Valvula Selenoide
Valvula Selenoide
Valvula Selenoide
Ed. 2017
VS-ED 01/2017 - ENG 1
The main parts of the solenoid valves described in this
chapter are constructed with the following materials:
APPLICATION • Hot forged brass EN 12420 – CW 617N for body and cover
The solenoid valves illustrated in this chapter are designed
• Austenitic stainless steel EN 10088-2 – 1.4303 for
for the applications specified in TABLE 26, where the
enclosure where the plunger moves
different fluids are indicated with the following symbols,
• Ferritic stainless steel EN 10088-3 – 1.4105 for the
according to an already established code:
• W = Water
• Austenitic stainless steel EN ISO 3506 – A2-70 for
• L = Air
tightening screws between body and cover.
• B = Secondary coolants (solutions of glycol and water)
• Fluorocarbon rubber (FPM) for outlet seal gaskets, seat
• O = Light oils (diesel fuel)
gasket and diaphragm
In conclusion, these valves can be used:
• with fluids in the gaseous state belonging to Group 2,
as defined in Article 13, Chapter 1, Point (b) of Directive VALVE SELECTION
2014/68/EU, with reference to EC Regulation No. AND FLOW RATE CALCULATION
1272/2008. TABLE 26 shows the following functional characteristics for
• with fluids in the liquid state belonging to Group 1, as the selection of a solenoid valve for industrial applications:
defined in Article 13, Chapter 1, Point (a) of Directive • Connection dimensions
2014/68/EU, with reference to EC Regulation No. • PS: maximum allowable pressure of the fluid
1272/2008. • TS: maximum / minimum allowable temperature of the
OPERATION • TA: maximum / minimum allowable ambient temperature
The valves listed in this chapter are normally closed valves • Kv: discharge factor
(NC). This means that when the coil is not energised, the • minOPD: minimum Opening Pressure Differential. This
plunger closes the fluid flow. When the coil is energised, is the minimum pressure differential between inlet and
the plunger opens the valve seat connecting the inlet to the outlet at which a pilot-operated solenoid valve can open
outlet. and stay opened or close and maintain the seal.
All the above indicated valves are sold in the version without • MOPD: maximum Opening Pressure Differential
coil (with the S suffix), and in the version with series 9300, according to ARI STANDARD 760 : 2001. This is the
type HF2 - “FAST LOCK” coils (A6 suffix with coil 9300/RA6- maximum pressure differential between inlet and outlet
220/230 VAC). at which a solenoid valve can open.
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With the Kv factor listed in TABLE 26 it is possible to calculate pressure + 1 bar) and an acceptable pressure drop across
the flow rate through the valve, if you know the acceptable the valve of 1.5 bar.
pressure drop, the type of fluid and the operating pressure; Intersecting the column p1 = 8 bar abs with the line Δp = 1.5
in addition, it is also possible to check the pressure drop bar, the flow rate value is equal to 87 m3/h. This is the flow
through the valve, if you know the flow rate. rate value of a hypothetical valve with Kv = 1 m3/h working
under the above-mentioned conditions. Dividing 200 by 87
With the following formula it’s possible to calculate the equals 2.29 m3/h. This is the Kv value required in the case
volumetric flow rate of a liquid: under consideration. In TABLE 26, select the valve with the
Kv value nearest to 2,29, rounding up, and subsequently
checking that all the characteristics of the selected valve
(max. opening pressure differential, connections, etc.) are
For water with a temperature between 5 and 30 °C and suitable.
density (ρ) equal to 1 kg/dm3 the formula is:
The values of MOPD (maximum opening pressure
differential) specified in TABLE 26, are suitable for fluids
With the following formula, it is possible to calculate the
with maximum kinematic viscosity of 12 cSt, where:
volumetric flow rate of a gas:
1 cSt = 10 –6 m2/sec
For kinematic viscosity values greater than 12 cSt, it is
necessary to multiply the maximum differential pressure by
if the following reducing factors:
For air at 20 °C and density (ρ) equal to 1.29 kg/dm3 the Kinematic viscosity, cSt Reducing factors
formulas are:
12 1
if 12 / 30 0.8
30 / 45 0.7
When the viscosity of the fluid is expressed as dynamic
viscosity, i.e. in cP, where:
1 cP = 10 –3 N sec/m2.
Kv = Kv factor of the valve [m3/h]
Q = volumetric flow rate for a liquid [m3/h]
The corresponding value of kinematic viscosity in cSt is
Qn = volumetric flow rate for a gas at “normal” reference
obtained by the following relation:
conditions, 0 °C and 760 mm Hg [mn3/h]
p1 = absolute pressure upstream from the valve [bar abs]
p2 = absolute pressure downstream from the valve [bar abs]
t1 = temperature upstream from the valve [°C] where:
Δp = pressure drop through the valve [bar] ν = Kinematic viscosity [cSt]
ρ = density of a liquid [kg/dm3] μ = dynamic viscosity [cP]
ρn = volumetric mass for a gas at “normal” reference ρ = volumetric mass of the fluid at the temperature
conditions, 0 °C and 760 mm Hg [kg/mn3] considered [kg/dm3]
Entering the following data in TABLE 27: TABLE 28 shows the approximate equivalences among the
• p1 = absolute pressure upstream from the valve most common units of measure of viscosity at the same
[bar abs] temperature.
• Δp = pressure drop through the valve [bar] Moreover, remember that the viscosity of a fluid may change,
It is possible to identify the corresponding airflow rate even significantly, as the temperature varies. Therefore, if
value under the following reference conditions: the temperature of the fluid does not ensure viscosity values
• Temperature at the valve inlet = 20 °C compatible with the correct operation of the valve, the valve
• Pressure at the outlet (absolute) = 1 bar might not open.
• Kv factor of the valve considered = 1 m3/h
Example of the use of TABLE 27: Select the valve suitable for
Before installation, check that the valve model meets the
use with a flow rate of 200 m3/h of air, assuming an absolute
application requirements and check that the flow direction
pressure of 8 bars at the valve inlet (= 7 bars of relative
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in the pipe corresponds to the arrow stamped on the body coil, position the valve in a ventilated environment, far from
of the valve. any other heat sources. The increase in the coil temperature,
Make sure that the pipes are clean. If possible, fit an added to the environment and fluid temperatures, may lead
inspectable filter before the valve, avoid that foreign matter to a temperature that can cause burns. It is recommended
enter the valve. Make sure that the sealing materials (tape, to suitably protect the coil from water and humidity.
jointing paste, etc.) do not obstruct the valve supply holes or
exiting pilot holes (pilot-operated versions). TRACEABILITY
Connect the valve to the pipes or fittings, using the wrench Direct action valves in series 1512 are identified by laser
only on the dedicated body surfaces. Do not use the coil or marking on the valve enclosure of the mobile plunger. This
the plunger enclosure as a lever arm. marking includes the following data: valve code, fluids, PS,
The valves can be mounted in any position as long as the TS, and production lot.
coil does not point downwards. An assembly that keeps the
coil upwards is recommended to avoid any accumulation of The direct action valves in series 1522 and the pilot-operated
impurities inside the guide pipe. When using hoses, fix the diaphragm solenoid valves in series 1132 and 1142 are
valve using the dedicated fixing holes in the body. identified by a plastic label fit on the valve enclosure of the
Before connecting a valve to the electrical system, make mobile plunger (below the coil when present). This label
sure that the line voltage and frequency correspond to the includes the following data: valve code, fluids, PS, TS, and
values marked on the coil. Direct current valves do not production lot.
require a fixed polarity. To promote heat dissipation from the
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TABLE 27 - Air Capacity [mn3/h] (1)
Pressure Inlet pressure [bar abs]
[bar] 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1,500 1,300 1,200 1,100 1,050 1,030 1,015
0,0025 1,38 1,35 1,33 1,33
0,005 2,00 1,95 1,91 1,89 1,88
0,010 2,94 2,82 2,76 2,69 2,66 2,65
0,015 3,94 3,59 3,44 3,37 3,29 3,25 3,23
0,025 5,9 5,07 4,62 4,43 4,33 4,23 4,17
0,05 10,1 8,2 7,11 6,47 6,19 6,05 5,90
0,1 35,3 34,3 33,3 32,2 31,1 30,0 28,8 27,6 26,3 24,9 23,5 21,9 20,3 18,5 16,5 14,2 11,5 9,88 8,95 8,55 8,35
0,15 43,2 42,0 40,7 39,4 38,1 36,7 35,2 33,7 32,1 30,4 28,6 26,8 24,7 22,5 20,1 17,3 13,9 11,88 10,72 10,22
0,25 55,6 54,0 52,4 50,7 48,9 47,1 45,2 43,3 41,2 39,0 36,7 34,3 31,7 28,8 25,6 21,9 17,5 14,76 13,20
0,5 78,1 75,8 73,5 71,1 68,6 66,0 63,3 60,5 57,5 54,4 51,1 47,6 43,8 39,6 34,9 29,5 22,9 18,67
1 108,8 105,6 102,2 98,8 95,2 91,5 87,6 83,5 79,2 74,7 69,8 64,7 59,0 52,8 45,7 37,3 26,4
1,5 131,3 127,3 123,1 118,8 114,3 109,6 104,8 99,7 94,3 88,5 82,4 75,8 68,6 60,5 51,1 39,6
2 149,3 144,6 139,7 134,6 129,3 123,8 118,1 112,0 105,6 98,8 91,5 83,5 74,7 64,7 52,8
2,5 164,3 158,9 153,4 147,6 141,6 135,3 128,7 121,7 114,3 106,4 97,9 88,5 78,1 66,0
3 177,1 171,1 164,9 158,4 151,7 144,6 137,2 129,3 121,0 112,0 102,2 91,5 79,2
3,5 188,1 181,5 174,6 167,5 160,0 152,2 144,0 135,3 125,9 115,8 104,8 92,4
4 197,6 190,4 182,9 175,1 167,0 158,4 149,3 139,7 129,3 118,1 105,6
4,5 205,8 198,0 189,9 181,5 172,6 163,3 153,4 142,8 131,3 118,8
5 212,8 204,5 195,8 186,7 177,1 167,0 156,2 144,6 132,0
5,5 218,9 210,0 200,6 190,8 180,5 169,6 157,8 145,2
6 224,0 214,5 204,5 194,0 182,9 171,1 158,4
6,5 228,2 218,1 207,5 196,2 184,3 171,6
7 231,7 220,9 209,5 197,6 184,8
7,5 234,3 222,8 210,8 198,0
8 236,1 224,0 211,2
8,5 237,2 224,4
9 237,6
(1) The table provides air capacity values in m 3/h under the following conditions:
- temperature at valve inlet: + 20°C
- pressure at outlet (absolute): 1 bar
- Kv of the solenoid valve: 1 m3/h
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TABLE 29: Dimensions and weights of GP valves (valves with 9300 coils)
Catalogue Dimensions [mm] Weight
Number H1 H2 H3 L1 L2 Q [g]
1512/01# 69 57 34 44 – 310
1522/02# 385
1522/03# 71 59 36 51 – 370
1522/04# 355
1132/03# 670
91 75 47 75 45
1132/04# 635
1132/06# 960
101 81 52 88 57
1132/08# 670
1142/010# 3850
131 104 76 168 104 104
1142/012# 4000
With coil 9320 the dimension L2 is equal to 65 mm and the weights must be increased of 500 g.
Connectors are not included in the boxes and have to be ordered separately
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