Worth Working For
Worth Working For
Worth Working For
1) Why does Paola want to see her 2) Where does the talk take place?
A. at Mom's house
A. to have dinner B. at a restaurant
B. to get advice C. at Paola's house
C. to have a laugh D. at the chocolate store
D. to see how she is doing
3) What good times have Paola and 4) How long have Imran and Paola
Imran had? been married?
▼Check all that are correct.
A. ____________________
A. □ They have travelled the ____________________
B. □ They have had two children. ____________________
C. □ They have built a house.
D. □ They have started a
5) Why does Mom seem to know how 6) What advice does Mom give Paola?
Paola feels?
▼Check all that are correct.
7) How does Paola feel at the end of 8) What kind of relationship does Paola
the talk with her Mom? seem to have with her Mom?
▼Check all that are correct.
A. sad
grim A. □ open
D. stupid B. □ tense
C. □ angry
D. □ loving
9) What does the reader NOT learn in 10) What lesson does Paola learn?
this story?
A. Two children is too many.
A. what Imran has to say B. Marriage should be easy.
B. why Paola visits her mom C. Eight years of marriage is too
C. how many kids Paola and Imran long.
have D. Even a good marriage can
D. what kind of business Paola and sometimes be hard work.
Imran have