2019 - Chung Et Al-Annotated
2019 - Chung Et Al-Annotated
2019 - Chung Et Al-Annotated
Sinus pericranii (SP) is a rare vascular anomaly, A 40-year-old man with a mass on the vertex visited
which forms as a scalp varix consisting of an ex- our clinic. In his medical history, the mass had ex-
tracranial–intracranial venous communication with or isted since his childhood without any change in size.
without a skull defect.9) Generally, SP is a benign le- However, the mass had grown gradually in the recent
sion and presents as an asymptomatic mass in several months, and a newly developed headache
childhood. Sometimes, its rarity and similarity with occurred. The headache was characterized with a per-
other scalp lesions can lead to misdiagnosis of SP as sistent waxing and waning, and relieved using analgesics.
2) 3)
a scalp hemangioma, atretic cephalocele, or other Due to this headache, he was distressed while
scalp vascular anomalies. However, its unique charac- working. Apart from headache, there was no other
teristics are helpful to differentiate a SP from other symptom related with the lesion. The mass was soft,
vascular anomalies. Herein, we describe the clinical, round-shaped, and non-tender lesion. Characteristically,
radiological, and pathohistological findings of a case its size increased when in a recumbent position and
of SP to help understand this rare disease entity. during Valsalva maneuver, and returned to its origi-
nal size in a standing position.
Under general anesthesia, the scalp was meticulously histology was identified; small, multiple void chan-
Fig. 1. Computed tomography (CT) scan. (A) Sagittal view, isodense round-shaped mass (arrow) located above the skull. (B) Sagittal
view of bone window setting, the related calvarial erosion (arrow) was noted. (C) Complete removal of sinus pericranii and
well-formed cranial vault with mesh plate was noted in postoperative CT scan.
Fig. 2. Preoperative magnetic resonance (MR) imaging showed heterogenous signals and flow voids within the mass in both T1 (A)
and T2 (B) weighted images. Gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted MR imaging (C) showed a contrast-enhancing mass between galea
aponeurotica and skull. Three year’s follow-up gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted MR imaging (D) showed a complete obliteration of
mass without any recurrence.
nels were well described. A thick fibrous stroma in- which is seen in encephalocele. No thrombus was noted.
tervening endothelium indicated its presence for sev-
eral years, which indicated a possibility of congenital DISCUSSION
type SP (Fig. 4). Unlike cavernous hemangioma, inter-
woven capillary with hemorrhage was not found. Sinus pericranii (SP) is a kind of scalp vascular le-
Furthermore, there was no neural or meningeal tissue, sion characterized by an extracranial–intracranial ve-
Fig. 3. Digital subtraction angiography (DSA) findings of sinus pericranii (SP). (A) Internal carotid angiography lateral view; in late ve-
nous phase, a majority of the cerebral venous outflow occurred through the superior sagittal sinus (SSS, arrow). Small contrast filling
of extracranial–intracranial venous channel was also identified (arrowhead). (B) External carotid angiography AP view; in late venous
phase, the SP (arrowhead) was connected with SSS (arrow). (C) External carotid angiography lateral view; in late venous phase, only
a part of the extracranial venous outflow was draining through the SP (arrowhead). These findings indicated an accessory type SP.
Fig. 4. Pathologic findings of sinus pericranii (SP). (A) H&E staining (x 100); it showed a single-layer flattened endothelium (arrow)
with thick venous stroma (asterisk), which suggested a congenital type of SP. (B) CD-31 staining (x 100); thin brownish endothelial
layers showed the vascular nature. (C) D2-40 staining (x 40); it showed the absence of lymphatic wall.
nous communication, which can be formed either by imaging shows a hyperemic vascular channeling in
focal venous hypertension and abnormal development the scalp layer with the related bone destruction. DSA
of diploic veins (congenital type) or by trauma can be helpful for definitive diagnosis and deciding
(acquired type). SP is very rare and unfamiliar to treatment option, through analyzing venous flow dy-
clinicians, thus, it can be easily misdiagnosed as other namics and discovering the vascular nature.7) Some
scalp diseases. However, SP has its own unique clin- authors recommend direct percutaneous venography
ical and radiological features, which can be helpful as a confirmatory tool,1) however, it is associated with
for diagnosis. Unlike other scalp pathology including a high risk of bleeding and infarction.
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