Logistics Outsourcing Are View of Basic Concepts
Logistics Outsourcing Are View of Basic Concepts
Logistics Outsourcing Are View of Basic Concepts
Logistics Outsourcing:
A Review of Basic Concepts
Latifa Fadile*1, Mohamed El oumami*2, Zitouni Beidouri*3
Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
Laboratory Department, School of
Technology Casablanca, Hassan II
University of Casablanca, PO Box 8012,
Oasis, Casablanca, Morocco
[email protected]
Abstract— The proliferation of new information In recent years there has been a surge of
technologies, intense business competition, publications in the field of logistics outsourcing
transactions acceleration, rapid product obsolescence, which becomes a common phenomenon nowadays.
shorter product life cycle and changing customer In other words, a firm is to delegate all or part of its
needs and requirements, have pushed firms to logistics activities to a logistics services provider. It
reorganize, to revise their businesses strategies and to
is considered as an important factor for
refocus on their core businesses. In response to these
challenges, many firms start to outsource more of competitiveness and flexibility to answer the
their business functions including the logistics ones. requirements of new economic challenges. And it is
Logistics outsourcing has become a common argued that through outsourcing their logistics
practice by many firms, whether they are local or activities, firms can gain about 9% savings and
multinational, small or large. And it has attracted 15% enhancement in capacity and quality [1].
attention of both researchers and practitioners. Despite the growing body of the literature on this
The aim of this paper is to provide a general topic, efforts to synthesize the state of art of
overview of logistics outsourcing through presenting research on logistics outsourcing have been limited,
the state of the art research in this field, exhibiting the
and there is still a lot to be learned [2], because it is
different related concepts and based on that,
suggesting future research directions. growing in importance worldwide [3].
Keywords— Logistics outsourcing, Logistics Services,
This paper focuses on the main principles of
Logistics Services Provider.
logistics outsourcing, examines, in detail, the
logistics services subject of outsourcing, provides a
detailed categorization of logistics services
1. Introduction
providers and finally points out opportunities for
future research.
In today’s highly competitive, extremely variable
and really dynamic environment, many firms are
seeking solutions in all areas of their activities, also
2. Methodology
including, or perhaps above all, logistics. One of
the business's keys performance, currently, is the This paper review is focused on refereed journal
major role of the supply chain management in papers published within the 1996-2017 period in
guaranteeing fluid flows of materials and international journals in logistics, supply chain,
information throughout a firm’s supply chain. And supply chain management, operations management,
as supply chain management becomes more transport, distribution and marketing fields,
sophisticated and the difference between what collected principally from Emerald, ScienceDirect,
firms want to achieve and what they can do in- Inderscience and Jstor. Eventually 41 articles were
house continues to grow, firms begin to realize that selected and grouped according to the relevance of
doing the right thing becomes more interesting than the research view.
doing everything. Accordingly, they are becoming
better focused and more specialized by outsourcing
activities that are far from their core businesses.
International Journal of Supply Chain Management
IJSCM, ISSN: 2050-7399 (Online), 2051-3771 (Print)
Copyright © ExcelingTech Pub, UK (http://excelingtech.co.uk/)
Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgt Vol. 7, No. 3, June 2018
Table 1 indicates a list of journals in which the 41 The majority of these articles (26.83%) are published
articles related to logistics outsourcing were in International Journal of Physical Distribution &
published. Logistics Management, followed by International
Total 18 23 41 100
% 44 56 100
Logistics and International Journal of Logistics Firms are constantly interrogating between the
Research and Applications (4.88%), the others “make or buy”, choosing between performing in-
journals represent 2.44%. These 41 articles were house or outsourcing.
then classified according to their research nature: Outsourcing in general, according to [4], refers to
empirical vs conceptual. 27 articles (66%) are a firm that contracts with another firm to provide
empirical in nature while conceptual ones are services that could be performed by in-house
represented in 14 articles (34%) as shown in Figure employees. Sink and Langley (1997) have added
1. that outsourcing is the result of the new business
Articles trends that have pushed firms to revise their
priorities and focus their resources on a limited
number of services including logistics ones.
In fact, much has been written during the last two
34% decades about logistics outsourcing and various
Conceptual terms have emerged to illustrate this phenomenon,
66% Empirical such as third-party logistics [1], [5]–[8], contract
logistics [1], [6], [8], contract distribution [8], and
logistics alliances [8], which generally mean the
same thing.
In the literature, several definitions have been
Figure 1. Classification of logistics outsourcing proposed to clarify the concept of logistics
literature in terms of research nature outsourcing. Sink and Langley (1997) and Millen et
al. (1997) for instance, have argued that logistics
3. Logistics outsourcing outsourcing can be defined as the use of external
suppliers to perform some or all of a firm’s
logistics services which have been performed
Based on our investigation, the main different
traditionally in-house. This definition is supported
points discussed in the logistics outsourcing
by [9], who have appended that logistics
literature are: logistics outsourcing drivers,
outsourcing has become an increasingly powerful
challenges and theories. These latter are the subject
trend in modern firms due to the significant number
of the following section.
of benefits it brings.
Although there is no doubt about the rising
3.1 Logistics importance of logistics outsourcing in business
practices, a variety of drivers and challenges of this
Over the past several years, logistics concept has development have been identified in research.
acquired great importance and has been
theoretically and practically expanded. It was 3.3 Logistics outsourcing drivers
introduced to fulfill the increasing requirement of
an integrated process that manages the materials There are several drivers reported in the literature
flows from the source of supply to the point of like motivations to why firms outsource their
consumption. This process can be allocated into logistics services, such as reducing costs [1], [10]–
three parts: [17] (due to economies of scale resulting from
Inbound logistics: that depicts the movement higher volumes obtained), focusing on core
and storage of materials received from business [1], [4], [9]–[11], [18], [19] (by giving
suppliers. more importance to services that the firm masters
Materials management: that covers the storage and getting rid of those that do not represent
and flows of materials inside the firm. competitive advantages), improving customer
Outbound logistics: that describes the services [11], [12], [14], [15], [17], [20] (in terms
movement and storage of finished products of reduced customer lead-time and higher quality of
from the final production point to the customer. services), increasing flexibility [11], [14], [15], [20]
All these terms and others associated to logistics (logistics services providers, through their
terminologies are illustrated in Figure 2. expertise, are able to deal with variations in
demand), sharing risks [4], exploiting external
3.2 Logistics outsourcing definition resources [18] and globalization [6], [12]. These are
some of the drivers that have contributed to
changes in the logistics landscape and have forced
The perimeter of firms is persistently evolving.
Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgt Vol. 7, No. 3, June 2018
Production Final
Packaging Inventory Depot
process customer
Packaging Distribution
Labelling Warehouse
items center
Supply chain
Note: Figures in parentheses are percentages that refer to the share of firms outsourcing their logistics services
according to the drivers identified by the six studies.
A service, in general, can be defined as an action the first and the second level can be covered by the
performed to satisfy a requirement or to fulfill a concept of basic logistics services, and the other
demand. It is about incorporeal products such as levels can belong to advanced services, as proposed
accounting, insurance, consultancy, expertise or by [37].
transportation. And as reported by [33], a service To date, the research has largely tried to answer
is different from a good from the fact that it is: the question of “why” firms outsource their
intangible (because it is a performance rather than logistics, but gaps subsist concerning the question
an object and no transfer of possession or of “what” they outsource. The literature provides
ownership takes place when it is sold), almost no guidelines on which operations can be
inseparable (because its production and its outsourced. Therefore, the question of “what to
consumption take place simultaneously. In other outsource” remains one of the key questions in
words, a service is consumed during its research.
production and that’s what we call the In fact, from the original classic vision that
“servuction”), heterogeneous (because its focused on the outsourcing of transport and
performance often varies from supplier to warehousing services, today we have moved to a
supplier, from customer to customer and from day vision that puts a great emphasis on outsourcing.
to day) and perishable (because it cannot be However, it can be observed that the traditionally
stored). outsourced services, such as transport and
All these characteristics remain valid for warehousing, remain by far the main services of
logistics services which are numerous and which logistics services providers, even if they
cover all the supply chain’s links. Therewith, it is increasingly integrate other services into their
important to classify logistics services for offers.
outsourcing research. In fact, in recent years, The logistics services that can be outsourced are
logistics services have attracted much attention obviously numerous and range from execution
from research teams and various classifications activities, such as transportation, to planning
have been presented in the literature. activities, such as transportation planning [35].
Hsiao et al. (2009, 2010) for example, have According to [1], logistics services that can be
classified logistics services into four levels, outsourced are: warehouse management, shipment
making the distinction between execution and consolidation, fleet management, order fulfillment,
planning and control services in operations product returns, carrier selection, logistics
management: information systems, rate negotiation, product
Level 1: it refers to transportation and assembly, order processing, inventory
warehousing services. replenishment, order picking, inbound and
Level 2: it refers to value-added services like outbound transportation, labelling and packaging,
packaging and labeling. distribution, custom clearance and forwarding,
Level 3: it refers to planning and control import and export management and customer
services, such as inventory management and services.
transportation management. And for [38], the most outsourced logistics services
Level 4: it refers to distribution network are: transportation, packaging, transportation
management services. management, inventory management and
Whereas, for [25], [36] there are just three types distribution network design.
of logistics services depending on the needs and So as to have a clear and deeper idea about the
requirements of firms: basic services, customized frequently outsourced logistics services by
or value-added services and advanced or strategic manufacturers, we have analyzed twelve previous
services. studies on the issue. The chosen studies date from
There is another classification proposed by [37], 1997 to 2016 in order to identify trends in the
where they have distinguished two types of chronological progression of outsourcing of
logistics services: basic logistics services and logistics services over time.
advanced logistics services (See Figure 4 for Accordingly, we have decomposed logistics
more details). This classification was adopted and services into three categories:
confirmed as well by [11] who have grouped the Category 1: it refers to basic logistics services.
three types of logistics services given by [25], Category 2: it refers to value-added logistics
[36] into two ones. Actually, they have integrated services.
the second type (customized or value-added Category 3: it refers to advanced logistics
services) into the concept of advanced services as services.
suggested by [37]. The same idea was applied to Table 3 summarizes the findings of these twelve
the classification proposed by [34], [35], in which studies.
Category of Rahman (2011) Min (2013) Bakar and Jaafar (2016)
logistics services
Handling focus
Execution of activities
Order fulfillment (59) Freight bill payment (47) Reverse logistics (40)
Order processing (27) Import / export Invoicing (21)
Product returns (27) documentation (40) Order processing (21)
Value-added Product assembly / Product packaging / labeling Value-added services (17)
logistics services
installation (9) / marking (16)
Returned good (14)
Degree of complexity of services
Advanced (14)
Table 3. A summary of twelve previous studies on logistics services
contracting (11)
Multiple and bundled services
Intangible outcome requirements
Note: Figures in parentheses are percentages that refer to the share outsourcing these
of firmsforecasting / logistics services as identified by the twelve
Vol. 7, No. 3, June 2018
Shipment Freight forwarding Shipment consolidation Outbound transportation Inbound freight (86)
consolidation (58) (61) (28) (56) Outbound freight (74)
Fleet operations (49) Transportation (44) Inbound transportation (52) Customs brokerage
Warehousing (38) Custom clearing and (68)
Distribution (26) warding (51) Freight consolidation
Basic logistics
services Outbound warehousing (34) (58)
Consolidation (29)
Fleet management (29)
Inbound warehousing (29)
Distribution (23)
Outbound traffic control (16)
Freight payment (42) Value-added services Freight payment (19) Labelling and packaging Freight bill payment
Order fulfillment (11) Order fulfillment (17) (29) (43)
(30) Product assembly / Order picking (27)
Value-added Product returns (20) installation (15) Reverse logistics (22)
logistics services Order processing Order fulfillment (20)
(15) Order processing (19)
Product assembly / Assembly / installation (13)
installation (11)
Carrier selection (39) Logistics information Carrier selection (33) Import / export management Warehousing
Rate negotiation (37) systems (14) Inventory replenishment (34) management (65)
Warehouse Logistics system (14) Inventory management (23) IT logistics (62)
Advanced management (33) design (11) Information systems (10) Rate negotiation (22) Consulting (37)
Note: Figures in parentheses are percentages that refer to the share of firms outsourcing these logistics services as identified by the twelve studies. (Continued)
Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgt
Category of Millen et al. (1997) Boyson et al. (1999) Van Laarhoven et al. (2000) Larson and Gammelgaard (2001)
logistics services
Fleet management (53) Warehouse operations Storage (87) Outbound transportation (82)
Shipment consolidation (29) Line haul (81) Warehousing (72)
(42) Fleet management (17) Emergency transport (70) Logistics planning (64)
Network based transport (70) Inbound transportation (62)
Basic logistics
Tracking and tracing (64) Shipment consolidation (62)
Merge-in-transit (36) Track and trace (44)
Inbound warehousing (29) Fleet management (42)
Distribution (23)
Outbound traffic control (16)
Order fulfilment (33) Freight payment (57) Order picking (79) Customs clearance and duty
Product returns (33) Packaging (15) Inventory administration (64) processing (61)
Order processing (16) Product returns (15) Labelling (52) Pick and pack (59)
Product assembly & Order processing and Customisation (26) Labelling/Packaging (51)
Value-added installation (13) fulfilment (10) Assembly (19) Returns/Reverse logistics (51)
logistics services Freight payment (9) Invoicing(18) Order processing (47)
Order entry (11) Invoicing (46)
Payment processing (31)
Assembly (23)
Cross-docking (21)
Warehouse management Carrier selection (24) Forecasting (2) Inventory management (61)
(47) Rate negotiation(24) EDI (56)
Carrier selection (27) Information systems (20) Web-based linking (56)
Advanced Logistics information Shipment planning (17) Inspection/Quality control (39)
logistics services
systems (22) Inventory management Information systems management (33)
Note: Figures in parentheses are percentages that refer to the share of firms outsourcing these logistics services as identified by the twelve studies.
Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgt Vol. 7, No. 3, June 2018
The following conclusions can be drawn from the firm’s supply chain (from the first supplier to
Table 3: the final customer), also because he is actively
Logistics services have diversified over the involved in managing the interfaces between its
time. various components. For [13], a logistics services
All the twelve studies indicate that basic provider has been seen as an “orchestrator”. The
logistics services are the most outsourced, term “orchestration”, in this context, signifies the
because many firms still prefer to keep most of activity of managing and coordinating to facilitate
the logistics process in-house and outsource the supply chain management best practices.
only the most basic services of warehousing Thus, the evolution of the definitions has followed
and transport to logistics services providers. the evolution of the services that the logistics
Advanced logistics services have a low priority services providers offer in order to succeed within a
in outsourcing, despite the large-scale very competitive marketplace [21]. Logistics
investments made by logistics services services providers, nowadays, strive to become
providers in information technologies. large in size with the ability to offer advanced
Almost all logistics services can be outsourced, logistics solutions. And the literature has
because for each logistics service that conceptualized these developments by
researchers have embodied in their surveys, distinguishing different types of logistics services
there has always been at least one firm providers based on their ability to adapt their
outsourcing that service. services to their customers and their ability to solve
the logistics problems they face.
EJ (1993) peeps out to be the first to suggest two
5. Logistics services provider basic types of logistics services providers:
operations-based third party logistics vendors and
For reasons of rationalization of practices and
information-based third party logistics vendors.
with a view to focus on core business, firms tend to
Later, the same author has modified this
outsource their logistics services. This massive use
classification by suggesting the following four
of logistics services outsourcing has led to the
types of vendors (logistics services providers):
emergence of a new actor, the logistics services
Asset-based vendors: they refer to firms which
provider which now occupies a central place in the
provide physical logistics services through the
supply chain and has begun to diversify his offers,
use of their own assets. It is generally about a
ranging from conducting operations to piloting the
trucks fleet or a group of warehouses or both.
whole supply chain.
The term logistics services provider is applied as Management-based vendors: they refer to
a synonym for similar terms such as outsourcer, firms which are involved in providing logistics
carrier, forwarding firm, transport firm, logistics management services through databases
services firm and third-party logistics provider [40]. systems and services consulting. These firms
And it has been defined in numerous ways in the do not own transportation or warehouse assets.
literature. Hertz and Alfredsson (2003), for Integrated vendors: they refer to firms that own
example, have stated that a logistics services assets, typically trucks, warehouses or a
provider ( the outsourcer ) is an external provider combination of both. However, they are not
who manages, controls, and carries out logistics limited to the use of their own assets and will
services on behalf of a firm (the service user). For contract with other logistics services providers
[5], a logistics services provider is a service if required.
provider who is able to assume some or all of a Administration-based vendors: they refer to
firm's logistics services. And [14], in his definition, firms which mainly provide administrative
has added a very important point which is the management services such as freight payment.
added value provided by the logistics services This classification has been, in part, adopted by
provider to a firm’s business. [44]. These latter have allocated logistics services
In fact, the logistics services provider should not providers into two categories: asset-based logistics
be considered as an additional intermediary but he services providers and non-asset-based logistics
needs to be treated as a separate industry [16]. services providers. And [45] have suggested a
Actually, many authors, in the literature have classification closer to that suggested by [43]. In
supported this vision. Roveillo et al. (2012), for fact, they have distinguished three types of logistics
instance, have looked at the logistics services services providers:
provider as a “logistics integrator”, because his Classical logistics services providers: they
presence is of paramount importance throughout carry out physical operations related to the
Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgt Vol. 7, No. 3, June 2018
00 LSP2 LSPn
C1 C2 Cn LSPn
00 C1 C2 Cn
Logistics outsourcing
2P 4PL
2P 3PL
Transport operations +
Transport operations Management of the global
Warehousing operations +
supply chain
Value-added operations
Final customer
Figure 10. Schematization of the links between the different types of LSPs