Chap. 2 - Types of Reactors
Chap. 2 - Types of Reactors
Chap. 2 - Types of Reactors
CE 475
2- Types of Reactors
The unit for the reaction rate constant in zero-order reactions is mass/time,
such as kg/s.
First-order reactions are defined as those wherein the change of the component
A is proportional to the quantity of the component itself so that
and …………………….(2.2)
and …………………….(2.3)
Note that in second-order reactions, the reaction rate constant has the
unit of (time x mass) -1 .
1. Batch Reactor
2. Flow reactor
Figure 1 Batch reactor operation. (a) Materials added to the reactor. (b)
Mixing and reaction. (c) Reactor is drained. (source: intro. to EE- Davis)
Note: There is no influent or effluent during the reaction.
𝑑𝑀 𝑑𝐶
Also, = ∀ So, for the first – order reaction in batch reactor
𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡
= −𝑘𝐶 …………………..(2.11)
Figure 2 Schematic diagram of (a) continuous-flow stirred tank reactor (CSTR) and (b)
the common diagram. The propeller indicates that the reactor is completely mixed.
(source: intro. To EE, Davis)
Figure 3 Schematic diagram of a plug-flow reactor (PFR). Note; t3> t2 > t1.
𝑡0 = …………………….(2.12)
Figure 4 Example influent graphs of (a) step increase in influent concentration, (b) step
decrease in influent concentration, and (c) a pulse or spike increase in influent
concentration. Note: The size of the change is for illustration purposes only.
The final concentration plot is shown in Figure 6 a. For the formation reaction,
where the sign in Equation 3 is positive, the concentration plot is shown in
Figure 6 b.