Chemical Storage Safety

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Health and safety

Chemical safety in the school laboratory

chool laboratories can be to Hazardous Chemicals in and aprons. Any demonstration area with cabinets for corrosive
unsafe for staff and students Laboratories. The written plan by the teacher to the class of any and flammable materials. Any
because of the presence of must be developed and experiment that has the potential shelving should have “lips.”
toxic or flammable implemented by the district. Such for an uncontrolled reaction  Proper labeling: Label shelving,
chemicals. There can be excessive a plan sets forth procedures, should be shielded. Personal cabinets, and chemical containers
stocks of chemicals, ones with a equipment, personal protective protective equipment for staff is with a color-coded numbering
greater hazardous nature than equipment and work practices to covered by PEOSH standards system that will allow containers
educational utility, and chemicals protect staff from the health 1910.132, Protective Clothing; to be easily returned their proper
that are outdated, unlabeled, and in hazards presented by hazardous 1910.133, Eye and Face location, organized by compatible
nonlaboratory type containers. chemicals used in laboratories. Protection; and 1910.138, Gloves. chemical families, not alphabetically.
Proper management and use of If multiple chemicals or chemical An emergency eyewash and
chemicals reduces risks to staff, shower are covered by PEOSH  Spill clean-up: Spill procedures
procedures are not required, the
students, and the environment. PEOSH Hazard Communication standard 1910.151, Medical and kits for major categories of
Local associations and science standard applies instead. Services and First Aid. hazardous materials should be
teachers should take an active role in available so that staff knows what
 Staff information and  Fire control: Basic fire control
assuring that school districts meet to do if a spill occurs.
training: Information, including includes providing sand buckets,
their obligation to provide a good lab fire blankets, fire alarms, and fire  Green chemistry: Microscale or
a Material Safety Data Sheet
chemical safety program for staff and extinguishers. Portable green chemistry approaches to
(MSDS) and a Hazardous
students. They should insist that extinguishers are covered by laboratory experiments should be
Substance Fact Sheet (HSFS),
districts comply with New Jersey PEOSH standard 1910.157. adopted. Premixed chemicals in
must be provided for each
Public Employee Occupational Safety quantities sufficient for use by
and Health (PEOSH) standards on
chemical in use. Science teachers  Inventory control: An accurate
must be provided training on how an individual class can be
laboratory chemicals, personal protec- and complete inventory of every purchased. Avoid buying “high
to detect the presence or release lab chemical, preferably using a
tive equipment, eyewashes and risk” chemicals or larger quanti-
of a hazardous chemical, the computerized spreadsheet, should
showers, and fire extinguishers. ties of chemicals than needed.
physical and health hazards of be taken. The school’s 2003
Elements of Lab Chemical chemicals in the work area, and complete New Jersey Right to  Chemical clean-out: A waste
Safety the measures they can take to Know (RTK) Survey and 2004- disposal program that includes
protect themselves from these 2006 survey updates are a good chemical removal and disposal of
Although successful lab chemical
hazards. starting point. The RTK Survey is unwanted, excess, dangerous, or
safety programs range in their
design, there are some essential  Exposure control: Minimization a comprehensive inventory of all inappropriate chemicals should be
pieces, including those listed below. of chemical inhalation and skin hazardous chemicals on site, in place.
 Written chemical hygiene contact is achieved through including information on the
plan: If multiple chemicals or training in proper working amount stored, location, and
chemical procedures are used, a techniques, lab hood ventilation, special health and safety hazards.
written chemical hygiene plan is and personal protective  Proper storage: Stored items
required by PEOSH standard equipment such as gloves, should be consolidated into a
1910.1450, Occupational Exposure chemical splash goggles, lab coats, single, well-ventilated, and secure

Where to Get More Information

Assistance for school chemical waste disposal available A publication every
science teacher OSHA Laboratories Topic Page
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) offers
should have
cost-free site visits and educates school districts on applicable regula-
tions and best management practices for chemical safety, inventory Schools Chemical Cleanout Campaign Tool Kit,
reduction, proper storage, and proper disposal of waste materials. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2007

Local associations should work with their UniServ field representative
and district administration when applying for assistance. The EPA’s web-based tool kit helps schools start chemical management
programs that will improve their chemical management practices.
For more information, contact the DEP’s Office of Local Environmental
Management at 609-292-1305. Information is also located on the Model Chemical Hygiene Plan, PEOSH, 1994
web at
This publication provides an outline for a written chemical hygiene plan.
Chemical container labeling New Jersey Hazardous Substance Fact Sheets
School districts must ensure that products containing chemicals are The fact sheets give accurate and complete health and safety
labeled according to both the PEOSH Hazard Communication information on over 1700 specific chemicals. Over 600 are also
standard and the New Jersey Worker and Community Right to Know available in Spanish.
Act. School Chemistry Laboratory Green Chemistry Experiments
 The Hazard Communication label must include: Safety Guide
• The identity of the product or chemical Green Chemistry is in part the practice of using chemicals with
• Appropriate hazard warnings pdfs/2007-107.pdf less hazardous characteristics. Student and teacher resources are
Two federal agencies issued this 78-page provided.
• The name and address of the manufacturer or importer
 The Right to Know label must include: guide in October 2006. It contains practical Greening Schools
safety information on the teacher’s respon-
• The chemical names of the top five ingredients of the product, sibilities, student dos and don’ts, chemical Greening Schools is a joint project between the Illinois EPA and
whether they are hazardous or not labeling and storage, suggested shelf the Waste Management Research Center.
• The chemical names of any other hazardous chemicals in the storage patterns, substances with greater Rehab the Lab
product that are not included in the top five ingredients hazardous nature than educational utility,
• Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) numbers of the ingredients recommended safety and emergency A free service to schools to help schools manage their hazardous
listed on the label (CAS numbers are unique numerical equipment, compressed gas cylinder chemicals. Download fully scripted lesson plans.
identifiers for chemical compounds.) handling, and more.

N E W J E R S E Y E D U C AT I O N A S S O C I AT I O N 17

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