Chapter 12 Extension Service Integration Bus and High Availability Manager
Chapter 12 Extension Service Integration Bus and High Availability Manager
Chapter 12 Extension Service Integration Bus and High Availability Manager
As you saw in an earlier task, the default SIBus member configuration doesn’t support
workload sharing because only one messaging engine is active to handle the traffic for
that member. For many applications, one message engine will be enough to handle the
messaging load. One reason to use a single messaging engine is to more easily maintain
message sequence. For scenarios requiring high-volume message processing, you can
change the default configuration by adding additional messaging engines to the cluster to
support workload sharing. Figure 12-9 shows this architecture.
To set up this environment, complete the following steps to create a data store to
persist the messages of a messaging engine on the second cluster member.
4. On the resulting panel (Figure 12-11), enter the name of the second data source
and the J2C authentication alias you created for access to the SIBus database.
Leave all other values at the defaults. Make sure the Create tables check box is
selected. Click OK, and save the configuration.
5. Restart the cluster if it’s practical to do so. Otherwise, start the new messaging
engine on the cluster by navigating to Service
integration|Buses|yourbus|Messaging engines, selecting the new message
engine’s check box, and clicking Start.
6. Use the instructions you followed earlier to verify the configuration and failover.
After adding and starting the additional messaging engine using the instructions above
with the default configuration, you will find that both the active messaging engines (ME
and ME2) are instantiated on the same server depending on which cluster member starts
first (server1 or server2) as shown in the diagram below. You can verify this by looking
at the log files (SystemOut.log for each cluster member) mentioned in the earlier section.
Our intention is to distribute the active messaging engines (MEs) across both of the
cluster members to attain a true HA/WLM environment for messaging engines. Even
though the diagram shown below shows that both active MEs instantiated on server1,
they might appear on server2, if server2 is the server that starts first.
Figure 12-11b: Highly available messaging engine with the default configuration
In order to distribute the active messaging engines across the cluster members as
described in Figure 12-9, you need to create two new high availability policies related to
the messaging engines. Refer to the High Availability Manager section later in this
chapter for more information about high availability policies. Perform the following tasks
to create the new policies:
1. Create the first policy to start the first messaging engine (ME) always on the first
cluster member.
a. Navigate to Servers|Core groups|Core group settings|DefaultCoreGroup|
Policies and click New to create a new policy.
d. Select the Match criteria link and click on New on the resulting screen.
e. On the criterion configuration screen enter the Name as type and value as
WSAF_SIB. Click on OK and save the configuration.
Figure 12-11d1: Specifying the first match criteria for the first policy
f. Click on New again to create another match criterion under this policy.
g. On the criterion configuration screen enter the Name as
WSAF_SIB_MESSAGING_ENGINE and value as name of the first messaging
engine in your configuration. In our sample configuration it was
HorizontalCluster.000-NOYBBus as shown in the screenshot below. Click on
OK and save the configuration.
Figure 12-11d2: Specifying the second match criteria for the first policy
After configuring the two match criterions, Match criterion page should look
similar to the screenshot given below.
h. Select the Preferred Servers link under the Additional properties section
for this policy (ME_ON_MEMBER-1).
i. Select the cluster member one (server1) and click on Add >> to move this
cluster member as the first preferred server.
j. Select the cluster member two (server2) and click on Add >> to move this
cluster member as the second preferred server. This means this messaging
engine will be started on this server only if the first cluster member is not started
or has failed.
k. Click on OK and save the configuration
Figure 12-11e: Specifying the preferred servers and their order for the first
2. Create the second policy to start the second messaging engine (ME2) always on the
second cluster member using the same instructions given above with the following
a. Provide a different policy name. We used ME_ON_MEMBER_2 as a name
for the second policy.
c. Create the first match criterion exactly like before (Name as type and Value as
b. For the second Match criteria enter the Name as
WSAF_SIB_MESSAGING_ENGINE and value as the second messaging engine
in your configuration. In our sample configuration second messaging engine was
HorizontalCluster.001-NOYBBus as shown in the screenshot below.
Figure 12-11f: Specifying the second match criteria for the second policy
c. For the Preferred Servers, first select the second cluster member (server2) and
then the second cluster member (server1) in the order specified as shown in the
screenshot below.
Figure 12-11g: Specifying the preferred servers and their order for the second policy