Game Theory: Reading: Perlo Chapter 13
Game Theory: Reading: Perlo Chapter 13
Game Theory: Reading: Perlo Chapter 13
Lecture 8
August 2015
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Overview of Game Theory
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Overview of Game Theory
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Overview of Game Theory
A static game is one that is played just once at the same time.
A dynamic game is one in which players move sequentially or
We assume that everybody knows the rules of the game and that
everybody is maximizing there payo¤s with the knowledge their
opponents are as well.
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Overview of Game Theory
Consider the game rock-paper-scissors.
Is this a static or a dynamic game?
What are the actions and the strategies in this game?
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Static Games
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Static Games
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Static Games
The row player’s payo¤s are written …rst, and the column player’s
payo¤s are written second
Silent Betray
Tom Silent -1,-1 -12, 0
Betray 0, -12 -3, -3
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Static Games
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Static Games
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Static Games
Do either players have a dominant strategy?
Is there a dominant strategy equilibrium?
Left Right
Row Up 2,4 10,0
Down 1,1 9,-1
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Static Games
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Static Games
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Static Games
Player 2
Left Middle Right
Player 1 Up 1,0 1,2 0,1
Down 0,3 0,1 2,0
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Static Games
Player 2 will never play Right. Player 1 can eliminate Right from the
Player 2
Left Middle
Player 1 Up 1,0 1,2
Down 0,3 0,1
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Static Games
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Static Games
Right Left
Stranger Right 5,5 -5, 0
Left -5,0 5, 5
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Static Games
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Static Games
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Static Games
There is one piece of pie left and Nick and Tom want it.
If we both go for the pie, we will …ght and neither of us want that.
Take Don’t
Tom Take -1,-1 1, 0
Don’t 0,1 0, 0
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Static Games
If I take the pie, it is Tom’s best response not to. If Tom doesn’t
take the pie, it is my best response to.
The two Nash equilibria are where one takes the pie and the other
doesn’t. There are no pro…table deviations here.
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Static Games
Kimon and Rebecca are going out for dinner and they want to wear
matching out…ts. They can wear red or white.
Find a Nash Equilibrium for the following game .
Red Blue
Rebecca Red 10,10 2,2
Blue 2,2 10,10
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Static Games
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Static Games
Sean and Anna are meeting lunch and they forgot their cell-phones.
They want to eat lunch together.
Kalpna Red Box
Sean Kalpna 5,4 0,0
Red Box 0,0 4,5
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Static Games
There are two Nash equilibria in pure strategies here, one where they
both go to Kalpna and one where they go to Red Box.
If Sean goes to Kalpna for sure, Anna will want to go to Kalpna for
sure and then Sean wont change.
If Sean goes to Red Box for sure, Anna will want to go to Red Box for
sure and then Sean wont change.
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Static Games
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Static Games
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Static Games
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Static Games
5(1 σ ) + 0( σ )
4( σ ) + 0(1 σ)
Equalize these
5(1 σ ) + 0( σ ) = 4( σ ) + 0(1 σ)
= σ
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Static Games
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Static Games
α is the probability Anna goes to Kalpna and σ is the probability Sean
goes to Kalpna.
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Static Games
Draw the best response functions and show all equilibria for the
following matching pennies game.
Heads Tails
Tom Heads -1,1 1, -1
Tails 1, -1 -1, 1
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Dynamic Games
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Dynamic Games
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Dynamic Games
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Dynamic Games
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Dynamic Games
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Dynamic Games
In the example American knows what united will do for each action,
so it will pick 96 knowing united will pick 48.
Not all Nash equilibria are subgame perfect.
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Dynamic Games
If this game is played simultaneously, what are the Nash Equilibria?
What is the subgame perfect Nash Equilibrium if Firm 1 goes …rst?
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Dynamic Games
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Dynamic Games
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Dynamic Games
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Dynamic Games
Nick would love to convince the cartel he won’t go to the police, but
this is not a credible threat.
The cartel knows it is not in Nick’s best interest to remain silent.
Nick needs some way to burn bridges and make it so he can’t go to
the police to make this credible.
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Dynamic Games
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Dynamic Games
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Dynamic Games
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Dynamic Games
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Dynamic Games
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Dynamic Games
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English auction
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Dutch auction
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Sealed-bid auction
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You will learn this in the MSc, but the expected selling price in all 4
auctions is the same.
This is called the revenue equivalence theorem.
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