Lesson 1

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LESSON PLAN Subject: English

Trainee: Topic or Theme:

Salama Mohamed Reading for pleasure

Lesson 1

Class: Grade 4 Date & Duration:

Trainee Personal Goals

I am working on students understanding.

I am working on ably planning for learning target by use online games

Lesson Focus

Reading and writing sentence’s

Lesson Outcomes

- Students will be able to read and understand the story – Lubna and Pebble.
- Students will be able to talk about the characters.
- Students will be able to compare my setting to Lubna’s setting.
- Students will be able to write sentences to describe my best friend.

Links to Prior Learning


21st Century Skills

using technology
Key vocabulary
pebble /

felt tip

pen /

Possible problems for learners Solutions to possible problems

- Low students will find difficult to - Learners understand the questions to be able
understand the questions. to answer them.
- Some will face difficulties in - Put for them the words to help them writing.
writing the sentence.
Resources/equipment needed


& Time
Students will: Teacher will:
- Do the daily routines (days of
today, days of the week, months of
the year, and the alphabets). Do the
10 minutes warm-up (quizzes activity about
story elements). Introduce the
- Quizzes lesson title. Introduce the learning
- PowerPoint outcomes through Bloom’s
Taxonomy levels
Main activities
& Time
Students will: Teacher will:
- Students together with - Teachers will provide the students
20 minutes teacher can make with Nearpod link to start the
sentences with the lesson.
- Videos different keywords - Teacher reviews the keywords with
- PowerPoint the students.
- Teams
- Students and teacher will read
- Lubna and Pebble story.
- Explore the ‘Characters and
Setting’ of the story.

- Ask the students to name all the

characters. Do they name ‘pebble’
as a character too? Ask about the
‘Setting’: where is the story set?
Ask about the difference between
students’ living and Lubna’s living.

Differentiation activities (Support)

Red group: Write one sentence to describe your best friend

Yellow group: Write two sentences to describe your best friend
Green group: Write three sentences to describe your best friend

Differentiation activities (Stretch)

& Time Plenary/Conclusion
10 minutes Students will Teacher will
Find out students’ thinking about
- Students will do Lubna’s feeling. With a small activity,
- NearPod individual activity to ask the students to circle the words that
check their best describe Lubna when she gives her
- Padlet
understanding. favourite toy to Amir. Tell the
- The activity is on the student’s that friendship is very
Padlet and the questions important in Lubna and Pebble story.
differentiated upon their
- Lubna’s best friend is a pebble. Can
you think about your own friend?
- Why do you think Pebble makes
Lubna feel better?
-What do you think makes a good


☐ Observation ☐ Student self- ☐ Oral questioning ☐ Peer assessment


☐ Quiz ☐ Student presentation ☐ Written work ☐ Verbal feedback

and feedback


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