up of resources such as soil, air, water
and the variety of animal and plant life. It is critical to sustaining Natural capital includes
life, as it includes natural assets—such as water, seeds and natural assets used directly
soil—that are used directly for food and other agricultural for production.
production. Natural assets such as rangelands and water are
critical for sustaining livestock and pastoralist livelihoods.
2. A user’s guide to Integral Human Development. Practical guidance for CRS staff and partners (Heinrich et al 2008).
3. Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response (The Sphere Handbook)(Sphere 2011).
Preparedness Context analysis Response design Monitoring and Exit and feedback
• Contingency planning • Needs assessment and Implementation evaluation • Reporting
• Local and regional actor • Livelihoods zoning • Response design • Baseline • Lessons learned
coodination • Risk analysis • Monitoring
• Response • Evaluation
4. The Emergency Capacity Building Project has a website hosted by ALNAP that has a variety of needs assessment tools.
Response Once affected households’ needs and • Guidance for developing logical and results
design strategies are assessed, the intervention frameworks. 2007. CRS.
strategy can be defined. This step uses • ProPack I. 2015. CRS.
primarily a logical and/or results framework
to show the relationship between the
intervention’s intended results, activities and
the available resources.
Monitoring This phase is key to project design and • Propack II. 2007. CRS.
and evaluation shows how the project will be monitored and • Propack III. 2010. CRS.
plan evaluated against predetermined indicators,
• Guidance on Monitoring and Evaluation.
including frequency, resources required
2012. CRS
and use of technology. For emergency
responses, the M&E system should remain
realistic and dynamic. CRS uses the Simple
Measurement of Indicators for Learning and
Evidence‑based Reporting (SMILER) tool,
which breaks the monitoring and evaluation
system into easily understood parts.
A real-time evaluation (RTE) is also advised
for measuring the effectiveness of a program.
The resources give directions on how to
conduct RTEs.
Seed and tool These fairs are organized to provide seeds • Agricultural fair and voucher manual.
distribution and tools to beneficiaries using vouchers, to 2017. CRS.
through fairs support the local market. Preliminary steps to • Seed vouchers and fairs: A manual for
this activity are a livelihood needs assessment, seed-based agricultural recovery in
markets assessments and a seed system Africa. 2002. CRS.
DiNER fairs
security assessment.
CRS implements seeds and tools fairs in a
variety of contexts.
Diversity in Nutrition and Enhanced Resilience
(DiNER) fairs add a nutrition component to
the fairs, by also creating space at fairs to
promote nutrition practices to beneficiaries.
Seed and food Seed- and food-production activities focus • Smart skills for smallholder farmers.
production on farmers and support them to recover or CRS.
improve/increase seed and crop production,
especially after a harvest crisis due to many
possible factors (drought, floods, conflict, etc).
It is often coupled with seed provision, but not
CRS supports agricultural production. Most
seed- and food-production components
rely on local partnerships and work through
producer groups.
Agricultural This activity usually complements seed • Ethiopia. Resilience through Enhanced
methods distribution and ensures that farmers Adaptation, Action-learning and
training know the best agricultural methods for Partnership Activity. CRS.
their context (drought or flood-prone, • Regenerative Agriculture. CRS.
winter gardening, irrigation techniques
• Madagascar: Pumping up food
etc). CRS collaborates with local farmers
production in dry Madagascar. CRS
and technicians in a variety of contexts to
develop practical training modules. • Agricultural extension. CRS.
Livestock Livestock fairs are organized to provide • Rwanda animal fair: goats and hopes.
distribution livestock to affected communities through CRS.
fairs local vendors.
Special care is taken for disease prevention
during and after the fairs. Livestock
distribution is best in communities where
livestock rearing is practiced. A preliminary
step before livestock distribution fairs is to
conduct a market assessment to evaluate
the availability of livestock (quality and
quantity). CRS works with local technicians
and pastoralists to implement livestock
fairs in many country programs.
Livestock This component contributes to restoring • The road to resilience: Case studies on
disease and protecting livestock herds. It may or building resilience in the Horn of Africa.
treatment and may not complement livestock distribution 2013. CRS.
prevention (in-kind or through fairs). Understanding
local context and practices is key to its
success, as well as working with local
veterinarians and pastoralists. CRS has
implemented this component in West Africa
and the Horn of Africa.
Cash transfers Cash transfers can be used to deliver • The Cash Learning Partnership
and vouchers assistance to affected communities. The • Implementing cash and voucher
modality has a set of principles for risk programs. CRS.
mitigation and effectiveness. A market
• CRS operations guidance for cash-
assessment is a preliminary activity that
based programming. 2016 CRS.
justifies the decision for cash transfer
programming, alongside an analysis of • Using cash for shelter: An overview of
needs, and confirms which cash transfer CRS programs. 2015. CRS.
modality and payment mechanism—e.g. • E-transfer implementation guide.
direct payment, electronic payment or Mercy Corps.
use of mobile money technology—is most
appropriate. The use of technology is
highly recommended for efficiency and
transparency. CRS is a member of a large
community of practice and learning—The
Cash Learning Partnership—and supports
using cash transfers whenever appropriate.
The Humanitarian Response Department
has a dedicated team that provides
technical support to country programs.
Savings and This component is best implemented in • Savings & Internal Lending
lending services monetized communities where formal Communities (SILC) Field Agent Guide.
microfinance services are not accessible. 2011. CRS.
CRS has developed a Savings and Internal • Program quality guidelines for savings
Lending Communities (SILC) manual. SILCs groups. The SEEP Network.
offer interest on members’ savings and
access to loans at the borrower’s request.
At the end of a predetermined period
(8 to 12 months), the funds are redistributed
to members in proportion to their total
savings. Most CRS country programs
have implemented SILCs. Generally, SILC
activities require at least 12 months, and
work best in communities where members
know each other. Members need some
level of literacy, particularly those with
management functions. Other organizations
have developed similar microfinance
methodologies (e.g., The SEEP Network).
Business grants Business grants are provided to participants • Final Report. Mid-term evaluation of
to (re)start or improve their businesses. UNHCR graduation programme in
Preliminary assessments give an indication Egypt. 2016. UNHCR.
of promising businesses, transfer value,
transfer mechanism and timing, as well as
the grants’ feasibility in the context.
A graduation approach supports
participants with cash transfers for their
basic household needs in addition to
business grants. The approach has been
implemented in Egypt in urban refugee
assistance programs.
Training in This training is provided to participants who • Marketing basics: A SMART skills
business already have a business or are planning to manual. 2015. CRS.
practice start one. The content should be adapted
to the participants’ context and learning
Some may also benefit from financial
literacy and financial management training.
See financial education above.
Cash for work This component promotes short-term • Maximizing the value of ‘cash for work’.
temporary employment, particularly in Lessons from a Niger land recuperation:
contexts where affected communities are CRS EARLI. 2012. CRS.
faced with wide unemployment and where • Guide to cash-for-work programming.
there are labor-intensive work opportunities. 2007. Mercy Corps.
Protection measures should be taken toward
people with specific needs and disabilities.
If possible, cash-for-work opportunities
can focus on providing participants with
market‑relevant skills and experience to
improve their ability to find employment after
project completion.
Chambers R and Conway G. February 1992. Sustainable rural livelihoods: Practical concepts for the 21st Century. IDS
Discussion Paper 296. Brighton, UK: IDS.
CRS. 2010. Savings and Internal Lending Communities – SILC: Voices from Africa. Baltimore: CRS.
CRS. 2012. Maximizing the value of “cash for work”. Lessons from a Niger land recuperation project: CRS EARLI.
Baltimore: CRS.
CRS. 2007. Urban livelihoods in the Middle East (webinar), Melissa Kreek, Livelihoods Technical Advisor, EMECA,
September 2017.
CRS. 2013. From hope to harvest: Catholic Relief Services Agency Strategy 2014-2018. Baltimore: CRS.
CRS. 2015. Using cash for shelter: An overview of CRS programs. Baltimore: CRS.
DFID. 1999. Sustainable livelihoods guidance sheets.
Heinrich G, Leege D and Miller C. A user’s guide to Integral Human Development. Practical guidance for CRS staff and
partners. CRS 2008.
IFAD. 2010. Rural Poverty Report 2011. Rome: IFAD.
Krause-Vilmar J. 2011. Dawn in the city: Guidance for achieving urban refugee self-reliance. New York: Women’s
Refugee Commission.
OECD. 2001. The well-being of nations: The role of human and social capital. Paris: OECD.
Šlaus I and Jacobs G. 2011. Human capital and sustainability. Sustainability 3(1).
The SEEP Network. 2017. Minimum Economic Recovery Standards, third edition. Rugby, UK: Practical Action Publishing.
The Sphere Project. 2011. Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response. (The Sphere
Handbook). Geneva: Sphere.