Polymethylmethacrylate: Properties and Contemporary Uses in Orthopaedics
Polymethylmethacrylate: Properties and Contemporary Uses in Orthopaedics
Polymethylmethacrylate: Properties and Contemporary Uses in Orthopaedics
Properties and Contemporary
Uses in Orthopaedics
Todd Jaeblon, DO Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) has been used in orthopaedics
since the 1940s. Despite the development and popularity of new
biomaterials, PMMA remains popular. Although its basic
components remain the same, small proprietary and environmental
changes create variations in its properties. PMMA can serve as a
spacer and as a delivery vehicle for antibiotics, and it can be
placed to eliminate dead space. Endogenous and exogenous
variables that affect its performance include component variables,
air, temperature, and handling and mixing. PMMA is used in hip
arthroplasty and vertebral augmentation, notably, vertebroplasty
and kyphoplasty. Cardiopulmonary complications have been
clude a radiopacifier, either barium in this last phase. There is no specific stant load, and stress relaxation rep-
sulfate (BaSO4) or zirconium dioxide time for each phase, given the wide resents the changes of stress during
(ZrO2) (8% to 15% by weight), as variation in cements and testing con- constant strain.
well as an initiator, benzoyl peroxide ditions. For most cements, hardening
(0.75% to 2.6%). Other variations occurs within 10 to 20 minutes.8,9 Variations
include the initiator tri-n-butyl- Commercial PMMA can be catego- Endogenous, monomer/polymer, and
borane and accelerator 2,5-dimeth- rized as high or low viscosity based exogenous variables affect in vitro
ylhexane-2,5-hydroperoxide(inBone- on which phase predominates during and in vivo performance of PMMA.
mite [Mochida Pharmaceutical, the curing process. Low-viscosity ce- Endogenous factors include compo-
Tokyo, Japan]), chlorophyll dye (in ments have longer sticky phases and nent variations, formulation ratios,
the monomer of Palacos R [Zimmer, shorter working phases. High-vis- molecular weights, and physical size
Warsaw, IN]), and ethanol and cosity cements have long handling of the specimen. Exogenous varia-
ascorbic acid (in the monomer of times and a short sticky phase. tions include entrapped air, handling
CMW [DePuy, Piscataway, NJ]).5 Conversion of monomer molecules and mixing times, water and body
Other additives to the powder may to fewer long-chain polymer mole- fluids, temperature, and sterilization.
include antibiotics or dyes. cules leads to shrinkage of approxi-
mately 6% to 7%.2,9 Radiopaque Endogenous
material does not participate in the PMMA is often the exclusive polymer,
Properties polymerization reaction, and resid- but it may be combined with other
ual monomer polymerizes over sev- copolymers.9 The molecular weight
Reaction eral weeks. A consensus of minimal of the polymer and cured cement in-
Combining powder and liquid mono- standards for testing and material fluence handling and mechanical
mer initiates an exothermic reaction. performance has been developed for properties. Powders with lower mo-
Peak temperatures in vitro reach 113°C acrylic bone cements by the Ameri- lecular weight facilitate diffusion of
in the anterior cortex of vertebral can Society for Testing and Materials monomer during mixing but may re-
bodies.6 In vivo temperatures are re- and the International Organization duce cement fatigue performance.9,13
ported to be between 40° and for Standardization.10 Antibiotics have become an impor-
56°C.2,7 Methylmethacrylate mono- Like bone, cured PMMA is stron- tant additive to PMMA. Although
mer, the basic building block of gest in compression and weakest in commercial cements are manufac-
PMMA, contains carbon-carbon tension and under shear stress. tured with antibiotics premixed,
double bonds, which react with the PMMA has viscoelastic properties, hand-mixed preparations are still
free radical produced by the activa- exhibiting greater stiffness at higher commonplace. The amount of antibi-
tor and initiator. The monomer is strain rates. Its mechanical properties otic in commercial PMMA is limited
free to interact with other monomer lie between those of cancellous and to ≤1 g, but additions of even >0.5 g
molecules, creating a growing poly- cortical bone. The bending modulus to the standard 40 g of powder have
mer chain. The powder initiates po- of PMMA is between 1 and 3 been found to significantly affect the
lymerization and creates a workable GPa,11-13 while that of cortical and mechanical properties of some com-
dough. cancellous bone is between 10 and mercial preparations. Dunne et al15
20 GPa and 10 and 2,000 MPa, re- reported a significant drop in the
Curing spectively. PMMA has a compressive mean number of cycles to failure
Curing is divided into four phases: strength between 85 and 110 MPa, when an additional 0.5 g gentamicin
mixing, sticky, working, and harden- compared with 133 to 193 MPa for was added to Palacos R. In a com-
ing. The mixing phase ends once a cortical bone. The tensile strength of prehensive review of studies examin-
homogenous state has been achieved. commercial PMMA and cortical ing the properties of antibiotic-
The sticky phase is distinguished by bone are 30 to 50 MPa11 and 51 to loaded cement, Lewis16 reported
low viscosity, in which the mixture 133 MPa, respectively.12-14 Fatigue compromise of fatigue performance
fails to separate from a gloved finger. strength, creep, and stress relaxation when the mass of antibiotic to total
In the working phase, the cement can may be more relevant than tensile powder expressed as a percentage is
be handled without adherence. The strength to long-term clinical perfor- ≥1.85. He stated that lack of consen-
hardening phase is the time in which mance. Fatigue strength is a product sus regarding the biomechanical ef-
cement cannot be mixed and forms a of continuous cyclic loading, creep fects of antibiotic may be the result
solid. Peak temperatures are reached represents deformation under con- of variations in mixing and of the
molecular weight of antibiotics used their differences to a larger number which was attributed to the polymer
in prior studies. Hsieh et al17 showed of specimens tested. network and voids. In vitro experi-
that 8 g antibiotic per 40 g of pow- ments have shown that absorption is
der renders cement unformable. Exogenous ongoing over a 4- to 8-week period
The addition of a radiopacifier al- at body temperature.13 Increased wa-
lows identification of PMMA radio- ter content leads to a decreased mod-
The effects of air and its impact on po-
graphically and constitutes 8% to ulus of cement and an associated de-
rosity are important variables to con-
15% of powder. This fraction has crease in fatigue life and tensile
sider when using PMMA. Whether in-
been reported to have a diminishing strength.24,26 Lee et al18 reported an
troduced by mixing and handling or
effect by approximately 8% on over- increase in compressive strength of
all strength compared with cement from evaporation of monomer during 3% when equilibrium in moisture
without an opacifier.18 ZrO2 is re- polymerization, the inclusion of air can content is reached; however, the in-
ported to have fewer adverse me- have detrimental mechanical effects. corporation of blood into cement has
chanical effects than do cements This realization resulted in the develop- been shown to decrease ultimate
containing BaSO4. Ginebra et al19 ment of vacuum and centrifugation compressive strength by 8% to 16%.
showed improved tensile strength methods to minimize the effects of air. One advantage of circulating blood
and fracture toughness in cements Saha and Pal22 found an increase in during implantation is its effect on
containing ZrO2 compared with ultimate compressive strength and reducing peak temperatures of po-
those without an opacifier. Kurtz energy absorption capacity of 10% lymerization. This may be partly
et al20 found that the addition of to 15% after reducing porosity. responsible for lower in vivo temper-
36% BaSO4 to Simplex P (Stryker, Lewis23 and Kuehn et al13 separately atures. Relative humidity affects ce-
Kalamazoo, MI) decreased tensile reported that the introduction of air ment handling, and decreased work-
strength and fatigue life. Conversely, and increased porosity shortens the ing times have been reported with
industrially mixed PMMA and 30% fatigue life of PMMA. Cements with relative humidity >40%.27
BaSO4 demonstrated higher tensile high viscosity may have increased
strength and fatigue life than did handling times, leading to an in- Temperature
Simplex P and 10% BaSO4. crease in air and porosity. Hand mix- One commonly manipulated and con-
ing introduces air into the cement troversial variable that affects PMMA
Monomer/Polymer mixture. Vacuum mixing and centri- handling during polymerization is am-
Fewer variations in mechanical and fugation reduce the introduction of bient temperature. Higher temperature
handling properties are attributed to air and, subsequently, porosity,24 but during mixing increases the rate of po-
monomer, given its uniform compo- there is no agreement on the virtues lymerization, leading to decreased
sition among commercial cements, of one method versus another. Both working and setting times, but with no
and the surgeon has little control methods have been shown to in- effect on peak temperature.28 These
over its elements. The recommended crease fatigue life. Increases in mix- effects have led to the popularity of
liquid-to-powder ratio is meant to ing speed have been implicated in prechilling high-viscosity cements to
achieve intended handling and me- porosity development, but this out- slow polymerization. Concerns re-
chanical performance and still meet come must be weighed against the garding this practice include increas-
relevant standards. Depending on disadvantages of slower mixing, ing porosity because of a lengthened
the planned procedure, this ratio which results in a less homogenous working time and, ultimately, a com-
may be altered clinically to achieve mixture. The introduction of air and promise in strength.
the desired handling properties. Us- pores affects cement volume, produc-
ing samples of Simplex P, Haas et al9 ing voids that reduce shrinkage.9,13 Sterilization
found little effect resulting from their Commercial sterilization of PMMA
variations on liquid-to-powder ratio. Fluid/Moisture powder currently takes two forms:
Conversely, Belkoff et al21 used the The influence of water and body fluids radiation, which is the most preva-
same cement and reported decreased on PMMA is significant given its in- lent, and ethylene oxide, a more
compressive properties and longer tended physiologic environment, yet time-consuming and expensive alter-
curing times as the monomer-to- these substances are not always incor- native. The two forms of radiation
powder ratio increased from 0.45 porated during laboratory testing. De include gamma and beta irradiation.
mL/g (manufacturer’s recommended Santis et al25 reported water absorp- Both have been implicated in reduc-
ratio) to 1.0 mL/g. They attributed tion of 1% to 2% in plain cement, ing the molecular weight of PMMA,
Table 1 with the use of femoral stems that >50°C for 1 minute, the temperature
are anatomically formed, collared, and exposure time considered neces-
Dosing for Hand-mixed Antibiotic
Spacers and Beads Per 40 g and well rounded. An anatomic stem sary for bone necrosis, which may
Polymethylmethacrylate results in a uniform cement mantle, lead to prosthetic loosening.42-45
Powder59-63 while the collar decreases tensile Cement viscosity has been shown to
stresses on the mantle. More cement have effects on each interface, which
Antibiotic Dose (g)
defects were reported with titanium could affect prosthetic longevity. High-
Tobramycin 1.2–4.8 alloy stems. The defects were attrib- viscosity cement may be more capable
Vancomycin 1–6 uted to increased stress imparted on of resisting hemodynamic backflow and
Gentamicin 40 mg–4.8 g the mantle secondary to a lower im- has demonstrated increased bone pen-
Cefazolin 4.5–6 plant modulus. Clinical studies of the
etration and femoral stem apposi-
surface characteristics of implanted
tion.46,47 The consequences of poros-
cemented femoral components have
ity in arthroplasty are subject to
resulting in decreased fatigue life and not established a difference in out-
conflicting data. Janssen et al48 and
fracture toughness. Ethylene oxide comes between polished and pre-
Topoleski et al49 reported the unpre-
sterilization has no effect on molec- coated or matte finishes.32-34 Fewer
dictable nature of pores to initiate
ular weight.29 At no time should studies have addressed the effect of
implant characteristics on the cement cracks and to deviate or decelerate
PMMA powder be exposed to rester-
mantle in areas other than the hip. cracking. Other authors have dem-
ilization temperatures; this process
Pittman et al35 found no difference onstrated only adverse effects of
deactivates benzoyl peroxide, leading
between titanium alloy and cobalt- porosity, including instability and
to failure of polymerization.13,18
chromium cemented tibial compo- decreased fracture toughness.50,51
nents but did note that bond strength Zhang et al52 have shown that the
Contemporary Uses increased with surface roughness. Max- brand of cement used, in combina-
imizing cement-bone contact is impor- tion with a polished femoral stem, is
Arthroplasty tant in creating a mechanically sound the most important factor in deter-
PMMA is used to fill voids left by interface. Enhanced fixation strength of mining static shear strength, and that
mismatches between host bone and femoral and tibial components is linked viscosity and porosity play a limited
implant, thus creating immediate sta- to increases in bone porosity and ce- role.
bility. The transfer and distribution ment penetration into bone.36-39
of forces from implant to bone is Cement mantle thickness has been Infection
thereby subject to a more physiologic shown to affect fatigue resistance, stress Two studies separately established
transition as a result of mechanical transfer, and heat production. Thin ce- the effectiveness of antibiotic deliv-
properties of PMMA, which approx- ment mantles are associated with lower ery via PMMA.53,54 PMMA can serve
imate bone. PMMA also dampens fatigue resistance. Significant differences as a delivery vehicle for antibiotic,
excessive forces that would other- have been found by varying thickness act as a spacer, and be a filler of dead
wise be directly applied to host bone. by as little as 0.5 mm at the glenoid40 space, thus eliminating it. Antibiotic-
PMMA has no adhesive properties to and 1.0 mm at the femoral stem.41 loaded PMMA has been used suc-
implants on a molecular level. It is Using a computer-generated model, cessfully to manage infected joint
dependent on surface properties and Terrier et al40 calculated an optimal arthroplasties, osteomyelitis, and
shape to enhance stability.30 The cement mantle thickness of 1.0 to open fractures with bone defects55-63
quality of apposition between the 1.5 mm for the glenoid. In the same (Table 1).
implant-cement and bone-cement in- study, thicker mantles were found to Antibiotics are eluted from the sur-
terfaces is of paramount importance transfer excessive stress to the face and pores of cement as well as
in determining the longevity of a ce- cement-bone interface. Increased ce- from the microcracks within it. Elu-
mented prosthesis. These interfaces ment thickness is also accompanied tion characteristics vary by brand.
are directly or indirectly affected by by increased heat production and Palacos has demonstrated favorable
surgical technique and loading char- risk of thermal necrosis. The effect of elution characteristics, and several
acteristics as well as by the proper- heat is a function of temperature and studies have shown that it is capable
ties of cement, bone, and implant. time of exposure. Several in vitro of delivering high local concentra-
Gravius et al31 reported fewer ce- studies using standard surgical tech- tions of antibiotics with long elution
ment mantle cracks and gap defects niques have reported temperatures times.61,64,65 The amount of antibiotic
Figure 1
A, Photograph of an open IIIB tibia fracture. B, Photograph demonstrating insertion of an antibiotic bead chain
following débridement in preparation for a bead pouch.
delivered also depends on the overall losporins can be used with PMMA as the prosthesis of antibiotic-load-
surface area of the implant and the and have better gram-positive cover- ed acrylic cement (PROSTALAC,
characteristics of the antibiotic used. age than do tobramycin and genta- DePuy), allow greater precision in
General qualifications for a success- micin. McLaren et al68 found no dif- the creation of an articulating antibi-
ful pairing of an antibiotic with ference in average cumulative release otic spacer.
PMMA include heat stability during of antibiotic, whether first added to Antibiotic bead chains have been
the exothermic reaction, ability to a monomer or to PMMA powder. traditionally used in the management
diffuse in water, low potential for al- Elution rates of antibiotics, such as of bone defects associated with os-
lergic reaction, and an appropriate gentamicin, have been shown to be teomyelitis or open fracture. Initially
spectrum against potential or con- adversely affected by hand mixing, favored because of the large amount
firmed organisms. possibly because of reduced unifor- of available surface area, difficulty in
Tobramycin and gentamicin are mity of distribution.69 removal of the beads and soft-tissue
the most frequently used and most Treatment of active infections with intrusion have led some clinicians to
studied antibiotics. Vancomycin and antibiotic-loaded PMMA requires even- use spacers for defects instead (Fig-
cephalosporins continue to be used tual removal of the delivery device. ures 1 and 2). This method may pre-
as well. Tobramycin is popular be- Commercially preloaded cements used serve a more natural avenue for bone
cause it comes in powder form, for prophylaxis are intended to be per- reconstruction; it can also be used as
which is easy to mix, and because of manent, and the antibiotic concentra- a structural strut within the defect.
its broad spectrum, which includes tion is selected so as not to substantially Internal fixation may be anchored
antipseudomonal coverage. It has degrade the mechanical properties of into the spacer until bone grafting
been shown to potentiate the elution the cement. These cements are US FDA- can be safely performed.
of other antibiotics, such as vanco- approved for use in reimplantation ar- The duration of antibiotic elution in
mycin.66 Gentamicin is often sup- throplasty after infection and for pa- vivo is difficult to characterize. Bertaz-
plied in liquid form, which may have tients at high risk of infection during zoni Minelli et al71 reported that
more adverse mechanical effects on primary arthroplasty. None carries a gentamicin- and vancomycin-loaded
cement.67 Vancomycin is used for its ef- large enough dose of antibiotic to treat cement explants elute at sufficient
fectiveness against methicillin-resistant active infections. Most are loaded with levels after several months. Most an-
Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and its gentamicin or tobramycin. Spacers also tibiotic implants elute most of their
low allergenic potential. Some authors serve to maintain a more physiologic antibiotic by 9 weeks, but they con-
have discouraged its routine use except environment with regard to soft-tissue tinue to diffuse at sufficient levels for
for patients with a demonstrated spe- tension and limb alignment until a more months. Masri et al62 reported bacte-
cific need for MRSA coverage because definitive procedure can be performed. ricidal levels of elution at 4 months
of concerns regarding the development They facilitate mobility and better when tobramycin was combined
of resistant organisms during the time exposure during joint reimplanta- with vancomycin. Despite often high
of waning concentrations.64 Cepha- tion.58,70 Commercial systems, such doses of local antibiotic delivered im-
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