Effectiveness of Planned Instructional Module Regarding Knowledge About Health Hazards of Junk Food Among High School Children at Erayamangalam Village
Effectiveness of Planned Instructional Module Regarding Knowledge About Health Hazards of Junk Food Among High School Children at Erayamangalam Village
Effectiveness of Planned Instructional Module Regarding Knowledge About Health Hazards of Junk Food Among High School Children at Erayamangalam Village
E-ISSN: 2663-0435
P-ISSN: 2663-0427
www.nursingpractice.net Effectiveness of planned instructional module
IJMNP 2020; 3(2): 17-21
Received: 08-05-2020 regarding knowledge about health hazards of junk
Accepted: 11-06-2020
food among high school children at Erayamangalam
Mary Minolin
Department of Child Health
Nursing, Saveetha College of
Nursing, SIMATS,
Thandalam, Chennai, Tamil Mary Minolin, R Sugantha and J Suvetha
Nadu, India
R Sugantha
Department of Child Health The children of today and will be the adult of tomorrow, central to this vision of the future, focusing on
Nursing, Saveetha College of today’s children and educating them to change their behaviour towards wealthy eating pattern is
Nursing, SIMATS, necessary. Nutritional problem is one of the major health problem faced by billions of children of all
Thandalam, Chennai, Tamil age groups. Preventive approach to maintain good health with specific education can be greater benefit
Nadu, India for the children to prevent mental and physical ailments. The present study is aim to create awareness
among school children regarding health hazards of junk foods. Objectives of the study to assess the
J Suvetha level of knowledge on health hazards of junk food among school children before planned instructional
Department of Child Health module (pre-test), to assess the level of knowledge on health hazards of junk food among school
Nursing, Saveetha College of children after planned instructional module (post-test), to determine the effectiveness of planned
Nursing, SIMATS, instructional module among school children, to find the association between selected demographic
Thandalam, Chennai, Tamil
variables and the level of knowledge among school children. Quasi experimental research design was
Nadu, India
adopted. The study was conducted in government high school at Erayamangalam village in Thiruvallur
district. About 30 students were selected by randomized method. The instruments used for data
collection are demographic variable and Semi Structured questionnaire method to assess the knowledge
regarding health hazards of junk foods. Followed by Health Education given regarding health hazards
of junk foods with instructional module After 7 days post-test was done for the same children with
structured questionnaire method. The collected data was analysed by using descriptive and inferential
statistics. Based on the findings of the study it can be concluded that there was evident increase in the
knowledge scores in the areas include in the study after of health education. Thus it was proved that
health education was effective for creating awareness regarding health hazards of junk food among
junk food of selected schools in Erayamangalam village.
Food is any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for the body. It is usually of
plant or animal origin & contains essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins;
vitamins or minerals. Any food that has poor nutritional value is considered unhealthy and
may be called a junk food. A food that is high in fat- especially Trans-fat, sodium and sugar
is known as a junk food.
School-age children often face health related nutritional problems, when they enter the
school environment there will be changes in their habits, lifestyle and particularly in their
food habits. Moreover, the growth rate and health are closely interrelated with quality and
quantity of foods and the information related to health status and nutrition status of this
group is an important health issue in terms of prevalence of underweight and overweight.
The director of the Centre for Science, Michael Jacobson invented the term junk food called
“Empty calories”. He was accredited as the “chief of the food police” by the food industry,
for uncovering the harmful effects of junk food with its use of additives such as vibrant food
colours, Salt and Tran’s fat.
His intent was to boost awareness among people, regarding Junk food that contains low
Corresponding Author: nutritional value, high calories, high sugar and high fat which often lead to many life-
Mary Minolin
Department of Child Health
threatening ailments. That junk food can affect a child’s physical development in different
Nursing, Saveetha College of ways, including unhealthy weight gain, which can result in self-esteem problems. Low self-
Nursing, SIMATS, esteem can lead to consequences like depression. Nutritionists at MayoClinic.com also report
Thandalam, Chennai, Tamil eating junk food can potentially cause depression on its own.
Nadu, India
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International Journal of Midwifery and Nursing Practice http://www.nursingpractice.net
Generally, a junk food is given a very attractive appearance knowledge regarding health hazards of junk foods among
by adding food additives and colours to enhance flavour, school children. (2) To determine the effectiveness of
texture, appearance, and increasing long shelf life. Junk planned instructional module on level of knowledge
food can be appealing for a variety of reasons, including regarding health hazards of junk foods among school
convenience, price and taste. For children, who do not children among school children. (3) To associate between
always understand the health consequences of their eating the selected demographic variables and the level of
habits, junk food may appear especially appetizing. knowledge about health hazards of junk foods among school
However, regularly consuming fattening junk food can be children.
addictive for children and lead to complications like obesity,
chronic illness, low self-esteem and even depression, as well Methods and Materials
as affecting how they perform in school and extracurricular A qualitative approach with quasi experimental research
activities Food habits and patterns are formed during design was used to conduct the study in Government High
childhood and will remain till the end of individual's life. school at Erayamangalam in Thiruvallur district. 30 samples
Proper nutrition in this age causes child growth and were selected by randomized sampling technique. The
development and also reduces the risk of chronic diseases in criteria for sample selection High school students aged 13-
adulthood. 16 years; High school students who know speak and read
School-age children often face health related nutritional Tamil. Exclusion criteria for the samples are High school
problems, when they enter the school environment there will students who are not willing to participate in the study, High
be changes in their habits, lifestyle and particularly in their school students who are not available during data collection.
food habits. Moreover, the growth rate and health are The data collection was done with prior permission from the
closely interrelated with quality and quantity of foods and Principal of the School. The purpose of the study was
the information related to health status and nutrition status explained to the samples and written informed consent was
of this group is an important health issue in terms of obtained from them. The demographic data were collected
prevalence of underweight and overweight. from using Semi structured questionnaire. Health Education
In many cases, adulthood obesity starts from childhood and given regarding health hazards of junk foods with
effective prevention depends upon the way you cope with instructional module. After 7 days post-test was done for the
and control obesity in this age. Prevalence of obesity in 6 to same children with Semi structured questionnaire method.
10-year old children estimated 10 to 30 per cent is The collected data was analysed by using descriptive and
considered as one of the basic issues in this age group. inferential statistics.
Nowadays, consumption of junk foods as snacks is
increasing especially among primary school students. Result and Discussion
Change of food consumption pattern during few recent Section A: Demographic characteristics
decades caused replacement of valueless foods with Among 30 samples, all the 30 samples where most of the
nutritious snacks. Increasing trend of urban life, extensive school children 27(90%) were in the aged group of 10 – 12
TV advertising, attractive packaging and lack of nutritional years, 22(73.3%) were female, 30(100%) were residing in
knowledge and awareness by parents are the major causes of rural area, 18(60%) of fathers were educated up to primary
junk food consumption. Nutrition during this formative school level, 17(56.7%) of mothers were educated up to
period has a meaningful long-term effect, providing secondary school level, 15(50%) of fathers were coolie,
building blocks to construct the growing brain. The brain is 17(56.7%) of mothers were homemakers, 16(53.4%) had a
highly susceptible to oxidative stress, so a healthful, family income of Rs.1000 – 5000 per month, 23(76.7%)
antioxidant-rich diet is especially beneficial for the brain belonged to nuclear family, 18(60%) had two children in the
and is likely involved in this link between natural plant family, 21(70%) spent below Rs.50 as pocket money per
foods and higher IQ scores. The rising accommodation of month, 19(63.3%) had no frequency of eating junk food per
„junk food,‟ in daily meal is heavily contributing in making day, 11(36.7%) used to eat junk food during school interval,
the human body a junkyard, as they carry infinite nutritional 13(43.3%) used to consume junk food at junk food shops or
value. This has become a cause of worry, as children in their fast food corner, 21(70%) had not obtained any previous
formative years should be given highly nutritious food to information regarding junk food and 21(70%) received
make the foundation of their life stronger. On the contrary, previous information through friends and relatives.
the growing consumption of fast foods has resulted in Section B: Assess the level of knowledge on health
making the children fall prey to hazardous disease hazards of junk food among school children.
conditions like Diabetes, Obesity, high cholesterol level and
various nutritional deficiencies. Nutritional intake during Table 1: Inadequate, moderate and adequate knowledge
school age is important for growth and development, long
Inadequate Moderate Adequate
term health promotion for lifelong eating habits. Nutritional
Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge
intake during this period will have long term implications. Knowledge
(0 – 50%) (51 – 75%) (76 – 100%)
Several physical, psychological and behavioural changes No. % No. % No. %
may affect food habits during school age and have long term Pre-test 30 100.0 0 0 0 0
consequences on Children health status. The present Post Test 0 0 2 6.67 28 93.33
scenario shows that many of the adult diseases have their
origin in their childhood; this is due to lack of proper The major finding of the study shows that the pre-test, all
knowledge and awareness about the consequences of 30(100%) had inadequate knowledge on hazards of junk
changes in their food habits. foods among school children. Frequency and percentage
distribution of level of knowledge on hazards of junk foods
The Objectives of the study: (1) to assess the level of among school children.
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International Journal of Midwifery and Nursing Practice http://www.nursingpractice.net
Section C: Effectiveness of planned instructional module pre-test mean score of knowledge score was 3.50 with
regarding knowledge about hazards of junk foods standard deviation 2.36 and the post-test mean score of
among school children. N = 30 knowledge was 21.77 with standard deviation 2.01. The
calculated paired ‘t’ test value of t = 29.487 was found to be
Table 2: Effectiveness of planned instructional module regarding statistically highly significant at p< 0.001 level. This clearly
knowledge about hazards of junk foods among school children infers that planned instructional module regarding
knowledge administered to school children resulted in a
Knowledge Mean S.D Paired ‘t’ test Value significant improvement in the level of knowledge about
Pre-test 3.50 2.36 t = 29.487 hazards of junk foods among school children.
Post-Test 21.77 2.01 p = 0.0001 S***
***p< 0.001, S – Significant
Section D: Association of Post- test level of knowledge
about hazards of junk foods among school children with
Comparison of pre-test and post-test knowledge scores their selected demographic variables. N = 30
about hazards of junk foods among school children. The
Table 3: Association of Post-test level of knowledge about hazards of junk foods among school children with their selected demographic
Inadequate Moderate Adequate
Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Chi-Square
Demographic Variables
(0 – 50%) (51 – 75%) (76 – 100%) Test Value
No. % No. % No. %
Age in years
8–9 - - - - - - 2=3.810
9 – 10 - - - - - -
p = 0.051
10 – 12 - - 1 3.3 26 86.7
13 – 16 - - 1 3.3 2 6.7
Sex 2=0.597
Male - - 1 3.3 7 23.3 d.f=1
p = 0.440
Female - - 1 3.3 21 70.0
Residential area
Urban - - - - - - -
Rural - - 2 6.7 28 93.3
Educational status of the father 2=2.768
Non literate - - 0 0 8 26.7 d.f=2
Primary school level - - 1 3.3 17 56.7 p = 0.251
Secondary school level - - 1 3.3 3 10.0 N.S
Educational status of the mother 2=2.820
Non literate - - 1 3.3 3 10.0 d.f=2
Primary school level - - 0 0 9 30.0 p = 0.244
Secondary school level - - 1 3.3 16 53.4 N.S
Occupation of the father 2=3.701
Salaried - - 2 6.7 9 30.0 d.f=2
Business - - 0 0 4 13.3 p = 0.157
Coolie - - 0 0 15 50.0 N.S
Occupation of the mother 2=3.214
Salaried - - 2 6.7 10 33.3 d.f=2
Business - - 0 0 1 3.3 p = 0.200
Homemaker - - 0 0 17 56.7 N.S
Family income per month 2=1.875
1000 – 5000 - - 2 6.7 14 46.7 d.f=2
5000 – 10000 - - 0 0 10 33.3 p = 0.392
Above 15000 - - 0 0 4 13.3 N.S
Type of family 2=0.852
Nuclear family - - 1 3.3 22 73.4 d.f=1
p = 0.356
Joint family - - 1 3.3 6 20.0
Total number of children in the family 2=8.571
One - - 2 6.7 4 13.3 d.f=2
Two - - 0 0 18 60.0 p = 0.014
Three - - 0 0 6 20.0 S*
Pocket money per month 2=0.918
No pocket money - - - - - - d.f=1
Below Rs.50 - - 2 6.7 19 63.3 p = 0.338
Rs.50 – 100 - - 0 0 9 30.0 N.S
The frequency of eating junk food per day
Nil - - - - - -
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International Journal of Midwifery and Nursing Practice http://www.nursingpractice.net
It’s shows that the demographic variable total number of Conflicts of interest: The authors declare no conflicts of
children in the family had shown statistically significant interest.
association with post-test level of knowledge about hazards
of junk foods among school children at p< 0.05 and the Reference
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junk food of selected schools in Erayamangalam village. effectiveness of structured teaching programme on
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We would like to extend our gratitude to the authorities of Jalandhar Punjab IOSR journal for nursing and health
Saveetha College of Nursing and Erayamangalam village science, 2003.
5. Jackson P, Romo M. junk food consumption and child
Authors contribution nutrition, nutrition anthropologies Analysis, 2004.
All the authors actively participated in the work study. All 6. Ujwala Ramachandra. knowledge regarding health
authors read and approved the final manuscript. hazards of junk food among adolescents international
journal of science and research, 2015, 4
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