12 Houses Signification
12 Houses Signification
12 Houses Signification
This is where the basics of astrology start. The 360 zodiac divided equally into 12
divisions of 30 degrees each. Each division is called a sign. Starting from Aries and to
Pisces. Each sign has a ruler (planet) and some planets have a dual ownership (of 2
‘Planet’ in vedic astrology stands for a heavenly body in consideration. Not all of them
are real planets by the Physics definition. Sun and Moon are taken as planets and not as
a star or satellite respectively.
The 9 main planets considered in vedic astrology are – Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, Mercury, Venus & Rahu and Ketu. The last 2 are not physical entities. These are
imaginary points in space where the axis of moon and sun (relative to earth) overlap.
These two entities are hence mathematical calculations as opposed to the other 7 objects
which are observable entities in space. Rahu and Ketu effect a horoscope and individual
strong enough to be considered as independent planets themselves. These are by
definition always 180 degrees from each other.
Next step is the 12 houses. Each house represents/ rule over multiple things in a
person’s life. These houses are called as ‘Bhaavs’.
Regarding ownership, when a planet rules 2 signs, one of its signs is its main or more
important sign and the other is the lesser one. This is a relative concept, regardless of
which the planet involved presides over both the signs. The more important of these is
called the ‘Mooltrikona’ sign (MK in short from here on)
Rahu and Ketu do not own any signs as they are not physical entities. However they are
co-rulers of some signs as mentioned later. They also act as ‘shadow planets’ implying
they mirror the effects of planets they sit close to and signs they sit in.
Signs & their ownership-
Taurus – Venus
Gemini – Mercury
Cancer – Moon
Leo – Sun
Capricorn – Saturn
Pisces – Jupiter
The 12 Bhaavs (houses) represent hundreds of things each. Hence this list below is not
comprehensive but aims at pointing to at least some important significations of each of
the bhaavs-
1st House – The person themselves, head, hair on head, skull, brain, skin, general
health/immunity/ vitality, overall wellbeing and success, place of birth, general
characteristics of person physically, general characteristics of a person mentally
(behavior wise), thinking and the mind, Power or status (or lack of it), starting or
beginning of events etc.
2nd Bhaav – Primary house of Wealth, assets (savings/ checking/ brokerage/ retirement
accounts etc.), material possessions like clothing, jewelry, household articles, family of
the person, face, mouth, tounge area of the body and things from them – speech,
‘Maraka’ place (killer place, or house that has potential to end life), right eye for male
and left eye for female, general eyesight (both eyes) also signified from here, very basic
education (say upto Grade 3)
3rd Bhaav – Siblings (especially younger ones), Neighbors and surrounding people,
Courage, Hobbies, Valor, Throat and Neck area and things we do from them –
Communication, Singing/ dancing, Things used for communication – Media,
Journalism, Internet, IT, computers, phones, Writing articles/ books, also handwriting,
Short distance travel, Short term goals (which is why hobbies as well), things we do from
hand and arm involvement, Zeal to work and activity levels, sexual prowess and activity,
ears and hearing.
4th Bhaav – Mother, motherland, vehicles, fixed property (Land, houses, real estate),
agricultural or other real estate, Emotions and happiness, Luxuries, Place of residence,
Chest and Lungs area, Heart, Upper spine, Private life and feelings (as opposed to
10th house of public life), comfort (or lack of it), peace of mind, High school level
education (say upto grade XII)
5th Bhaav – Creativity and anything we create, children (an important thing we create),
imagination, emotions (especially romantic ones), memory, fluid intelligence (as
opposed to crystallized intelligence of 9th house), speculation (gambling, stock markets
etc), competition, past life good Karma, House of wealth (laxmi), diplomacy, royal or
powerful positions, fame, college or higher education, Stomach, Lower heart area, Liver,
Spleen, Lower back, kidneys
6th Bhaav – Anything that opposes us – enemies, short term or acute sickness, injuries,
surgeries, debt, litigation/ courts, people who compete with us, break of relationships,
day to day grind or work, agony, physical pain, service and servants, theft and thieves,
animals, fire, diseases (especially acute), hygiene and medicine, Critical thoughts and
being critical of others, Pancreas, small intestine, lower waist level, lower back, urinary
bladder, kidneys, pregnancy for a female.
9th Bhaav – Father, Guru, Boss/ employer, Destiny, luck, Higher education, Higher
education institutes, universities, temples, research, crystallized intelligence – this
implies belief/ religion, spirituality, meditation, long distance travel, foreign travel, good
deeds of previous lives, Blessings and divine help, House of wealth (Laxmi), abstract
thinking, crossing intellectual boundaries into new cultures/ beliefs/ faith, foreign
residence, publishing, import-export, Hips, thighs, tailbone area
10th Bhaav – Career, job, status in life, Public life, external manifestation of our work,
Fame, prestige/ honor, rise in life, Karma (our actions), energy levels at work, Image at
work, Government, recognition from Government, Powerful positions like politicians/
CEOs/ Director of institutes, Management related positions, Knees and middle portion
of legs
11th Bhaav – Gains, Income, Rewards from work/ job, promotions, wealth house
(especially fluid wealth), long term desires/ goals and their fulfillment, elder siblings,
ears and hearing, social circle, friends, social interaction, desires and ambitions,
recovery from disease, ankles and lower feet area, prize or recognition from authorities/
12th Bhaav – Loss, expenses, letting go, isolation, imprisonment, loss of movement
(hospitalization), loss of freedom (imprisonment), deep emotions, grief/ sadness,
hidden life including sleep & sexual/ bedroom activity, foreign residence, far off-isolated
places, dreams, meditation and meditative state, spirituality, lack of materialism,
Moksha, long distance travel and settlement, hidden strengths and weaknesses, hidden
enemies, intuition/ psychic visions, feet, left eye for males and right eye for females,
hospitalization, hard to diagnose diseases, sleep related diseases like insomnia,
somnambulism, etc.
So above are some important things that come to mind regarding each bhaav, as I said
this list is not comprehensive by any means and each bhaav might represent dozens of
other things in a native’s life.
Also important is to note that the 3rd and 8th bhaavs are the bhaavs of ‘Jeeva Shakti’ (Life
force) and 12th bhaav is a bhaav of loss or ending. Hence 12th to any bhaav is the loss of
that bhaav. Thus the 2nd and 7th bhaavs (being 12th to the 3rd and 8th bhaavs respectively)
are ‘Maraka’ or killer houses. Similarly as 9th house is house of good luck and destiny,
12th to it or 8th bhaav is the bhaav of destruction and bad luck.
With many other caveats, safe to initially assume that houses 1, 5 & 9 are good houses
which give health, wealth, blessings, good luck, education/ wisdom, status etc.
1,4,7 and 10 are called ‘Kendra’ or in the Center or important houses as they rule over
most of the vital things in our day to day lives
Houses 6,8 & 12 are called ‘dusthanas’ (or bad houses) as they represent things which
oppose us and give us agony, losses, grief and pain.
Another way to look at bhaavs is in respect to our relatives. Example the 9th is the father.
Hence a person’s 10th house will be the 2nd house for the father and the person’s 1st house
will be the 5th house for the father, etc.
After this top level approach to signs and houses. Next I will write about the basic
significations of the planets themselves, after which one can start running some gears in
their heads. For example Sun signifies father among hundreds of other things. Since
9th house also signifies father, when sun rules or sits in the 9th house in a horoscope, the
effect of father are now very strongly being represented by Sun.