Cattle Hub Survey Paper..
Cattle Hub Survey Paper..
Cattle Hub Survey Paper..
Author: Ankush Lall ,Shweta Bhargava ,Falguni S Nargund, B. Sahithi, Shrutishree S H, Arun N.
Department of Information Science & Engineering, FET, JAIN (Deemed to be University)
Ramanagara District, Karnataka 562112, India.
[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],
[email protected] , [email protected], [email protected]
ABSTRACT domain with the improvisation of the
resources available then by the brilliant
Conceding Dairy/cattle farming has been
adopted in several countries, the minds and their art to embrace them into
dairy/cattle industry in India still needs to technology and make the world an easier
be overhauled with the involvement of place to live. The Project “cattle hub ” is
technologies for better production, based on the cattle farming with the help
distribution and budget control. In this of smart technologies like cloud
project of cattle farming , farmers need to
computing. The proposed model is
be registered to the module through a
Mobile App/Desktop application. Through beneficial for an increase in milk
this application each cattle will be production and makes the work of the
generated with a unique id which will be farmer fast, easy, reliable. Our idea to this
essential. Cattle Hub is a cloud based problem is to develop a web application to
software that focuses exceptionally on take care of many cattle at a time with
dairy cattle. The main aim of this software respect to their Health necessities
is to help dairy farmers maintain records
,breeding process, along with information
of their cattle. The services provided by
cattle hub are storing medical records, on the nearest veterinary hospital and
maintaining quality control parameters of semen bank. the major advantage of this
the milk, Vital inputs for pregnant cows, application is that it helps building a
advice that would assist the farmer in global record cattle health. Basically the
providing palliative measures in situation software will store the details of cattle,
were professional care is not immediately quality of milk, quantity of milk,
available based on certain observation/in-
offspring, calcium proteins and SNF
puts that could be provided by the farmer,
contact details of the closest veterinary required for the particular cattle is an
doctor and semen banks. The software amount of health benefits required for
would send SMS alerts to the farmer particular breed .This particular
regularly load relevant information to application will help the farmer locate the
update the records of their cattle and also nearby veterinary hospitals and also to
remind farmers to get the medical and consult a vet through online platforms.
milk tests done furthermore it will send
after each interaction process is completed
awareness messages concerning
preventive care, epidemics if any, and with the vet the farmer will be notified
incentives promoting dairy farming. through SMS notifications.
During our research we did come across
several smart farms across the world, but
nonetheless it is still to be implemented in
India. This software helps the cattle
owners to access veterinary doctors 1.1 Cloud based dairy farming
through online appointments as well as
In the coming decade, many dairies may
virtual consultations will be provided.
evolve to cloud-based systems.
Keywords: Web application, Dairy Cloud-based data management, when
farming, Cloud computing. implemented correctly, should increase
efficiency, productivity, communication
and standardization among team
We have seen a great change since the 1.2 Cloud computing
beginning of the dairy farming and
Cloud computing is the on-demand system can be fully functional in
availability of computer system resources, very few minutes. Although, the
especially data storage (cloud storage) and amount of time taken depends on
computing power, without direct active what kind of technologies are used
management by the user. Cloud in your business.
computing is commonly known as
delivery of computing services including
1.3 Real-Time database
servers, storage, databases, and
intelligence over the Internet. The term is A real-time database is a database system
generally used to describe data centers which uses real-time processing to handle
available to many users over the Internet. workloads whose state is constantly
Large clouds, predominant today, often changing. This differs from traditional
have functions distributed over multiple databases containing persistent data,
locations from central servers. mostly unaffected by time. For example, a
Cloud computing is what, that makes our stock market changes very rapidly and is
project different from other. When other dynamic.
system uses database our project uses · Real-time processing means that a
cloud technology to achieve data transaction is processed fast
consistency and data integrity. Using enough for the result to come back
Cloud over traditional database is much and be acted on right away. Real-
more reliable and thus makes the system time databases are useful for
more efficient in accounting, banking, law, medical
terms of performance. records, multimedia, process
The major advantage of using cloud control, reservation systems, and
Technology is: scientific data analysis.
· High Speed: Cloud computing · To manage a global collection of
allows you to deploy your service Cattle Health’s Record that will be
quickly in fewer clicks. This faster useful for other purposes as well,
deployment allows you to get the Real-Time Database makes this
resources required for your system possible.
within fewer minutes.
· Reliability :Reliability is one of
the biggest benefits of Cloud
1.4 Data visualization
hosting. You can always get
instantly updated about the
changes. Data visualization is the practice of
· Cost Savings: Cost saving is one translating information into a visual
of the biggest Cloud Computing context, such as a map or graph, to make
benefits. It helps you to save data easier for the human brain to
substantial capital cost as it does understand and pull insights from. The
not need any physical hardware main goal of data visualization is to make
investments. Also, you do not need iteasier to identify patterns, trends and
trained personnel to maintain the outliers in large data sets. The term is
hardware. The buying and often used interchangeably with others,
managing of equipment is done by including information graphics,
the cloud service provider. information visualization and statistical
graphics. In Our Project data visualization
· Quick Deployment: Last but not
is used to track milk quality on a monthly
least, cloud computing gives you
basis so that the farmer could have a clear
the advantage of rapid
idea of milk quality and appropriate
deployment. So, when you decide
methods to be taken to improve milk
to use the cloud, your entire
Efficient and convenient because of SMS
1.5 Real-Time messaging notification.