Proportional Reasoning Project
Proportional Reasoning Project
Proportional Reasoning Project
Aly McDonald
Math Problem for Second Grade (Ages 7-8)
Multiplicative Strategies:
Unit Rate: 100% (4 students)
Scale Factor: 0%
Scale Up: 0%
Cross Multiplying: 0%
Comparison to 5th grade students Jake needs 3 worms
each day to feed his 4
birds. How many
worms would Jake
Multiplicative: 67% (10 students)
need each day if he
Additive: 0% had 16 birds?
No strategy used: 33% (5 students)
Multiplicative Strategies:
Unit Rate: 20% (2 students)
Scale Factor: 50% (5 students)
Scale Up: 30% (3 students)
Cross Multiplying: 0%
Comparison to 5th grade students
- 5th grade has the prior knowledge of multiplication
- The question posed to the 5th grade students made it
easier to do the scale factor and scale up methods
- 2nd grade has not covered much multiplication yet, this
is why we saw no students use the scale factor strategy
- No additive strategies were used in both grade levels
- Cross multiplication was not used as well