Answer To The Question No: (A) : Pattern Recognition Is The Process of Recognizing Patterns by Using

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Answer to the Question No: (a)

Pattern recognition is the process of recognizing patterns by using

machine learning algorithm. Pattern recognition can be defined as the
classification of data based on knowledge already gained or on statistical
information extracted from patterns and/or their representation. One of the
important aspects of the pattern recognition is its application potential.

Pattern recognition is the automated recognition of patterns and

regularities in data. It has applications in statistical data analysis, signal
processing, image analysis, information retrieval, bioinformatics, data
compression, computer graphics and machine learning. Pattern recognition
has its origins in statistics and engineering; some modern approaches to
pattern recognition include the use of machine learning, due to the
increased availability of big data and a new abundance of processing
power. However, these activities can be viewed as two facets of the same
field of application, and together they have undergone substantial
development over the past few decades.

A modern definition of pattern recognition is:

The field of pattern recognition is concerned with the automatic discovery
of regularities in data through the use of computer algorithms and with the
use of these regularities to take actions such as classifying the data into
different categories

Real-world application areas of Pattern Recognition

Systems in Bangladesh:
Image processing, segmentation and analysis
Pattern recognition is used to give human recognition intelligence to
machine which is required in image processing.

Computer vision
Pattern recognition is used to extract meaningful features from given
image/video samples and is used in computer vision for various
applications like biological and biomedical imaging.

Seismic analysis
Pattern recognition approach is used for the discovery, imaging and
interpretation of temporal patterns in seismic array recordings. Statistical
pattern recognition is implemented and used in different types of seismic
analysis models.

Radar signal classification/analysis

Pattern recognition and Signal processing methods are used in various
applications of radar signal classifications like AP mine detection and

Speech recognition
The greatest success in speech recognition has been obtained using
pattern recognition paradigms. It is used in various algorithms of speech
recognition which tries to avoid the problems of using a phoneme level of
description and treats larger units such as words as pattern

Finger print identification

The fingerprint recognition technique is a dominant technology in the
biometric market. A number of recognition methods have been used to
perform fingerprint matching out of which pattern recognition approaches
is widely used.

Answer to the Question No(b)

Keywords: Machinelearning, Association rule mining, Non-redundancy
Context-aware computing, Decision making, Personalization, Mobile data
analytics, Rule-based system, Intelligent services.

INTRODUCTION Web mining is the application of data mining techniques

to discover patterns from the World Wide Web. As the name proposes, this
is information gathered by mining the web. It makes utilization of
automated apparatuses to reveal and extract data from servers, and it
permits organizations to get to both organized and unstructured
information from browser activities, server logs, website and link structure,
page content and different sources. Web mining can be divided into three
different types – Web usage mining, Web structure mining and Web
content mining.
Problem Statement: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
(UNHCR) is a United Nations programme mandated to protect and support
refugees at the request of a government or the United Nations itself and
assists in their voluntary repatriation, local integration or resettlement to a
third country.Therefore, it is very important to understand how the current
website is used by the users. Discovering frequently used access patterns,
the organization can focus on those pages and the reason for “why it is
used” can be revealed. On the other hand, the pages mostly not can be
improved and the reason behind its non-use can be identified. Web usage
mining helps site administrators and web developers re-design the website
layout efficiently and make it more user friendly and also customize the
pages based on users’ interest
Algorithm Name: User Identification Input: Processed Web Log File.
Output: Number of Distinct User. Step1: Read records from Web Log File.
Step2: User’s IP addresses of two consecutive entries are compared.
Step3: If (IP address is same) then check user’s browser and operating
system if both are same then consider same user. else consider new user.
end if end if Step 4: Repeat above 2 steps until EOF (Web Log File). After
identifying the user for each log entry, the users are grouped according to
their similarity access patterns. To measure the similarity between users,
Jaccard distance is used. It is applicable to be used for binary and
asymmetric variables. DBSCAN is used to group the users and it needs two
parameters, the radius of the cluster and minimum number of points to
form a cluster. After clustering, those users who share the similar access
patterns will be grouped together and those users who don’t have any
similarity with other users will be identified as noise. To discover frequent
user access patterns, association rules are generated from each cluster.
Apriori algorithm which is one of the popular algorithm to generate
association rule mining is used. The user have to provide two parameters:
support and confidence. The rules those are conform to support and
confidence are extracted and presented to the user.
Conclusion: Web usage mining techniques are great area of research
these days. Providing users easily what they are looking for in websites is
the ultimate goal of web usage mining. In this paper, this goal is fulfilled by
using association rule mining technique on clustered data. Association rule
mining may have drawback of generation of irrelevant rules, generation of
too many rules leading to contradictory prediction resulting in reduction of
accuracy. Clustering reduces data set for association rule mining and
produces relevant frequent access patterns from each cluster. This paper
also proved that using association rule mining on small data cluster takes
less time than running association rule mining on the whole big data set.

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