MDMA Proces
MDMA Proces
MDMA Proces
Compilation and Editorial by Bright Star
HTML and Pictures by Rhodium
Thanks to Strike, Rhodium, Ritter, Osmium, r2d3, Semtex Enigma, Spiceboy, ChemHack, Labrat, Eleusis,
Ketone/LabGrrrl, and a personal hero, Dr. Shulgin. And to the object that made this possible - the Internet.
Disclaimer: This is for theoretical argument only. IF someone chooses to follow this synthesis, note that the product
has been 'Scheduled 1' by the United States Government, and offenders can be prosecuted. In no way do I condone
this activity.
This is a hypothetical synthesis for: 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine. Or MDMA.HCl. Or Ecstacy. The
synthesis as described 1. does not put off nasty fumes, 2. requires suspicious chemicals, and therefore is 3. perfect
for the clandestine chemist. The synthesis itself can be performed in a series of weekends or in a straight shot. If one
were to follow this exactly - with no shortcuts - buying everything they're told - doing exactly what is written - they
and they're friends will have a lovely spring. For those who think they are better than the instructions as written - be
prepared to screw it up at least 4 times before success (or you finally figure out I'm right). Be prepared to invest
~$800. Be prepared to read and learn. It's also a good idea when investing in chemicals to buy 5x what is needed for
a synthesis - this way you can repeat it without buying it again. Read the whole thing before you start. There is some
prep-work that can be done ahead of time, or while you're distilling. Good luck.
Distillation: of Natural Oil to obtain pure Safrole
Rxn: Formaldehyde + Ammonium Chloride -> MethylAmine.HCl (MeAm.HCl)
Rxn: Safrole -(Wacker Oxidation(PdCl2+Benzoquinone))-> MDP2P
Distillation: of Reaction contents to yield pure MDP2P
Rxn: MDP2P -(Al/Hg Amalgam (MeAm.HCl) -> MDMA oil
Crystallization: (MDMA oil + HCl in IPA/Xylene) (anhydrous conditions)
What you need:
This list is the basics. Do not even start this without ALL the Chemicals and Apparatus.
Apparatus and Glass:
• 'The Organic Chemistry Lab Survival Manual' by James W. Zubrick. (A must, throughout this text, pages
from this book will be mentioned. ~32$) (and very handy pictures of glass set-ups)
• Distillation Apparatus(1x500mL and 1x1000mL Round Bottom Flask, 1x250mL Round Bottom Flask,
condenser, distillation adapter, vacuum adapter, thermometer adapter) (Get Ground Glass Joints. These are
the best. 19/22 or 24/40 - my first set was 19/22 - and is still used to this day.)
• Thermometer (0°C to ~300°C)
• Stand (Home Depot - (2x10in., flange, 2 ft. of ½in pipe))
• Clamp (Buy it. Trust me its worth it) (for holding the glassware to the stand - these support several hundred
dollars in glass - buy a nice one!)
Important Message for Those With a Substance Abuse Problem: If you or someone you
know is suffering from an addiction they need to find a Drug Rehab or Alcohol Rehab so
they can recover from their substance abuse addiction. Relapse prevention is important in
the addiction treatment process and is critical for long term sobreity. For more