10.8, Sanjay Chandwani
10.8, Sanjay Chandwani
10.8, Sanjay Chandwani
An International
Research Journal
( A D o u b le B l i n d R e fe r r e d & R e v ie we d I nt e r na t io na l J o ur na l)
*Assistant Professor,
Education Sadbhavna College of Education for Women,
Raikot, India.
**Assistant Professor,
Education Department of Education,
PBI. Univ. Regional Centre,
Bathinda, India.
Teaching has been one of the oldest and more respected professions in the world. When a
systematically organized human society came into existence, the need to mould its children on
proper lines got its momentum. The task of shaping the future citizen is a noble one and so the
teacher has always occupied a place of honour and reverence in the Indian society over the ages.
The preparation of the teachers has been changed with the passage of time and with the changes
in expectations of the society. Teaching is a noble profession. The teachers are the heart of the
matter and caretaker of whole educational process. Teacher, teaching and teacher education are
linked, their interaction and interconnectedness is almost axiomatic.
The job of a teacher has always been held in very highly esteemed position. A teacher is a
nation builder in the real sense. Teacher is always a boon to society through his intelligence,
patience and wisdom. They attempt to not only hone the learner’s intellect and aptitude but also
create all round personality. Teacher has much influence in developing one’s mind and character
and also given the satisfaction, sparked the light of knowledge and dispelled the clouds of
As this field is so vast having area of specialization, different skills and types of training
are required for different levels. Each level calls for a different expertise if you have to be with
child, teaching at school would be a good option. Good teacher can bring out the best in every
student. They are the ones who make a difference in lives of democratic set up. The importance
of the teacher cannot be minimized because education has been regarded as one of the most
important instruments of democracy. Teaching is one of the professions which have a far
reaching influence in the context of society. Teaching is more than standing before a class and
applying a few specific techniques. It is not merely presenting text book information and then
testing the student’s ability to repeat it. There is a no magic formula for transforming knowledge
form teacher’s mind to align the pupil. Teaching is not a mechanical process. It is an intricate,
exciting and challenging job. Teaching is not everybody’s cup of tea. It is not a soft option. It
requires blood, sweat and tears. Teaching is not a monologue, but a dialogue and interactive in
nature. Teaching is considered to be an art. Children are the raw materials with which the teacher
has to deal. The teacher occupies a pivotal position in the system of education with good
leadership and appropriate teaching technologies. Thus, the success of any educational reforms
depends to a large extent on the quality of teacher education.
Mrunalini (2003) reported that there is a positive correlation between different group of students
belonging to different discipline like, mathematics and physics, biological science and social
science studies towards teaching profession. There is a no significant difference in their
inclination towards teaching profession. Behera and Roul (2004) reported that there is significant
difference at 0.01 level between the performance of art and science background B.Ed. student
teachers. It demonstrated superiority of science background teachers and further observed that
there is positive significant correlation between performance of B.Ed. student teachers in theory
and practical. Viswanathappa (2005) reported that attitude of students-teachers towards teaching
as a predictor variable predicts their teaching competence in lesson planning, presentation.
Devi(2005) found that there exists a positive and significant relationship between the attitude
towards teaching and performance in the B.Ed. entrance examination. There is significant
difference in the attitude of the student teacher with undergraduate and post graduate
qualifications towards teaching. Gnanaguru and Kumar (2008) found that the underachievers
have average level of intelligence score, and unfavorable attitude towards teaching. There is no
significant relationship between underachievers’ achievement score with their home environment
and their attitude towards teaching. Sumangala & Devi (2008) found that successful and less
successful women teachers differ significantly in the mean scores of attitude towards teaching
profession. Attitude towards teaching profession is significantly related with success in teaching.
Kishore & Jyoti (2009) reported that there is no significant difference in the attitude of general
categories teacher trainees toward teaching profession. There exists significant difference in the
attitude of arts and science teacher trainees towards teaching profession. Sharma &
Pathania(2009) reported that male and female secondary school teachers have same attitude
towards teaching. Govt. & Private secondary school teachers had different attitude toward
teaching. The interaction effect of the gender and type of school had same attitude toward
teaching. Sonia (2009) found that there is significant difference in the commerce and science
pupil-teachers in general teaching attitude towards teaching. There is no significant difference
between commerce boy and science boy pupil-teachers in general teaching attitude towards
teaching. Meenakshi (2009) found that arts and science B.Ed. students do not differ significantly
in attitude towards teaching, however, arts B.Ed. students were found to have most favorable
attitude towards teaching profession while that of science B.Ed. students were towards child
centered practices and that no significant differences exist between the attitudes of arts and
sciences B.Ed. students. Swain & Saroj (2010) found that there is no significant difference
between the attitude of government and private primary school teachers towards their teaching
profession. There is no significant difference between the attitude of rural and urban primary
school teachers towards their teaching profession. There is significant difference between the
attitude of male and female primary school teachers towards their teaching profession. There is
no significant difference between the attitude of married and unmarried primary school teachers
towards their teaching profession. There is no significant difference in the attitude of primary
school teachers having D.Ed. or B.Ed. education degree. Singh and Singh (2011) found that there
is significant difference in the attitude of male and female teachers. Further, it indicated that
female teachers possessed favorable attitude towards formative and summative in CCE where as
male teachers possessed unfavorable attitude. Das(2011) Conducted a study entitled “Attitudinal
survey of Teachers working in government primary schools located in tribal Areas”. The
objectives of the study were to develop a check list of statement representing the attitude of
teachers towards tribal language, culture and children and to the study the status of teacher
attitude in the said three areas. He was found that it may be inferred that a majority of teachers
have attitude of negative side to use tribal language as the medium of instruction after class 2 nd.
Further it indicates all the above percentage of response of teachers shows the negative attitude
of teachers towards tribal children. Kaur (2012) Conducted a study entitled “Attitude towards
teaching profession in relation to adjustment in Secondary school teachers”. The objectives of
the study were to study the attitude of secondary school teachers towards teaching profession, to
compare the attitude of male and female teachers towards teaching profession. She found that
there was lots of variation in attitude of teachers towards their teaching profession and it meant
that the majority of teachers had moderate attitude towards the teaching profession and male and
female teachers did not differ significantly in their attitude towards teaching profession.
The South Asian Academic Research Journals
ISSN: 2249-7137 Vol. 3, Issue. 10, October 2013 ACADEMICIA
From the cited studies it is seen that most of them have been conducted in terms of streams
of studies as a background variable and teaching attitude. Not a single study has been conducted
from institutional point of view.
The present study seeks to answer the questions like: Are private management
institutions providing quality teacher education? Are they able to develop positive attitude
among the trainee teachers? Do pupil-teachers studying in different institutions differ from each
other? Do the male and female pupil-teachers differ in their teaching attitude?
Therefore, a need was felt by the investigators to investigate the attitude towards
teaching of pupil-teachers studying in private and government institutions.
Attitude is the way of thinking. Attitude may be defined as a determining acquired tendency,
which prepares a person to behave favourable or unfavourable towards a specific object or class
of objects to condition prevailing in the environment. Here the investigators have taken the term
attitude the way the pupil-teachers think towards teaching.
Here the term pupil-teacher is meant for who are getting secondary teacher education to be future
teacher the would be nation builders.
Gender is a socially constructed definition of women and men. It is determined by the conception
of tasks attribute to women and men in social, public and private life.
In this study the term Type of Institutions has been taken as the institutions which include both
Government and Private Secondary Teachers Training Institutions both from Panjab University
Chandigarh and Punjabi University (Patiala).
1. To study the difference between Government male and government female pupil-teachers
towards teaching attitude.
The South Asian Academic Research Journals
ISSN: 2249-7137 Vol. 3, Issue. 10, October 2013 ACADEMICIA
2. To study the difference between private male and private female pupil-teachers towards
teaching attitude.
3. To study the difference between Government male and private male pupil-teachers
towards teaching attitude.
4. To study the difference between Government female and private female pupil-teachers
towards teaching attitude.
6. To study the relationship between the Government and private pupil-teachers in teaching
1. There is no significant difference between Government male and government female pupil-
teachers towards teaching attitude.
2. There is no significant difference between private male and private female pupil-teachers
towards teaching attitude.
3. There is no significant difference between Government male and private male pupil-
teachers towards teaching attitude.
5. 5.There is no significant difference between government pupil-teachers and pri vate pupil-
teachers towards teaching attitude.
(a) The present study is delimited to Panjab University Chandigarh and Punjabi University
(Patiala) of Punjab only.
(c) The present study is delimited to pupil-teachers’ attitude towards teaching only.
Keeping in view the nature and purpose of the study, the Descriptive Survey Method of
educational research is preferred. Survey method has its own importance. Survey studies are
conducted to collect data of the existing phenomena with a view to employ data to justify current
conditions and practices.
In the present study teaching attitude of pupil-teachers is taken as the dependent variable
and gender along with type of institutions in terms of government and private management
teacher training institutions have been taken as independent variables.
For the present study researchers took 100 samples of B.Ed. pupil- teachers from 8 education
The investigation is based on the responses of each pupil-teacher to the attitude scale towards
teaching profession, developed and standardized by Dr. S. P. Ahluwalia. The Teacher Attitude
Inventory [TAI] consists of 90 items.
The data pertaining to various objectives and corresponding Hypotheses of the study was
obtained and analyzed with the help of descriptive and inferential statistical techniques i.e. [i] t-
test and [ii] Pearson’s Coefficient Correlation and then the result was interpreted.
Table-1 shows that the obtained t-value i.e. 2.08 is greater than the table value at 0.05 levels of
significance (2.08>2.02 )(p<0.05). The calculated value is smaller than the table value at 0.01
level which is 2.69 at 48 degrees of freedom (P>0.01). Therefore, the formulated null hypothesis
i.e. there is no significant different between the Govt. male and govt. female pupil-teachers
attitude towards teaching Cannot be retained at 0.05 level. The mean values of Govt. female
pupil-teacher and Govt. Male pupil-teachers are 245.40 and 226.67 respectively. It may therefore
The South Asian Academic Research Journals
ISSN: 2249-7137 Vol. 3, Issue. 10, October 2013 ACADEMICIA
be concluded that Govt Female Pupil-Teachers have more favourable attitude towards teaching
than Govt. Male Pupil-teachers, but the difference is not statistically significant at 0.01 level.
The difference is significant and we are 95% confident to say so. This may be due to the reason
of women’s favourable attitude towards teaching which is a noble one. They like the profession
better in comparison to their male counterparts.
Govt. Male
Govt. Male Govt. Female
Table-2 reveals that the obtained t-value i.e. 0.64 is less than the table values at 0.05 and 0.01
levels of significance which are 2.02 &2.69 at 48 degrees of freedom (P>0.05 & 0.01). So, the
null hypothesis i.e. there is no significant difference between the Private male and private female
pupil-teachers towards teaching attitude is accepted. It is evident that the group of private male
pupil-teachers is more divergent in their composition in comparison to their female counterparts.
The mean values of Private Male pupil-teachers and Private female pupil-teachers are 264.60 and
256 respectively. It may therefore, be concluded that though Private male Pupil-Teachers show
more favourable attitude towards teaching than Private Female Pupil-teachers, but the difference
is not statistically significant at both levels.
It may be due to the same opportunities available in the institutions for the trainees.
266 264.6
Private Male
258 256.00
Private Female
Private Male Private Female
Table-3 reveals that the obtained t-value i.e. 3.13 is greater than the table values at both 0.05 and
0.01 levels of significance. The calculated value is greater than the table values at 0.05 and 0.01
levels which are 2.02 and 2.69 at 48 degrees of freedom (p<0.05 & 0.01). Therefore, the null
hypothesis i.e. there is no significant difference between the Govt. male and Private male pupil-
teachers towards teaching attitude cannot be retained. The mean values of Govt male pupil-
teachers and Private Male pupil-teachers are 226.67 and 264.60 respectively. It may therefore, be
concluded that Private male pupil-teachers have more favourable attitude towards teaching than
Govt. Male pupil-teachers.
It may be due to the facilities in respect of teaching, infrastructure etc. available in private
teacher training institutions.
Private Male
Govt. Male Private Male
Table-4 shows that the obtained t-value i.e. 1.001 is smaller than the table values at both 0.05
and 0.01 levels which are 2.02 and 2.69 at 48 degrees of freedom ( p>0.05 & 0.01). Therefore,
the null hypothesis i.e. there is no significant difference between the Govt. female and private
female pupil-teachers towards teaching attitude is retained. The mean values of Govt. female
pupil-teachers and Private female pupil-teachers are 245.4 and 256 respectively. It may
therefore, be concluded that private female pupil-teachers have more favourable attitude towards
teaching than Govt. female Pupil- teachers, but the difference is not statistically significant at
both levels.
Govt. Female
248 Private Female
Govt. Female Private Female
Table-5 shows that the obtained t-value i.e. 1.94 is smaller than the table values at both 0.05 and
0.01 levels which are 1.99 and 2.63 at 98 degrees of freedom (p>0.05 & 0.01). Therefore, the
formulated null hypothesis i.e. there is no significant difference between the Government and
Private pupil-teachers towards teaching attitude is accepted. The mean values of Government
pupil-teachers and Private pupil-teachers are 241.7 and 253.2 respectively It may therefore, be
concluded that private pupil-teachers show more favourable attitude towards teaching than
government Pupil-teachers, but the difference is not statistically significant at both levels.
From the result, It may be concluded that types of institutions whether Government or Private
don’t have any bearing upon the teaching attitude of pupil-teachers. It may be due to the trend of
privatization of higher education in the present time.
246 Govt. Pupil-teachers
244 Private Pupil-teacers
Govt. Pupil-teachers Private Pupil-teacers
Variable N R Remark
Government 50 -0.10 Not Significant Both
at 0.05 &0.01 levels
Private 50
It is observed from the table-6 that teaching attitude is negatively correlated between
government and private pupil teacher .The value of the r= - 0.10. Thus, it can be said that there is
a negative relationship between government and private pupil teachers in teaching attitude which
is indifferent or negligible (Garret-1966). The obtained co-relation i.e. -0.10 is smaller than the
table values both at 0.05 and 0.01 levels of significance which are 0.195 and 0 .254 at 98 degrees
of freedom (p>0.05 & 0.01). Therefore, the formulated null hypothesis i.e. there is no significant
relationship between the government and private pupil-teachers in teaching attitude is accepted.
After collection of data and interpretation of the data following findings are got:
There is significant difference between Government Male and Government Female pupil-
teachers attitude towards teaching at 0.05 level of significance.
There is no significant difference between the Private male and private female pupil-teachers
attitude towards teaching both at 0.05 and 0.01 levels of significance.
There is significant difference between Government Male and Private male pupil-teachers
attitude towards teaching both at 0.05 and 0.01 levels of significance.
There is no significant difference between Govt. female and private female pupil-teachers
attitude towards teaching both at 0.05 and 0.01 levels of significance..
Stages, Bar (1967) states that, “to select, recruit, educate and assign teachers to particular
teaching position in an acceptable manner, one must have more precise information about the
many meanings associated with teaching in general and particular situations, and how to identify
the personal, academic and professional pre-requisites to effectiveness,” . This study presents a
comprehensive picture of all these above mentioned pre-requisites for teaching effectiveness.
This present study being confined to B.Ed. teacher trainees towards teaching profession can help
on the recruitment of prospective teachers to secondary and senior secondary schools all over the
country irrespective of types of management (Government & Private).
The pupil-teachers can evaluate themselves, to know their own achievement and shortcomings,
to realize the odds. Therefore, the study can be a means for self-guidance and corrective
This would assist the administrators and the school authorities to entrust proper responsibility to
concerned teachers, help in distribution of work-academic, eliminate much of the hatred and ill
feeling in the organization and smoothen the administrative process.
Teaching is the most noble profession in comparison to other professions in the planet earth.
Teachers are required to produce harmonious human beings who will be asset for the nation.
Teachers play major role to build the behavioural characteristics of the learners. Therefore,
teacher education should be re-structured in such a way that which will develop positive attitude
of the trainee- teachers. Now a days teacher education is being given through different modalities
like government mode, private mode and distance mode etc. Public Private Partnership [PPP] is
necessary a lot. Privatization of education has come to the fore-front. Private management bodies
also providing teacher education by taking permission and recognition from university and
NCTE and concerned government etc.They should re-look and re-think their valuable role and
responsibilities towards a new height of quality concern.
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Selvaraj, A. and Kumar, M. (2008). Under Achievement of B.Ed. Students in Relation to their
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Science Group Pupil-Teachers Towards Teaching Profession. In an Unpublished Dissertation by
Sonia, M.Ed. student, Bhagwan Mahaveer College of Education.M.D.U.Rohtak, Haryana.
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