in-tmt-AI Conclave
in-tmt-AI Conclave
in-tmt-AI Conclave
Foreword from Deloitte 04
AI story so far 07
Concluding remarks 17
About Deloitte 20
Contacts 22
Artificial intelligence | Augmenting human intelligence
Artificial intelligence | Augmenting human intelligence
Artificial intelligence | Augmenting human intelligence
Artificial intelligence -
Augmenting human
In 1950 at the dawn of computing, Alan chess, and detecting life threatening
Turning posed a question, “Can machines diseases to taking preventive actions
think?,” in his seminar paper titled on customer churn. It performs these
“Computing Machinery and Intelligence”.1 tasks at a level that is often equal to or
This was the earliest substantial work in surpasses the most talented humans in
the field of artificial intelligence (AI). Since terms of scale and consistency.
then, with technological advancement,
increased computing capacity, and AI is a complex field with many shapes
generation of massive amounts of and forms. In this report, we have tried
data, using AI has become simpler and to shed some light on the following
affordable. AI was conceived to mimic questions: how we have embraced AI
human intelligence. However, it has so far globally, what are the different
taken off on its own and branched into applications of AI across the retail and
different areas, such as machine learning consumer packaged goods (CPG) sectors,
(ML), deep learning, natural language how our social and economic well-being
processing, computer vision, speech is being improved through AI, and how
recognition, and robotics. At present, AI these advancements pose multiple
has the potential to perform complex challenges (which we can overcome to
tasks ranging from driving car, playing make our lives better and meaningful).
Paper: A. M. Turing (1950) Computing Machinery and Intelligence. Mind 49: 433-460.
Artificial intelligence | Augmenting human intelligence
AI story so far
AI refers to not only the field of computer making intelligent machines, especially
science, but also psychology, philosophy, intelligent computer programmes.”2
linguistics, and other areas. It involves Thus, the concept of AI refers to the
carrying out tasks through computers ability to plan, reason, learn sense,
that usually require human intelligence. build perception about knowledge, and
John McCarthy, the father of AI, defines, communicate in a natural language.
“AI is the science and engineering of
•• Knowledge capture
Paper: What is Artificial Intelligence? John McCarthy, Stanford University.
Artificial intelligence | Augmenting human intelligence
AI is currently performing numerous tasks to make this world a better place. Most of
the major universities across the world now offer courses in AI and ML. This indicates
increasing awareness about AI. With the belief that “data is the new oil”, a huge number
of professionals, researchers, and students express interest in AI. While the future of AI
is promising, one must also know how we got where we are today.
John McCarthy
and Marvin Minsky 1969
1637 founded MIT AI Labs First International
Rene descartes Joint Conference on
propounded Artificial Intelligence
the idea of (IJCAI) was held at
intelligent 1961
Stanford University
Machines IBMs shoebox
The AI boom
by voice
1956 command 1974
Arthur Samuel’s
Checkers program used
Machine learning to
defeat human players
Source: Internet Research
Artificial intelligence | Augmenting human intelligence
Self driving
cars hit the
learns to 2019
identify cats 2017 Boston Dynamics
Google’s Robot Atlas
Deep Blue 2004 learns advanced
AutoML lets
defeats world Honda Asimo, parkour and
1987-1994 chess champion A personal
AI create AI
Second AI Garry Kasparov robot released mechanical ninja
The way
Google Duplex
AI mimics
1991 2002 2011 2016
The Birth of iRobot, created IBM Watson’s Introduction
Does tasks like
Internet the first Jeopardy ! of personal AI
attending calls
commercially Victory assistants Siri
and much more
successful robot and Google
for the home now, And
release of
IPSoft’s Amelia
Artificial intelligence | Augmenting human intelligence Artificial intelligence | Magnifying human intelligence
Germany's Al strategy, including $3.9
billion for Al research and development
lays emphasis on responsible and ethical Al
Tunisia has created a task force
and steering committee to
develop its national Al strategy.
Artificial intelligence | Augmenting human intelligence
Sweden's national Al
France: approach highlights the
France launched its national rationale for developing
Estonia is developing an Al action
Al strategy in March 2018 with standards and principles
plan that will include ethical
a focus on four key sectors: governing Al.
implications, potential economic
health care, environment,
incentives, and priority areas for
transport and defence.
pilot programmes.
Finland laid out its vision
for Al in December 2017.
South Korea:
South Korea launched
the AI Information
Technology Industry
Development Strategy in
2016 to create a human
centered intelligent
information society.
The Japanese government
launched its Al strategy
in March 2017 to improve
productivity and accelerate
China shared its Al
development plan in July
2017 that aims to create a
US$ 150 billion domestic
Al industry by 2030
UAE: development and greater
The UAE launched inclusion.
its Al strategy in
October 2017 to
pursue its Centennial India:
India's national Al strategy Singapore:
2071 objectives of
identifies health care. Singapore launched its national
Austria: boosting government
Agriculture, education, smart Al Singapore programme
Austria established performance and
city infrastructure, and mobility in May 2017 to harness Al's
an advisory Robot efficiency.
are key areas where Al can potential to address major
Council in 2017 to
enable development and challenges that affect society
help the government
greater inclusion. and industries.
develop a national Al
AI has already started revolutionizing businesses in India as more companies are adopting the technology. The government sector
can be a focus area where cognitive technologies can help reimagine and redesign the nature of work to make the most of both
human and machine skills.
Artificial intelligence | Augmenting human intelligence
Source: SourceToday (
Artificial intelligence | Augmenting human intelligence
Using adaptive learning can enhance AI enables farmers to grow more while
students’ problem-solving ability. Each wasting less
student has a different learning rate We need 50% more food by 2050, but
(based on performance in previous only 4% of the land will come under
assignments). AI algorithms can produce cultivation.6 Slow agricultural growth
a more personalised learning path. Real- is a major concern and prevailing
time feedback, and customised textbooks agricultural practices are neither
and materials can be a game changer. economical nor environmentally
sustainable. Along with the problem of
AI reshaping treatment of multi- low productivity, India is witnessing the
factorial diseases increasing number of farmer suicides.
As the health care industry begins to AI can help resolve problems that need
use new technologies (such as AI and innovative approaches.
predictive analytics), government health
Source: Microsoft Hanover Project. (
Source: India Today (
Artificial intelligence | Augmenting human intelligence
Source: Microsoft News Centre: Article titled “Digital Agriculture: Farmers in India are using AI to increase crop yields” (
Paper: Water and Agriculture in India Background 2017 (
Artificial intelligence | Augmenting human intelligence
None of these 6%
Total (n = 250)
Source: Deloitte State of Cognitive Survey, August 2017
Source: Deloitte State of Cognitive Survey, August 2017 (
Artificial intelligence | Augmenting human intelligence
capitalise on growth offered by AI. Many Ensuring data quality for a reliable AI Eliminating ethical dilemma associated
companies are also looking beyond The use of good quality data makes with AI
technical expertise, citing the need analysis more accurate and processes Organisations across the globe have
for business leaders who are able to more efficient. This information can be recognised the importance and impact
interpret AI results and make decisions, effectively collated and used to identify of AI. Yet about a third of executives in
and take actions based on them. further opportunities to increase profits, a recent Deloitte survey named ethical
gain efficiencies, reduce cost, etc. AI risks as one of the top three potential
Although organisations may believe solutions are built and driven by data. concerns. Some key ethical risks include
that seeking the best talent will provide Thus, the quality of any decision that an lack of transparency of AI decisions, poor
an advantage, training their current AI solution makes significantly depends accountability structures, potential bias
workforce should not be overlooked. on the quality and quantity of the and discrimination in AI decision making,
Business leaders should invest in such data used. use of personal data without consent and
courses to upgrade their human capital workforce displacement, and transitions
and thus, gain competitive advantage. AI tools are available in the market that due to automation.
There are learning tracks for people help organisations overcome the data
looking to improve their AI skills. quality issue using ML technology. Some AI technology vendors create
ethics related guidelines, establish AI
Outlining strategic approach for Although the cost of AI computation is governance teams, and launch tools to
efficient adoption of AI across decreasing, it needs to fall at a higher mitigate these risks. Many universities
industries rate to be affordable worldwide are researching on these issues and
Most industries are looking to implement Most of AI use cases end with a proof setting up AI ethics courses. Several
AI in their operations. However, of concept and are not able to see organisations have started integrating
implementing this technology is often successful implementation or rollout. emerging tools to detect bias in AI data
not easy because of lack of a strategic The need for high capital expenditure and algorithms, and develop remedial
approach. Any major investment in and lack of computation power of measures. AI adopters should also
technology by an enterprise should existing infrastructure pose challenges in be proactive in addressing the ethical
follow a thorough strategy where implementation. aspects of their AI initiatives. They should
expectations, objectives, and plans engage with the board and stakeholders
are laid out. However, in the race of The solution is to develop the next to establish the governance of AI
adopting AI before the competition to generation of computing infrastructure, initiatives and interact with regulators to
gain an edge in the market, enterprises such as quantum computing or cloud help shape regulations.
often end up choosing the most obvious infrastructure, which provides the
implementation areas. Although these pay as you use model. As the volume
implementations may deliver desirable increases exponentially, computation
results, they may not align well with speed requirements will grow, making
the organisation’s long-term goals. it imperative for organisations to
Thus, identifying how the AI initiative develop next-generation computational
aligns with the organisation’s long-term infrastructure solutions.
goals is the key to ensuring an effective
Deloitte Global predicts that in 2019,
A well-thought-out strategy to implement
AI can also enable a smoother transition among companies that adopt Al
towards AI-driven processes. To do technology, 70 percent will obtain
this, organisations should know where
and how AI can be implemented to Al capabilities through cloud-based
their problems. This can help obtain enterprise software, and 65 percent
best returns for investment in AI.
Putting in place the right strategy will create Al applications using cloud-
can help overcome the hurdles in the based development services.10
adoption of AI.
Source: Deloitte Global (
Artificial intelligence | Augmenting human intelligence
Concluding remarks
Due to rapid advancements in the field We will leave you with this thought.
of AI, the technology has the potential Although AI has a promising future, there
to bring revolutionary transformation are still a lot of hurdles and challenges
across the globe to industries, including on the way. With collaborative efforts,
education, health care, agriculture, and industries across the world can overcome
retail. As AI is able to perform various these hurdles and achieve business goals.
tasks on its own, it acts as a helping
hand for workforce (increase people’s
efficiency, not replacing them).
The top five benefits of Al
Understanding and adapting AI is a
journey, subject to the headwinds and The percentage of survey respondents who rated each benefit for their companies
tailwinds of economic, social, and political
Enhance current products 44%
changes. The future of businesses lies
in their ability to fully benefit from
Optimise internal
new technologies. AI is one such new 42%
technology that will transform front and
back office operations, and create major
Make better decisions 35%
shifts across various industries. There is
a growing realisation of AI’s importance,
Optimise external
including its ability to provide competitive 31%
advantage and change work for the
better. A majority of global early adopters Free workers to use their 31%
believe that AI technologies are especially time more creatively
important for the success of their
businesses today. A majority also stated Source: Deloitte Consulting LLP. State of Al in the Enterprise,
that they use AI technologies to move 2nd Edition, October 22, 2018.
ahead of competition and empower their Deloitte Insights,
Artificial intelligence | Augmenting human intelligence
Artificial intelligence | Augmenting human intelligence
Artificial intelligence | Augmenting human intelligence
About Deloitte
All the facts and figures that talk to complex problems or make meaningful
our size and diversity and years of progress. Deeper still, it’s in the beliefs,
experiences, as notable and important as behaviors and fundamental sense of
they may be, are secondary to the truest purpose that underpin all that we do.
measure of Deloitte: the impact we make Deloitte globally has grown in scale and
in the world. So, when people ask, “what’s diversity—more than 312,000 people in
different about Deloitte?” the answer 150 countries, providing multidisciplinary
resides in the many specific examples of services yet our shared culture remains
where we have helped Deloitte member the same.
firm clients, our people, and sections of
society to achieve remarkable goals, solve
Artificial intelligence | Augmenting human intelligence
About Confederation of
India Industry
The Confederation of Indian Industry society organizations carry forward
(CII) works to create and sustain corporate initiatives for integrated and
an environment conducive to the inclusive development across diverse
development of India, partnering domains including affirmative action,
industry, Government, and civil healthcare, education, livelihood,
society, through advisory and diversity management, skill development,
consultative processes. empowerment of women, and water, to
name a few.
CII is a non-government, not-for-profit,
industry-led and industry-managed India is now set to become a US$ 5 trillion
organization, playing a proactive role in economy in the next five years and Indian
India's development process. Founded industry will remain the principal growth
in 1895, India's premier business engine for achieving this target. With the
association has around 9000 members, theme for 2019-20 as 'Competitiveness
from the private as well as public sectors, of India Inc - India@75: Forging Ahead',
including SMEs and MNCs, and an indirect CII will focus on five priority areas
membership of over 300,000 enterprises which would enable the country to
from around 276 national and regional stay on a solid growth track. These are
sectoral industry bodies. - employment generation, rural-urban
connect, energy security, environmental
CII charts change by working closely with sustainability and governance.
Government on policy issues, interfacing
with thought leaders, and enhancing With 66 offices, including 9 Centres of
efficiency, competitiveness and business Excellence, in India, and 10 overseas
opportunities for industry through offices in Australia, China, Egypt,
a range of specialized services and France, Germany, Singapore, South
strategic global linkages. It also provides Africa, UAE, UK, and USA, as well as
a platform for consensus-building and institutional partnerships with 355
networking on key issues. counterpart organizations in 126
countries, CII serves as a reference point
Extending its agenda beyond business, for Indian industry and the international
CII assists industry to identify business community.
and execute corporate citizenship
programmes. Partnerships with civil
Artificial intelligence | Augmenting human intelligence
Deloitte Confederation of Indian Industry
Saurabh Kumar
Deloitte India
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Varun Rastogi
Associate Director
Deloitte India
[email protected]
Prathyusha Atmakur
Associate Director
Deloitte India
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