NSTP Medicinal Plant
NSTP Medicinal Plant
NSTP Medicinal Plant
Bayambang Campus
Bayambang, Pangasinan
BSN 2-1
Aloe Vera Kusay Oregano Tawa tawa Sambong
Active components with Kuchai is a kind of leek, If you want to use oregano oil Euphorbia hirta (Tawa- Sambong is an effective
its properties: Aloe vera ranked-scented, green, to help heal your ailments, tawa) is also called Gatas- treatment for kidney
contains 75 potentially growing 20 to 40 know that it's too strong to gatas because of the stones
active constituents: centimeters high. Bulbs use alone, so it needs to be healing properties of its
vitamins, enzymes, are small, white and mixed with another oil, such as milky juice. It contains In one study, it was found
minerals, sugars, lignin, clustered. Leaves are olive oil, in a 1:3 ratio. You triterpenes, phytosterols, that Sambong extract
saponins, salicylic acids green, grasslike, narrowly need only a few drops as a tannins, polyphenols, and decreases the size of
and amino acids.4–6 linear, flattish, 15 to 30 dosing. flavonoids. This herb has calcium oxalate crystals.
centimeters long, 3 to 6 gained widespread Calcium oxalate is one of
Vitamins: It contains millimeters wide. Umbel Fresh oregano is a attention because of its the most common types of
vitamins A (beta- has a few to many white great antibacterial ability to help patients stones found in our
carotene), C and E, which flowers. The perianth is agent. It has recover from dengue. Folk kidneys. Not only did
are antioxidants. It also bell-shaped. Fruits are on phytonutrients (thymol wisdom regard it as a Sambong reduce the size
contains vitamin B12, folic pedicels of 2 to 3 and carvacrol), which hemostatic, which may of the crystals, but it also
acid, and choline. centimeters long, obovoid, fight infections such as help explain why blood inhibited its aggregation.
Antioxidant neutralizes 3-lobed, 5 to 7 millimeters staph. It's loaded with platelets increase after This means that aside from
free radicals. in diameter. Seeds are antioxidants that help ingestion of a boiled being used as kidney stone
black, depressed, globose prevent cell damage, decoction of the plant. treatment, one of the
Enzymes: It contains 8 or reniform, 2.5 to 3 and it’s an excellent other Sambong benefits is
enzymes: aliiase, alkaline millimeters in diameter. In source of fiber, vitamin Tawa-tawa was able to the prevention of stone
phosphatase, amylase, the Philippines, the plant K, manganese, iron, promote cell production, formation.
bradykinase, seldom flowers. vitamin E, tryptophan and prevents platelet
carboxypeptidase, and calcium. You go, destruction. Likewise, the ambong helps in treating
catalase, cellulase, lipase, • Antioxidant: Study oregano! How’d you improvement in the cell high blood pressure
and peroxidase. showed part of the Allium pack so much nutrition bleeding time and clotting When the extract of
Bradykinase helps to family possess antioxidant in those tiny, zero- time provided evidence Sambong is injected, blood
reduce excessive capability. Heat calorie leaves? that the indigenous plant vessels become “loosened”
inflammation when treatments reduced the Dried oregano is also can preserve and promote or they expand. This
applied to the skin antioxidant activity for healthful (with similar the hemostatic function of significantly helps in
topically, while others most foods. (1) benefits to fresh), but it platelets. relieving hypertension. Do
help in the breakdown of • Antifungal: Study of needs to be handled not inject Sambong into
sugars and fats. extracts of 7 Allium plants, carefully. Store it in a your bloodstream. Always
including Chinese chive, clean, dry, glass consult your doctor.
Minerals: It provides were examined for container and chuck it
calcium, chromium, antifungal activity against after six months. Old Sambong promotes
copper, selenium, three Aspergillus species: oregano, like most diuresis
magnesium, manganese, A niger, A flavus and A spices, loses its flavor Diuresis means increased
potassium, sodium and fumigatus. All the plants and benefits over time. urination; this happens
zinc. They are essential possessed antifungal OK, so oregano oil when our kidneys filter
for the proper functioning activity, the inhibitory should be used a little large volumes of fluid.
of various enzyme activity decreased with differently than fresh While it sounds
systems in different increasing incubation and oregano. The oil is bothersome, diuresis helps
metabolic pathways and heating temperature. recommended as a in the removal of toxins.
few are antioxidants. Acetic acid plus heat remedy for sore
treatment of the extracts throats, poor digestion, Sambong reduces edema
Sugars: It provides resulted in greater nausea, nasal Edema, or commonly
monosaccharides (glucose inhibition. (2) congestion, cold sores called “manas,” happens
and fructose) and • Hypotensive / and muscle and joint when our tissues or
polysaccharides: Antihypertensive: Study of pain, and it has cavities retain fluids,
(glucomannans/polymann ethanol extract of Chinese antimicrobial resulting in swelling. The
ose). These are derived chives (Allium odorum) properties that make it frequent urination caused
from the mucilage layer of showed hypotensive and a good preventive by Sambong helps to
the plant and are known antihypertensive effect. strategy. Winter is release those extra fluids,
as mucopolysaccharides. (3) infamous for illnesses, thus relieving the edema.
The most prominent • Antibacterial: Study which is why your
monosaccharide is evaluated the oregano oil should be Sambong brings down
mannose-6-phosphate, phytochemical front and center in fever
and the most common constituents and your pantry. No sugar Another one of the unique
polysaccharides are called antibacterial properties of coating here: It tastes Sambong is its ability to
glucomannans [beta-(1,4)- aqueous and ethanol terrible, so mix it address high fever.
acetylated mannan]. extracts of Z. armatum, E. where you can hide it Because Sambong has
Acemannan, a prominent foetidum, and Allium best. In your marinara menthol, it helps cool
glucomannan has also odorum. Antimicrobial or your salad dressing down your body
been found. Recently, a activity was tested against works, but my fave way temperature.
glycoprotein with two gram positive bacteria is to cover it is with a
antiallergic properties, (Staphylococcus aureus spoonful of honey to Sambong aids in treating
called alprogen and novel and Bacillus cereus) and choke it down. (OK, I cough and cold
anti-inflammatory two gram negative guess there is a little This unique medicinal
compound, C-glucosyl bacteria (Klebsiella sugar coating.) Uses for plant has expectorant
chromone, has been pneumonia and oregano oil are properties, one of the
isolated from Aloe vera Pseudomonas different depending on prized Sambong benefits.
gel.7,8 aeruginosa). A. odorum the condition, but This means that it can help
was next to Z. armatum in generally a few drops a remove unwanted phlegm
Anthraquinones: It antibacterial activity. day for a week to 10 that accumulates in our
provides 12 days is recommended. respiratory tracts.
anthraquinones, which
are phenolic compounds Sambong has antimicrobial
traditionally known as properties that help in a lot
laxatives. Aloin and of diseases. Perhaps one of
emodin act as analgesics, the best Sambong benefits
antibacterials and is its ability to destroy
antivirals. bacteria and other
microbes. Coupled with its
Fatty acids: It provides 4 anti-inflammatory
plant steroids; chemicals, Sambong can
cholesterol, campesterol, be used to help in the
β-sisosterol and lupeol. All treatment of diarrhea and
these have anti- stomach-ache; skin
inflammatory action and problems, like worms and
lupeol also possesses boils; sore throat; and
antiseptic and analgesic rheumatism.
Others: It provides 20 of
the 22 human required
amino acids and 7 of the 8
essential amino acids. It
also contains salicylic acid
that possesses anti-
inflammatory and
antibacterial properties.
Lignin, an inert substance,
when included in topical
preparations, enhances
penetrative effect of the
other ingredients into the
skin. Saponins that are
the soapy substances
form about 3% of the gel
and have cleansing and
antiseptic properties.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih http://www.stuartxchange https://www.webmd.com/foo https://www.pchrd.dost.g https://hellodoctor.com.ph
.gov/pmc/articles/PMC27 .org/Kuchai.html d-recipes/features/why-is- ov.ph/index.php/news/de /herbals-and-
63764/ oregano-good-for-me ngue-updates/2631-tawa- alternatives/herbal-
tawa-contains-active- medicines/sambong-
ingredients-that-may- benefits/
Week one
Aloe Vera Kusay Oregano Tawa tawa Sambong
Aloe Vera Kusay Oregano Tawa tawa Sambong