Adjective: Mishra English Study Centre

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Mishra English Study Centre

BY – M. K. Mishra
 A word used to qualify a Noun or Pronoun is called ‘Adjective’.
Ex.:- Ram is smart boy.
 According to uses Adjective is divided manually in Eight Parts.
1. P - Proper Adjective
2. I - Interrogative Adjective
3. N - Adjective of Number
4. Q - Adjective of Quantity
5. D - Demonstrative Adjective
6. P - Possessive Adjective
7. D - Distributive Adjective
8. Q - Adjective of Quality

 Proper Adjective – An Adjective that is made of a Proper Noun is called Proper

Ex.:- Noun - Adjective
India - Indian
America - American
Russia - Russian
* Facts 
 It always gets beginning with capital letter.
 Generally it comes before the Noun for which it is used.
 Proper Adjective + Noun must get Article before itself.
Ex.:- American policy is not good. – ()
american policy is not good. – ()
The American policy is not good. – ()
 यान रहे क Indian, Russian, American, …etc. का योग Common Noun व प मे भी होता है, अतः
इसके तहत ये Singular अथवा Plural हो सकते ह।
Ex.:- I am an Indian. – ()
We are Indians. – ()
 Interrogative Adjective – A word used with a Noun that arises Question for the Noun is
called Interrogative Adjective.
Ex.:- What, Which, Whose …etc.
* Facts 
 It comes before the Noun for which it is used.
 It gets Question Mark (?) to finish its Sentence.
Ex.:- Which pen is running well.
Note - यान रहे क who तथा whom कभी भी Adjective का प नह ं लेत,े ये Pronoun व प मे आते
है , Adjective के प म इनके बदले ‘Which’ आते है ।
Ex.:- Who boy can solve this Question? – ()
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Which boy can solve this Question? – ()
 Adjective of Number – If a Number (Digit) comes to qualify a Noun is called Adjective
of Number.
Ex.:- One wicket, Two wicket, the third Umpire …etc.
 Adjective of Number that is also a part of Adjective can be divided into two parts.
1. Ordinal Adjective of Number
2. Co-ordinal Adjective of Number
 Ordinal Adjective of Number –
a. It shows the order of a Noun
b. It comes before the Noun for which it is used.
c. It gets a Singular Noun & Singular Verb.
d. Ordinal Adjective of Number + Noun gets Article ‘The’ before itself.
Ex.:- The third umpire is very laborious.
Note – First one, Second one, Third one, Fourth one …etc का ोयग भी Ordinal Adjective
of Number के प म होता ह, िजसका Verb Singular होता ह।
Ex.:- The third one was very easy.
 Co-ordinal Adjective of Number –
a. It shows the number of a Noun.
b. It gets Noun & Verb Singular with one and Plural with other number.
c. Generally Article does not come before it.
Ex.:- One student is absent today. – ()
Ten students are absent today. – ()
* Special Note 
 If Ordinal & Co-ordinal both kinds of Adjective of Number come together Ordinal is
written first and Co-ordinal is later.
Note – यान रहे क इस अव था म आने वाला Noun तथा Verb दोन Plural रहता ह।
Ex.:- The five first wicket has played well in this match. – ()
The first five wickets have played well in this match. – ()
 यान रहे क Both, Many, Several, Few, A Number of, …etc को भी Co-ordinal Adjective of
Number के तहत रखते हु ए इनका Noun तथा Verb दोन Plural माना जाता ह।
Ex.:- Both students are absent today.
 यान रहे क All, Some, Most, A lot of, Lots of, A great deal of, A good deal of, …etc का योग
Countable तथा Uncountable दोन Nouns के लए होता है, अतः Countable के लए रहने पर इ हे Co-
ordinal Adjective of Number के प मे दर य जाता है, और इनका Noun तथा Verb दोन Plural हो
जाते ह।
Ex.:- All students are absent today.
 Adjective of Quantity – A word used with a Noun that shows the Quantity of the Noun
is called Adjective of Quantity.
Ex.:- Much, Little, An amount of …etc.
1. Note – It comes before a Singular Uncountable Noun.
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Ex.:- Much rice is remaining in the kitchen.
2. Note – All, Some, A lot of, Most, Lots of, A great deal of, A good deal of …etc
का योग य द Uncountable Noun के साथ हो तो इ हे Adjective of Quantity क
ेणी म रखा जाता ह।
Ex.:- Most rice is boiled in the kitchen.
 Demonstrative Adjective – A word used with a Noun that Demonstrates the Noun is
called Demonstrative Adjective.
Ex.:- This, That, These, Those
* Facts 
 This / That + Singular Noun.
Ex.:- This pen is red. – ()
This rice is boiled. – ()
 These / Those + Plural Countable Noun.
Ex.:- These pens are running well.
 Possessive Adjective – A word used with a Noun that makes Possession over the Noun
is called Possessive Adjective.
Ex.:- My, Our, You, Their …etc
* Facts 
 It comes before the Noun for which it is used.
 यान रहे क ये Adjective के प म कसी वा य का अं तम Word नह ं हो सकते।
Ex.:- My car is red. – ()
This car is my. – ()
 Distributive Adjective – A word used with a Noun that shows the Noun in Distributive
way is called Distributive Adjective.
Ex.:- Each, Every, Either, Neither
* Facts 
 It comes before a Singular Noun.
Ex.:- Every student was present in the class.
 Two distributives connected with ‘and’ also make a Singular formation and gets
Singular Verb.
Ex.:- Every teacher and every student were present in the class. – ()
Every teacher and every student was present in the class. – ()
 Adjective of Quality – A word used for a Noun or Pronoun that how the Quality of the
Noun or Pronoun is called Adjective of Quality.
Ex.:- Good, Bad, Tall, Smart, Fat …etc.
* Facts 
 It can be used either before a Noun or as the compliment of a Sentence.
Ex.:- (a) This is a Smart boy. (b) This boy is Smart.
Adj. N N Adj.
* Uses of Adjective 
 Elder / Older –

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 Elder – It comes to show age seniority in blood relation between the members of the
same family.
Note – यान रहे क इसक तु लना के लए Preposition ‘To’ आता ह।
Ex.:- Mukesh Ambani is elder to Anil Ambani.
 Older – It comes to show age seniority between two persons or things that are not the
members of the same family.
Note – यान रहे क इसक तु लना के लए ‘Than’ का योग होता ह।
Ex.:- Lalu is elder to Nitish. – ()
Lalu is older than Nitish. – ()
Note – यान रहे क य द आयु व र ठता दशाने के लए समय का िज हो, तो हर जगह older
का ह योग कया जाता ह।
Ex.:- Mukesh Ambani is elder to Anil Ambani for five years. – ()
Mukesh Ambani is older than Anil Ambani for five years. – ()
 Further / Farther –
 Further – It comes to add something in got Knowledge or Information.
Ex.:- He has not given me any farther information about the project. – ()
He has not given me any further information about the project. – ()
 Farther – It comes as the Comparative form of far to show a place more distant than
Ex.:- Delhi is further than Ranchi from Patna. – ()
Delhi is farther than Ranchi from Patna. – ()
 Utmost / Outermost –
 Utmost – It comes to show the entire part of something.
Ex.:- I have studied the outermost Pronoun. – ()
I have studied the utmost Pronoun. – ()
 Outermost – It comes to show the last boundary of an area.
Ex.:- A guard was standing at the utmost gate of the building. – ()
A guard was standing at the outermost gate of the building. – ()
 First / Foremost –
 First – It comes to show the Initiator of something.
Ex.:- 16th August 1947 was the foremost day of free India. – ()
16th August 1947 was the first day of free India. – ()
 Foremost – It comes to show a leadership Quality in an Action.
Ex.:- M. K. Gandhi was the first politician of his time. – ()
M. K. Gandhi was the foremost politician of his time. – ()
 Last / Latest –
 Last – It comes to show a finishing point of something that has no sequel.
Ex.:- 14th August 1947 was the latest day of British rule in India. – ()
14th August 1947 was the last day of British rule in India. – ()
 Latest – It comes in the meaning of the newest to show a point containing its sequel.
Ex.:- Everyone wants to buy the last designs of mobile. – ()
Everyone wants to buy the latest designs of mobile. – ()
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 Some / Any –
 Some – To show a Small Number or Quantity it comes in Affirmative Sense.
Ex.:- He has given me any money. – ()
He has given me some money. – ()
 Any – To show a Small Number or Quantity it comes in Negative Sense.
Ex.:- He has not given me some money. – ()
He has not given me any money. – ()
 Very / the Very –
 Very – It is an Adverb that comes before an Adjective to stress its Quality.
Ex.:- Ram is very smart.
Adv. Adj.
 The Very – It is an Adjective that comes before a Noun in the sense of the same to Re-
Introduce a person or thing.
Ex.:- This is the same boy that has helped me in trouble. – ()
This is the very boy that has helped me in trouble. – ()
 No / Not –
 No – It is an Adjective that comes just before a Noun to make a Negative sense.
Ex.:- I have not car. – ()
I have no car. – ()
 Not – It is an Adverb that comes to qualify an Adjective, Verb & another Adverb in
Negative sense.
Ex.:- I have no a pen. – ()
I have not a pen. – ()
 Own (अपना) – As Adjective it comes just after a Possessive form to stress Possession.
Ex.:- This is own car. – ()
This is my car. – ()
This is my own car. – ()
 Both, All & Whole –
 Both – It comes to show two options together.
Ex.:- All the sides of the coin are shinning well. – ()
Both the sides of the coin are shinning well. – ()
 All – It comes to show more than two options together.
Ex.:- Both the ten students are very laborious. – ()
All the ten students are very laborious. – ()
 Whole – It comes to show the entire part of something.
Ex.:- The whole class is making a noise.
 Nearest / Next to –
 Nearest – It comes as the Superlative form of near in the meaning of the closest.
Ex.:- You should inform the next to Police station in the case of murder. – ()
You should inform the nearest Police station in the case of murder. – ()
 Next to – It comes to show something placing just beside another.
Ex.:- Mona Cinema Hall is next to Elifiston. – ()
May I sit next to you? – ()

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 Mutual / Common –
 Mutual – It comes to make a reciprocal relation between two parties.
Ex.:- Ram and Shyam are common partner in this business. – ()
Ram and Shyam are mutual partner in this business. – ()
 Common – It comes to make a reciprocal relation among more than two parties.
Ex.:- Ram, Shyam, Mohan & Sohan are common partner in this business.
 Few / A few / the few –
 Few – It comes to show a negligible number of something that has no importance in
Ex.:- Ram is a saint he has few enemies in this village.
 A Few – It comes to show a small number of Countable Nouns that has some
importance in uses.
Ex.:- Ram is a social person; he has a few good supporters in this village.
 The few – It comes to make definite form of few Countable Nouns.
Ex.:- The few students sitting in my class are very intelligent.
 Little / A little / the little –
 Little – It comes to show a negligible quantity of something.
Ex.:- Ram is very poor, he has little money in his account.
 A little – It comes to show a small quantity of an Uncountable Noun that has some
importance in uses.
Ex.:- He does s private job, he saves a little money for future.
 The little – It comes to show definite form of little quantity of an Uncountable Noun.
Ex.:- The little money in my account is very useful for my future.
 Few / Fewer than / the fewest –
 Above Adjectives are used as the Positive, Comparative and Superlative form of few.
Ex.:- I have little friends in my village. – ()
I have few friends in my village. – ()
I have less friends than Ram has. – ()
I have fewer friends than Ram has. – ()
I have the least friends in my village. – ()
I have the fewest friends in my village. – ()
 Little / little than / the least –
 Above Adjective are used as the Positive, Comparative and Superlative form of little.
Ex.:- I have few rice. – ()
I have little rice. – ()
I have fewer rice than Ram has. – ()
I have less rice than Ram has. – ()
I have the fewest rice in my village. – ()
I have the least rice in my village. – ()

 Much / Many / Several –

 Much – It comes to show a large quantity of an Uncountable Noun.
Ex.:- I have many rice. – ()

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I have much rice. – ()
 Many – It comes to show a large number of Countable Nouns that are known to the
Ex.:- I have many friends in my village.
 Several – It comes to show a large number of Countable Nouns that are not known to
the subject.
Ex.:- Several students are laborious in Patna.
 Former / Latter / Later –
 य द क ह दो यि त अथवा व तु को एक साथ दशाया जाय, तो पहले वाले को दशाने हे तु Former
आता है, जब क बाद वाले के लए Latter का योग करते ह।
Ex.:- Sonia and Advani both are good leaders, the former belongs to the Congress and
the latter belongs to the B.J.P.
 Later (Adj.) – बाद म
Ex.:- I will see you later. - (म बाद म आपसे मलू ंगा।)
 One / Other / Another –
 य द क ह दो यि त अथवा व तु क चचा हो तो उनम कसी को भी Indefinite form म पहले दशाने
के लए One जब क दू सरे के लए Other का योग करते ह, तथा साथ ह इन दो के अलावे कसी अ य
तीसरे क चचा करने हेतु Another आता ह।
Ex.:- I have two cars one is red and other is black but I want to buy another car.
Note – यान रहे क कसी अ य को दशाने हे तु अकेले योग म Another ह आता ह।
Ex.:- I have no another pen.
 Cool / Cold / Chill / Thunder –
 Cool – It comes to show a moisture that is favorable to man.
Ex.:- We get a cool morning in summer.
 Cold – It comes to show a moisture that is not favorable to man.
Ex.:- We get a cold morning in winter.
 Chill – Extremely Cold. (बेहद ठं डा)
Ex.:- We get a chill morning in frozen area.
 Thunder – Freezing Cold. (बफ ला ठं डा)
Ex.:- We get a thunder weather on the top of the Himalayas.
 Warm / Hot / Scorching –
 Warm (सु खद गम ) – It comes to show a heat that is favorable to man.
Ex.:- We wear warm clothes in winter.
 Hot (दु खद गम ) – It comes to show a heat that is not favorable to man.
Ex.:- We can’t put our hands in hot water.
 Scorching (झु लसाने वाल गम ) –
Ex.:- We get scorching sun in the months of May and June.
 Oral / Verbal / Written –

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 Oral – Related to mouth.
Ex.:- He is suffering from oral-cancer.
 Verbal – Related to words.
Ex.:- I can’t solve this verbal reasoning.
 Written – ( ल खत)
Ex.:- He has qualified the written exam.
 Generally ‘Adjective + ly’ makes the formation of Adverb so it can’t be used just
before a Noun.
Ex.:- Ram is a smartly boy. – ()
Adv. N.
Ram is a smart boy. – ()
 First / Fast / Hard तथा Last अपने आप म ह Adjective तथा Adverb दोन क भू मका
नभाते ह, अतः इनको Adverb संरचना दे ने हे तु इनमे ‘ly’ नह ं आता।
Ex.:- This is a fast train. – ()
This train runs fastly. – ()
This train runs fast. – ()
 Daily, Monthly, Weekly, Yearly, Hourly …etc ‘ly’ से अंत होने के साथ ह अपने-आप म ह
Adjective तथा Adverb दोन क ह भू मका नभाते ह, अतः इसका योग Noun के ठ क पहले
कया जा सकता ह।
Ex.:- This is a daily train. – ()
This train runs daily. – ()

 Dozen, Score, Hundred, Thousand …etc कसी Unit को दशाने हे तु य द कसी Noun के
ठ क पहले हो, तो इनमे ‘s’ या ‘es’ नह ं आता, जब क इनक असी मत दायरा दशाने हे तु इनमे
‘s’ जोड़ते हु ए इनके तु रंत बाद ‘of’ जोड़ा जाता ह।
Ex.:- I have a dozen pens. – ()
I have dozens of pens. – ()

* Order of Adjective 
 Article + Noun.
Ex.:- I have a pen.
 Article + Adjective + Noun.
Ex.:- (a) I have a red pen.
(b) Ram is a smart boy.
 Article + Adverb + Adjective + Noun.
Ex.:- Ram is a very smart boy.
 Article + Adverb + Adverb + Adjective + Noun.
Ex.:- This is a very-very Important Question for me.

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 Adjective of Quality / Adjective of Area / Adjective of Category / Adjective of
Shape / Adjective of Size / Adjective of Colour / Adjective of Purpose / Adjective of
Status / Adjective of Filling …etc.
 V-3 made Adjective + v4 made Adjective.
Ex.:- He has given me drinking boiled water. - ()
He has given me boiled drinking water. - ()
 If ordinal and co-ordinal both kinds of Adjective of number come together ordinal is
written first and co-ordinal is latter.
Ex.:- The five first wicket have played well in this match. - ()
The first five wicket have played well in this match. - ()
 Numerical Adjective + Possessive Adjective.
Ex.:- My both pens are running well. - ()
Both my pens are running well. - ()
 Numerical Adjective + Demonstrative Adjective.
Ex.:- These both pens are running well. - ()
Both these pens are running well. - ()
 Demonstrative Adjective + Possessive Adjective.
Ex.:- My this pen is running well. - ()
This my pen is running well. - ()
 Adjective of Size + Adjective of Colour.
Ex.:- I have a red big toy. - ()
I have a big red toy. - ()
 Adjective of Quality + Adjective of Age.
Ex.:- I have a new good car. - ()
I have a good new car. - ()
 Adjective of Quality + Verb made Adjective.
Ex.:- I have a broken smart chair. - ()
I have a smart broken chair. - ()
 Adjective of Quality + Material Noun made Adjective.
Ex.:- I have a plastic good chair. - ()
I have a good plastic chair. - ()
 Verb made Adjective + Material Noun made Adjective.
Ex.:- I have plastic broken chair. - ()
I have a broken plastic chair. - ()
 Adjective of Age + Adjective of Purpose.
Ex.:- I have a washing new machine. - ()
I have a new washing machine. - ()
 Material Noun made Adjective + Common Noun made Adjective.
Ex.:- I have a boy plastic doll. - ()
I have a plastic boy doll. - ()
 Adjective of Quality + Adjective of Age + Adjective of Purpose.
Ex.:- I have a new good washing machine. - ()
I have a good new washing machine. - ()

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 य द कसी एक ह Noun के लए एक से यादा Adjective मौजू द हो, तो उनमे आकार म छोटा
पहले तथा आकार म बड़ा बाद म लखा जाता ह।
Ex.:- Ram is a handsome and smart boy. - ()
Ram is a smart and handsome boy. - ()
 If different kinds of Adjective come together for the same Noun or Pronoun are
arranged into following order -
 Numerical Adj. (Both, All …etc.) + Possessive Adj. / Article + Adj. of Sense + Adj.
of Status + Adj. of Colour + Proper Adj. + Material Noun made Adj. + Adj. of Type +
Adj. of Purpose + Noun.
Ex.:- Both my artistic famous fish like small white Russian plastic unique playing dolls
are useful for my children.

Adjective Chapter is the End.

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