AN 259 IC N Methylpyrrolidine Cefepime LPN2586 EN
AN 259 IC N Methylpyrrolidine Cefepime LPN2586 EN
AN 259 IC N Methylpyrrolidine Cefepime LPN2586 EN
evaluated. In Cefepime for Injection, arginine is added at Figure 2. Chromatography of A) six common cation standard and
an approximate concentration of 725 mg/g of cefepime B) 9 µg/mL NMP standard dissolved in 2 mM nitric acid.
to maintain the pH of the constituted solution between
4 and 6. Prepare 5.0 g of 5 mg/mL cefepime solution in
2 mM nitric acid as described above. Based on the acid with 5% acetonitrile. The organic solvent reduces the
expected 0.827 mg arginine/mg arginine hydrochloride, hydrophobic interactions of cefepime with the stationary
add 0.0219 mg arginine hydrochloride to the cefepime phase to improve sample throughput, whereas higher
solution. Mix, immediately withdraw 1.0 mL of this acid concentrations decrease the retention of alkali
matrix solution, place the aliquot in a 1.5 mL glass and alkaline earth metals on the column. However, an
autosampler vial, and place the vial into the AS sample increase in the hydronium ions in the eluent produces a
tray cooled to 4–6 ºC. Start the sequence soon after proportional increase in the background conductivity and,
placing the vials in the autosampler. therefore, baseline noise, which reduces the sensitivity
of the method. Despite the reduction in sensitivity, the
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION method retains the ability to quantify at or below the USP
Chromatography specification for NMP in cefepime hydrochloride.
The IonPac SCS1 column is a low-capacity, silica- Figure 2A demonstrates the separation of common cations
based, weak cation-exchange column functionalized with on the IonPac SCS1 column using the eluent conditions
carboxylic acid groups.12 Typical recommended eluent described in the USP method. As shown, the retention
conditions for this column are 3 mM MSA at 1 mL/min time of these cations is significantly reduced relative
to elute six common cations in about 35 min (guard and to the standard conditions with 3 mM MSA. Figure 2B
analytical columns). In the proposed USP method, the shows the separation of NMP eluting at 10 min as a sharp
described eluent composition consists of 10 mM nitric peak with an asymmetry of 1.1 and a plate count > 15000.
0 B
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 A
Minutes 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Figure 3. Determination of NMP in simulated Cefepime for Minutes 27700
Injection sample.
Figure 4. Comparison of A) unspiked and B) 15 µg/mL (0.3%)
NMP-spiked solutions of 5 mg/mL cefepime in 2 mM nitric acid.
Figure 3 shows the separation of NMP in a simulated 1.6 µg/mL, respectively, corresponding to 0.01 and
Cefepime for Injection sample, which also contains 0.032% in 5 mg/mL cefepime. The LOQ estimate was
relatively high concentrations of arginine. As shown, 10-fold lower than the 0.3% acceptance criterion cutoff
arginine and NMP are well resolved (Rs = 8.2) on the level for cefepime hydrochloride and more than 30-fold
IonPac SCS1 column using the conditions specified in the lower than the 1.0% acceptance criterion cutoff level for
USP monograph. This chromatogram also demonstrates Cefepime for Injection.
that cefepime elutes completely within 6× the NMP To determine method linearity, calibration standards
retention time limit as specified in the USP proposed were prepared at nine concentration levels in the range of
monograph, thus avoiding cefepime carryover.9, 10 5–100 µg/mL NMP in 2 mM nitric acid, corresponding
However, the total analysis time is twice as long as the to 0.1–2.0% in 5 mg/mL cefepime. A plot of peak area
IC method described in Dionex AN 199.6 versus concentration produced a correlation coefficient (r2)
Limit of Detection, Limit of Quantification, and Linearity value of 0.9996 using a linear least squares regression
The USP General Chapter on validation of fit. The relative standard deviation of the measured peak
compendial methods <1225> specifies a signal-to-noise areas based on the calibration curve was < 1.8%.
(S/N) ratio of three for the limit of detection (LOD) and Accuracy and Precision
10 for the limit of quantification (LOQ).13 Baseline noise Method accuracy was evaluated by spiking
was determined to be 18 nS by averaging the peak-to- 15 µg/mL of NMP into a 5 mg/mL cefepime sample
peak noise of seven system (no injection) blanks over two solution (Figure 4). The unspiked cefepime sample
1 min windows centered on the NMP retention time. Peak contained 8.41 µg/mL (0.17%) NMP, which was below
heights from triplicate injections of standards in 2 mM the acceptance criterion cutoff value. After correcting for
nitric acid were plotted versus NMP concentration. the amount of NMP in the cefepime sample, the average
The LOD and LOQ estimates for NMP were 0.5 and recovery for three replicates was 99 ± 1.0%.
Gast Manufacturing Corp., 2550 Meadowbrook Road,
Benton Harbor, MI 49022, U.S.A.
Tel: 1- 269-926-6171.
Nalge Nunc International, 75 Panorama Creek Drive,
Rochester, NY 14625, U.S.A.
Tel: 1-800-625-4327.
Praxair, 39 Old Ridgebury Road, Danbury,
CT 06810-5113, U.S.A.
Tel: 877-772-9247.
Sigma-Aldrich Chemical Company, P.O. Box 14508,
St. Louis, MO 63178, U.S.A.
Tel: 1-800-325-3010.
VWR International, 1310 Goshen Parkway,
West Chester, PA 19380, U.S.A.
Tel: 1-800-932-5000.
U. S. Pharmacopeia, 12601 Twinbrook Parkway,
Rockville, MD 20852, U.S.A.
Tel: 1-800-227-8772.