Investment Fraud Script
Investment Fraud Script
Investment Fraud Script
Swindler/Mr. Mercadejas: Hello, is this Ms. Montefalco? My name is Parker Shan Mercadejas.
You can call me shan and that's what I want you to call me. I'm calling you today to offer the
opportunity of a lifetime. Do you have time or a minute to hear how you can make a lot of money
in a few short months?
Mooch/Ms. Montefalco: Well, I guess so. What it is Shan?
Swindler: I am with the Del Fierro Company which what we do is mining and for a limited time
we are selling investment units in high-yield gold and silver mines in Southern Luzon. We
guarantee that for each P40,000 you invest you will receive a P90,000 return on your money in
just six months and there is no risk of loss whatsoever. Sound good right?
Mooch: hmm I don't know enough about gold and silver mining to invest.
Swindler: I understand, Ms. Montefalco, and I appreciate your concern. However, you probably
don't know how to build a car—and neither do I--but that wouldn't keep us from investing in
General Motors or Ford stock if we knew we would earn a lot of money. Doesn't it make sense?
Ms. Montefalco, to just look at the return on your investment and leave the mining to us?
Mooch: I just don't know. My money is doing just fine in my clothing line.
Swindler: The truth, Ms. Montefalco, that clothing line business are for suckers. The same goes
for savings deposits, Treasury bills, and municipals. You keep your money there earning its pitiful
3% to 6% a year and you can take it from me, Ms. Montefalco. The rich will stay rich and the poor
including you, will stay poor. What I'm talking about is putting an end to that. This is your chance
to break out of the pack, move up to the big time, and take care of your future needs. Probably
the hardest thing to do, Ms. Montefalco is to decide. If you don't do anything, nothing gets done
Right Ms. Montefalco?
Mooch: I have to think of it first before investing to you.
Swindler: Is it our information is very clear to you? I have plenty of research information to help
you make an intelligent decision. If you are a serious investor, you can check everything out. Our
company has business offices throughout the Philippines, United States and South Korea. We
enjoy an international reputation for good management. As a matter of fact, the Securities and
Exchange Commission recently listed our company as the #1 investment company in safety and
yield over the next 10 years. So, can you decide now to invest today?
Mooch: I’m still not convince I need more information Shan.
Swindler: Fine, Ms. Montefalco. I'll send all the information you need about our company and its
highly trained mining engineers. This is no secret silver mine. We have mountains of research
reports if you care to read and study them. Oh, by the way, Ms. Montefalco, do you have the cash
available to take advantage of this investment opportunity?
Mooch: Yes, I have the money and it sounds like a good investment. I'd sure like to get that kind
of return on my money, but it just sounds too good to be true. Will you put the guarantee in writing?
Swindler: This company is solid Ms. Montefalco. You saw what happened to the savings and
loan industry. And now the banks are in trouble. I wouldn't keep my money in any bank these
days. Be safe. Put your money with us. How many units are you prepared to buy today?
Mooch: Oh, I'm not yet sure about it.
Swindler: Let me help you make the decision, Ms. Montefalco. A P100,000 investment today will
yield P1,000,000 in just six months. What do you say?
Mooch: hmm sounds good, let me think about it for a couple of days.
Swindler: Look, Ms. Montefalco, the deal is for today only. The opportunity will be gone tomorrow.
You're not a procrastinator, are you? A courier will be at your house by 3:00pm today. Just have
your check or cash for P100,000 ready. You won't regret it, Ms. Montefalco.
Mooch: You sound honest Shan, and the investment sounds good. I'll have my check ready today
at 3 o'clock pm.
Narrator: Ms. Montefalco gave the P100,000 of her hard-earned savings to Mr. Parker Shan
Mercadejas, and never heard from the scammer or saw her money again.
Ms. Montefalco was too embarrassed to tell anyone about what happen. By the time she
told the authorities, the scammer had moved on to take money from a new set of people
who trust too much.
Swindler: Look, I can tell that you're a person that likes to put your money to work. You
obviously are a smart investor. You recognize a good investment when you see one. You will
not be sorry. I guarantee it Ms. Montefalco.
Mooch: As soon as I get your printed information, I will discuss it with my financial advisor and
my family. And by the way, Mr. Mercadejas, where did you say you are located? I need your
address and the phone number of the headquarters office.
Swindler: You don't need to bother with all that information. Just trust me. Listen, Ms. Montefalco,
this opportunity may be gone tomorrow. Units are selling fast.
Mooch: Just send the information. I want to contact the nearest Better Business Bureau and the
Attorney General office. I like to check these things out, you know.
Swindler: Do you have a ballpen? I can give you the number of the Domestic Better Business
Bureau. It's 8-7000. Check us out. I'll call you back in an hour.
Narrator: The 8-7000 number turned out to be a fraud, too. The person who answered the
phone was hired by the Del Fierro Company to say nice things about the gold and sliver
mine investment.
Ms. Montefalco invest her P100,000 to Mr. Parker Shan Mercadejas, when she found out
that the company are scammer, she reported it immediately to the Attorney General's
office. Local newspapers, radio, and TV newscasts picked up the story and warned others
of the fraud.